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Prepared By: Muhammad Ariffin Bin Nordin

Faculty of Management Defence and Strategist, NDUM

Today, in the new intervention of military technology, national actor again the leader and
human,nuclear age and features of power make the new war in world. The war that happened since
the Big Bang of War ( World War 1 ) and WW2 also the cold war as known the ideological war or
proxy war make the world is divided in the three parts of especially in political governments.The
nuclear revolution, the end of the Cold War, the rise of ethnonational conflicts, and the spread of
global capitalism and democracy have led to considerable speculation about a turning point in the
history of warfare. As we see and think what happen in our new world today, there are more the rise
of spreading new war in context of regular warfare, insurgency between state and country, the rise
of terrorism and military forces. For example, through realist professor from all over the world
stated that The new war will happen again, between enforces of the new military ideological and
intervention of technology. This statement of the realist told us that the conflict that happen in
Syria between Syia and Sunni minority, the entry of massacred troops in Afghanistan, conflict
between Muslim and Hindu Dogras in Pakistan and India, the greed of cleaning ethnic in conflict
country also the Russia-Turkey intervention in Syria told the world community today that we are
not safe in our homeland anymore. They also assume that every conflict and war in particular is
happening at this time between Russia-Turkey war led to the modern world, which include military
movement and ideological warfare in a big scale will brought us into the new world war 3. Through
strategy these days is as much concerned with the promotion of peace as with the conduct of war,
the phenomenon of war remains a central concern (John G.Stoessinger, Oxford Press, 2003).
Previous generation might have seen virtues in war, for example as an instrument of change or as
vehicle for encouraging heroic virtues. This research will told us that how the peacemaking concept
are valuable in modern world today.

The War through Realist thought

War generally can be defined as a state of armed conflict between different countries or different
groups within a country. Clausewitz emphasise us in the three theoretical concept of war. The three
that discuss by Clausewitz is nature, purpose and the conduct of war. The purpose and conduct of
war are fairly straightforward. The purpose of war is to achieve an end state different and hopefully
better than the beginning state-the reason for fighting. The conduct of war refers to the tactics,
operations, and strategies of the war-the how of fighting. Clausewitz and Jomini have the same idea
in theoretical of war. A large sum of their idea of war agree that war as the one of the condition for
progress, the cut of the whip that prevents a country from going to sleep, forcing satisfied in
mediocrity to leave it apathy. Today, there are total war and limited war, regional war, conventional
war, high technology wars, inter state war, insurgency war and ethnics war that happened all over
the word today. For example the conflict of Rohingyas and Bangsamoro in the Asian told us that
there will be a solution through diplomacy concept in context of peacemaking in International
Relation through the country.
Human Nature against the war and conflict in world
There are 2 assumptions through the Human Nature Concept:
a) The concept of Human Nature against war in Islamic and Perspective
b) The concept of Human Nature against war in Strategist Perspective
a) The concept of Human Nature against war in Islamic Perspective

Islam believe that the creation of man is absolutely have the positive achievements,
naturally good and successful. In Islamic Phraseology, Allah swt stated that Human is created
from Al-Khalqah to Al-Fitrah( Syeikh Mohammad Ali Assobuni, Al-Azhar, Egypt, 1990). Quran
also said that the creation of man is absolutely good, but in context internal or external conflict that
happened in a man, some a human beings are created with bad nature or born with inherent criminal
tendencies.The problem of internal conflict in a human set up the mankind of violence that make
them go through the war. In Hadith Abu Hurairah said that A human is created in a very good
process, but the internal conflict such as greedy and poverty that effect the environments. Professor
Dr.Yusuf Al-Qardhawi translate that in his thought that these statement are absolutely true because

human have a good mankind, but their act through individual or groups making trouble and conflict
to the environments.
b) The concept of Human Nature against war in Strategist Perspective
Some strategist believed that human nature is created with genetic baggage, biological
programmed, with built in drives and instincts, one of which, it is argued is a predilection for
aggression and violence. Example, Albert Einstein agreed that the root of war were to be found in
an elemental instincts for aggression and destruction. Through social psychologist usually
aggression is levelled at those who cause the frustration, but sometimes it is vented against innocent
who became the scapegoats. Sometimes, individuals project their frustrated desires and ambition
onto the group or collective, be it tribe or state to which they belong. This act will create the war in
state in order to making the waging of war. ( Professor Dr.Barbara Hudson, Harvard, 2001)

Definition of Peace in Islamic Perspective and Strategist Perspective

Generally the concept of peace is a state or period in which there is no war or a war has ended. The
peace operation in a country happened when an Armistice is begin through out the conflict and war.
Through the International Humanitarian Law and Law of Armed Conflict there are four principles
in context of peace making that a country have to follow it such as humanity principles, distinction
in context to limiting the targets of civilians and army, proportionality and military necessity. Why
this Law is useful for fixed a peace in country? This mean that this law is a legal obligation in
country and sensible political choice to make a peace of country can be maintained. Some strategist
state that the concept of peace is include internal peacemaking that only no conflict between
individuals and state, also the peace between state and country that are they willing to gave all the
efforts to protected their country in context of country sovereignty. Through Islamic Perspective the
very first verse of the Quran reads: In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the most
Compassionate. This verse, which is repeated in the Quran 114 times, clearly shows that the God of
Islam is the God of Mercy and Compassion, and the book of Islam too is the book of mercy. The
people of Islam must also possess the quality of mercy and compassion; otherwise they could not be
true believers.If we go through the Quran you will find that from most verses, either directly or

indirectly there emanates the sprit of peace. There is a verse, which says And God calls to the home
of peace.(Al Quran Kareem, Sahih Muslim and Bukhari)
This means that the destination of Islam is peace. All the teachings of Islam are oriented towards the
goal of peace. Peace in Islamic thought through the Ismail Haniyyeh is a condition on how we can
cope with the conflict and war truly from Islamic attitude and high morality. This shown to us that
Islam is peace and doesnt want war and conflict with any suitable reason.

The Results through the Condition of Peace in World Politics

a) The Rise of New World Block and New Ideological
The Rise of New World
Western Bloc countries or the First World
West Block is one of the major camps that formed when the end of World War 2. The countries
included in this fort is a national-leaning wing of the capitalist west. The United States and
supported by the main actors of the countries that joined the NATO allies, such as Britain, West
Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, France, etc. There's also Israel, Japan, Canada, Australia, and
New Zealand. The other group is called Western Bloc countries and the world, but also called
Capitalist Bloc and the Free World
Eastern Bloc countries or Second World
East Block is his stronghold west block. If the block west of the main actor is the United States, but
if in this block Soviet Union (USSR). This faction of the communist-socialist wing. The Soviet
Union supported by the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, such as the East (Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, East Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Albania. Support others who are
outside of Europe also exists that China and Cuba. The group set in addition to a blog called both
the East and the world, but also called the Warsaw Pact (the military alliance led by the Soviet
Union) and the Comecon (economic organisation of communist countries).

Third World

Third World countries do not take sides on both sides of the above. The Third World countries are
often former colonies or colonial, which is generally made up of developing countries, least
developed countries and some poorer countries. The term is also sometimes taken as synonymous
with the countries of the Non-Aligned Movement. ( Marlene Laruelle, Johns Hopkins University,
B) The Rise of New World Organisation
Political Peace-Making Organisation:
United Nation (UN)
In context of peace-making operation to overcoming and controlled the war and conflicts in the new
modern world today .The United Nation (UN), officially established in 1945.
The UN headquarters was originally in San Francisco, but moved to New York in 1946.
UN membership was initially only 51 countries, but until the year 2002 increased to 189 countries.
Malaysia became a UN member in 1957 after independence.
UN member states should abide by the UN Charter, the international treaty that trace the basic
principles of international relations. The objective of this organisation through the peace making
objective is:

To ensure the safety and security of the world.


Encouraging the relationship on good terms among member countries.

III. Cooperation in solving international problems and protect human rights without regard to race,
religion and skin colour.
IV. To be a centre for harmonising the actions of member states

The Way to Guarantee the Peace Condition:


The Humanitarian Intervention:

Humanitarian intervention (HI) is a post-cold war activity. During the cold war HI is because of
three reasons :

The cold war dominated international politics-great powers focus their military efforts on
waging cold war. They intervene in third world conflict with the purpose of supporting their


There was insufficient public pressure for great powers to do anything to ameliorate
(improve) third conflict during this period human rights cold be sacrificed in the interest
of national security


Cold war politics prevented international collaborations in suppressing third world conflict
or punishing the murder states by paralysing UNSC

b) Peace Operation:

UN human intervention became larger and more complex

Interventions involved much wider range tasks like, protecting territory, people, aid operations,
disarming belligerents, policing demilitarised sites, demobilisation, monitoring and running
elections, helping to construct government, police forces and armies.

The mission was termed by British army as wider peacekeeping

This type of operation occupied a grey area between traditional peacekeeping and peace

Usually the operation did not get full consent of the parties on the ground-in traditional
peacekeeping consent was important/central

Peacekeepers had to use threat and to use force to achieve their mandate i.e. Sometimes, force
aid to the starving, repulse attacks on civilian, forcibly disarmed troublemakers and arrest war

Wider Peacekeeping painted a bleak picture of what happens when a modest force is given an
ambitious mandate. It created a confusion between the strategic goals of peacekeeping and war
In conclusion, the critical condition in world politics today can see that it is hard to be exactly

dissolve. As we see today the conflict that happened in our new world movement that causes by the

military technology, the domination of territory and the features of power dignity will make more
diplomacy and armistice have to held against the country that involved in war and conflict. For
example, as we see the conflict especially in the middle east today, the peace operations have to do
as well as they can against the country that involved in the conflict. As a result, the war and conflict
will brings the combatants to the new future country that called peace. These peace conditions and
conflict are the factors from the human nature or the nature of man. Nicolle Machiavelli, the father
of Strategic Thought and International Relation agreed that the peace is a new future and hope from
the belligerents waging of war and conflict in a country or state. Hence, the peace conditions in a
country can be maintained through the quality of the leadership, and good defence. The United
Nation are the peacekeeper in context to controlled the critical situation among the country and
states that involved in war and conflict. Once this way will make a win-win situation and zero sum
games against country that involved in the critical political situation.

Al Quran Kareem,Sahih Al-Bukhari, The Concept of Peace, War and Human Nature in Islamic

Alfred Mahan, Nicole Machiavelli Theory of International Relation, (Harvard University

Press,Cambridge, Massachusetts,1993)
Baylis.J, Wirtz J.James, Gray S.Colin, STRATEGY in the Contemporary World, (Oxford University
Emily Crawford, The Treatment of Combatants and Insurgents under the Law of Armed Conflict,
(College of Management and Strategic Studies, Tel Aviv, Israel, 2001)
Francis Fukuyama, Human Nature and War, University of Ottawa, Canada, 5th Edition, 2013
Peter Paret, CLAUSEWITZ in Theoretical of War, (London: Routledge,1998)
Steven Chan, A critique on Power Transition Theory (London: Routledge, 2008)
Sebastian Peyrouse, Mapping Central Asia and Strategies, (George Washington University
Press,ASHGATE, 2012)
Orna Ben-Naftali, International Humanitarian Law and International Human Right Law, (Oxford
University Press,New York,2011)
John G.Stoessinger,Why Nation Go To War, (London: Routledge,2006)

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