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5)A television signal (videl and audio) has a bandwidth of 4.5 MHz.

This signal is
quantized, and binary coded to obtain a PCM signal.
(a) What is the sampling rate if the signal is to be sampled at a rate 20% above
Nyquist rate.
(b) If the samples are quantized into 1024 levels, determine the number of
binary pulses
required to encode each sample.
(c) Determine the binary pulse rate (bits per second) of the binary-coded signal,
the minimum bandwidth required to transmit this signal.

(a): The Nyquist rate is 24.5106 = 9 MHz. The actual sampling rate =1.29 =
(b): 1024 = 1010, so that 10 bits or binary pulses are needed to encode each
(c): 10.8 106 10 = 108 106 or 108 Mbits/s

1)Given the data stream 1110010100, sketch the transmitted

sequence of pulses for each of the following line codes:

Unipolar nonreturn-to-zero.
Polar nonreturn-to-zero.
Unipolar return-to-zero.
Bipolar return-to-zero.
Manchester code.
Differential code. (start with zero)

6) A message signal m(t) is transmitted by binary PCM without compression. If

the SNR
(signal- to-quantization noise ratio) is required to be at least 47 dB, determinethe
value of L required, assuming that m(t) is sinusoidal. Determine the SNR
obtained with this
minimum L.

2) A speech signal has a total duration of 10 s. It is sampled at the rate of 8 kHz

and then
encoded. The signal-to-(quantization) noise ratio is required to be 40 dB.
Calculate the
minimum storage capacity needed to accommodate this digitized speech signal.
[Communication systems, 4th Ed., Simon Haykin, page -242, Q.No:3.16]

3. (a) Discuss the basic issues involved in the design of a regenerative repeater
for pulse-code
(b) A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7-bit binary encoder.
The bit rate of
the system is equal to 50 x 106 b/s.
(i) What is the maximum message bandwidth for which the system operates
(ii) Determine the output signal-to-(quantization) noise ratio when a full- load
modulating wave of frequency 1 MHz is applied to the input.
[Communication systems, 4th Ed., Simon Haykin, page -242,243 Q.No: 3.18,3.24]

4. In natural sampling, an analog signal g(t) is multiplied by a periodic train of

pulses c(t) . Given that the pulse repetition frequency of this periodic train is fs
and the
duration of each rectangular pulse is T (with fs T<<1), do the following:
(a) Find the spectrum of the signal s(t) that results from the use of natural may
assume that time, t=0 corresponds to the mid point of rectangular pulse in c(t).
(b) Show that the original signal m(t) may be recovered exactly from its naturally

version provided that the conditions embodied in the sampling theorem are
[Communication systems, 4th Ed., Simon Haykin, page -239, Q.No: 3.2]

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