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Question 1

_____ is the degree to which expectations regarding the methods of work are specified,
committed to writing, and enforced.
Response: Formalization


Question 2
_____ refers to the number of different job titles and organizational units. It typically
increases in direct proportion to size.
Response: Complexity


Question 3
A mechanistic organization is primarily hierarchical with an emphasis on specialization
and control, vertical communication and heavy reliance on rules, policies, and
Response: True


Question 4
Functional departmentalization is reflected in an organization that organizes work
according to the type of product or service offered to the public.
Response: False


Question 5
An informal organization structure formally and carefully describes who reports to
whom, and provides relatively complete job descriptions.
Response: False


Question 6
Organizational design refers to the process of creating a structure that best fits a
purpose, strategy, and environment.
Response: True


Question 7
_____ refers to a collection of people working together to achieve a common purpose.
Response: Organization


Question 8
Vertical hierarchy establishes the division of labor while Horizontal specialization
denotes the chain of command.
Response: False


Question 9
_____ means ensuring that tasks have been assigned and a structure of organizational
relationships created to facilitate meeting organizational goals.
Response: Organizing


Question 10
The more policies, rules, and procedures specifying how people should behave, the
more formalized the organization is.
Response: True


Question 11
Organizational chart refers to a visual display of an organizations positions and lines of
authority that is useful as a blueprint for deploying human resources.
Response: True


Question 12
_____ considers how members and resources are grouped together to achieve the
work of the larger organization.
Response: Departmentalization


Question 13
The smaller the amount of delegation, the more decentralized the organization is.
Response: False


Question 14
The rules and regulations governing the activities of workers are part of the formal
organization structure.
Response: True


Question 15
_____ refers to the radical redesign of work to achieve substantial improvements in
performance by searching for the most efficient way to perform a large task.
Response: Reengineering


Question 16
_____ refers to the extent to which executives delegate authority to lower organizational
Response: Centralization


Question 17
This organization structure has many rules, procedures and specialized positions which
is good for large-scale accomplishment. Its potential problems include rigidity and
Response: Bureaucratic


Question 18
A flat organization structure
Response: has relatively few layers.


Question 19
Organization structure refers to the arrangement of people and tasks to accomplish
organizational goals.
Response: True


Question 20
Line managers provide advice and support while staff personnel make decisions.
Response: False

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