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Location report

For my Film studies portfolio along with my textual analysis in which I

explored how messages and values are conveyed in action films, the Dark
Knight (Christopher Nolan-2008) and Skyfall (Sam Mendes-2012). For both
films I have explored how both directors (Christopher Nolan and Sam
Mendes) represent the protagonist through the micro-elements, mise-enscene, editing, cinematography and sound. Through analysing these films
I have continued to develop my portfolio by planning a short film based
upon the ideas of my textual analysis, using the features of both
protagonists as a template of creating my own protagonist. Therefore I will
implement the codes and convention of the action genre such as the
mise-en-scene and the main characters in them.
Furthermore, my aim is to create a two-minute extract in the action genre
supported by my location report. I will be showing three images both inhouse and outdoor that shows the environment I will be locating my
filming at to create a violent atmosphere

For my main location I have chosen a house (living room) located in

Newbury Park. This location is very accessible for me and my actors to
film as wells as it is a very safe environment. The living room will be plain
which allows the audience to focus on the story as well as my characters.
Also it will show the audience who my main characters are. My actors will
be dressed how typical Mexican gangsters such as wearing jeans and a
white vest while theyre face are covered with a black bandanna. I have
decided this perfect location for a drug house due to the plain scenery,
which gives the audience a sense of curiosity. This location is also used to
show where the gunfight will be taking place. This location was chosen
because the two films I had researched gave me inspiration and ideas on
deciding the location. My first shot will be an establishing shot which will
be taken from outside to show the two men guarding the house this will
give the audience an idea where my story is set the house, this will create
a tense atmosphere. My next shot will be inside the house, in the living
room. This is to show all my characters doing theyre own thing such as
Pablo counting his money and Hernandes and Gustavo bagging up
cocaine. These shots will just be used to create a short intro to introduce
to the audience to my main characters. During this short scene there will
be non-diegetic sound of the wind to emphasise the tension within the

Things I need to consider while filming:

I have to make sure I do not damage anything since I am making

the room plain to fit in my with my creative artefact as well as
making sure that the living looks exactly the same every time I film.
There is a chance that I will drop the camera equipment or one of
my actors or damage it, to minimize this risk I need to check that
the tri-pod is stable and not loose so I have to make sure it is
Another problem that we may encounter is that the location I need
to use may not be available all the time due to it being a family

My second location is in the dining room where two of my actors Gustavo

and Hernanades will be lining the drugs. I had slight problems with the
drugs due to it being very messy and hard to clean up since I had use
flour as a substitute for addition my actors had to be careful
when using the flour since they were a near a large mirror, other than that
I had to be careful that the flour did not go on the floor so my actors and
me do not fall over while moving around in this small location. Also during
these scenes I needed to use a pov shot and so I had to make sure my
actors knew how to use the camera and make sure that they are careful
when using it so they do not damage it in any sort of way. Also in this
location there are a lot of wires on the floor so I had to be careful when
filming which was a difficult task due to me having to move around in
such little space. My actors also had guns which were on the table, we
have to make sure the gun does not fall on the floor due to it being very
heavy so it have the potential to damage the floor as well as damaging
the gun its self.
Things I need to consider while filming:

There are lot of wires around and so me and my actors need to be

careful when moving around.
We have to be careful with the props and be responsible when using

For my last location it will be near the entrance where the main shootout
will happen. The difficulties I might face with this scene is that there are
lot of expensive objects around including the camera equipment which
may get damaged during this scene due fast action so me and my actors
had to be aware of our surroundings when filming. Also my actors need to
be responsible when carrying the guns so they do not cause panic in the
area since incidents like this are common when filming with guns. If they
do get in trouble it will end up delaying me film. Also my actors need to be
aware of each other when they are doing the fighting scene since the
location is fairly small and I have to take full responsibility for their health.
Things I need to consider while filming:

The environment, I have make sure its safe for my actors to film in.
Make sure my actors who uses the guns are responsible when using
it and not immature when filming with such a prop.

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