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ISSUE 9 ; 10/12/08


Talented Blenders Will Be Sorely Missed

The Blended Learning Team are We are going to miss Darren Cass
mourning the impending loss of too. Though not such a keen Moodler,
Rosemary Hiron and Darren Cass. As he has been open to new initiatives
far as we in the Hive are concerned, and approaches, experimenting with
they have been absolutely brilliant, new software to enrich his students’
embracing new technology, seeking experience. He has had his Travel and
out new ways to enthuse and engage Tourism students edit their mobile
their students and communicating phone videos with Moviemaker,
clearly with Hive staff. Rosemary’s trained them up with Photostory and
Moodles are exemplary, full of games, had some very successful sessions
online assessment, news feeds, using Turning Point, the voting
automatically updated glossaries and software that turns Powerpoint into
activities. an interactive experience for the
Her students have been left a well whole class.
structured and rich resource with I am sure that as well as their students,
revision activities and online support we are not the only department who
that will last them the length of the will miss them both. But good luck
course, long after Rosemary has to them in the future. We hope they
settled in her new job at Frome will both be very happy.
Community College.
Have you noticed Moodle’s festive
What is on... front page. Nice and tacky, just the
way we like it. I have enjoyed hearing the coos of delight from students in
the Hive when they find their Moodle
ICT SOS: Enhancing your visuals decorated. It seems to put them in a
good mood.
Fun end of term activities are
appearing all over Moodle; notices
about trips, shows, fun quizzes,
seasonal crosswords and so on.
It is also deadline time for a lot of
assignments and the increase in
student Moodle activity is evident
as they refer back to materials and
resources, double check assignment
briefs and communicate with each
other in forums. You can almost
see the steam coming off Moodle as
Short film about a PE teacher learning the students work themselves into
how to use video to improve student frenzy.

ISSUE 9 ; 10/12/08
City of Bath College Channel on youtube
Why not become a subscriber, choose your favourite videos by
our students, leave comments or create a playlist. The channel
has 16 short films including some excellent dance videos,
produced by and starring our students. Well worth a look.

will see her arrive on the job in
under an hour. She and her fellow
technology mentors are paid above
Academic and provocative
the typical rate for student jobs and
theories and debates on are permitted to work a maximum
the subject of ILT
Mentors with a Difference
Students at the University of Hertfordshire take
a new approach to bridging the technological
generation gap. (The Guardian)
Keith Seed, senior lecturer in strategic
management at the University of Hertfordshire’s
business school, is in his early 50s, and, as he 20-hour week. But in practice the
freely admits, no IT nerd. Yet he has become a hours are a lot less. Typically, she
confident podcaster, all thanks to the guidance will work five hours a week, often
and support of his students. delivering pre-arranged tutorials.
This is the result of a university scheme There was strong competition
which makes use of the fact that students’ for the part-time jobs when they
IT know-how is often superior to that of were advertised on the campus
their teachers. The scheme, which began in VLE. A mature student, Ramsey
the business school but has since expanded believes she was chosen for her
to other departments, provides a 15-strong experience of office work and for her
helpdesk of student mentors, charged with communication skills.
helping lecturers sort out their IT difficulties Student mentors receive training,
and make better use of the university’s virtual and get regular updates on the latest
learning environment (VLE), StudyNet, as well modifications to the campus VLE.
as advising staff on ways to make e-learning Jenny Evans, lecturer in marketing,
more engaging for students. who runs the mentor scheme, says:
“I used to video my lectures but I couldn’t “A lot of students either have the
edit or upload them on to StudyNet,” says skills in podcasting or can pick it up
Seed. “It was taking me hours and hours. A very quickly. Student mentors save
student mentor worked with me as I learned staff time and have been invaluable
the ropes.” in assisting with online assessment
His students are able to use his edited and marking by setting up self-paced
podcasts as a study aid, and he believes that quizzes, for example.”
their engagement in learning has increased as In return, students get valuable
a result. experience to put on their CVs, and
Rachel Ramsey, one of the student technology an insight into the teaching and
mentors, found the role reversal felt strange learning process. Ramsey says: “It’s
at first. “But my experience so far has been tempting to say to a lecturer ‘I’ll do
that lecturers have been relaxed,” she says. it for you.’ But we are there to guide.
“They are quite comfortable at having a You show them better ways of doing
student giving them advice. “ things.” (Stephen Hoare)
Like many consultants she charges by the hour
and when available keeps in contact with the
look out for the printed digest
help desk via e-mail. A request for assistance

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