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Globalization is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. It is the process of international

integration as a product of exchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of
culture in which worldwide exchange of national and cultural resources occurs in the process.
Many factors contributed for the growth of globalization major being advancement in
transportation and communication.
In social theory, there is no doubt that the world is becoming more interconnected and
interdependent. Though on the contrary how the consequences of globalization are evaluated
is very different, and most often ideologically motivated. Opponents of globalization, e.g.,
postulate that it promotes inequality between countries as well as within societies well on the
contrary proponents of globalization reply that the international interconnectedness opens up
new markets, enabling growth and wealth.1 A good example of this is the in the fact that
more Asians use Facebook than North Americans. One main point in favour of globalization
is the increase in trade and foreign investment. The second would be that the economic
growth causes constant in living standards and reduces poverty in developing countries. The
main drawback is the global financial crisis. A good example of this is the situation that we
have observed since last year. Another important problem is exploitation of recourses and the
loss of local businesses in developing countries. Therefore, in the hunger to provide resources
and to widen their market abroad in economy there comes a war.
There is no doubt that globalization has affected our social and cultural life. Among
advantages there is an improvement in understanding between nations, mass tourism and
immigration and an increase of using English as international language. One of the important
negative result of globalization is westernization which causes a clash of cultures. Therefore,
ubiquitousness of globalization is also eradicating the local cultures of people which creates a
generation of lost souls. . Some saw it as threatening traditional institutions such as the
family and the school,2 or threatening the way of life of whole communities. From almost
everywhere came a sense of the power of globalization, whether driven by technology,
economics or politics. Globalization could be frightening, stimulating, overwhelming,
destructive or creative, depending on ones point of view.
2 Globalization, the State, and Violence edited by Jonathan Friedman

Indian economy had experienced major policy changes in early 1990s. The new economic
reform, popularly known as, Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization (LPG model)
aimed at making the Indian economy as fastest growing economy and globally competitive.
The series of reforms undertaken with respect to industrial sector, trade as well as financial
sector aimed at making the economy more efficient.3
In India, the perception is more mixed. There had been winners and losers. The lives of
the educated and the rich had been improved by globalization. The information technology
sector was a particular beneficiary. But the benefits had not yet reached the majority, and new
risks had cropped up for the losers the socially deprived and the rural poor. Important
numbers of poor, who had worked hard to escape poverty, were finding their gains reversed.
Thus, there are fears that globalization could erode values such as democracy and social

According to the sociologist, Roland Robertson, globalization as a concept refers both to the
compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole,
both concrete global interdependence and consciousness of the globe whole.4 Economists
refer to globalization in a narrow sense, where it involves integration of national economy
with the world economy through trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), capital flows,
migration and the spread of technology.
According to Mary C Waters, Globalization is understood in social process in which
geographical obstacles to social and cultural arrangements lose importance.

The term globalization started appearing in literature from 1980s. Initially it referred
mainly the economic transactions and growth of economy. Soon it started penetrating to other
fields like political, with weakening authority of states, emergence of global governance
order system etc. Globalization acquired cultural connotations with global culture, global
civil society etc. and today the cultural connotation of globalization is also widely discussed.
Thus the term globalization acquired all these connotations and exemplifying its influence on
3 International Trade Law, S.R. Myneni ed. 2014 pg95
4 Sociology: Principles Of Sociology With An Introduction To Social Thought, C.N.
Shankara Rao, ed. 2007 pg. 549

different realms of life. It is difficult to say what exactly constitute globalization as it is

interpreted by different schools of thought on different matter at different point of times. But
all of them agree on one point that globalization has a major impact on in this contemporary
world. Many are not still sure whether globalization is a civilizing force or destructive force.

Background of Globalization:
From a historical point of view, the first wave of Globalization occurred between 1880 and
1914, with Europe as the main stage. It was economically driven by the advance of industrial
capitalism and during the period through World War I, it was spurred by the rapid
development of trade, increasing sources of information such as newspapers, radio and
cinema and the significant modernization of transport infrastructure, notably railways,
shipping and airplanes.5
These key factors improved geographic movement and accelerated trans-border
flows of people and goods. This was a period of massive migration from poorer European
countries (Italy, Ireland and Sweden) to the United States, which disadvantaged the US
economy and resulted in the US immigration authorities tightening entry policy. The years
between 1914 and World War II were marked by economic depression and protectionism and
were therefore excluded from the Globalization picture.

Roots of globalization can be traced backed to the colonization of Asia,

Africa and America by the Europeans, the then supreme power of the
world. Exploration of new markets and source of wealth polished by
industrial revolution lead to the establishment of international product
markets and mercantilist trade. The deepened economic protectionism
after the First World War and the Great Depression in The 1930s and end
of Second World War along with expansion of capitalism was hardened by
establishment of socialism as an alternative form of capital accumulation
and distribution.6 After Second World War the world has become more

5 International Trade Law, Dr. S.R. Myneni, Third ed. 2014, pg. 95

interconnected through inventions and advancement in sciences, travel

and transportation, communication along with information and technology.
It is also a result of specifically conceived, planned and targeted neoliberal policy and structural measures that was designed to bring all
aspects of social, economic and political life under the tag of market
capitalism. The Reagan administration in USA and Thatcher government in
UK accelerated globalization through clearing the debt crisis,
establishment of neo liberalism as an economic framework (later came
to be known as Washington Consensus) and the International Financial
Institutions imposition of structural adjustment programs (SAPs) in
developing countries. The fall of Soviet Union along marking an end to
Cold War along with the acceptance of nations on capitalism as the only
viable economic order to create wealth and stability further made the way
easier for globalization.
Different Schools of Thought of Globalization:
According to Held and McGrew there are three main schools of thought in
globalization research.7 They are








denationalize economies and thereby creating global markets which would

transcend state control, resulting in a loss of autonomy and sovereignty
for the state.
The second school of thought, the skeptics argues that the globalization is
a myth. Skeptics also question what exactly is global about globalization.
6 Globalization, the State, and Violence edited by Jonathan Friedman 2011, pg.
7 Beaverstock, J. R. (2008). Globalization: Interconnected Worlds.

If it is not a universal phenomenon, then the concept itself lose validity

and is not specific.









globalization has structural consequences and is a driving force in society

which influences political, social and economic change where we have a
structural change and social a global shift with respect to how power and
authority is organized.

The proponents of globalization claim that it will lead to convergence of
income, access to knowledge and technology, consumption power, living
standards and political ideas. Adding on to that, integration of economies
would lead to increase in economic growth and wealth. They also argue
that more people would be able to enjoy the fruits of modernization and
civilization. Critics of globalization argue that it is hegemonic, antagonistic
to the poor and vulnerable and is weakening local and national economic
communities and the environment.

Therefore globalization has both

positive and negative impacts. Therefore, the further discussion would be












Economic Impacts of globalization:

According to Deepak Nayyar,8 Globalization is expansion of economic
activities across the boundaries of nation states. Globalization is marked







8 Deepak Nayyar (2009) "Developing Countries in the World Economy: The Future in the
Past?" page 35-38

interdependence between countries of the world. There is an increased

cross border movement of goods, technology, people, information etc.
The internationalization of economic activities began with the voyages of
discovery of the European maritime powers. This process was further
accelerated by the spread of industrialization in the nineteenth century.
The key period in the process of globalization occurred between 1870 and
1914 when transportation and communication networks expanded rapidly
around the world which lead to the significant growth with a considerable
increase in the level of interdependence between rich and poor nations.
There were very large flows of capital from European to other parts of the
In 1944, about 44 nations signed the Bretton Woods Conference which
was held in order stabilize the world economy in the post-World War II era.
This conference paved way for the neo-liberal economic order that we see























With respect to this, Chinese economic reforms began in 1980s
which opened China to globalization. Chinas experience prompted many
other countries like India to open the economy in 1990 to globalization
which was institutionalized with privatization and liberalization. However
many demand for reforms in IMF and WB while others demand for the
abolition of these organizations and a total restructuring of the world
financial system.
For instance, The Coca-Cola Company was founded in the United States
in 1886. The company set up bottling plants in Canada in 1906. In 1928, it
introduced the soft drink Coca-Cola at the Olympic Games which were
held in Amsterdam. In the 1940s, the company began to set up bottling
9 Sen, Amartya (1960). Choice of Techniques: An Aspect of the Theory of Planned
Economic Development. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

plants in countries around the world as well as In 1978, the Coca-Cola

Company was selected as the only non-Chinese company allowed to sell
packaged cold drinks in the People's Republic of China.
Globalization brings new potentials for development and wealth creation.
But there are divergent views on the economic impact of globalization.
Few argue that the present model of globalization has increased the
problems of unemployment, inequality and poverty, while others contend










globalization is to meet the need of people thereby increasing their

standard of living, freedom and liberty and thereby a prosper life.
But today, globalization has increased the gap between rich and poor
and has led to the banishment of certain sections of the society. The
developed countries are the one much benefited out of the entire process
as there was an increase in exports, increased trade between developing
countries where they always had a comparative advantage, increased
presence of western based multinational companies which squeeze the
labor and wealth from these countries etc.
The developing countries on the other side, injecting the western
idea of capitalism their own economy without considering the basic
foundations required for the stability of such a genre of economic
production, had to pay greatly in this business. The changed strategy of
economic transaction and trade with the rest of the world has obviously
helped the developing countries with many investments from other
countries which provided labor and income for a good number of
populations.10 But at the same time, we saw the huge gap between the
rich and power plus concentration of wealth among few which lead to
economic inequality in the society there by proliferating to other aspects
of political and social impacts.


Thus the economic impacts of globalization can be very diverse in











marginalization phenomena. As there is a skill biased technological

change, the increased import of capital goods will lead to increased
inequality. Increased trade was meant to foster economic growth but
today what we see is a one sided benefitting deal.
Political Impacts of Globalization:
There has been first and foremost impacts of political globalization is that
it reduces the importance of nation states. Many have organized
themselves into trade alliances. Emergence of supranational institutions
such as the European Union, the WTO, the G8, and The International
Criminal Court etc. replaced or extended the national functions to
facilitate international agreement. This has reduced the sovereignty of
nation states in taking important decisions with respect to their country
where we see massive intervention of these organizations in all fields. It
should be noted that the executive body of all these organizations are
from USA and European countries which was reflected in their decisions as
all of them were pro West legislations.
Another major impact of globalization is the increased influence of
Non-Governmental Organizations in public policy like humanitarian aid,
developmental efforts etc. Many organizations have come forward with
the mission of uplifting the most unprivileged societies of the world where
theres massive funding of millions of dollars. Globalization has also lead
to the growth of terrorism. Terrorism can be seen as a response from
certain groups of people who were neglected and humiliated for centuries
which lead to the wide spread terrorist networks across world which was
accelerated with the ultra-modern technology helping them to strengthen
their network and activities.

Democracy is seen as the ultimate form of political stability by the world.

This can be linked to the western intellectual propaganda where they
highlighted the enlightenment values of freedom, liberty, tolerance etc.
Under the pretext of establishing democracy in those countries where
there was autocratic rule for years, United States intervened in many
Middle East Asian countries recently. The whole idea was on extracting oil
mines for which they took the economic, political, social and cultural
control of these oil rich countries. This can be seen as a gradual
movement to World Government.
The rise of global civil society is one of the major contributions of
globalization. The multivariate groups make up civil society which often
protests against capitalism. This shows the existence of a social sphere
above and beyond national, regional or local societies.
Thus the political impacts of globalization are immense and wide across
the nation state. The modern concepts of one government and
showcasing democracy as the ultimate deign for a stable government etc.
has lead to massive scale of corruption, inefficiency and lack of
transparency in these developing countries.

The impact of globalization on the poor and on Gender Equality

In 1960s the Canadian writer Marshall McLuhan called the "global society" as the
"global village". He found that people living in different parts of the world were
beginning to share certain values, ideas and beliefs. Some argue that the global
village can more accurately be described as "global pillage". Globalization is seen
more as colonization than liberating force. At the same time, there are signs of
solidarity across societies in support of progressive ideals such as social justice,
environmental sustainability and health as basic human right.11

11 Lee K (2009) World Health Organization (London: Rutledge, Global Institution


Supporters of economic globalization say, that anyone who cares about the poor
should favour the economic globalization. They would argue that:

liberalization increases flows of trade and finance;

trade increases growth, especially in poorer countries;
growth increases incomes, especially for the poor, so eventually there is a


convergence of wealth;
higher incomes for the poor means better living conditions.

The opponents of economic globalization argue that contemporary globalization is:


increasing poverty;
widening socio-economic inequalities within and between countries;
creating greater job insecurity;
weakening workers` rights;
undermining social welfare and environmental protection;
weakening democracy by enabling a global ruling class to act without
sufficient transparency and accountability.

Trade openness and the spread of information and communication technologies have
expanded economic opportunities. The demand for female workers in the export and ICT
(Information and communication technologies) - enabled sectors has increased, and as
women have filled these new jobs, the gender distribution of employment across sectors
and across countries has changed. Women have moved out of agriculture and into
manufacturing and particularly services.12 These changes have taken place across all
countries, but female (and male) employment in the manufacturing and services has
grown faster in developing countries. These new possibilities of work has given women
their own income and furthermore an economic independence. However, even though
these women are earning their own salaries they give the whole or large parts of their
income to the family.

Globalization is thus an ongoing syndrome. Globalization is not only about
interplays between local, regional, national and global scales, but also
about the interconnectedness, flows and uneven development in the
world. The strategic keys that accelerated the growth of globalization

were transnational corporations, technical change, governments etc.

Globalization has brought not only advantages to the globe by providing
large range of imported products or by raising the basic standard of living
of people. But also has major impacts on the socio-political- economic and
cultural realms of life by diminishing the role of state, challenging the
unique culture of every society, attacking the social structures, much
diversity in the global society etc. However, despite of identification of
risks and opportunities of globalization, the whole phenomenon is still
very difficult to predict.

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