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Nuclear Instruments and Methods it Physics Research A318 (1992) 813-tî17 METHODS
North-Holland IN PNYSICS
Section A

Large-field-strength short-period undulator design

A.A. Varfolomeev, S.N. Ivanchenkov and A.S. Khlebnikov
1. V. Kurchatc .- !nstitute of Atomic Energy, Moscow 123182, USSR

C. Pellegrini
Departtttent of Physics, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA

G.A. Baranov and V.I. Michailov

D. V. Efremor Scientific Research Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus, St. Pelcrsburg 189631, USSR

A high-quality strong-field hybrid undulator has been designed for an infrared FEL project to be performed at UCLA. The
primary magnetic flux is provided by C-shaped vanadium-permendur yokes and SmCo5 magnets . An additional magnetic flux is
supplied by thin NdFeB magnet blocks placed between the yoke poles . This magnet geometry provides a high saturation limit for
the magnetic field in the gap area. With the 15 mm period and 5 mm gap a peak on-axis field of 7.3 kG has been achieved. The
undulator contains 40 periods . The high accuracy of the yoke poles alignment along with the ability to move the thin permanent
magnet blocks provides an on-axis magnetic field accuracy better than 0.5% .

1. Introduction plane which is perpendicular to the undulator axis.

Another magnetic flux is induced by the thin
The development of compact or short-wavelength neodymium-boron magnet blocks inserted between the
FELs is important to make this laser a widely used thin vanadium-permendur poles . It is directed into the
research instrument. One key issue in this program is gap area in the same way as in the well-known hybrid
the production of short-period high-field undulators undulator scheme [4]. The main flux direction in this
which can provide an electron beam deviation of the case remains in the planes parallel to the undulator
order AW /y . This condition requires that we increase axis. This combination of two different magnets pro-
the peak field B on axis as we decrease the period A W vides a wide-aperture capture of the magnetic fluxes
in accordance with the equation A,,, BO, - 104 G cm. It directed to the gap area. As a result the undulator field
poses a challenge to the undulator designers (see, e.g., strength is raised appreciably at the same undulator
[1,2]). period value .
In this paper we describe a hybrid undulator design Different magnet prototypes were investig it v to
that permits the increase of the field saturation limit find the magnet shapes optimal for short-period undu-
above what can be obtained in ordinary hybrid undula- lators. Both computer simulations using the TOSCA
tor schemes. This undulator has been built for the 3D code [5] and experimental measurements with the
compact FEL project "Saturnus" [3] in accordance same period undulator prototype modules [6] were
with the Kurchatov Institute-UCLA collaboration made. The role of each magnetic flux in providing high
agreement. field strength in the gap area was specially investi-
gated . The experimental results of the on-axis field
strength measurements as a function of the variable
2. Scheme of the combined hybrid undulator magnetic flux provided by an electromagnet inserted
between the half yokes instead of SmCo $ blocks are
The scheme of the combined hybrid undulator with given in ref. [6] . It was found that the saturation field
its main components can be seen from fig. 1. A specific strength for this case being equal to 1.25 kG was the
magnet shape provides two different magnet fluxes. same as in the case when only the SmCo5 permanent
The primary one produced by samarium-cobalt per- magnets were used. If only NdFeB magnets were in-
manent magnets is directed by the C-shape vana- serted the saturated field strength was equal to 5.3 kG.
dium-permendur yokes into the gap area along the But if both magnetic fluxes were provided, i.e., NdFeB

0168-9002/92/$05 .00 © 1992 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved X. UNDULATORS
814 A.A . Varfoloineev et aL / Large-field-strength skort-period undulator design

Fig. l. Drawing of the undulator design cross-section transverse to the undulator axis .

magnet blocks were inserted and the electromagnet steel frame for support and can be separately moved in
coil was used as well, the saturation field strength the vertical direction towards or away from the undula-
could reach 7.5 kG. The same field limit was achiev- tor axis with the help of a screw set to adjust the gap
ab!e with both permanent magnet sets being inserted field strength. Both the top and the bottom sets of the
without any coil. A very important effect is apparent . vanadium-permendur yokes are fixed on massive stain-
The magnetic field strength in the gap provided by two less steel frames . The high-precision machining of the
magnetic sets can exceed the arithmetical sum of the pole tips was done afterwards. The permanent magnet
two field strength values provided by each of magnet boxes were also manufactured with high accuracy along
sets separately. This effect was first found in our exper- the full undulator length since the undulator magnet
iments [6] and then was confirmed by the simulations gap value is determined by the thickness of these
[5]. boxes.
The relative contribution of each magnet sc;i to the At the edges of the undulator two half-cells of
gap magnetic field depends very much on the thickness special construction were mounted to provide a wide
ratio of the small NdFeB blocks and the vanadium- range regulation of the magnetic field at the entrance
rmendur poles, respectively [5,6]. For the final de- and the exit of the undulator .
sign this crucial parameter was selected to be equal 1 .5 The undulator was mounted on a platform with
(see below). adjustable supports as can be seen in fig. 2. The
The results of the mock-up tests and computer distance from the bottom of the undulator stack to the
simulations have confirmed the superiority of this com- bottom of the platform can be regulated within the
bined hybrid undulator scheme over the commonly range 15-25 cm and adjusted with the help of microm-
used hybrid scheme if high field amplitudes with short eter screws on four supporting legs. The upper plate of
undulator periods are desirable . A 20-25% gain in the supporting platform carrying the undulator con-
comparison with that predicted by the Halbach limit [4] struction as a whole can be moved in horizontal plane
is possible [6] . with the help of the lateral adjusting screws. With
these screws and cross-hairs the undulator axis align-

3. The undulator design

Using the results of the prototype model investiga- Table I

Main parameters of the undulator
tion, the Kurchatov compact undulator was designed.
Its main parameters are given in table 1 . A drawing of Number of periods N 40
the undulator cross section transverse to the undulator Length of the period A, [mm] 15
axis iF ¢iven in fia. 1 . The assembled undulator is Magnet gap g [mm] 5
shown in fig. 2. Amplitude of the field Bt) [kG] 7.35
Sets of SmCo. magnets are inserted into common Factor of the undulator field, K 1.03
Spread in integrals of the field
metal boxes with nonmagnetic stainless steel side walls .
over one period [G cm] < 20
Each of the small NdFcB blocks has its own stainless
A.A. liarfolomeei - et al. / Largefield-strength shortperiod undulator design 815

Fig. 2. Photograph of the complete undulator assembly.

ment can be done with the accuracy better than 0.1 The parameters of the permanent magnet blocks
mm. used in the undulator are presented in table 2. The
In accordance with the FEL project the undulator larger SmCoS blocks were inserted into steel boxes
has no tapering . Its 5 mm gap is fixed with an accuracy which were placed between the top and bottom halves
of 10 p.m. of vanadium-permendur yoke. The C-yokes have a
The magnet poles tips have flat faces. No pole face common structure so the sensitivity of the system to
curvature of the sort considered in ref. [7] has been the magnetic properties of the individual magnet blocks
used since the expected emittance of the electron is small . The SmCoS blocks were not specially selected.
beam is very small [3]. Precise measurements were However the small NdFeB blocks were carefully con-
made to check the precision of the manufactured and trolled and selected. Only those blocks with deviations
assembled undulator . It was found that the deviations from avarage magnetic parameters not exceeding 2%
of the yoke positions from that predicted for an ideal were selected for installation [8]. The NdFeB magnet
periodical structure did not exceed 10 p,m [8] . The blocks with 25 x 25 X 4.5 mm; dimensions were fixed
flatness of the pole tip surface over the undulator between the pole tips. A primary rather crude adjust-
length was controlled separately for each platform just ment of the magnetic field was performed by displace-
after manufacturing and after shipping. The maximum ment of the boxes côntaining the SmCos magnets. On
deviations did not exceed 40 wm [8] and were apprecia- the next stage, the gap field was adjusted by changing
bly less in the assembled installations . the NdFeB magnet positions. It was possible to change

Table 2
Parameters of the permanent magnet blocks
Dimensions of the magnet blocks (mm 3) 40x4Ox22 25x25x4.5
Remanent induction Br MG) 8 .5-9 .0 10.5-11 .0
Maximum energy product (BH)m;, x (MG Oe) 22-24 28-31
Magnetization dispersion of the selected magnet blocks (%) - <2
Number of used blocks 60 164

816 A.A . Varfolomeet , et al. / Large-field-strength short-period undulator design

8 .0

7 .8 -I

7 .6 -1

7 .4

7 .2-

7 .01

D 7 i 1

29 39

Period number
Fig . 3 . Magnetic field profile along the undulator axis: amplitude for even poles, + : amplitude for odd poles.

the undulator field in selected cells up to several Another important result is the high magnetic field
percent . At the last stage, a tine tuning up to 0 .5% was amplitude provided by this undulator design at a rather
made with the help of shunting screws placed opposite short undulator period . At the period 15 mm, a field
each pole . amplitude of 7.3 kG was obtained . This is not the
absolute maximum . To make the adjustment easier the
nominal amplitude was decreased .
Magnetic field measurements A comparison with the so-called Halbach limit [4],
derived from the experimental data obtained with con-
For measurement of magnetic field in the gap area ventional hybrid undulators shows that our undulator
a set of Hall probes was used . A small carriage with 4 provides a 20% stronger field than predicted by this
fixed probes was moved step by step along the undula- limit along with high uniformity and a short undulator
tor axis automatically by a motor-driver . Two of the period .
probes positioned I mm above and 1 mm below the Our undulator scheme looks similar to but actually
central plane - of the undulator were used for vertical is different from the SEM scheme considered in ref.
magnet position alignment . The other two probes were [9] . In particular the relative magnetic flux directed by
used for magnetic amplitude measurements. An accu- a pole to the gap midplane with respect to the other
racy of 0.1% was provided . part of the magnetic flux coming through the pole is at
Due to the high accuracy of the construction and least four times higher for our scheme . This is one of
the tuning capability, a highly uniform magnetic field the reason why the Halbach limit could be exceeded .
was obtained . Fig . 3 shows the final results of the
magnetic field amplitude measurements along the un-
dulator axis. One can see that the total spread of the
field amplitudes is less than 0.5% or 40 G . The corre-
sponding spread of the magnetic field integral over the
[1] Proc . l lth Int. Conf . on Free-Electron Laser, 1989, Naples,
individual periods is smaller than 20 G cm . This figure Florida . E .g ., see : G . Rakowsky, B . Bobbs, R . Burke, W .
demonstrates the very high accuracy and uniformity of McMillin and G . Swoyer, Nucl . Instr . and Meth . A296
the undulator magnetic field . (1990) 597.
A.A. Varfolomeet- et al. / Largefield-strength .short-period undulator design 817

[2] 1 . Ben-Zvi and K. Halbach, Summary of Working Group [6] S.N . Ivanchenkov, C. Pellegrini and A.A . Varfolomeev,
on Wigglers, Proc. Worksh . Prospects for a 1 A F:ee-Elec- Preprint UCLA-CAA Tech .-note-int .-5/91 (Los Angeles;
tron Laser, 1990, Sag Harbor, New York, ed . J .C. Gallard CA ; 199!) '
(BNL 5227, UC 414, Brookhaven, NY, 1990). [7] E.T. Sharleman, J. Appl . Phys . 58 (1985) 2154 .
[3] F. Aghamir et al ., Nucl . Instr. and Meth . A304 (1991) 155. [8] A.A . Varfolomeev, S.N . Ivanchenkov, A.S. Khlebnikov, C.
[4] K. Halbach, J. de Phys. (Paris) 44 (1983) C-1211 . Pellegrini, G.A . Baranov and V.I . Mikhailov, Preprint
[5] J.W . Dodd, Yu .Yu. Lachin, C. Pellegrini and A.A. Var- UCLA-CAA0074-3/91 (Los Angeles, CA, 1991).
folomeev, Preprint UCLA CAA0072-2/91 (Los Angeles, [9] M.J . Burns, G.A . Deis, R.H . Holmes, R.D. Van Maren
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