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Poornima University

Session 2015-16(Even-Semester)
Question Bank for CE-VI SEMESTER
Subject: Advanced Java
Code: BCE06103
Q.1 What do you mean by Multithreading in Java? What are the different ways to create a thread
in Java? Explain with the help of any example?
Q.2 What is synchronized keyword in Java? Why it is required? What are the differences
between synchronized method and synchronized block? Also give some differences between
object level lock and class level lock in Java?
Q.3 Explain the Thread life cycle in Java? Draw the neat and clean diagram for Thread life
cycle? What is ITC in Java? Write a program which illustrates the concept of ITC and deadlock
in Java?
Q.4 what is stream? What are the different categories of stream classes in Java? Write a program
in Java to implement the FileInputStream and FileOutputStream to read/write the contents in a
given text file?
Q.5 How to compress and decompress a file using DeflatorOutputStream and
InflatorInputStream in Java? Write a program in Java to compress and decompress a file using
these streams?
Q.6 Explain the hierarchy of different swing classes? What do you mean by window panes in
Java? What are the different types of Window Panes in Java? Explain with the help of any
Q.7 Write a short notes on:
A). JColorChooser
B). JTree
C). GridLayout
D). GridBagLayout
E). Event Driven Model in Java

[Last Year ESE Question-2015]

Q.1 What is JMS? What are the advantages to use the JMS over the socket programming? What
are different messaging domains supported by the JMS-API?
Q.2 What is Queue and Topic in JMS? Explain the JNDI and Resource Injection with respect to
JMS architecture?
Q.3 What are the different component in JMS application? Explain Administered Object in JMS?
Write a program in JMS to implement the communication between JMS Sender and JMS
Q.4 What do you mean by socket-programming? What is two way communication? Write a
program in java using TCP/IP which shows the concept of two way communication?
Q.5 Explain URL and InetAddress class and its method available in package? How the
client server communication takes place using the UDP protocol in java?
Q.6 Write a short notes on: 1. Secure Socket 2. ServerSocket 3. Socket
Q.7 Explain the life cycle of a socket? How the client server communication takes place through
the socket? Explain with the proper diagram?
Q.1 What is serialization in Java? Why we serialize the object in java? Write a program in java
which illustrates the concept of Object Serializability?
Q.2 What is RMI? What are the advantages of RMI? Write an implementation steps to invoke
the method which is present on remote object? Explain all necessary implementation steps for an
RMI program?
Q.3 What is Stub and Skelton in RMI? Why they are required? What are the responsibility
performed by Stub and Skelton? Explain the architecture of RMI in detail with neat and clean
Q.4 What is CORBA? Why it is required? What are the advantages of CORBA? How
communication takes place in CORBA API? Explain with necessary architecture?
Q.5 What is RMI IIOP? Give some differences between RMI and CORBA?

Faculty Name: Praveen Yadav

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