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Jeanne Searfoorce

Educational Technology
Boise State University
Rationale Paper
Spring 2016

Two roads diverged in a wood, and
II took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the
-Robert Frost
Whether it is coincidence or serendipity, Ive had the opportunity to be part of
technology innovation from the infancy of web design and digital media creation
through our present-day hyper-media web environments. Every innovation seems more
surreal than its predecessor yet the opportunity to be part of it is far more exciting than
the invention itself.
My reason for enrolling in the Educational Technology program at Boise State University
is that it offers the road less traveled: cutting-edge learning environments, new
technology, challenging courses and concepts so engaging every approach spurs
infinite ideas grander than the ones before.
This rationale paper describes, explains and highlights my comprehension of the AECT
standards as they are woven though my artifacts. The artifacts range from proposals to
online learning products that showcase my diligence, knowledge and integration
expertise acquired during my Masters in Educational Technology program at Boise State

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne


Creating - Candidates demonstrate the ability to create
instructional materials and learning environments using a variety of
systems approaches.
EDTECH 554: Instructional Software

Artifact Description: This artifact showcases a lesson whereby middle school

students are given a healthy $10,000 budget to furnish, decorate and purchase
necessities for their first apartment. Students display their selections on their
blog portfolio. The purpose of this project is for students to understand that their
budget directly affects their ability to establish a comfortable home within their
tastes and preferences. It also introduces students to the concept of a budget
and the limits of their financial resources.
Justification: The justification for this artifact Candidates demonstrate the
ability to create instructional materials and learning environments
using a variety of systems approaches.
Practice and Theory: Instructional software is technology created or used with
the purpose of teaching or reinforcing content is instructional software. There
are several types including: simulation, drills and practice, tutorial, problem
solving and games. For this lesson, simulation
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

EDTECH 506: Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, and Proximity (CARP)

Artifact Description: This artifact displays a lesson where middle school

students visually learn the alcohol consumption limit of a 120 pound female
person and she can become easily intoxicated after consuming three beers.
Using a metaphor of a merry-go-round ride ending, the image compares an
intoxicated persons motor skills slowing in the same way a merry-go-round ride
Justification: The justification for this artifact is that it conveys the dangers of
consuming alcohol to both visual and reading/writing learners through the
creation of this graphic. The comparison of the height of four beers with the
stages of impairment described compared to the height of the woman further
emphasizes the small number of beverages that cause physical impairment.
"Related items are close in proximity." (Lohr, 84)
Practice and Theory: Use technology and theories/methods/strategies - The
red color was used because it refers directly to the "blood" in blood alcohol level

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

and it also provides a stark contrast to the black and white background.
"Contrast draws your eye into a page, it pulls you in. Contrasting elements guide
your eyes around the page, create a hierarchy of information, and enable you to
skim thought the vast array of information and pick out what you need."
(Williams and Tollett, 126).
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Using - Candidates demonstrate the ability to select and use

technological resources and processes to support student learning
and to enhance their pedagogy.
EDTECH 506: Organization and Integration

Artifact Description: This artifact presents a lesson where middle school

students conclude that dressing up a beer bottle is as ridiculous as drinking
alcohol underage. I felt that addressing the students with humor before
introducing intoxication facts will help them learn the negative implications of
underage alcohol consumption.
Justification: The justification for his artifact was based on the pedagogy
Practice and Theory: For this graphic, I focused on the social concept of peer
acceptance and students being cool when they are with their friends. The
temperature related to the objects in the image are cold: cold beer and penguins.
The color grey also references the grey skies in the winter. The writer's wheel on
page 159 inspired my ideas about using different shades of gray. "The wheel
shows the big picture of writing as a circular shape that makes an immediately
apparent that writing is a cyclical process. The pie-shaped wedges show the
individual components that make up writing. Students can thus easily envision
the writing process as the sum of individual steps." (Lohr, 158)
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates demonstrate the ability to assess

and evaluate the effective integration of appropriate technologies
and instructional materials.
EDTECH 554: Instructional Software

Artifact Description: This artifact explains how five types of instructional

software are used with the purpose of teaching or reinforcing content is
instructional software. Simulation software is software that appears real or
lifelike with the purpose of giving the user the realistic experience of performing
the task in is called simulation software. Drills and practice software is software
that appears real or lifelike with the purpose of giving the user the realistic
experience of performing the task in is called simulation software. A tutorial can
best be described as website that teaches a particular skill step by step. Problem
solving software is a hypothesis/conclusion website. Games are an ingenious
way of introducing difficult or "boring" content in a fun, interesting way.

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Justification: This justification for this artifact is through the presentation of

each instructional software tool and how they can be used in learning as a
technology integration tool. With various learners at varied mastery levels
coupled with multiple configurations of learning styles, instructional software
helps each unique learner master skills using the instructional software
integrated with the core content of the lesson.
Practice and Theory: There are seven learning styles: visual, aural, verbal,
physical, logical, social and solitary. Depending upon its construction and use,
each type of instructional software appeals to the various learning styles making
the classroom environment conducive for learners with one or more learning
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

EDTECH 506: Typography and Shape

Artifact Description: This artifact was created for middle school health
education module which focuses on drugs use and abuse. It illustrates the
physical and legal effects of methamphetamine (meth) use. Then individuals
used for the creation of this graphic were arrested on at least two occasions.
When comparing arrest photographs, it is immediately apparent that they had
physical changes due to their drug abuse.
Justification: The justification of this image is visible through the use of color.
"Color can create moods, add emphasis, attract attention, organize information,
and entertain the viewer. It can be subtle, obnoxious, muted, bright, minimal,
overdone, harmonious, distracting, beautiful, or ugly. It can scream or whisper,
repel or seduce. Color can improve readability or detract from it." (Willams &
Tollett, 100). The color was chosen to offset the images. While you see the color
of the images, you can feel the emotion brought forth by the black and white
contrast. The gray background which is a small amount of color is a combination
of the black and white.
Practice and Theory: In order to convey the severity of using meth, asymmetry
reinforces the unbalance in the life of a drug user. "Asymmetry is form that does
not have balanced proportions. Asymmetrical balance is achieved when all
elements in display are in harmony, but the elements are not symmetrical."
(Lohr, 180)
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Managing - Candidates demonstrate the ability to effectively

manage people, processes, physical infrastructures, and financial
resources to achieve predetermined goals.
EDTECH 541: Adaptive/Assistive Technology

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Artifact Description:

Justification: Use one or two sentences to briefly justify how the

artifact demonstrates your mastery of the standard. Candidates
demonstrate the ability to effectively manage people,
processes, physical infrastructures, and financial resources to
achieve predetermined goals.
Practice and Theory: Use technology and

Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Ethics - Candidates demonstrate the contemporary professional

ethics of the field as defined and developed by the Association for
Educational Communications and Technology.
EDTECH 541: Acceptable Use Policy

Artifact Description: This artifact evaluates an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

The AUP is renamed Technology Contract because those who accept its terms
are bound by its lingo and the implications of their actions if they are in violation
of the contract.
Justification: This justification for this artifact is based on the premise of
constructing rules and regulations to prevent misuse of technology that can lead
to inappropriate content being seen or utilized by staff and students. Acceptable
Use Policies are the "laws" that protect, enforce and exonerate. Technology
leaders must ensure that these policies promote acceptable technology usage.
Practice and Theory: After evaluating four school district acceptable use
policies, the Camden City Public Schools AUP was the closet model to the five w
format: who, what, where, when, and why. When an individual signs the
Technology Contract, they or their parent or guardian are accepting personal
responsibility for their use of the Internet and other technology tools made
available to them by their school district.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne


Creating - Candidates apply content pedagogy to create appropriate
applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and
performance outcomes.
EDTECH 541: Teaching Spreadsheets with Simplicity

Artifact Description: This artifact focuses on four dynamic spreadsheet lessons

engaging hands-on activities. Lucky OSpreadsheet introduces elementary
students with spreadsheets by coloring two Saint Patricks Day themed
spreadsheets. Favorite Snack Foods familiarizes elementary students to surveys
and graphs. The Coffee Shop Game acquaints middle school students with
entrepreneurship. Eat to Your Hearts Content allows middle school students to
analyze their calorie consumption by recording three full days of meals
Justification: Candidates apply content pedagogy to create appropriate
applications of processes and technologies to improve learning and
performance outcomes.
Practice and Theory: Integrating spreadsheet software while utilizing core
content math standards allows students to apply their mathematics knowledge
through project based learning. These spreadsheet projects create a connection
between theory and practice that enhances learning in two content areas.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Using - Candidates implement appropriate educational technologies

and processes based on appropriate content pedagogy.
EDTECH 522 - The Impact of Color (Online Art Course)

Artifact Description:
Justification: Use one or two sentences to briefly justify how the artifact
demonstrates your mastery of the standard. Candidates implement
appropriate educational technologies and processes based on
appropriate content pedagogy.
Practice and Theory: Use technology and theories/methods/strategies
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates demonstrate an inquiry process

that assesses the adequacy of learning and evaluates the
instruction and implementation of educational technologies and
processes grounded in reflective practice.
EDTECH 505: Request for Proposal: Determining Instructional Purposes

Artifact Description: This artifact is a project simulation whereby Far West

Laboratory for Educational and Research Development (FWL) has issued a
request for proposal (RFP) for evaluating its Determining Instructional Purposes
(DIP) training program. The goal of this RFP is to determine the marketability of
the DIP training program.
Justification: The justification for this artifact is identified though the data
gathering, analysis and program recommendation. Data gathering will be
contained to K-12 academic institutions in the Wilmington Delaware, Philadelphia
Pennsylvania, and Princeton New Jersey regions. A survey of 500 school districts
within 20 miles of the epicenter of each of these metropolises is conducted. A
separate survey to each school administrator and professional development
coordinator in each of the 500 school districts to determine their specific needs
within the DIP training program. Upon analyzing the results of the survey, we will
offer one Coordinator handbook and 10 Unit 1 trials (with two modules) to 50
districts to those who show interest in DIP.
Practice and Theory: For this artifact, a project management approach was
taken in order to determine which school districts, types of learning institutions
and economic variables should be considered to determine any commonalities
between districts who are interested in the DIP program and those who show
little or no interest in the program. While this project was based on the fictitious
DIP program, the steps taken to determine feasibility are those that would be
taken if this program were being marketed in reality.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Managing - Candidates manage appropriate technological processes

and resources to provide supportive learning communities, create
flexible and diverse learning environments, and develop and
demonstrate appropriate content pedagogy.
EDTECH 501: Digital Inequality in the Land of Equality

Artifact Description: For this artifact, Team Beta used Google Presentation and
Google Hangout to present our findings and conclusions about Digital Inequality.
The goal of this project was to eliminate hardware and software deficiencies in
low-income areas.
Justification: The justification for this artifact can be evidenced though our
research and solutions to bring resources and opportunity in regions where
technology and connectivity is lacking. Our recommendations include:
o Purchase computers for public libraries across the state

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Open public schools for longer hours, with staff and resources for public
technology use
o Provide computers to the disadvantaged
o Provide high-speed Internet for all
o Subsidize ISP costs for state residents
o Provide information literacy courses
Practice and Theory: Our group used Google Presentation and Google Meetup
as correspondence tools. Notes were stored and shared using our Google Drive.
These integrated technologies allowed our team to be organized and we could
easily share information. By using this technology, it was also determined that
learning in these regions could be conducted in the same way economically.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Ethics Candidates design and select media, technology, and

processes that emphasize the diversity of our society as a
multicultural community.
EDTECH 541: Communication

Artifact Description: This artifact is comprised of three audio talks empowering

teachers to about discovering ways to reignite their passion for teaching.
Infusing Creativity into Instruction with Technology examines teaching from a
different perspective. Teaching New Lessons Without Fear is an introspective
examination of personal brilliance when sharing knowledge and information. Be
a Visionary With Confidence examines Yes People in a different way.
Justification: The justification for this artifact is the use of audio and a way to
present technology using the aural learning style. Using an English language
audio presentation about technology presents information to learners with
various levels of technology accessibility and experience where the message is
internalized on a personal level based on the individual teachers environment
and experience.
Practice and Theory: These three audio talks were recorded and edited using
Audacity, a free audio program. The format used can be heard though the
Internet or mobile device. The purpose of using this tool was to utilize
technology in a simpler form that conveys information for the purpose of
sparking creativity in the listener through their own special talents without
sample materials.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

EDTECH 506: Color, Depth, Space and Selection

Artifact Description: This artifact presents a middle school lesson where

students visually learn and understand the negative effects of smoking. This
graphic encourages students to think about how they appear while smoking and
how other people appear as well.

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Justification: The justification for this image is through the infusion of graphic
design used in an online health education learning module that can be utilized
using various devices with Internet capability. With the Internet being ubiquitous,
this graphic achieves appears the same giving learners an identical visual
Practice and Theory: The smoke that emits from a cigarette is gray. "Color
may not be necessary." "Choose colors that help the user see the big picture
(gestalt)." (Lohr, 269). The audience to focus on the smoking animals and not
the background. For this reason, I made the background white.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne


Creating - Candidates create instructional design products based on
learning principles and research-based best practices.
EDTECH 541: Virtual Colonial Life

Artifact Description: This artifact Virtual Colonial Life is a Digital Learning

Experience (DLE). This DLE provides middle school students the opportunity to
virtually examine life in Colonial America with the opportunity improve daily
colonial life based on a modern perspective.
Justification: The justification for this artifact is the integration of online learning
with appropriately linked video, activities and information to achieve the New
Jersey U.S. History Standard, All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to
think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures,
and the environment shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills
enable students to make informed decisions that reflect fundamental rights and
core democratic values as productive citizens in local, national, and global
communities. (NJ 6.1 U.S. History: America in the World). Lesson materials for
the instructor as well as the students are available on the DLE website:
Practice and Theory: Virtual Colonial Life was created using a website format
where students have the opportunity to complete activities related to the colonial
period, watch time-period videos, and understand the project specifications and a
detailed grading rubric. By presenting the student with a dedicated learning
environment focusing the project on 21st Century Skills, students can be creative
while investigating an important part of United States history.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Using - Candidates make professionally sound decisions in selecting

appropriate processes and resources to provide optimal conditions
for learning based on principles, theories, and effective practices.
EDTECH 502: Web 2.0, Architecture and Interior Design

Artifact Description: This artifacts presents students with the opportunity to

design and decorate their own home using a web 2.0 program. As middle school
students begin to investigate careers, this project explores architecture and
interior design.


Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Justification: The justification for this project gives students resources to

understand the process of building, renovating and decorating their own home.
As a modeling tool, I reconstructed a free online floor plan and linked to rooms
from the show, Sarahs House (Season 3) ( Students are required to
watch several episodes of this show. The series explains the construction and
interior design process. Links are also provided for students to see rooms in
various styles that will help them their design.

Practice and Theory: In a technology lab, resources available usually include

the computers provided in the lab. By using the Internet and a Web 2.0 tool, is
shows students how to be resourceful and inventive to complete project
objectives. This lessons focuses on integrating STEM (science, technology,
engineering and mathematics) and 21st Century Skills, both of which are essential
for the learners cultivating exceptional problem solving skills.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates use multiple assessment

strategies to collect data for informing decisions to improve
instructional practice, learner outcomes, and the learning
EDTECH 522: Learning AdobeConnect Using

Artifact Description:
Justification: Use one or two sentences to briefly justify how the artifact
demonstrates your mastery of the standard.
Practice and Theory: Use technology and theories/methods/strategies
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Managing - Candidates establish mechanisms for maintaining the

technology infrastructure to improve learning and performance.
EDTECH 502: Building Strong Communication Skills

Artifact Description: This artifact is a three-module online communication

course which introduces students to the basics of effective peer interaction.
Effective peer communication skills are important because once students enter
high school, the choices they make will impact their immediate adult future.

Justification: In a Student Centered Learning Environment (SCLE), individuals

have the opportunity to learn at their own pace with the option to investigate
extension activities if they seek further knowledge about a partical subject.
Building Strong Communication Skills ( improves
learning and performance by dividing the topic into three smaller subsections
(Interpersonal Skills, Consequences, Core Ethical Values) each with their own
objectives and outcomes.
Practice and Theory: The course is structured in a traditional lesson format so
it can be used in a guided classroom setting or for distance learning. By creating
this course considering multiple learning environments, the content can be
accessed and utilized for various purposes.


Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Ethics - Candidates foster a learning environment in which ethics

guide practice that promotes health, safety, best practice, and
respect for copyright, Fair Use, and appropriate open access to
EDTECH 503: I Heart Health Ed

Artifact Description: This artifact displays middle school health education

lessons that were developed incorporating strong visual graphic images, tactile
exercises and audio/visual media skills. These lessons focus on three health
education subjects: alcohol abuse, drug abuse and smoking.
Justification: This justification for this artifact is rooted in the core content of I
Heart Health Ed: teaching students about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse
and the adverse health effects incurred by smoking. By providing students the
facts, resources, and information to make healthy decisions, they understand the
importance of caring for their health. The online learning modules can be found:
Practice and Theory: There were several learning strategies used for these
modules: humor, logic and honesty. The images were designed to evoke emotion
about avoiding dangerous behavior and adopting a healthy lifestyle. The images
are used as a way to generate curiosity and discussion related to the health topic
while generating genuine interest from the student.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Diversity of Learners - Candidates foster a learning community that

empowers learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and
EDTECH 501: Tech Trends

Artifact Description: This artifact displays

Justification: This justification for this artifact
Practice and Theory: There were several learning
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?


Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne


Collaborative Practice - Candidates collaborate with their peers and
subject matter experts to analyze learners, develop and design
instruction, and evaluate its impact on learners.
EDTECH 554: District Technology Rollout

Artifact Description: This artifact details the evaluation of Greenwich Public

Schools (GPS) technology rollout. At the conclusion of the evaluation, it was
determined it was feasible and highly effective.
Justification: The justification for this artifact is quantified though work with my
teammate. We concluded that the GPS timeline and objectives were bold but not
unattainable. The structure for their roll-out was simple yet highly detailed which
made our job easy when we chose this district's roll-out as the model for the
Practice and Theory: My teammate and I evaluated the technology roll-out of
several districts which revealed many commonalities. For this reason, it was
imperative to use these commonalities as a foundation when creating the rollout
rubric. Once this foundation was created, unique goals were established for our
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Leadership - Candidates lead their peers in designing and

implementing technology-supported learning.
EDTECH 554: The Pluses That Equal Innovation

Artifact Description: This artifact demonstrates my core competencies as an

Educational Technologist. The digital presentation highlights my strengths which
include flexibility and adaptability.
Justification: This justification for this artifact... Candidates lead their peers
in designing and implementing technology-supported learning.
Practice and Theory: Use technology and theories/methods/strategies
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

EDTECH 554: Who Am I As A Leader?


Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Artifact Description: This artifact details my qualities as a leader. I chose to

define my ten leadership qualities though the use of quotations from a diverse
group of famous pioneers and leaders throughout history.
Justification: The justification for this artifact is my leadership responsibility as
twenty-first century skills teacher and the importance of teaching creativity as an
invaluable skill. Designing content that utilizes technology while incorporating
creativity at various levels challenges the students to be persistent. It also offers
me the opportunity cultivating new methods of teaching 21 st Century Skills in the
digital age.
Practice and Theory: As an innovator, my classroom is an environment where
new ideas are the fabric of learning. No two courses are exactly the same
because they are continuously modified to incorporate new technology and
evolving concepts. This evolution encourages students to be innovative with
their project.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Reflection on Practice - Candidates analyze and interpret data and

artifacts and reflect on the effectiveness of the design,
development and implementation of technology-supported
instruction and learning to enhance their professional growth.
EDTECH 541: Hypermedia Integration

Artifact Description: This artifact examines student literacy and the concept
that students can interpret a story in their own, creative way and when they
audibly express the story with enthusiasm, their own interest in reading can
increase. The lesson also teaches students to read with enthusiasm.
Justification: The justification of this artifact is derived from my experience
teaching young bi-lingual learns how to read stories in English. While
participating in an after school program, I discovered many of my students did
not read well and needed additional assistance with literacy. When they saw the
Cool School Miss Booksy YouTube videos, they were engaged and excited. They
really enjoyed watching them and wanted to watch them numerous times. I
concluded that students can have fun reading when the material it is introduced
in an interesting, entertaining way.
Practice and Theory: Use technology and theories/methods/strategies
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates design and implement

assessment and evaluation plans that align with learning goals and
instructional activities.
EDTECH 505: Word of Mouth Marketing

Artifact Description: This artifact evaluates the effectiveness of word of mouth

marketing for, a blog dedicated to providing home dwellers
(both owners and renters) with information focused on budget friendly interior

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

decorating solutions. has a primary focus to, source the

inspirations and then search for the contents which can be purchasedfor
Justification: The justification for this artifact is evidenced though the website
traffic metrics obtained through the websites host. Based on this data, the Word
of Mouth Marketing campaign launched (July 8, 2014). Results of this marketing
campaign included: 486 views, 22 Facebook referrals to the blog, four (4) shares
though Facebook and three (3) shares through Twitter and 75 comments posted
to the blog. Roughly half were replies to original comments.
Practice and Theory: Use technology and theories/methods/strategies
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Ethics - Candidates demonstrate ethical behavior within the

applicable cultural context during all aspects of their work and with
respect for the diversity of learners in each setting.
EDTECH 541: Safety on the Internet - A Student Guide for Safety

Artifact Description: This artifact presents a middle school Internet Safety

lesson is directed toward technology and social media interaction. The lessons
are directed more toward sending or receiving email, blogging, texting, meeting
"students" from the Internet in person and posting videos and photos.

Justification: The justification of this artifact is demonstrated artifact is lessons

foundation of educating students about online safety addressing various topics
and offer effective strategies when dealing with situations online, on mobile
devices or directly with their peers.
Practice and Theory: The Student Zone is geared toward students who are in
fourth through sixth grade (tweens) and seventh through twelfth grades (teens).
This material can be utilized with little or no teacher assistance regarding
vocabulary. There are videos and handouts are also available for download. By
viewing the videos, online content from
and completing the printable activities, students receive the information they
need to make sound decisions when using technology. The videos below address
various topics and offer effective strategies when dealing with situations online,
on mobile devices or directly with their peers.

Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?


Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Theoretical Foundations - Candidates demonstrate foundational
knowledge of the contribution of research to the past and current
theory of educational communications and technology.
EDTECH 503: Blogging: A Tool for Improving Student Writing

Artifact Description: This artifact investigates blogging as a way for students

to constructively improve their writing though educator, peer and community
review. By students conveying their thoughts on the blog though a coherent
written dialog, blogging can improve student writing. Blogging is the blend of
components: Internet technology and writing. Without the combination of both
of these elements, blogging would not be effective.
Justification: The justification of this artifact is evidenced by the research
regarding blogging and its potential as an effective tool to improve writing in the
classroom. Classroom blogs bridge the ever-widening gap between out-of-school
literacies and in-school literacies. (Hinchman et al., 304). As state standardized
testing moves toward an online interface, blogs can be integrated as a
preparatory method to prepare them for this new testing environment.
Practice and Theory: Blogs are simple content management tools enabling
non-experts to build easily updatable web diaries or online journals, (Kamel et
al., 5). When the blog content is consistent with the central purpose, it reinforces
the purpose for which it was created. Furthermore, a blog, short for weblog, is
an easily editable webpage with posts or entries organized in reverse
chronological order. (Zawilinski, 650). When classroom blogs created for the
purpose of improving student writing they are being used for their intended
purpose and to serve as a viable academic tool.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Method Candidates apply research methodologies to solve

problems and enhance practice.
EDTECH 505: Word of Mouth Marketing

Artifact Description: This artifact evaluates the effectiveness of word of mouth

marketing for, a blog dedicated to providing home dwellers
(both owners and renters) with information focused on budget friendly interior
decorating solutions. has a primary focus to, source the
inspirations and then search for the contents which can be purchasedfor
Justification: The justification for this artifact is evidenced though the research
and evaluation of website traffic metrics obtained through the websites host.
Based on this data, the Word of Mouth Marketing campaign launched (July 8,

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

2014). Results of this marketing campaign included: 486 views, 22 Facebook

referrals to the blog, four (4) shares though Facebook and three (3) shares
through Twitter and 75 comments posted to the blog. Roughly half were replies
to original comments.
Practice and Theory: All of these comments are positive and indicate that the
blog should continue forward tweaking areas where there was underdevelopment
(the catalog lacks store descriptions) and the Home Staging area is of great
interest but only contains one blog post. The Home Staging area can draw
interest from both those who are looking for ideas for their own residences and
those are looking to sell their homes.
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?

Assessing/Evaluating - Candidates apply formal inquiry strategies in

assessing and evaluating processes and resources for learning and
EDTECH 554: District Wide Educational Technology Goal: ePortfolio

Artifact Description: This artifact outlines The Eighth Grade ePortfolio

technology goal. The projects are then presented in the students' ePortfolio which
the capstone project is highlighting the knowledge they have acquired from the
last eight plus years of their academic careers.

Justification: The justification of this artifact is evidenced though the theory of

Student Learning Center Environment (SLCE) whereby students complete four
core content area projects (literacy, math, science and social studies) and one of
their choice.
Practice and Theory: With a digital portfolio as the technology goal, an SCLE
provides a real-world environment whereby the student chooses the contentspecific artifacts, the technology tool(s) and the process they will use to complete
the project.
Impact: My role as the Instructional Technology Teacher (ITT) in my Desktop
Publishing & Web Page Design and Word Processing & Microsoft Office Class is to
integrate technology (hardware, software, web 2.0 and 3.0, etc.) where it
reinforces and enhances core content of the courses. I also serve as a skills coach
and creative mentor inspiring student imagination, innovation and
resourcefulness. The portfolio component of these two courses have been
extremely successful.

Ethics - Candidates conduct research and practice using accepted

professional and institutional guidelines and procedures.
EDTECH 554: Privacy, Policy and Digital Footprints

Artifact Description: This artifact outlines a Social Media Acceptable Use Policy
(SMAUP) for the fictitious Great Expectations School District (GESD). Through the
language of this policy, our group believes that technology can be employed for

Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

the purpose of improving education while outlining consequences for both staff
and students if technology is not used for its original purpose.
Justification: The justification for this artifact is evidenced through the
evaluation of the Social Media Acceptable Use Policy for the fictitious Great
Expectations School District. Digital interaction should be for instructional,
educational, or extracurricular purposes in compliance with the students
Acceptable Use Policies or those discussed in the SMAUP. Great Expectations
School District (GESD) employees shall be held accountable for content posted
on social media sites and should be cognizant of their interactions online. There
is a clear distinction between professional and personal online interaction.
Employees are urged to use discretion when communicating online because this
information is personally identifiable and could have a negative effect on the
employee as an individual, as part of GESD community, or GESD as a whole.
Practice and Theory: Use technology and theories/methods/strategies
Impact: How have your teaching/professional practices have been impacted?


Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

As I review my artifacts from the beginning of my Educational Technology
(EdTech) Masters program through the current use and integration of
technology in my classroom, I am amazed at the level of mastery I am able
to teach with because of the outstanding opportunity I have had at Boise
State. With each project that I created and designed for my courses, I have
grown ten-fold as an educator. The EdTech program has prepared me to be a
highly innovative educator beyond any previous expectations I may have
had. Furthermore, I am extremely prepared for other technology
opportunities presented to me because of the dynamic courses I was able to
complete in the EdTech program. My academics at Boise State have, made
all the difference.


Rationale Paper, Spring 2016

Searfoorce, Jeanne

Hinchman, K.A., Alvermann, D.E., Boyd, F.B., Brozo, W.G., & Vacca, R.T. (2003).
Supporting older students in- and out-of-school literacies. Journal of Adolescent & Adult
Literacy, 47(4), 304310
Kamel Boulos, M.N. and Wheeler, S. (2007), The emerging Web 2.0 social software: an
enabling suite of sociable technologies in health and health care education, Health
Information and Libraries Journal, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp. 2-23.
Lohr, L. (2008). Creating graphics for learning and performance: Lessons in visual
literacy (pp. 77, 79, 84, 158, 180, 270). Columbus, Ohio: Pearson.
Zawilinski, Lisa. (2009) HOT Blogging: A Framework for Blogging to Promote Higher
The Reading Teacher. 62.8. 650-661.
Williams, R & Tollett, J. (2006. The Non-Designer's Web Book (pp. 100). Berkley,
California: Peachpit Press.


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