English 106: Monday - Friday, 1:30 PM

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English 106

Monday - Friday, 1:30 pm


Emily Ponder Office: HEAV 123

eponder@purdue.edu Office hours: M, W 2:30-3:30

Welcome to English 106, the first year composition class for Purdue students! Our semester together will
take place in three different learning environments: a conventional classroom, a computer classroom, and a
conference room. We will be engaging in multimedia projects, including visual analysis and production, in
addition to more traditional writing.

Required Text

Wysocki and Lynch, Design Compose Advocate. It’s available at University bookstore, Follett’s, and

I encourage you to consider acquiring a good college dictionary and writing manual. However, these
resources are also readily available (and free!) on the Web. For a style writing manual, I recommend using
Purdue’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) at http://owl.english.purdue.edu.


People say we are living in the information age. I say we are living in the communication age. Technology
has produced an explosion of new and exciting ways to communicate—everything from word processing
software to television commercials to Twitter—which constantly bombard us with facts, opinions,
arguments, and ideas. This means that in today’s world, literacy involves visual aspects, such as color,
images, and video, as well as spoken and written language. For example, when we “read” a webpage, the
choices in layout, font, and icons convey information which supplements the actual words on the page.
This course aims to provide you with a sophisticated understanding of this modern, multimodal literacy
within an academic framework.

The primary goal of English 106 is help students engage in effective, creative, and critical writing. To be a
successful writer in this communication age requires skills in a range of textual forms, visual design
components, and various media other than the standard paper, such as posters, videos, and webpages. In
other words, English 106 students learn to do much more than produce the typical college essay. The
Compose Design Advocate textbook will provide us with both traditional and nontraditional texts (essays,
posters, billboards, letters, etc.) we can use to better understand what makes different media effective. We
will explore how messages are communicated, how audiences (and we as audiences) respond to
communication, which will help you to create your own texts. Writing is a process. This means that while
the final product may be an act of communication, the process helps you to understand your own ideas and
how they relate to others’ perspectives.

To improve your writing skills, you will compose a variety of writing assignments which will occasionally
involve visual media. Reading comprehension is an important part of the course because good reading
skills are an essential aspect of good writing. There will be four major writing projects, culminating in a
project in the field of advertising. Writing is an inherently social affair, connecting the writer and the
reader in a dialogue through words and visuals. Modern advertising is an excellent example of successful
and pervasive multimodal writing. In this class we will not be critiquing advertisements, but rather
learning from them. Advertisements attempt to persuade an audience, a purpose that has been fundamental
to writing since the ancient Greeks first developed rhetoric millennia ago. Advertisers are among the
savviest writers in our culture, and they have much to offer in terms of rhetorical ability. Of course, this
class will also address traditional academic writing, which has a particular power and authority in addition
to more formal standards. Both genres are integral to modern writing and literacy. By the end of the
semester, students should be able to recognize these forms, know which is appropriate for a given situation,
and compose in either framework confidently and effectively.

We’re online

Our class will be using an online networking space called “ning.” If you’ve never heard of it, relax, it’s
easy to navigate and user friendly. You will be blogging regularly through ning, but our site is set up so
that the only people who can access your blogs are your fellow students and, of course, myself. Online
communication is about more than just expressing your own ideas, though—the internet allows us to be in
constant dialogue with one another. So, you will be not only writing your own blogs, but commenting on
your peers’ entries (and probably responding to your peers’ comments). Furthermore, our ning space
includes a forum, and you will be asked to participate in forum discussions. You can always check the
website for updates on the schedule, your homework and short write assignments, and for any readings that
aren’t from out textbook.

Our website is: www.communicationagecomposition.ning.com. Bookmark it—you’ll be there a lot!


Half of you will be meeting with me for conferences on Tuesdays, and the other half on Fridays. In the
first conference we will all meet at 1:30 to talk about the conferencing process in more detail. At that time
I will ask you to sign up for times to meet each student individually for 10 minutes. Because of our time
limitations, individual conferences mean you will conference every other week, instead of every week. For
each conference you MUST bring one of the following:

-A short passage of your writing, with at least two issues (structure, transitions, word choice,
etc.) that you would like to discuss. If you are still in the brainstorming stage of a writing
project, bring a list of ideas for potential topics.
-A short passage of reading from your homework (a paragraph from our book or a visual text,
such as a poster) and at least two questions you have about that reading

If you do not come prepared for the conference, or if you are late, you will be marked absent for that day of
class. When choosing your passages, please keep in mind that we will be working under strict time
constraints. Do not expect us to be able to work through the four pages of a rough draft in ten minutes.


Attendance is required. I will be taking attendance every day. However, I understand that there are
legitimate reasons you might not make it to each and every class. Each student will be allowed four
unexcused absences for the semester. Missing a conference counts as an absence. At the fifth absence, I
will lower you grade one half letter (B+ to a B-, B- to a C, etc.), and I will continue to lower your grade one
half letter for every absence thereafter. That said, if you feel at all sick, especially if there are flu symptoms
involved, please do not come to class. Go to PUSH: they will not only help you feel better, but they can
give you a note that will excuse your absence.

Swine flu and other emergencies

As I’m sure many of you know, we are in the midst of a global pandemic of Influenza A H1N1, more
commonly known as swine flu. In the event of an outbreak of swine flu or any other major campus
emergency, course requirements, schedules, deadlines, and grading percentages are subject to change. Any
campus-wide emergency actions will be posted at www.purdue.edu. I will communicate any changes in
the Engl 106 syllabus via email, as well as posting the changes on our website.

Grading and Assignments

The Grade Equation:

Project 1 (20%) + Project 2 (20%) + Project 3 (20%) + Project 4 (20%) + Short Writings (20%) = 100%

There are four major writing project assignments in this course. Each project requires brainstorming,
drafting, and revision. First drafts will be due for every project, as well as design plans for projects 3 and 4.
These projects will be the focus of our class. However, good writing is a matter of practice. There will be
regular short writing and reading assignments both in class and as homework throughout the semester.
Your short write assignments will usually be submitted on our website as blog entries. In the end, the
cumulative short writings will have the same weight on your grade as any one project.

Short writings will be graded on whether or not they are completed satisfactorily. When I return the
assignments you will have a check mark (or something of that nature) to let you know you received credit.
For the blog short writes, I will issue my record of your satisfactory completion four times over the course
of the semester, and you can ask me about your status any time in between. 90% satisfactory completion is
an A for short writings, 80% is a B, and so on. Your class participation is also reflected in the short
writings portion of your grade.


Plagiarism is the copying of another person’s work, words, or ideas without proper citation, even if it was
unintentional. We will talk about what constitutes plagiarism, and how to avoid it, more in class.
However, you must know that I will not tolerate intentional plagiarism. If you are caught plagiarizing, your
project will receive a failing grade. Furthermore, plagiarism can lead to disciplinary action by the
University. If you have any doubts at all about plagiarism in your writing, I encourage you to talk to me
about it through email, in conferencing, or at my office hours.

Late work

Every day that your work is late, your grade is lowered one letter. If for some reason you need extra time
to finish an assignment, talk to me about it at least three days in advance and we might be able to work
something out. Remember, communication is the key!

Cell phones and electronics

Portable electronics are a wonderful communication tool. However, in a classroom they can be disruptive.
While in class, your phone, pda, blackberry, etc. must be on silent. Texting during class is not acceptable
and will not be tolerated.


If you have a disability that affects your learning in any way, please arrange to talk with me about it
privately within the first week of class so we can make any necessary arrangements.

Schedule (subject to change if necessary)

Week 1 Jan 11-15
class Class introductions
Introduction to Compose Design Advocate (CDA), 1-22 – read and discuss
computer Writing samples
conference Introductions to conferences (groups of 10), sign ups

Week 2 Jan 18-22

class Monday, Jan 18—MLK Jr Day—No class
CDA, Ch. 9—Visual Modes of Communication
In-class work on color (276-77), pictures and captions (303-04)
In-class work on visual analysis with examples from students and teacher
CDA, 320-26—Rhetorical Analysis
Assign Project 1
computer In-class work on visual analysis
conference Introductions, reading comprehension, and/or analysis as students need

Week 3 Jan 26-29

class CDA, Ch.10—Analyzing Posters
Recap Rhetorical analysis from previous week; discuss it in relation to format and content
of Project 1
In-class work on war posters (in book) or student submitted examples
computer Brainstorm a rubric for evaluation with students
conference Drafting and analysis

Week 4 Feb 1-5

class Draft of Project 1 due Monday, Feb 1
CDA, Ch.1 and Ch.2
computer Peer Critiquing
conference Revising

Week 5 Feb 8-12

class CDA, Ch.13—Analyzing Editorial and Op-ed pieces
Use examples from book or bring in examples of editorials—look at format, structure,
techniques, and how these things affect content
Project 1 due Thursday, Feb 11
computer Work on editorials
conference Revising

Week 6 Feb 15-19

class Assign Project 2
CDA, Ch.13—recap
CDA, Ch.6—Researching, 143-60, 173-74
Style, brainstorming, ethos on the web
In-class work on picking, narrowing, and researching a topic
computer Research Strategies for the Web (Search engines/evaluating web sites)
conference Invention

Week 7 Feb 22-26

class CDA, Ch.7—About Written Modes of Communication (skim the sections on typeface)
In-class work on Argumentative strategies and Style
Plagiarism—what is it?
Draft Project 2 due Wednesday, Feb 24
computer Argumentative strategies on the web
conference Drafting and revising

Week 8 Mar 1-5

class CDA, 61-76—Composing, Purpose, Audience, Context
Style—discuss and do in-class exercises
Peer review
computer Editorials on the web
conference Drafting and revising

Week 9 Mar 8-12

Class Project 2 due Wednesday, March 10
Assign Project 3, including Design Plan
Group or class work on expanding and developing arguments and ideas
conference Invention

Week 10 Mar 15-19

No class! Have fun over spring break!

Week 11 Mar 22-26

class Design plan due Wednesday, March 24
CDA, Ch.14—Analyzing Essays (pick one sample essay and work with it)
Review: Evaluating sources
Discuss—protocols of formal writing and argumentation
computer Examples of formal writing
conference Drafting

Week 12 Mar 29-Apr 2

class Draft project 3 due Wednesday, March 31
Peer Critiquing
computer Peer Critiquing
conference Revising

Week 13 Apr 5-9

class CDA, Ch.4—A More Complex Production
Assign Project 4, including Design Plan
CDA, Chs. 9-10—review, with advertisements as examples; also focus on ethos, pathos,
and logos
Project 3 due Thursday, April 8
computer In-class work with advertisements
conference Invention

Week 14 Apr 12-16

class Continue working with analyzing ads
Students work on their projects
computer Photoshop
conference Invention

Week 15 Apr 19-23

class Design plan due Monday, April 19
Soul of the brand
In-class work with analyzing ads—emphasize combination of verbal and visual argument
Discuss importance of design
Assign short advertising analysis homework papers
computer The Persuaders
conference Invention

Week 16 Apr 26-30

class Review as needed
Student presentations
computer Workshop
conference Drafting

Final Projects and self-reflexive essay due Monday, May 4 (finals week) by 5:00 pm

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