Skillsserve Ui Improvements - April/May 2010: Home Page

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No. Location
1 Home page

2 Home page

3 Home page

4 Qualifications wizard
– learning styles

5 Training plan

6 Assessment

7 Community

8 Community
9 Community

10 Qualifications route
11 Profile

12 Register for

13 Training Plan Portlet

14 Training Plan Page

15 Qual RM portlet

16 Qual RM portlet
17 Roadmap Page

18 Events Calendar
19 Company News

20 News item (a wiki)

21 Wikis

22 Search

23 Search

24 Search
25 Search

26 Search

27 Wikis

28 Support home
29 Support home
30 Support home

31 Support home
32 Compliance On Line
33 Search Wikipedia

34 Search Wikipedia

35 BBC News Feed

36 Personalise
37 Reports

38 Brand

39 Home navigation

40 Fonts throughout

41 Latest news

43 Events calendar

44 Training plan

45 Training plan

47 New offline event

48 Search

49 Community label
50 Manager
51 Manager
52 Navigation to areas
such as ‘Content’

53 Instructional text

54 Location of profile I
log out
55 Catalogue

57 My preferences
58 Profile picture
59 wikis

60 Assessments

61 Courseware (Lectora

62 course page

64 Wiki creation
Wiki creation

67 System help

Training plan should be much more prominent as the focal point of the home page.
Currently the BBC news portlet is the most eye-catching!

The training plan portlet itself would be more useful if it gave more information
about the items on it (eg. completion date/status) and also where there are many
items on it it shouldn’t just be one long column which makes the home page very
deep, it should show 10 courses (prioritised in some logical way eg. date due for
completion) with a 1 2 3 or more link at the bottom to access further.

The Events portlet would be much more useful if it related to events/deadlines for
that individual, and when you cursored over a highlighted date, a pop-up told you
what that event is.
I don’t think this is working very well. The initial questionnaire, which is quite
lengthy and detailed seems overkill, especially when compared with the results,
which are fairly crude and unrefined by comparison with the questionnaire and
don’t seem to justify the amount of time you have to spend answering questions
about your learning style. If we really need this, I would suggest replacing the
current questionnaire with eg. 3 simple questions such as: (1) - I like to study
thoroughly, typically on my own, and have plenty of detailed information available
to me (eg. points to Ed. Learn) (2) - I have very little time available to study and
would therefore would appreciate short sharp bursts of focussed learning at the
appropriate time (eg points to podcasts, key facts) (3) - I prefer to interact with
other students and a tutor, rather than studying alone (eg. points to F2F/virtual

Planned date is blank. Does this work? If no planned date, shouldn’t it say ‘none’
(or better still have a little graphic eg. a calendar with a diagonal line through it)
rather than just be blank.
Why does it say “question 1, question 2” down the left hand side of the
assessment window? If it is for navigation, why not have the question stem? Who
will remember that the question they want to revisit was “question 14” when they
are on question 27 of a 50 question test? !! It doesn’t appear to have any
navigation purpose either. (PP)

Can we associate some formatting and graphics with the articles on there? Ie. to
increase the visual appeal?
Is ‘comments’ feature working?
If user doesn’t have permissions to use the toolbox to add new spaces, don’t
display it – they can’t click it so it’s just potentially irritating ‘noise’ on the screen.

Is tracking working within the qualifications route map? It doesn’t seem to be.
Seems to be same for ordinary user as for tutor. Eg. maybe ordinary user might
want to upload a photo of themselves (eg. to appear on their home page and
alongside any comments they make) but not sure they need to upload a
biography. Suggest this option only is included on the ‘tutor profile’ page.

Unnecessary repetition of text when you register. Ie. why not stay on the same
page rather than go to another page which basically repeats the same text as the
last one.
Should be more prominent. This design issue has been raised many times in past
few weeks. Options include a stronger border, more colourful heading. Also we
either need a pastel shade for the page background or for the portlet backgrounds
(possibly colour code between Core, Support and Optional portlets by using three
shades of a single colour) 

The Training Plan page itself is good. It seems to work well, is intuitive, provides
useful information, and the courses launch fine.
Clicking on the header goes to the roadmap diagram but it is not currently live.

No live links on the items within this portlet yet.

The layout of the information in the lower box on the right could be improved. Just
giving more prominence to the course titles would help.
Currently no events in the system so no checking possible.

Clicking the portlet title goes to the same page as clicking on Community in the
Home drop down menu – a list of all the Wiki “Spaces”. Does that make sense?
Shouldn’t it go to the News “Space” within the wikis.

the font is so small it is unreadable.

We need to revisit the terminology we use. It is not obvious to me that “FS Demo
Company News” is a “Space” containing several “Articles”. For example, “Guide to
effective study” is an Article within the “Study Tips” Space within “Community” 

Wikis (title and/or content) don’t appear to be included in Search, although they
obviously should be. So if I search for Study Tips, the result is nothing found.

We agreed a spec with two Search functions. The Search box at the top right of all
pages should search the whole site (so I would expect it to pick up a news article
or support wiki). A second Search within the catalogue, only searches the
In this version there is only a catalogue search.
Inconsistency - When I click Catalogue on the “Home mouse over menu” it seems
to assume I am doing a catalogue search, but since the search box is blank it takes
me to a blank catalogue (if you search for nothing it returns nothing – wouldn’t it
be better to return everything?).
By contrast if I click on Search Catalogue portlet, I go to the Entire Catalogue (old
style) even though search box is empty.
How close are we to having a SCORM wrapper for wikis that will enable them to
appear in the catalogue and Training Plan?
Title goes nowhere.
Help goes to a blank screen
Contact Us goes to a blank screen, although there is a small Contact Us link top
right on the blank contact us page that does work.
Take a Tour goes to a blank screen
Shows September stories and links to a generic WK page. No live feed. Can’t we
set one up using one of our existing log ins?
Bug. I got the yellow Server Error screen and this message A public action method
'latestarticlesallspaces' could not be found on controller
Although, at the same time as the Error pop up, the Portlet itself was populated
with a list of suggestions (I searched for Bournemouth). When you select one item
on this list, it does go to the relevant Wikipedia page.
working fine. We need to experiment with some more finance oriented RSS feeds.
I’ve made plenty of suggestions in the past.
There is no Close button
As a user, I don’t seem to have any access to reports, or past history of my
completed studies or a Learning Log.
Shouldn’t there be a link to at the bottom of each page
and/or when you click on the logo top left?
Really like this, only think I would say is it would be good if we could maybe
animate or direct someone to it once you’ve gone into a page

We are consistent on the homepage and on most pages, but we seem to have
used various font, size, bold etc on other pages without a consistent approach
throughout the site. Examples can be seen; when doing an assessments, training
plan page, latest news and actual news item, info boxes. (info very good example
as we they are not even the same as each other)

When you click on this it takes you to ‘spaces’, this was confusing and then you
have some other items which aren’t shown anywhere on the homepage but are
when you are in spaces and don’t seem to be in connection with ‘news’
Click on the heading of the portlet
When you go through months the box doesn’t resize so calendar doesn’t fit portlet
box. See 'May'

I can’t see why a single eLearning course would be a ‘programme’? See IS or TCF
When you go into the full training plan it says you only have 1 assessment, yet you
have many more as the programmes contain assessments?
Click on the heading of the portlet
I added an event, where do I find a record of it? I added it and didn’t know if it was
successfully added or not and then couldn’t find it
Do we plan to add data to the items e.g. acronyms, synonyms etc to help with
fuzzy matches? ‘tcf’ or ‘AML’ good examples
Changes to ‘spaces’ on bread crumb
Navigation confusing, you have to keep going back to home
Buttons, fields etc all overlaying
Same issue as with Manger, once in to say ‘Events’ you have to go via home to get
anywhere else in relation to content? We have space on the page to provide quick
links to other ‘content’ related areas of the site
The site lacks any instructional text to assist with navigation and user
understanding of what the page offers e.g. what is a ‘Programme’ or why would
creating a programme be good to create as sort of... Where to find, what to do ,
how to use, why to use, features, benefits of each area of the site etc
With having the logo, this text and the breadcrumbs next to each other it looks
very busy Might be better to move to the right under the search
Through the portlet catalogue I get a different view to going via the home
Searched Data Protection and get 4 stars, how do you get 5 stars if this was a
100% match?
Nothing other than country?
Removed but then couldn’t add new one
When you finishing editing a "page" you click OK and it stays on the editing page.
It should return to the previous page view.
Can the question distracters start level with the radio buttons consistently – it
appears that some do and some do not?
Courseware window not automatically resizing correctly. As this is lectora content –
I believe that you are bulding some code into the platform to enable the
courseware window to be set at upload – Lecotra does not dymanically do this
whereas our html courses do.

The titles of courses are not in line with the icon, menu left says ‘not complete’
courseware information states incomplete, please can we have consistent
terminology, it is an existing criticism of the StudyServe, or is the term a mix
between not attempted and incomplete!
Style issues – the step 1 :confirm design differs fromthe other screen elements –
should it folow the bue on this screen, boxes on the right, or at least have a similar
look and feel to other elements on the screen:
Error message on trying to launch an associated document from my wiki.
I like the idea of wiki icons to ask the learner what they want to do, comment, edit
(when available) star score, exit etc etc!

Cross over of fields

I was hoping that we could have something generic – like this, and then links to
this area from all pages – to save the user having to search continuously. I also
think it should be generic as opposed to branded – the branding should be from
the site itself – I am not sure how you keep branded screenshots up to date when
you have a large number of them – can we not present the generic system when
we are showing help files, or would that not work as the terminology is
configurable. When you buy a washing machine – it actually does not have a
booklet for your machine but a number of them defined by model numbers, is
there a way we can implement this for help files, for example, where a
configuration is made explain the alternatives in the help the
qualification zone (examination area).
made by Proposed action/enhancement priority
HW/PP Suggest it is made wider than the left and right hand side
columns, and maybe some other visual difference, eg.
different colour top bar, slightly shaded background.



HW/PP Or take survey out all together. It can always be an optional

link. In the RDR solution, where we are autopopulating the
user’s qualifications from the CII training records, they won’t
need to access the questionnaire at all.











































completed? Live?

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