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(Inflammation, pain, stone etc.)

Eryg. Intense or dull pain in back, running down to limbs through ureters); Par.
(pain running down to thighs and feet, and severe pain glans penis when straining
to pass urine); Hydrang (intense pain in lumbar region of left side); Berb V.
(sticking pain in loins and thighs while urinating), bubbling feeling, standing); Chim.
(fluttering feeling; feeling of ball in perineum-Cann. I.); Sars (pain in right kidney,
after urination); Stigmata (severe pain in any kidney with retention of urine or
scanty urine); Solid (pain in kidneys extending to abdomen - Berb V. and bladder,
kidney sensitive to pressure); Coc. C. (lancinating pain in kidney extending to
bladder); Dios. (pain in kidneys running to testes chest, arms and legs); Coloc
(pain better by hard pressure); Eup. pur. (dull pain in kidney, sometimes running
upward; Hedeoma (cutting, dragging and burning in left kidney running along the
ureter and to the bladder); Ocim. (severe crampy pain in kidney in right side
running to the pubes); Tab. (pain left side running along the ureter, accompanied by
vomiting; sweats and prostration); Equis. (pain in right kidney running to abdomen
and lumbar region) Lith C. (dull pain in right kidney in rheumatic or gouty
patients) : Kali nit. (kidney in suppurative state - Hep., Merc. S., Calc. S., Eucal,
Can. S., Chin. S., Merc. C., Echi.), Cahin (pain in any kidney amel lying bent
Note :
(a) R. kidney - Nux V., Lith. C., Lyc. Cann. i., Sars. Ocim., Equis., Erying.,
(b) L. Kidney - Hydrang., Tab., Hedeom., Canth., Berb. V., Eup., pur., Lach., Eryng.
(c) Renal (Kidney) colic - Dios., Erying., Par., Senecio., Ocim., Phyt., (dull pain in
both kidney - Senec. a., Alum., Seneg.). Coloc., Stig., Nux. v., Calc. c., Lyc.,
Coccus., Solid., Berb. v., Canth., Tab., Alum., Senac. c., Cochin. (amel lying bent
(d) Calculi (Gravel or stone) - Bell., Arg. n., Berb. v., Canth., Chin. S., Coccus. C.,
Dios., Epig., Eup. Pur., Lyc., Lach., Nit. ac., Nux. V., Ocim., Par., Sars., Solid., Stig.
Tab., Hedeom., Hydrang., Polyg.
(e) Floating kidney - Bell., Gels., Ign., Lach., Puls., Strych ars., Sul.,homeopathic
zinc., Coloc.
(f) Abscess or suppuration in kidney - Arn., Bell., Hep., Merc. s., Calc. sul., Echi.,
Chin. s., Plb., Sil., Tereb., Cann. S., Eucal.
(g) Bleeding from kidneys - Carb. v., Erig., Ham., Mill. Nit ac., Rhus. a., Sec. cor.,
Thlasp., Acon., Bell.
Prostatic hypertrophy
Aloes., Arg. n., Bary. c., Benz. ac., Chinaph., Eup. aur., Ferr. pc., Hydrang., Par.,
Pip., Pop. t., Rhus. A., Sabal., Senec., Solid., Thuja.
(Pain, stone etc.)

Erying. (pain from kidneys to limbs via ureter with difficulty and frequent
urination); Hydrang. (pain in left lumbar region, urine difficult to start, stone);
Ocim. (pain in ureters with red sand in urine with offensiveness); Hedeoma (pain in
ureters with frequent desire to urinate and inability to retain); Canth. (pain with
frequent and burning urination); Chell. (pain with Jaundice or yellow urine); Tab.
(pain left ureter with vomiting sweats and prostration); Lith. c. (pain in right ureter
with turbid, red urine and rheumatic pain in body).
(Inflammation and pain with urinary trouble); Gall. ac. (from ureter to bladder,
lung trouble).
Par. (pain running to thigh, sometimes to penis, with constant urging and great
straining to urinate, feels bladder distended); Erying. (pain behind pubes with
frequent and difficult urination); Pop. t. (pain behind pubes at the close of
urination); Canth. (intolerable urging and Burning); Chim. (with prostate
enlargement and purulent discharge); Tereb. (bloody scanty and painful urination);
Eucal. (loss of expulsive power) Epig. (burning in neck during urination and
tenesmus afterwards); Uva. u. (severe burning and tearing pain with bloody urine);
Brach. (continued urging with washing feeling); Senecio a. (continued urging and
burning); Berb. v. (pain in bladder, thighs and loins while urinating); Prunn.
(intense desire to urinate but fails to expel); Equis. (severe or dull pain with feeling
of fullness after urination); Eup. pur. (bladder feels full with burning in bladder and
urethra both); Trit. (chronic, frequent, difficult and painful urination); Acon.
(screaming and restlessness with fever and fear of death; urine red, hot, retention
or scanty); Pulex. (urine stops suddenly followed by pain); Sinap. (pain with
copious urine - Stig.)
Note :
Feels bladder is full or distended - Par., Equis., Ruta., Dig., Hell., Apoc., Con., Hyos.,
Puls., Sars., Staph., Sul., Uva. u., Ferr. pic., China., Nux. v., Apis., Arg. n.

Pain, inflammation etc.)
Ferr. pic. (pain with pressure in rectum as if desire for stool); Eucal. (Carbuncle
growth in urethra - Cann. s.); Equis (intense cutting, burning while urinating);
homeopathy kali. bic. (burning better by urination - Canth); Berb. v. (burning when
not urinating - Staph.); Cann. s. (stitching with stoppage by mucus and pus); Mag.
s., (stitching and burning after urination); Clem. (tingling after urination with
feeling of contraction); Merc. sol. (burning on beginning to urinate); Nux. v. (itching
during urinating with gastric derangement); Puls. (pain and burning after
urination); Petrosel. (sudden and frequent irresistible desire to urinate with
itching); Ferr. iod. (crawling in urethra and rectum); Doryph. 30 (painful urination,

backache, legs tremble.

Doryphora decemlineata
Difficult and painful micturination, pain in back and loins, trembles during,
extremely painful micturition, urethra swollen.
Note :
(a) Carbuncle (growth) in urethra - Cann. s., Euca. Teuc. Thuja.
(b) Urine drop by drop on beginning to urinate - homeopathy kali. n., Sul., Caps.
(c) Urine involuntary - drop by drop after urination - Cann. i., Petros., Clem., Hep.,
Con., Arg. n., Par., Thuj., Sel., Benz. ac., Lyc., Graph., Staph.
(d) Urine drop by drop day and night - Arg. n., Ars. a., Gels., Nux v., Verb., Sabal.,
Rhus. a., Benz. ac., Caust., Solid.
(e) Urine frequent and difficult or painful - Acon., Erying., Hydrang, Canth., Hell.,
Abies. n., Prum., Rhus. a., Par., Chim., Nux v., Cocc. c., Lil. t., Trit., Tereb., Puls.,
Sul., Plb., Merc. c., Caps., Epig., Doryph., Cop.

(i) Pain at the beginning of urination - Rhus. a., Bor., Lyc., Nux v.
(ii) Pain at the end of urination - Equis., Cub., Sars., Pop. t., Stig., Mag. s., Nat. m.,
Thuja., Staph., Berb. v., Lith. c., Mag. s., Clem., Puls.
(iii) Pain in glans penis ) Par., Ox. ac., Ferr. pic., Coch.
Note :
Meatus agglutination - Anag., Cann. s., Sep.
(iv) Spasmodic stricture (contraction) - Eucal., Erying., Hydrang., Pulex., Canth.,
Caps., Clem., Sil., Sul. iod., Acor., Bell., Nux v., Petros.
(v) Itching - Petrosel., Par., Arg. n.
(f) Feels as if urine remained behind - Berb. v., Alum., Arg. n., Clem., Dig.,
homeopathy kali. bic., Petr., Sel., Hep., Thuja., Sep.
(g) Loss of sensibility on passing urine - Caust., Arg. n., Mag. mur., Op.
(h) Passes urine in divided stream - Anag., Cann. s., Con., Mag. s., Arg. Nit., Clem.,
Thuja, Hep., Sabal., Pulex, Caps., Cann. i., Canth., Led.
(i) Passes urine slowly with feeble stream - Clem., Hell., Hep., Merc., Sars., Thuja,
Caust., Eucal., Dory.
(j) Can urinate only when goes in certain position :
(i) Can urinate when stands with feet wide-apart - Chim.

(ii) Can urinate when goes on his knees bending head forward - Par., Sul.
(iii) Can urinate when stands - Sars, Con.
(iv) Can urinate when sitting - homeopathic zinc., Abies. n.
(k) Has to wait to start urine - Caust., Cop., Equis., Cop., Hep., Lyc., Alum., Sep.,
Mag. m., Kali. c., Mur. ac., Op., Chim., Hydrang., Chim., Cann. i., Prun., Nat. m. (in

presence of other), Apis., Mur. ac., (anus protrudes when pressing to start urine),
Nit. ac., Hell., Kreos., Par., Sabal., Stram.
(l) Has to run to pass urine lest it should escape involuntarily - Pulex., Prun., Arn.,
Canth., Clem., Kreos., Nux. v., Puls., Sep., Sul., Petros., Squil., Merc. c., Par., Pop. t.
(m) Has a sudden and irresistible desire to pass urine - Apis., Canth., Kreos., Merc.
c., Par., Petros., Pop. t., Sul., Prun., Pulex., Phos. ac., Sep., Thuja, Equis.
(n) Has a constant desire or urging to urinate - Par., Canth., Cop., Senecio. A.,
Sabal., Nux. v., Sul., Eup. pur., Equis., Thuja., Staph., Ruta., Dig., Lil. t., Acon.,
Erying., Squil.
Urine involuntary
(a) During first sleep - Kreos., Sep., Caust., Phos. ac., Mullein Oil.
(b) After midnight - Bell.
(c) While dreaming to pass urine - Kreos., Sep., Seneg.

(d) While coughing or sneezing - Kali. c., Puls., Caust, Nat. m., Squil., homeopathic
zinc. At night any time - Plant., Rhus. ac., Caust. Day and Night - Arg. n.
(e) While sitting - Sars., Caust., Puls., Nat. m., Rhus. t., Stram.
Note :
1. Chloral, Mullein Oil., Equis. Op., Ars. a - can be given a trial as general
remedies; Ferr. iod (in anaemic children, can not retain, incontinence).
2. During convulsions - Bufos., Hyos., during coughing (Caust, Apis., Nat. m.,
Phos., Puls., Squil.) while laughing - Caust, Nat. M., Nux. v., Puls., Sep.) while
passing flatus (Puls., Sul.), during pregnancy (Ars. a., Puls., Nat. m., Sep., Syph).
While sneezing (Caust., Lac. c., Nat. m., Nux v., Phos. ac., Puls., Sep.); After
urination (Clem., Can. i., Helon., Sel., Staph., Thuja); During fever of any kind Hyos.
Frequent urination at night
(a) Kali. c. (after midnight); Arg. n., Ferr. pic., (with pressure in rectum) with
desire for stool - Nux. v., Ac. mur., (with pressure in rectum passes stool during
urination, Lyc., Aur. mur., Caust., Kreos., Phos. ac., Puls, Sul., Ambra., Kali. iod.,
Murex., Petr., Scilla, Alum., Ars Alb., Sars., Physalis ( or 3x).
(b) Frequent and copious (diabetic) - Acet. ac., Ars. alb., Arg. m., Aur. mur., Colch.,
Equis., Eup. pur., Ferr. mur., Gels., Hell., Helon., Kali. c., Kali. iod., Kali. nit., Kreos.,
Ars. a., Lac ac., Lil. t., Lith. c., Lyc., Murex., Nat. m., Nit. ac., Nux. v., Oxytr., Phos.
ac., Phos. Pic. ac., Rhus. a., Samb., Scilla, Sinap., Stroph., Sul. Tarax., Uran, Ign.,
Oz. ac., Sul., Benz. ac., Ars. br., Abroma. a., Syzy., Iod. Nat. chl., Chion., Chin.,
Calc. c., Lac. d., Stry. ars., Iris., Phaseol., Chin. ars., Chin. s., Bry., Ars. iod., Tub.
bov., Plb., Tarent., Tereb., Mag. s.

Note :
(i) Gangrene - Ars. a., Calend., Bothrop., Carb. ac., Carb. v., Echi., Euphorb., Lach.,
Sec. c., Sul. ac., Sil.
(ii) Boils - Abrom. a., Syzyg., Phos. ac., Ars. alb., Lach., Sec. c., Pyr., Terent. c.,
(iii) Itch and rash - Kali. s. Ars. alb., Syzyg., Carb. ac., Grind., Kreos., Morph., Nux.
v., Nat. s., Mag. s., Sul.
(iv) Any of the foregoing remedies may be prescribed for diabetes insipidus and
mellitus both, if the symptoms agree.
(v) Urine contains sugar - almost all the remedies referred to above are indicated
for diabetes mellitus.
Retention of urine
Acon., Canth., Caust., (after surgical operation), Chim., Stig., Solid., Cann. s.,
Equis., (during pregnancy), Prun., Caps., Clem., Sul., Lyc., Arn. m., Par., Op.,
Tarent., Sabal., Ferr. phos., Verat. a., Nux v., Dig., Ars. a., Tereb., Zinc., Ferr. pic.
Scanty urine
Clem., Acon., Ars. a., Canth., Colch., Dig., Equis., Graph., Hell., Op., Plb., Staph.,
Nux. v., Prun, Apis., Merc. c., Lyc, Cop., Puls., Sabal., Arn., Stig., Pic. ac., Ruta.,
Kali. bic., Phyt.

Copious urine
Mag. s., Cann. i., Gels., Mur. ac., Rhus. tox., Spig., Squil., Verb., Sinap., Arg. m.,
Ac. phos., Arg. n. Eucal.
Urine offensive
Benz. ac., Chim., Dulc., Kreos., Nit. ac., Merc. s., Osm., Sep., Viol. t., Am. benz.,
Aspar., Bapt., Solid., Par. Bor., Arn., Tereb.; Ferr. iod., (sweet smelling).
Urine hot
Acon., Ars. a., Canth., Cham., Hep., Merc. c., Dig., Nit. ac., Sars., Sul. (if urine is
cold - Agar., Nit. ac.), Lil. t.
Urine smells sour
Ambr., Calc. c., Graph., Merc., Nat. c., Petr., Sep., Chel., Rheum., Solid., Graph.
Urine milky
Chel., Cina., Dulc., Eup. pur., Iod., Lil. t., Merc., Phos., Phos. ac., Uva., Viol. od.,
Apis., Aur., Lyc., Raph.
Urine green
Camph., Iod., Kali. c., Merc., Merc. c., Rheum., Ruta., Verat. a., Arg. m., Berb. v.,
Carb. ac., Chim., Cop., Iod., Mag. c., Uva. u., Mag. s.
Urine yellow
Berb. v., Card. M., Chel., Ocim., Op., Phos., Myrica., Solid., Uva., Aur., Lach., Sep.
Urine frothy
Chel., Crot. t., Cub., Glon., Lach., Laur., Lyc., Myrica., Seneg., Still., All. c., Sel.,


Urine watery
Gels., Ign., Mur. ac., Sep., Squil., Lyc., Nat. m., Phos. ac., Phos., Acet. ac., Bary. m.,
Arg. m., Mag. s.
Urine turbid
(Cloudy or muddy)
Ambra, Alum., Bry., Caust., Kali. nit., Merc., Petrol., Phos. ac., Seneg., Thuja.,
Valer., Arg. m., Aur. mur., Bell., Benz. ac., Can. s., Chin., Chin. s., Cina., Colch.,
Cop., Dig., Ocim., Phos., Plb., Puls., Sars., Sep., Solid., Tereb., Zinc., Berb. v.,
Canth., Carb. s., Cham., Chell., Chin., Con., Graph., Merc. c., Nat. ac., Nat. c.,
Thuja., Uva.
Urine thick
Am. benz. Benz. ac., Cina., Coccus., Col., Con., Daph., Dig., Dulc., Hep., Merc. c.,
Ocim., Phos., Still., Sep., Zinc., Cop., Apis., Nux. v.
Urine flaky
Alum., Benz. ac., Berb. v., Clem., Hep., Thuja., Mez., Petr., Phos. ac., Phos., Plb.,
Urine gelatinous
Berb. v., Chin., Coca., Coc. c., Coloc., Crot. h., Dulc., Par., Phos. ac., Puls., Graph.,
Kali. bic., Hydr.
Urine contents or deposits
(a) Mucous
Apoc., Ars. a., Aspar., Baros., Benz. ac., Berb. v., Can. s., Canth., Chim., Chin. s.,
Cub., Dulc., Spig., Equis., Eup. pur., Hep., Hydrang., Kali. bic., Lys., Merc. c., Nit.
ac., Nux. v., Par., Pop. t. Puls., Sars., Seneg., Sep., Solid., Stig., Sul., Trit., Uva., Nat.
m., Kali. chl., Lach.

(b) Phosphates
Aspar., Benz. ac., Brach., Canth., Chel. Chin. s., Colch., Ferr. m., Kali. br., Med.,
Nat. ars., Phos. ac., Phos., Pic. ac., Ptel., Raph., Sars., Tereb., Helon.
(c) Pus
Alum., Arn., Ars. alb., Cub., Baros., Kali. b., Merc. c., Gum., Benz. ac., Cann. s.,
Canth., Chim., Cop., Epig., Tereb., Clem., Thuj., Dulc., Lyc., Merc., Nat. s., Nit. ac.,
Nux. v., Petr., Puls., Sars., Sep., Sil., Sul., Hep., Gels., Phos., Kali. bic., Uva., Calc. s.,
Caps., Nat. m., Eucal., Pop. t., Sabi., Staph., Sul., Aspar., Stig.
(d) Alumen
Absinth., Acon., Canth., Carb. ac., Cahin., Carb. s., Ced., Colch., Dig., Euon., Fuch,
Glon., Helon., Hell., Kali chl., (aphthous mouth) Lach., Lith. C., Merc., Merc. c., Nit.

ac., Osmi., Petr., Phos., Phos. ac., Phyt., Plb., Sec. c., Sil., Sul. ac., Tereb., Zinc.,
Am. benz., Apis., Ars. a., Berb. v., Calc. ars., Equis., Eur. Pur., Ferr. mur., Kal., Lyc.,
Solid., Stroph., Kali bic.
(e) Blood
Acon., Canth., Carbo. v., Chin., Colch., Dulc., Hell., Ham., Lyc., Phos. ac., Phos.,
Puls., Sep., Tereb. Carb. ac., Uva., Prun. Sec. c., Arn., Arg. n., Benz. ac., Caps.,
Calc. c., Bell, Erig., Cann. s., Nit. ac., Mer. c., Mill., Nux v., Petr., Pic. ac., Hep. Par.,
Sars., Senec., Sul., Zinc., Berb. v., Kali bic.
Note :
For haematuria, Ham, Mill., Tereb., Crot. h., Acon., Arn., Sec. c., Mer. c., Nit. ac.,
Erig., Carb. v., Rhus. a., Thlaspi., Arg. n., are most important remedies to be
considered first.
(f) Urea
Am. c., Bell., Carb. ac., Cic. v., Cup ars., Cup acet., Glon., Hell., Hydr. ac., Hyos.,
Kali. br., Morph., Op., Pic. ac., Stram., Tereb., Verat. v., Piloc., Cann. i., Sang., Ars.
a., Nux v., Canth., Merc. c.
(g) Bile
Ceanoth., Chion., Chell. Kali. chl., Myr., Nat. s.

(h) Sand (brick dust, calculi or gravel)

Calc. c., Chin., Cimic., Arg. n., Kali. br. Lyc., Nat. m., Nat. s., Nit. ac., Cocc. c., Nux.
m., Nux. v., Op., Petr., Phos., Phyt., Puls, Ruta., Stig., Dios., Sars., Sel., Sep., Sil.,
Still., Thuja., Zinc., Eup. pur., Benz. ac., Led., Chell., Chin. s., Puls., Tub., Solid.,
Berb. v., Equis., Hydrang., Par., Bell.
Note :
1. For uric acid in urine - Acon., Am. benz., Am. Phos., Arn., Bell., Benz. ac., Berb.
v., Calc. c., Caust., Chin. s., Chin., Colch., Guaiac., Kali iod., Lith. c., Lyc., Nat. m.,
Nux v., Puls., Led., Merc. c., Cocc. c., Sab., Sep., Urt. u., Sul., Arg. n., Kali. c., Rhus.
t., Thuja, Staph.
2. Polyganum sag. 5-10 drops thrice often helps to pass stone from kidney or
ureter easily.
3. Red sand in urine - Lyc., Stig., Merc. c., Ac. benz.
Prostate glands (enlarged with urinary trouble)
Fer. Pic., (urine scanty or retention with pressure in rectum as if desire for stool);
Hep. s., (patient chilly, urine comes out slowly);
Hydrang, (pain in left loin. - in right loin - Equis, white deposits in urine);
Iod. (great hunger and loss of sexual power);
Merc. sol., (scanty urine but green);
Par. (painful and bloody urination, and distension of bladder);
Pop. t., (pain behind pubes at the end of urination);
Sabal. ser., (constant desire with scanty and difficult urination);

Solid., (urine scanty, difficult, painful and offensive);

Thuja., (Sycotic history, urine painful and frequent with sudden and urgent
Eryng., (pain behind pubes, urine painful, difficult and frequent with thick yellow
mucus discharge);
Chim., (feeling of a ball in perineum - Cann. i., starting urine with difficulty, urine
turbid and offensive);
Merc. dul., (with hepatic trouble);
Trit. c., (constant desire with difficult and painful micturition);
Acon., (Fever and retention of urine or scanty urine);
Cub., (with thick yellow discharge);
Note :
Canth, in acute cases; Sepia and Thuja in chronic trouble of prostate glands,
cannot be overlooked.
Cann. s., (urethra so sensitive as to make patient walk with legs apart, stoppage of
urethra by mucus and pus);
Merc. sol., (greenish discharge of pus with burning on beginning to urinate);
Tussilago (feeling of crawling with yellowish thick discharge);
Petrosel. (sudden urging to urinate with feeling of itching in urethra and milky
Atropin. (hardly fails in giving relief in initial stage);
Puls. (painless greenish discharge with pains in body of shifting nature);

Canth. (constant and violent urging to urinate with cutting and burning, the urine
being scanty and drop by drop); bloody discharge - Arg. n., Cub., Merc. c., Mill.
Caps. (burning meatus, urine first in drops, then in stream);
Cop. (burning in neck of bladder, constant desire to urinate - purulent, milky
Cub. (cutting after urination, frequent urination with offensive urine);
Arg. n., (intense sticking cutting pain in urethra, itching copious discharge bloody
Yucca (burning in urethra with red and swollen meatus);
Dig. (painful, urination, bright yellow discharge anxiety and nervousness, slow
Note :
Alumina (despite the use of best selected remedies the discharge goes on
appearing and disappearing, Alum, acts. well.)
Cann. s., When indicated one dose of C.M. is enough to eradicate the trouble.

Note :
Milky discharge - Nat. M., Puls., Petrosel., Muco-purulent or yellowish green - Arg.
n., Can. s., Cop., Culeo., Hep., Kali. s., Merc. s., Thuja.
In chronic obstinate cases when discharge appears and disappears, when other
remedies fails.
Bary. c.
Dr. Kent has spoken of it highly, if used in old gleety discharge.

Kali. c.
It is also very useful in old cases of gleet, if stitching and burning during and after
urination, and lumbago are present.
It cannot be neglected for old cases of gleet, when meatus is glued together in the
Chancre and eruptions
(Ulcer on penis as a result of syphilitic poison)
Cinnab. (red eruptions or ulcer i.e. angry looking in syco-syphilitic patients);
Jacar. (itching, pimples on glans and prepuce, ulcer with burning and swelling of
Kali. bic. (pustules, ulcer with frequent stitches and tenacious-yellowish
Merc. c. (ulcer, greenish discharge, with hot urine and glans).
Hep. s. (sticking, pains, with sensitiveness to touch and cold);
Coral. (red, flat on glans and inner prepuce with yellowish thin discharge).
Nit. ac. (sticking pain with tendency to bleed easily).
Phyt. (when ulcer turn hard with pain sloughs, agg night).
Merc. sol. (flat or deep on prepuce and glans, with irregular shape and edges,
sometimes pimples around the ulcer - Hep. s., itching sympathetic gland in the
groin swollen, purulent discharge).
Kali iod., (hard edges and base, pain agg at night).

Lyc. (with elevated margins, accompanied by hepatic and urinary trouble); cop. swelling of orifice.
Merc. i. f. i.e. Merc. proto iod. (right sided with groin gland enlarged in the some
Merc. i. r. i.e. Merc. bin iod. (left sided with groin gland enlarged in the same
Note :
(1) Ulcer with elevated margins - Lyc., Merc., Nit. ac., Phos. ac., Ars. alb.

(2) Sloughing (Phagedenic) ulcer - Ars., alb., Lach., Merc. c., Nit. ac., Sul., Phyt.
(3) Deep ulcer - Kali bic., Kali iod., Merc. c., Nit. ac., Sul.
(4) Hard ulcer - Cinnab., Merc., Merc. c., Merc. i. f., Merc. i. r.
(5) Itching - Sul., Merc., Cinnab.
Scanty urine
(a) With hepatic trouble
aur. m., Bell., Berb. v., Bry., Kali i., Lach., Lyc., Merc. c., Merc. s., Nit ac., Nux. v.,
Phos., Pb., Puls., Sel., Dig. Painful drop by drop (dysuria) - Acon., Alum., Benz. ac.,
Bell., Cann. i., Cann. s., Canth., Caps., Clem., Dig., Epig., Equis., Eup. pur.,
Hydrang., Lyc., Morph., Ocim., Par., Petros., Sabal., Solid., Sars., Uva. u. Cop.,
(b) With Cardiac trouble
Acon., Adon., Ars. a., Carb. v., Conv., Dig., Lach., Lil. t., Lyco., Phos., Spig., Stroph.
(c) With brain affection
Apis, Arum. t., Ars. a., Bell., Bry., Cup., met. Cup. ars., Hell., Squil., Stram., Sul.,

(d) With hepato-cardiac trouble

Berb v., Lach., Lyc., Phos. Dig., Calc. ars.
(e) With dropsical swelling
Apis., Apoc., Dig., Lyc., Stroph., Conv., Adon., Liatris., Mag. s., Oxyd., Cahin.
Tereb., Merc. c., Sul., Hell., Ars. a., Samb. n., (with flatulence and sweats)., Dory.
homeopathy definition

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