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Individualized Education Program

Date: 09/16/2015



Allison Lyddon


Birthdate: 01/28/1998

Gender: F

Resident District:


Attending District:



Area Education Agency:

Heartland AEA

Attending Building Phone:

Teacher/Service Provider:


440 NE Maple


(515) 758-2214

Student lives at this address: Yes

Doug Lyddon


Senior High

John Sneller


Grade: 12

Home: (515) 758-2014


Earlham, IA 50072

City, ST Zip:

Duration of this IEP:From 09/16/2015 to 09/15/2016

Reevaluation is due: 09/15/2018

John Sneller

Procedural safeguards were reviewed by:

Rights will transfer at age 18: 01/28/2016

Method: In-person

Notification: Student: 09/23/2013

Parent: 09/23/2013

Persons Present at Meeting/Position or Relationship to Student: (continued from previous page)

(Listing indicates presence at the meeting, not approval or acceptance of the IEP)

Doug Lyddon, Parent

Allison Lyddon, Student

John Sneller, Sp Ed Tchr

Jen Knight, LEA Designee

Julia Thompson, AEA Represenative

Emily James, Gen Ed Tchr

Tara Coder, Vocational Rehabilitation

Kayls Selby, Guidance Counselor

Outside written input: Name/Agency:


The new IEP will be in use immediately or at a time determined by the IEP team.
The draft IEP will be proofread and reviewed for accuracy of information.
Any changes made to the IEP without a meeting will not be substantive.
Any substantive changes proposed during the review will be discussed at a subsequent IEP meeting or
through an IEP amendment process.
Copies to:
A Date Printed: 09/18/2015

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Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

July 1, 2015

9/18/15, 10:16 AM



Allison Lyddon

Date: 09/16/2015



Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Strengths, interests and preferences of the individual.
Strengths: On 8/27/15, Allison stated her strengths are art classes and working with technology.
Interests: On 8/27/15, Allison stated her interests are reading, Watching TV, an working in a green house.
Preferences: On 8/27/15, Allison stated her preferences are reading and cooking.
Parents' concerns regarding their child's education.
Allison's dads main concern for Allison are trying to find a college that will meet her needs.
The IEP team must consider the following when developing this IEP:
Behavior (in the case of a student
whose behavior impedes his or
her learning or that of others,
consider the use of positive
behavioral interventions,
supports, and other strategies to
address that behavior)
Yes, behavior is a concern and
will be addressed in this IEP.
Yes, behavior is a concern and
will be addressed in the attached
Functional Behavioral
Assessment and Behavior
Intervention Plan.

Communication and language,

especially if the student is deaf or
hard of hearing.

Health Needs (intervention,

procedures, or services required
in order to access education)

Yes, communication and language

are a concern and will be
addressed in this IEP.

Yes, health is a concern and will

be addressed in this IEP.
Yes, health is a concern and will
be addressed in the Health Plan
as a part of the student's health

Yes, communication and language

are a concern and will be
addressed in the attached
Communication Plan for Deaf and
Hard of Hearing.

No, health is not a concern.

No, communication and language

are not a concern.

No, behavior is not a concern.

Limited English proficiency
(consider the language needs
related to the IEP)
Yes, limited English is a concern
and will be addressed in this IEP

Braille instruction needs if this

student has a visual impairment
Yes, Braille is needed and will be
addressed in this IEP

Assistive Technology (services,

software, and devices needed to
access the general education
Yes, assistive technology is
needed and will be addressed in
this IEP.

No, Braille is not needed

No, limited English is not a


No, assistive technology is not

This student requires accessible instructional materials (AIM):



Transition assessments and other information essential for the development of this IEP (address living, learning
& working):
Living: Information Sources:
Student interview (8/27/15), Transition Survey (8/27/15), past IEP documentation, Parent interview (9/16/15), meeting
Living: Results:
Allison lives with her dad and younger sister in Earlham. Allison does some chores around the house such as doing
dishes, picking up her room, cooking, taking out the garbage and feeding the cats. Allison does not have her driver's
B (Students ages 13-21) Date Printed: 09/18/2015
Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

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Allison Lyddon

Date: 09/16/2015



(continued from previous page)

license or permit but is planning on getting one soon. For now her dad drives her to where she needs to go or she
rides her bike or walks. Allison is able to independently take care of her own personal needs. It is anticipated that she
will learn and generalize additional adult living skills at the same rate as peers.
Learning: Information Sources:
Student interview (8/27/15), past IEP documentation, meeting input, Fall 2015 MAP results, February 2015 Iowa
Assessment results, current grades
Learning: Results:
Grades as of 9/11/15:
Algebra 1: B-; Accounting: A; PE: A; Painting: No Grade; Personal Finance: A; Sociology: A
On Iowa Assessments administered during February of 2015 Allison scored: The 41st percentile is considered
proficient and 16th and 84th percentiles are in the average range.
Math: 46th percentile
Reading: 39th percentile
Written Expression: 42nd percentile
On MAP Tests Administered during Fall 2015: Scores are reported in RIT scores because seniors are not normed for
percentile rank.
Reading: RIT 209: RIT decline 9
Math: RIT 222: RIT growth 2
Written Expression: RIT 212: RIT decline 2
Learning will be an area that is addressed in the IEP. It is anticipated she will need post secondary assistance in the
areas reading, writing, and math.
Her disability in reading, written language and math may impact her success qualifying for access to post secondary
education, her success upon entering a post secondary institution, and post-secondary career choice.
Working: Information Sources:
Student interview (8/27/15), Transition Survey (8/27/15), What's My Bag Survey (8/27/15), past IEP documentation,
Parent interview (9/16/15), meeting input.
Working: Results:
According to the interview on 9-10-2014 Allison has never filled out a job application but did go through an interview
process last summer(2014). She has had jobs for the family such as babysitting but has never been paid. During the
summer of 2014 she volunteered at Harvey's Greenhouse. Allison is very much interested in Botany and this was a
good experience for her. As the summer went on she did get paid for the work she was doing there. Through that
experience Allison has decided she still is interested in pursuing a career in Botany and is particularly interested in
having her own Greenhouse someday.
According to the Values Inventory (2013) Allison values being independent, nature, being creative,and caring for
others. All of these values match very well to her goal of wanting to have her own business and operate a greenhouse
Allison does a savings account but only her dad can access it. Allison gets along well with both peers and teachers.
She is very kind, respectful, very hard-working and is always willing to help out when there is a need. All of these
traits are valuable assets in the work field.
According to a transition interview on 8/27/15 Allison stated, she is interested in the following job areas: working in a
green house and being a cashier.
B (Students ages 13-21) Date Printed: 09/18/2015
Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

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Allison Lyddon


Date: 09/16/2015



(continued from previous page)

When considering a job Allison may need assistance with higher level reading, writing, and math tasks.
from previous
for the development of this IEP
According to her school records, Allison has been in special education since her pre-school years.
Describe the effect of this individual's disability on involvement and progress in the general education
(continued from
the functional
implications of the student's skills.
Allison's disabilities in the area of reading, math, and written language is effecting her acquisition of reading
comprehension, math, and written language skills at the same rate as peers at her grade level. This impacts her
progress in her content area classes where independent reading, math, and writing are required to learn new
information. Her disability requires a shared adult assistance in science and social studies and any other class that
requires excessive reading and or writing above Allison's instructional level to help with generalization and application
of new skills. Allison will continue to need guided practice in reading, math , and written language with the special ed
teacher and continued layered support in order to benefit from instruction.
Based on the transition assessments, describe the post-secondary expectations for living, learning, and
Post-secondary expectation for living:
Upon graduation, Allison plans to move away from home when she is 18. She would like to live in a large city.


Is living an area of need that will be addressed with goals, services or activities in this IEP?

Post-secondary expectation for learning:

Upon graduation, Allison will attend DMACC and study the field of Botany.


Is learning an area of need that will be addressed with goals, services or activities in this

Post-secondary expectation for working:

Upon graduation, Allison will work part time while she attends college.


Is working an area of need that will be addressed with goals, services or activities in this

Course of study
What requirements does this student need to meet to graduate?
Allison needs to have a total of 51 credits to graduate from high school.
Allison has requirements of:
8 minimum English credits 2 English 1, 2 English 2, 2 English 3, 1 speech and 1 English elective of her choice
6 math credits 2 pre algebra,2 algebra, 2 consumer math,
6 science credits 2 ecology, 2 biology, 2 physical science,
7 social studies credits 1 world geo, 2 U.S. History, 2 Western Civ., 1 Government and 1 social studies class of his
4 p.e. credits,
19 elective credits of his choice and personal finance.

B (Students ages 13-21) Date Printed: 09/18/2015

Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

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Allison Lyddon

Date: 09/16/2015



What is this student's current status with regard to these requirements?

Allison has earned 42 credits to date:
English (9): English 1, English 2, English 3, Reading, Speech
Math (6): Life Skills Math, Pre Algebra, Consumer Math
Science (6): General Science, Biology, Ecology
Social Sciences (5): World Geo, US History, Western Civ,
Physical Education (3)
Electives (13): Art 1, Life Skills, Computer Graphics, Animal Science, Drawing, Plant Science(2), Health, Art 2,
Ceramics, Intro to Business 1, Publication Design, Crafts
Foreign Language ():
During Allison's senior year she will have to take Algebra 1, Sociology, Government, and personal Finance to
complete her required classes along with electives to attain 51 credits.
Target graduation date (mo/yr): 05/20/2016
Courses and activities needed to pursue the post secondary expectations and graduate by the target graduation
Allison will need to be a well rounded student who participates in a variety of activities. She will most likely need to
take a compass test or some kind of comparable test. Her course of study will include core, elective, and vocational
classes geared toward her post-secondary career choice of Botany. Allison needs to take as many math, reading, and
writing classes as possible to help prepare her for college. She also may need to take additional Science classes
such as Greenhouse management. Other elective classes will be attended in the areas of interest such as Art classes
drawing crafts, ceramics,etc. With her interest in having a business someday, Allison might benefit from taking
additional business classes.
Allison may want to investigate the STRIVE program at DMACC or job corps. She also may want to start exploring
talking to various college representatives that visit the school or take advantage of any college visit opportunity
available as Allison has not completely decided where she would like to go to school. She has signed up for
vocational rehabilitation which will help her with job and career preparation. She also is interested in pursuing the
work experience program through the school her senior year.
B (Students ages 13-21) Date Printed: 09/18/2015
Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

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Allison Lyddon

Goal No:
Goal Area:

Date: 09/16/2015




Domain: Academic

Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Results of the initial or most recent evaluation and
results on district-wide assessments relevant to this goal; performance in comparison to general education
peers and standards.)
Iowa Core Standards:
1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.
2. Create equations that describe numbers or relationships.
3. Understand solving equations as a process of reasoning and explain the reasoning.
Allison is able to perform basic math functions and understands solving equations as a process of reasoning and
explaining the reasoning. In regards to fractions, Allison can add and subtract like fractions. She can multiply simple
fractions and is starting to grasp the concept of how to simplify fractions. However, she still can get confused when
dividing fractions.
Allison takes her math in the general ed setting with support from a para and/or special ed teacher. Last year was her
first year in the general ed setting and she relied on support in class. This year in Algebra 1 she is working very
Grade level peers scored a median of 86 digits correct.
On Iowa Assessments administered during February of 2015 Allison scored: The 41st percentile is considered
proficient and 16th and 84th percentiles are in the average range.
Math: 46th percentile
On MAP Tests Administered during Fall 2015:
Math: RIT 222: RIT growth 2
Baseline (Describe individual's current performance in measurable terms using the same measurement as
measurable annual goal and progress monitoring procedures.)
When given a level 6 mixed math probe and a time limit of five minutes, Allison can correctly compute an average of 55
correct digits.
Measurable Annual Goal: conditions (when and how the individual will perform); behavior (what the individual
will do); and criterion (acceptable level of performance).
In 36 weeks, when given a level 6 mixed math probe that includes decimals and fractions and five minutes to work,
Allison will compute 85 correct digits over 4 consecutive data days.
Progress Monitoring procedures (State how progress toward meeting this goal will be measured, how often
progress will be measured, and the decision making rule that will be used in considering instructional changes.)
A level 6 mixed math probe will be given weekly with 5 minutes to work. The probes will be scored and the correct
number of digits will be recorded and graphed weekly. After a minimum of 7-12 data points have been collected over at
least 4 weeks, if four consecutive data points fall below the goal line, an instructional change may be considered,
made, and described on the graph. If four data points go above the line, an amendment may be considered to
increase the goal.
Position(s) responsible for services:1.

Special Education Teacher


See attached graph

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Allison Lyddon

Goal No:
Goal Area:

Date: 09/16/2015




Domain: Academic

Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Results of the initial or most recent evaluation and
results on district-wide assessments relevant to this goal; performance in comparison to general education
peers and standards.)
Iowa Core Standards:
1. Read on-level text, both silently and orally, at an appropriate rate with accuracy and fluency to support
2. Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including figurative
and connotative meanings: analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including words with
multiple meanings or language that is particularly fresh, engaging, or beautiful.
According to the common core, Allison should be able to read on-level text which includes stories, poems, dramas ,
both silently and orally, at an appropriate rate with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
Currently Allison is reading 12th grade Jamestown passages at 81 cwpm with 94% accuracy and 70% comprehension.
General education peers are expected to read 120 words per minute with 98% accuracy
Allison struggles with decoding multiple syllable words and using correct phonetic skills. She often leaves off ending to
words. As her grade level reading passages increases this deficit in decoding along with phonetic skills can affect her
overall reading skills both in school and in real life situations. Allison benefits from having passages read to her.
Assistive technology is also available to assist. Allison enjoys reading and tries very hard on doing her best when
working on reading passages.
On Iowa Assessments administered during February of 2015 Allison scored: The 41st percentile is considered
proficient and 16th and 84th percentiles are in the average range.
Reading: 39th percentile
On MAP Tests Administered during Fall 2015:
Reading: RIT 209: RIT decline 9
Baseline (Describe individual's current performance in measurable terms using the same measurement as
measurable annual goal and progress monitoring procedures.)
When given a 12th grade Jamestown reading probes she is reading 81 cwpm with 94% accuracy.
Measurable Annual Goal: conditions (when and how the individual will perform); behavior (what the individual
will do); and criterion (acceptable level of performance).
In 36 weeks when given a 12th grade reading passage and one minute to read, Allison will read 120 CWPM with 95%
accuracy over 4 consecutive data points.
Progress Monitoring procedures (State how progress toward meeting this goal will be measured, how often
progress will be measured, and the decision making rule that will be used in considering instructional changes.)
An 11th grade reading passage(Jamestown) will be administered to Allison weekly. She will be given a reading
passage with one minute to read. the special education teacher will collect and chart the correct words read and the
accuracy . After 7-12 data points have been collected over at least 6 weeks, If four consecutive data points fall below
the expected growth line, changes in instruction may be considered and described on the graph. If four consecutive
data points go above the expected growth line, an amendment may be considered to increase the goal.
Position(s) responsible for services:1.

Special Education Teacher


See attached graph

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9/18/15, 10:16 AM


Allison Lyddon

Goal No:
Goal Area:

Date: 09/16/2015




Domain: Academic

Current Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (Results of the initial or most recent evaluation and
results on district-wide assessments relevant to this goal; performance in comparison to general education
peers and standards.)
Iowa Core Standards:
1. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and
accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
A. Introduce a topic: organize complex ideas, concepts and information so that each new element builds on that which
precedes it to create an unified whole.
B. Develop the the topic thoroughly by selecting the most significant and relevant facts, extended definitions, concrete
details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audience's knowledge of the topic.
C. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation
presented.Allison writes simple sentences and is able to complete functional applications of writing skills with some
errors. She uses limited vocabulary and struggles with spelling, adding details, using correct verb usage and writing in
complete sentences.
She has a basic understanding of how to plan revise, edit focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific
purpose and audience which is a standard for students in the 11th grade. She also has a basic understanding of how to
conduct short sustained research projects to answer a question which is required of many of the general ed classes
and is also a standard for eleventh grade students.
On Iowa Assessments administered during February of 2015 Allison scored: The 41st percentile is considered
proficient and 16th and 84th percentiles are in the average range.
Written Expression: 42nd percentile
On MAP Tests Administered during Fall 2015:
Written Expression: RIT 212: RIT decline 2
Baseline (Describe individual's current performance in measurable terms using the same measurement as
measurable annual goal and progress monitoring procedures.)
When given a topic and unlimited time to write (usually 1 class period) Allison is able to score 6 out of 10 points (60%)
on a writing rubric.
Measurable Annual Goal: conditions (when and how the individual will perform); behavior (what the individual
will do); and criterion (acceptable level of performance).
In 36 school weeks, when given a topic/story starter and unlimited time Allison will write a simple paragraph scoring 8
out of 10 points (80% accuracy) on a writing rubric for four consecutive trails.
Progress Monitoring procedures (State how progress toward meeting this goal will be measured, how often
progress will be measured, and the decision making rule that will be used in considering instructional changes.)
Twice a month, when given a topic or story starter and unlimited time, Allison will write a simple paragraph. She will be
scored according to a writing rubric. ( 1 point for topic sentence, 1-3 points for supporting details, 1 point for closing
sentence. 1 point for no more than one capitalization error, 1 point for no more than one punctuation error, 2 points for
no more than two spelling errors, and a 1 point for no ore than one usage error) The special education teacher will
collect and chart the outcome(%correct) After a minimum of 7-12 data points have been collected over at least 7
weeks, if four consecutive data points fall below the expected growth line, an instructional change may be considered,
and described on the graph. If four consecutive data points go above the expected growth line, an amendment may be
considered and implemented to increase the goal.
Position(s) responsible for services:1.

Special Education Teacher


See attached graph

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Allison Lyddon
Meeting Date: 09/16/2015
Goal #1 (Graph #1): In 36 weeks, when given a level 6 mixed math probe that includes decimals and fractions and five minutes to work,
Allison will compute 85 correct digits over 4 consecutive data days.

Data Set A

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Allison Lyddon
Meeting Date: 09/16/2015
Goal #2 (Graph #1): In 36 weeks when given a 12th grade reading passage and one minute to read, Allison will read 120 CWPM with
95% accuracy over 4 consecutive data points.

Data Set A

Data Set B

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Allison Lyddon
Meeting Date: 09/16/2015
Goal #3 (Graph #1): In 36 school weeks, when given a topic/story starter and unlimited time Allison will write a simple paragraph scoring
8 out of 10 points (80% accuracy) on a writing rubric for four consecutive trails.

Data Set A

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Allison Lyddon

Date: 09/16/2015



Special Education Services

Indicate the special education and related services, supplementary aids and services, based upon
peer-reviewed research to the extent practical, that will be provided in order for this individual: 1) to advance
appropriately toward attaining the annual goals; 2) to be involved and progress in the general curriculum; 3) to
be educated and participate with other individuals with disabilities and nondisabled individuals; 4) to participate
in extracurricular and other nonacademic activities; and 5) by age 14, to pursue the course of study and
post-high school outcomes (living, learning & working).
Specially Designed Instruction: 23 minutes per Day
In general education setting: 0
Begin date: 09/16/2015

In special education setting: 23

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Re-teaching and remediation of writing skills. These skills will include paragraph formation and grammar skills.
This will occur during resource time.
Specially Designed Instruction: 50 minutes per Day
In general education setting: 50
Begin date: 09/16/2015

In special education setting: 0

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison will receive math instruction in the general education classroom with support provided by having access to a
para-educator/special ed teacher to assist Allison in clarification when Allison is unsure how to proceed and
academic support.
Specially Designed Instruction: 50 minutes per Day
In general education setting: 0
Begin date: 09/16/2015

In special education setting: 50

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison will receive her study hall in the resource room. This will also allow for re-teaching in the areas of reading
and math. She will also receive resource help when needed to support her core content area classes in a setting
with no or limited distractions.
Specially Designed Instruction: 23 minutes per Day
In general education setting: 0
Begin date: 09/16/2015

In special education setting: 23

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Re-teaching and remediation of reading skills including comprehension of concepts and skills required to analyze
and respond to questioning on tests and district assessments. This will occur during resource time.
Paraprofessional Services - Non-Medicaid Billable: 150 minutes per Day
Begin date: 09/16/2015

Provider: Teacher Associate

Allison may have access to a shared associate when in general ed content area classes or any general ed class
that requires extensive reading and/or writing requirements in order to help with academic support.

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Linkages/Inter-agency Responsibilities
Time and frequency provided: twice a year
Begin date: 09/23/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison will meet with the vocational rehabilitation counselor to discuss any questions she has as she prepares for
post-secondary education and career planning.
Time and frequency provided: when tests and assessments are given
Begin date: 09/23/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison will have all tests taken in a small group setting in the special education room. Extra time will be given when
needed and may be read to her except when testing reading comprehension.
Time and frequency provided: when district-wide assessments are given
Begin date: 09/23/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

District-wide assessments will be given in a small group setting away from distractions. Testing materials may be
read in all areas except when testing reading comprehension. Allison is also permitted to read any test including
reading out loud to enhance comprehension. Calculator will be allowed except for math computation. Time
restrictions will be removed.
Transition Activities & Support
Time and frequency provided: once a year
Begin date: 09/23/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison will be working on the ACT profile which follows a similar format as the I HAVE PLAN IOWA that she has
done in the past. She will be creating an educational portfolio and reviewing inventories that she has taken before
through I HAVE A PLAN IOWA (interest,skills, and values) to see if there are any changes.
Program Modifications
Time and frequency provided: when assignments, tests, projects are given
Begin date: 09/23/2013

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison may have general education classroom assignments, tests,projects, modified. This may include shortening
tasks or giving a different assignment over the same skill or content. This will be at the discretion of the special ed
and general ed teacher
Assistive Technology Support
Time and frequency provided: when reading material above instructional level
Begin date: 09/17/2014

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison may have access to the Bookshare software so that she can access material to be read to her that are
above her instructional level.
Assistive Technology Devices
Time and frequency provided: when doing reading and/or writing assignments
Begin date: 09/17/2014

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison may have access to a computer and head set and be shown how to use features to dictate written
responses and/or read materials to Allison that are above her reading instructional level. It is up to Allison to
determine if she wants to access these features to promote self-advocacy.

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(continued from previous page)

Assistive Technology Devices

Time and frequency provided: during instrluction involving math problems
Begin date: 09/17/2014

Provider: Special Education Teacher

Allison my use a calculator on assignments that involve multi-step computation and problem solving unless
specially testing for computation.
Support for School Personnel
Time and frequency provided: 20 min/wk
Begin date: 09/16/2015

Provider: Special Education Teacher

The special education teacher will provide consultation to the gen. ed teacher(3-4 teachers) regarding strategies to
differentiate instruction to meet Allison's needs and collaborate and discuss accommodations that would best help
her be more successful in the general education setting.
Minutes in school day: 430
Total minutes removed from general education per month: 1920
LRE: removal from general education: 22 % plus time in general education: 78 % = 100%
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Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

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Allison Lyddon


Date: 09/16/2015



Special Education Services, continued

Are extended school year (ESY) services required?
If yes, specify the goals that require ESY services and describe the services. If no because ESY needs
previous page)
at this time, specify when ESY consideration will occur.
Are specialized transportation services required that are related to the disability?
Physical Education:


Modifieddescribe below

Specially designedrequires goal(s)

Will this student participate in district-wide assessments (DWA)?

Is the IEP team considering the Iowa Alternate Assessment for this student's AYP assessment?
How will this individual participate in district-wide assessments for Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)?
Standard assessments (Iowa Assessments)
Iowas Alternate Assessments
The standard assessment will be given:
with accommodations
without accommodations
If with accommodations, describe accommodations necessary to measure academic achievement and
functional performance:
Allison will take all district wide assessments in a small group setting to avoid distractions. All tests may be read
to Allison unless they are testing reading comprehension skills. If testing reading comprehension skills Allison
may be permitted to read that portion out loud to enhance understanding. Allison will be allowed use a calculator
except when specifically testing computation. Time restraints will be removed.
Non-AYP district-wide assessments will be given:
With Accommodations
Without Accommodations

Through an Alternate Assessment

If with accommodations, describe accommodations necessary to measure academic achievement and

functional performance:
All tests may be taken in a small group or 1:1 setting in the resource room to avoid distractions.Allison may have
extended time on all tests. She can all tests read out loud to her except when testing reading comprehension.She
may be permitted to read reading comprehension tests out loud to enhance comprehension. She may also use the
calculator unless specially testing computation.
Additional Considerations
Will this individual receive all special education services in general education environments?
If no, explain:
Allison requires individualized instruction in the goal areas of reading (fluency and comprehension) and written
language(basic language mechanics and spelling). Allison also requires reteaching of math skills in the area of
math computation and application in order to receive immediate feedback, continual practice, and instant
redirection if necessary. Allison needs instruction on specific skills that the students in the general education do not
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Allison Lyddon

Date: 09/16/2015



(continued from previous page)

require. This instruction needs to have special pacing and modeling in an environment with few distractions.
Will this individual participate in nonacademic activities with nondisabled peers and have the same opportunity
to participate in extracurricular activities as nondisabled peers?
Will this individual attend the school he or she would attend if nondisabled?
Will this individual attend a special school? If yes, attach responses to the special school questions.
Progress reports
Parents: You will be informed of your child's IEP progress
times per year. You will receive:
An IEP report with report cards and progress reports
Updated copies of the IEP goal pages
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Allison Lyddon

Date: 09/16/2015



Reevaluation Questions
1. What progress has the student made, compared to peers or the expected standard, since the last evaluation?
In 2012, Allison was reading reading 71 correct words per minute on 9th grade Jamestown reading passages with
95% accuracy. Currently, she is reading a 12th grade Jamestown reading probes she is reading 81 cwpm with 94%
accuracy. General education peers are expected to read 120 words per minute with 98% accuracy.
In 2012, Allison was able to compute an average of 63 correct digits on 5th grade mixed math
probes. She is able to compute an average of 36 correct digits on level 6 mixed math probes that include work with
fractions and decimals. Currently, When given a level 6 mixed math probe, Allison can correctly compute an
average of 55 correct digits. Grade level peers scored a median of 86 digits correct.
In 2012, Allison was scoring 8 out of 13 on a rubric evaluating grammar, sentence mechanics, and related topics.
Peers were able to produce the same writing sample and score 13/16. When given a topic Allison is able to score
6 out of 10 points (60%) on a writing rubric. General education peers are expected to 8/10 on the same rubric.
2. What discrepancy, if any, still exists between the student's performance and that of peers or the expected
Progress monitoring data, IA assessment data, MAP data and classroom assessments and teacher/parent
observation and interview (2015) indicate Allison's performance and rate of growth is significantly discrepant from
On Iowa Assessments administered during February of 2015 Allison scored: The 41st percentile is considered
proficient and 16th and 84th percentiles are in the average range.
Math: 46th percentile
Reading: 39th percentile
Written Expression: 42nd percentile
On MAP Tests Administered during Fall 2015: Scores are reported in RIT scores because seniors are not normed
for percentile rank.
Reading: RIT 209: RIT decline 9
Math: RIT 222: RIT growth 2
Written Expression: RIT 212: RIT decline 2
General education peers are expected to read 120 words per minute with 98% accuracy. Grade level peers scored
a median of 86 digits correct. General education peers are expected to 8/10 on the same rubric.
Allison's performance in the areas of written language, reading, and math continues to fall well below her
same-grade peers.
3. What evidence is there that the student continues to need special education and related services to be
Progress monitoring data, IA assessment data, MAP data and classroom assessments show that Allison continues
to be discrepant from her peers in reading, math, and written language. Allison needs specialized instruction in the
area of math, reading, and written language in the special ed setting. This instruction needs to be in small group
setting delivered at a slower pace, with continual practice, and immediate feedback than general ed peers would
require in order to continue to make progress.
4. What additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to enable the
student to meet the IEP goals and to participate, as appropriate, in the general education curriculum?
Teacher/peer notes will be made available to Allison in content area classes, all tests taken in a small group setting
in the special education room, Extra time will be given when needed and may be read to her except when testing
reading comprehension, with the exception of written language and spelling assignments, all written work will be
assessed on content only, district-wide assessments will be given in a small group setting away from distractions,
Allison may have access to the Bookshare software, Allison my use a calculator on assignments that involve
multi-step computation and problem solving unless specially testing for computation.

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(continued from previous page)

Allison may have access to a computer and head set and be shown how to use features to dictate written
responses and/or read materials to Allison that are above her reading instructional level. It is up to Allison to
determine if she wants to access these features to promote self-advocacy.
Allison may have general education classroom assignments, tests,projects, modified. This may include shortening
tasks or giving a different assignment over the same skill or content. This will be at the discretion of the special ed
and general ed teacher.
5. Does the student continue to be eligible for special education services, based on the information contained in
Questions 1-4?
Yes. Allison still qualifies for special education services based on the discrepancies stated above. She continues to
be discrepant from her peers in reading, written language, and math and is eligible to receives special education
services on a collaborative basis.
6. Under what conditions will the IEP team consider exiting the student from special education services?
When convergent data indicates Allison is performing at the same level as her peers in the areas of math, reading,
and written expression.
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Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)

July 1, 2015

9/18/15, 10:16 AM


Meeting Notice

Allison Lyddon


Parent 1:

Doug Lyddon

Parent 2:


440 NE Maple


City, ST Zip:

Earlham, IA 50072

City, ST Zip:


(515) 7582014




Allison Lyddon

You are invited to attend a meeting to discuss the educational program for:
Date: 09/16/2015

Time: 02:30 PM


Conference Room


At this meeting, we will review the student's needs, progress, and possible changes or additions to the current educational
program. We will be seeking your ideas and information regarding your child's educational program. You are welcome to
have others accompany you. If you need a translator/interpreter at this meeting, if the meeting time is inconvenient or you
do not plan to attend this meeting, please contact:
John Sneller

Special Education Teacher

(515) 758-2214





The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and develop or review: (check all that apply)
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP)


Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Transition Planning

Evaluation Information

Extended School Year Services

Eligibility for Special Education Services

Exiting Special Education Services



The following individuals have been requested to attend this meeting: (continued from previous page)
Doug Lyddon, Parent

Allison Lyddon, Student

John Sneller, Sp Ed Tchr

Jen Knight, LEA Rep/Designee

Julia Thompson, AEA Representative

Emily James, Gen Ed Tchr

Tara Coder, Vocational Rehabilitation

Kayla Selby, Guidance Counselor

For transition-age students: Representatives of outside agency(ies) involved with transition planning have been
invited to attend this meeting with the prior consent of the parent or student who has reached the age of majority, where
appropriate; OR agency participation is not applicable for this student.
The school or AEA has requested that one or more individuals be excused from attending this meeting. See
the attached page.
School use: Written meeting notice sent by:
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John Sneller

Copies: School, AEA, Parent(s)



July 1, 2015

9/18/15, 10:16 AM


Consent for / Notice of Reevaluation


Allison Lyddon

Resident District:


Attending District:

John Sneller

Teacher/Service Provider:
Interpreter needed for student:

Birthdate: 01/28/1998

Gender: F

Grade: 12

Senior High


Language spoken in home:


Interpreter needed for parent(s):


Doug Lyddon
440 NE Maple

Student lives at this address: Yes


Home: (515) 758-2014


City, ST Zip:

Earlham, IA 50072

Description of the action proposed:

A reevaluation of your child is proposed. A reevaluation is required at least once every three years, upon parent or
teacher request or when your child's IEP team, including you, determines one is needed. The purpose of a reevaluation
is to determine:
Whether your child continues to have a disability and continues to need special education and related services;
Your child's present levels of performance and educational needs; and
Whether any additions or modifications to the special education and related services are needed to enable your
child to meet the IEP goals and to participate and make progress in the general curriculum or, in the case of a
preschool child, whether any additions or modifications are needed to meet the IEP goals and participate in
appropriate activities.
Explanation of why the school or AEA proposes to initiate an evaluation:
The team proposes to initiate an evaluation to determine whether Allison continues to qualify for special education
services in reading, math and written language.
Description of other options the school or AEA considered and the reasons why those options were rejected:
he team considered dropping special education services but rejected the option because Allison continues to need
specialized instruction in the areas of math, written language, and reading.
Description of the evaluation procedures, tests, records, or reports that were used as a basis for the proposed
All available information was reviewed, including the results of previous interventions and special education services,
educational records, information provided by individuals with knowledge of your child (e.g., you, the parents; teachers;
caregivers; your child; etc.), observations of your child in learning environments, and any tests or other assessments.

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Based on the review of existing information:

The IEP team has not recommended additional assessment. You (as the parent) do not need to sign this form.
However, you have the right to request additional assessment to determine whether your child has or continues to
have a disability and a need for special education and related services. If you would like additional assessment,
please contact your child's teacher or service provider.
The IEP team has recommended additional assessment in the following areas:






Adaptive Behavior

Evaluation methods will be determined by the individual professionals involved in the evaluation and may
Review of the results of previous interventions (e.g. general education data, current IEP, etc.)
Reviews of relevant records (school records, work samples, previous evaluations, etc.)
Interviews of individuals with knowledge of your child (teachers, parents, your child, etc.)
Observations completed by team members
Tests (classroom-based, district-wide, and individually administered)
Please carefully read the information below and, if you consent to the evaluation, sign and date your
I understand that this evaluation may provide useful information for educational planning for my child. I have
received a copy of the Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents. I understand that I have certain protections
under the procedural safeguards of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and that these rights are
detailed in the Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents. I understand that this manual contains information
about whom to contact to obtain assistance in understanding my rights. I understand that I may also contact my
child's school administrator or AEA Director of Special Education if I have any questions or wish to obtain an
additional copy of Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents.
Procedural Safeguards were reviewed by:
John Sneller




In person

Via phone

I understand my rights related to this evaluation and

I give my permission for the evaluation to begin as soon as possible.
Signature of Parent/Guardian


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Prior Written Notice of a Proposed or Refused Action

Allison Lyddon


Birthdate: 01/28/1998

Doug Lyddon


You have protections under the procedural safeguards of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. These rights are
explained in the Iowa Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents. The manual contains information of whom to contact to
obtain assistance in understanding your rights as well as a description of the state complaint procedures and mediation
procedures. A copy of this manual was provided on 09/16/2015 .
We encourage open communication between parents and the school regarding your child's educational needs and
parental rights. You may obtain an additional copy of the Procedural Safeguards Manual for Parents by contacting your
building principal or area education agency.
You have a right to receive written notice prior to when the district or area education agency proposes or refuses to initiate
or change the identification, evaluation, or placement of your child or the provision of a free appropriate public education.
This notice must be provided within a reasonable time of any proposed action.
Purpose of this notice:

An action is being proposed

An action is being refused

1. A description
(continued from previous
of the page)
action proposed or refused.
The team proposes Allison remain eligible for special education services in the areas of reading, written language,
and math.
The team proposes moving Allison's reading and writing minutes to her resource study hall because she no longer in
an English class because has met all requirements.
2. An explanation of why the school proposes or refuses to take the action.
The team proposes to continue special education services in the area reading, written language, and math as
Allison's skills are below that of her peers and she requires more individualized instruction in these areas.
The team proposes this because Allison is no longer in an English class due to meeting all English requirements.
3. A description of any other options the school considered and the reasons why those options were rejected.
The team considered removing Allison from all special education services but rejected that idea because that would
not meets Allison's educational needs.
The team considered dropping reading supports but rejected that idea because that would not meet Allison's needs.
4. A description of each evaluation procedure, test, record, or report the school used as a basis for the proposed
or refused action.
Teacher reports, grade reports, student and parent data, MAP scores, IA assessment scores and progress
5. A description of any other factors that are relevant to the school's proposal or refusal.
No other factors are relevant to the proposal at this time


Is the proposed action a change in identification, evaluation, services, supports, or

If "yes," when will this action be implemented? 09/16/2015

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If you have questions, please contact the school principal or district/AEA designee:
Jen Knight

Secondary Principal

(515) 758-2214





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Copies: Parents/Guardians; LEA; AEA; others, as needed

July 1, 2015

9/18/15, 10:16 AM

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