My Learning

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My learning

As I was working in a startup, we started with the most basic thing that was to explore the
possibilities that can be incorporated into the startup. After days of brainstorming we came up
with many things/features that could be included in our business to give it an edge over others,
or as business students call it, "Competitive advantage".
Studying the feasibility of the project "Woodo", we also made sure to find out about the market
analysis of its counterparts and rivals, such as Vyomo
Then came the objective of a logo and web layout designing phase. I took the responsivity and
was successful in creating an apt web layout and make business cards for all members of
Woodo. This was the first time I had taken such initiative and the hard work was fruitful.
Now that we were the web layout was ready and the business cards were printed, we were all
ready to go on field to collect data regarding various gyms, spa's, salons, etc. However we
wanted everything to be perfect, so we made a questionnaire to be filled by people visiting spas
and salons. Our objective behind it was to research if people would want to switch to another
service provider if they got better service and/or more convenience. We also collected data
regarding how an individual gets to know about such spa's or salon's, whether its in their
neighborhood or they read about it in a newspaper or they got to know about it on the internet
or whether they were told by their family or friends.
While the questionnaire itself, the interaction with customers and the results of it, were
sufficient to be called a learning experience, I also learned about motivation. The members of
Woodo were hardly motivated if their performance wasn't assessed, and it was more so in the
senior batches of students. And thus most of them didn't even bother to fulfill the task.
After the survey we made sure to cater to broader number of services than just the basic gyms,
spa, and salons. We included dermatologists, nail salons, Ayurveda centers, tattoo parlors, etc.
After this we spent 2 weeks collecting secondary data from different websites that allow listing
of spa's, gyms, salons, etc.
From 1st March onwards we started to go on field and collect data by going to individual
businesses and explaining Woodo. And as on 10th August, we are still collecting data. There are
many reasons that I perceive caused us to not move forward.

1. Conflicting leadership
Inter organization conflict between 2 senior members of Woodo led to dissatisfaction of junior
students. The work was also conflicted as both could not easily agree upon one conclusion.

2. Motivation to perform
The main reason I perceive than Woodo is not able to achieve its goals is that most members of
Woodo have a trouble-free attitude about the internship, either they don't have enough
conviction towards the cause or they dont wish to work hard. Also, some of the members of
Woodo were also involved in other startups, and they had little to none participation in the
tasks assigned to everyone.

3. Attrition of members
After losing faith in the startup and being questioned upon for joining other startups, a majority
of Woodo members left. Although they had not contributed towards Woodo, this incident
lowered the morale of the remaining members of Woodo.

4. Ex-members of Woodo were asked on various occasions to submit the data that was
collected by them. But in them failing to do so it was assumed that they were incapable of
collecting required information. Thus the estimates that were made of date of completion of
data collection, and the quantity of data collected were stated as false.

After this, a new goal was set to collect data, but it was delayed on several occasions.
Working with Woodo for 4 months, first as an on-field agent and later as someone who handles
all other aspects of Woodo, I have come to learn a lot. I have learnt about organizational
behavior, business plan development, database management, market analysis, revenue model
generation, graphics designing, content writing, target advertising through social media,
website development, writing formal mails, etc.
Being in woodo I have seen the difficulties that one has to endure to become successful, and it
is not only his own effort that counts, he has to work as a team, taking all of the members along
with him.
If you want to walk fast, walk alone If you want to walk far, walk together.
-Ratan Tata

Some of my noteworthy achievements were:

Suggesting features and designing a complete layout of Woodo initial website

Sample Home

Sample Blog

Designed business cards for every member of woodo



As one of the only person to fill questionnaires by visiting customers in salons, I managed
to interact with 50 customers and gain intelligence on many features and service
providers that can be added to Woodo.

At the initial stage of collecting data from various websites, I managed to gather a total of
825 service providers and this data was well segregated and was void of unnecessary
information. Also, this was by far the highest amount of data collected by anyone.

I was in charge of maintaining a proper database, which would contain the important
information regarding every business.

I was in charge of cumulating statistical figures that would be useful in gaining customers.

After a month and a half of field work, I was assigned to maintain other aspects of Woodo,
such as the official website and woodo blog. It also include Woodo's Facebook page and
twitter profile. Facebook page currently boasts 1200+ likes.

I remodeled Woodo's website from scratch to make it look attractive. I also included a
sample page that would show the business owners as to how their salon will feature on
our website.

Created several graphic designs for Facebook webpage, and since I was working from
home I would get request to make these at odd times too.

Created all sorts of presentations regarding Woodo and its business plan

Presentations showing the business plan of Woodo

Presentation showing the need for Woodo

Created a very graphic intensive and appealing web invitation to woodo.

Created a very easy solution for business owners to register on Woodo

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