Chicken Soup For The Soul's Reflection

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Name: Ho Thu Thuy

Class: 10A
a) The 3 most important lessons I have learnt from this story is that dont easily judge people by
their backgrounds; a good teacher is always an endless inspiration and motivation for students,
and love can create marvelous wonders.
b) If I were the old woman, I would do the same thing as she did. She gave her kindness to the
ones who needed it the most, showed all those young boys who lived in slums the feeling that
they deserved to be treated equally and they had the potential to be as successful as any other
people, as long as they were loved.
a) The power of family's love and profound connection between the main characters with her
parents are the most impressive things I have ever seen. This story teaches me to how to love and
be loved deeply, even if sometimes it means you have to let go of someone who's really important
to you.
b) If I were the woman in the story, I wouldn't have the same reactions. When I let go of my
beloved dad, of course my heart would break, but suffering from pain and hoping for a message
from the "other side" is totally useless. I had faith that my dad and mom were united on heaven,
and they would always follow my path, I was never really a lost child.
a) As the saying goes: "A daughter is her father's lover in the previous life", this story touches my
heart by its moving storyline: an adorable relationship between a dad and his little girl. No matter
what happened, they were always there for the other, and they knew they were loved from the
bottom of their hearts.
b) If I were the little girl, I would do exactly as she did to her dad. It's a real happiness to have
such a wonderful dad, and even when he couldn't express his feelings by words, I could still feel
the comfort he's been trying to give to his daughter.
a) There's a quote in my favorite TV series: "True love is the most powerful magic'. In this story,
it seems to be totally suitable. I have learnt that if you honestly have vehement feelings for
someone, one way or another, they will be able to feel it. The only thing you have to do is to take
courage and express what you really think.
b) If I were Moses, I wouldn't act that carelessly. Maybe in that moment, Frumtje was touched by
his words, but what happened later on when she found out actually she didnt love Moses? It
wasn't easy to fall in love, and the tiny conversation between them two didnt state anything
clearly but the fact the Moses loved Frumtje bunches and somehow she could feel it.

a) A simple action of love and sympathy brings amazing results, even if it's a hug. The most
important lesson I have learnt is that you can always make others people happy just by giving
them a sign, to let them know that you do care about them.
b) If I were Lee, I would be really happy to hug everyone as he did. Although it just took a few
minutes to do, it showed the love and care of Lee to people he met, to encourage them to go on
living as happily as they could.
a) How wonderful it is to see the splendid benefits of giving and receiving a hug. After reading
this story, I guess I should give hugs to people around me in exchange for love and care.
b) If I were the characters in the story, I would behave as they did - don't be hesitate to give and
receive hugs because after all, they are nothing but a powerful sign of love.
a) Sometimes you're too busy with the little things to notice that you are a true miracle and
happiness to someone around. Tell them you love them and how much they are honored until its
too late.
b) As the saying goes: "You were born to be important to someone in the world", I would tell the
ones I loved what I really thought about them and how much I appreciated them if I were the
main characters.
a) The two most important lessons I have learnt from this story is that dont hastily comment on
people's behaviors; a small action can create a huge differences as long as you pay attention to
what you're doing and ignore the negative judgments.
b) If I were the walker in the story, I would show my wonders to the native's actions but I
wouldn't state things that rudely because everything happened for a reason and I shouldn't
underestimate what others were doing.
a) After reading this story, I have learnt how to have sympathy for people around me.
b) If I were the man in the story, I would give the flowers to the girl, too. My wife could easily
understand why I did that, and it seemed like that girl need them more than I did.
a) The most touching lessons I have learnt from this story is that giving doesnt make you poorer,
it just makes you become better; and always appreciate what you have, because not everyone has
the same things as you do.
b) If I were Paul, I would do fulfill the boy's wishes. Not only did it make me a good person but it
also brought happiness to the two brothers.
a) A great love can overcome the biggest fear and makes people much more courage than they
can ever imagine.

b) If I were the 5-year-old boy, I wouldnt know exactly if I had the courage to give my blood to
my sister, on account of the fact that I misunderstood about my death if I did so. But I thought if
my sister was really important to me, I would scarify anything for her.
12. BIG ED
a) Sometimes you need to have the courage to tell others people that you love them, to listen and
be sympathetic rather than being critical to people. And you can learn all the things by yourself or
from a good teacher, like Joe.
b) If I were Bid Ed, I would follow Joe's advice and show my love to my wife and sons. I would
change to become more sensitive to people's feelings and respect everyone around me, because
its the smallest but the most important thing I could do to connect with my loved ones.
a) If you truly have a faith to spread love, then you actually can do it. Because nice words aren't
hard to say but it can bring amazing results, so why dont say them out loud?
b) If I were the main character, I would try to say nice things and compliment other people on
their jobs too. Its the best thing I could to give them a sign that they're still cared, and it gave
them the motivation to be nice to others and others and so the cycle would be repeated until it
created a real change to the society.
a) Sometimes a really small action of you, like picking up the books of a desperate boy, means
much more than you can ever think of. Always be nice to people, as it really worthy to be kindhearted.
b) If I were Mark, I would help the boy to pick up his books and spend his time with Bill too. It
didnt lose anything, but I could have a new friend, a long-lasting relationship and moreover,
when I figured out Bill was about to commit suicide, I would be even happier that I made him
want to live again.
a) Even if you're unaware of, a smile is a powerful weapon. It can light up your face and bring
happiness as well as comfort for people around you.
b) The life of Saint - Exupery was saved by his smile to the jail - keeper, so why wouldn't I do the
same thing that he did? I didn't lose anything, but I could save my life.
a) The most touching lesson I learn from this story is to have love and sympathy towards the ones
who need it. Deep down in our hearts, there has always been the healing power, which is literally
the love for others. We may sometimes forget it, but in cases, it can even save a life.
b) What the main character did in this story was truly inspiring and meaningful. I bet she didn't
even realize how affective it was until Amy's life was saved by the healing power given by the
audience at the seminar. If I were in her position, I would do the same thing as well as hers. It was
really something worth trying.

a) In our life, things often go wrong, and we can choose to blame it on destiny or we can choose
to look on the bright side. Larry in fact chose the latter option and it brought amazing results. The
squabbles between he and his wife Jo Ann were gone forever thanks to the positive efforts he had
done. And in the end, his family turned into an extraordinary loving home.
b) I think sometimes it's really hard to people to swallow their pride and try to do something nice
towards the things they usually object to. If I were Larry, I would try to appreciate the things Jo
Ann did for me and said it out loud to her. That would make a big difference.
a) The first part of the story teaches me to listen to the heart's whispers and do what it tells me to
do, not the others' expectations. The second part of the story teaches me about the courage you
must have if you want to purchase love in life. It's not important about the result you receive
when you dare to love, but about your willingness to give love away without worrying about
being rejected. And that's what makes our well - being.
b) If I were one of the Mr. Keating's students, I would definitely follow his advice to seize the day
and show my love to the one I fall for.
a) The story gives us a meaningful message of love, peace and humanity. The war between the
USA and Soviet Union didnt prevent the loving citizens from sharing memorable moments,
including the deepest passion and feelings for each other. The different things between two
nations were no longer important, as everyone had received the most valuable gifts of life: love.
b) The 2 - week experience of Stan Dale and his 29 fellows was one of the most impressive things
I had read. If I had the chance, I would the same thing as he did because it really created loving
arms opened for me in a far away country.
a) The young man in the story did want to do something to stop the rude man, but he too focused
on the muscular strength that he forgot there's something more than that. It's about love and
sympathy. I have learned the most important lesson that a sympathetic word can relieve a broken
b) It is quite hard to say that I wouldn't do the same thing as the young man did. After all, he has
learned Aikido, and all he wanted to do is to prevent the laborer from terrifying other passengers.
He was just too young and too immature, considering the fact that the old man actually had more
experience than he did. So maybe I would have the same behavior as his.
a) Everyone in life has a special need, and sometimes all they want to do is to purr softly and
comfortably among their loved ones.
b) Its hard to define the character in this story, but I supposed every characters had one thing in
common: they wanted to purr and it somehow expressed their special needs for love and care.
a) If you are willing to open your heart towards people around you, you can create wonders. The
most touching lesson I learned from this meaningful story is that you should do as much as

possible for the one who needs care and love. You will lose nothing but you will receive the
internally profound love.
b) If I were fireman Bob, I would try my best to do exactly what he did. Although what he did
wasn't something very special, but to the dying boy Bopsy, it was his dream. And at least before
passing away, Bopsy had fulfilled his final wish in life.
a) Once in our lives, we decided to hide the best version of us for some personal reasons. Our true
essence is like the golden statue buried deep down in our heart. All we have to do is dig it up and
live with it purely.
b) If I were the main character, maybe I would start to rediscover the true essence of mine after
hearing the inspirational story of the Golden Buddha.
a) Everyone dreamed to change the biggest things in our early years, but then, as time passed by,
our dreams slowly became smaller and smaller until the day we realized that the very first thing
you have to change is yourself. This story teaches me one vital lesson: If you want to change the
world, change yourself first.
b) If I were the main character, there's no insurance that I wouldn't do the same thing as him/her.
As everyone once was immature and eager to stand out, to do something remarkable, they often
forgot the order of priority or even didn't recognize it. I would try not to do as he/she did, but
nothing can be guaranteed.
a) In our lives, sometimes we are asked to estimate our ability ourselves. It comes as no surprise
that everyone tends to blur their true capacities for fear of being judged for being arrogant and
self - important. But the truth is always the truth. If you can do something, you can. All you have
to do is to confirm that fact truthfully. The most memorable lesson I have learned is that to always
believe in our true ability.
b) If I were Frank, I would try my best to do the same thing as he did. Although he's truly a
wonderful center, it was a seriously difficult task to say it out loud in front of the judge. But Frank
did, as he was under oath, to always tell the truth.
a) The two small stories teach me the most touching lessons I have ever learned in my life.
"Standing high and don't think you will fall, then you won't." The boy in the story had flexibly
changed his encouragement into another one due to the situation, which proved his strong belief
in himself despite his failure. Similarly, the girl showed her firm faith in her ability. It's not what
about what you can do, it's about your trust and confidence in yourself.
b) If I were either the girl or the boy in the stories, they would do the exact actions as they did. I
believed I could, so I did!
a) As the saying goes: "I AM - two of the most powerful words, for what you put after them shape
your reality." never before in my life have I realized such an important fact. There are more than 7

billions people in the world, yet no one is identically like me. I am me, unique and outstanding.
Isn't it enough for me to be proud of whom I am?
b) If I were the 15 - year - old girl in the story, I would have the courage to say the same thing as
her fabulous declaration. I have to set my position in this world through my prides about all of
a) The homeless lady refused to accept the pity and donation from "I" in the story, which meant
she did not display any slight signs of self-pity or sorrow that tends to come with a lack of selfesteem. At that moment, she showed her self - respect and offered that donation for another ones.
She chose to react in such a modest way, and that's what I learn through this story. Don't let your
situation be the excuse for your greed.
b) If I were the lady, I wouldn't really think that I was capable of doing the same action. Although
self - esteem is vital, but I think I would accept the "I"' s sympathy. After all, it's a sign of his care
for me.
a) The poem is somehow quite abstract, but I can slightly understand the meaning of the poem. It
stated that even if we forgot all, our will and belief are always on our side to be our power for
b) As this is a poem, it's impossible to point out the main character. Thus, I can make a guess that
"we" mentioned here represents for everyone in the world and the hope for trust and faith in
a) The list in this story showed me 10 fundamental lessons that sooner or later in life, I would
have to learn. It was really meaningful and inspiring.
b) As this is a list, it's impossible to figure out the main character.
a) The background and how a child was brought up impressively affected her/his life. I have
learned through this story to be careful towards bring up a child, as a small factor can damage the
way she/he becomes in the future.
b) There's obviously no character in this story.
a) This story teaches me 2 important lessons: If you are born in a loving and warm family,
especially with a gently understanding dad, you will grow up to be just like him. And once you
are a sympathetic dad, your children will always find love and peace in family.
b) If I were the dad told in the story, I would try to behave as he did. He showed great love, care
and warm feelings towards his children, which results in several touching moments. And if I were
the last child, I would feel really proud and happy to live with such love and I would do my best
to keep my family happy as always.

a) Everybody has their own pros and cons. Thus, they should be encouraged to express their
strong points and cooperate with others to fulfill their weaknesses. It's impossible to expect
everyone to be perfect, therefore force them to serve everything and lose their own unique
b) If I were any animal in the story, I would try not to attend that school once I learned about the
rules. It was unfair to force the fish to run or climb, as well as force the rabbit to swim. It was just
against the nature.
a) During teenage years, a typical girl would suffer a lot from the whole world around her. It's not
an easy task for a dad to console his teenage girl without making her feel cynical about anything
related to sexual abuse. Yet, the dad in this story strongly showed his care and love towards his
daughter by letting her know the deepest feelings inside of him through pure touching.
b) If I were the dad, I would find it hard to take a risk like him. Although all he cared about is her
daughter, but touching sometimes can be an awkward moment between a dad and his teenage girl.
a) Every dad always has a strong connection with his son, but that love doesn't be shown easily.
The most important lesson I learned through this story is that every son is loved by his father and
every dad should be courageous to express his pride and feelings for their sons.
b) If I were the dad, I would take a risk to tell my son everything I thought about him. I wanted
him to know that he was loved for good.
a) Sometimes you don't take notice of this, but your actions always have influence on the people
around you, especially your kids. By reading this story, I have learned to always do the right
things and everyone will set that as a good example.
b) If I were Bobby, I would do the same thing as he did. $3.00 wasn't a very bid deal. But that's
not the main point. The thing is he could avoid paying that fee, but he didn't. He actually set a
very good example for his two children and made sure that they would grow up to be truthful and
reliable as their father once was.


a) Being a mother is really the most difficult task that women have to do. They look strict all the
time, but deep down, all they want to do is to give you the best they can. Those words can sound
stressful, but without those, a family, especially kids, would suffer from a great loss, both mental
and physical. So appreciate what your mom's doing for you before sooner than you can realize,
you're going to miss her words, her snapping voice and nothing you can do to get them back.
b) If I were the mother, I would have no choice but to tell those things. Kids can be really
annoying, and smooth words couldn't do anything to keep them good and safe. It's always a
challenge for moms to balance her family without touching kids' egos. Strict words - it has
permanently been the rule for every mom.


a) Sometimes, kids are much deeper and more mature than adults can ever imagine. We adults
usually underestimate the thoughts of a kid, which in some cases leads to funny yet still profound
situations. Through this story I have learned two most vital lessons: dont look down on the
thoughts and feelings of a kid, and let your child form a solid sense of structure, sense of the
world around them with all their curiosity.
b) If I were the Daddy in the story, I would do the same thing as he did. Life is too short to force
your child into the way you think of how the world functions. Let him live in his own
understanding and in the meantime, give him what he likes as long as they dont do harm to


a) Loving words are among the hardest things to say to the person you love. Not only does it
require you the deepest feelings as well as the motivation but it also make you take a risk to say it
out loud. How ironic it is to say the sarcastic things to our opponents easily, but we can't be
courageous enough to say the sweet words. I have learned to always show my love towards the
ones who really deserve it.
b) If I were the Dad in the story, I would try to gather enough courage to tell his son that I loved
him. Although it appears quite obvious that all parents love their kids, it would be much better to
tell them directly how much you love them.
a) It's a simple judgment from people in this world, that an alcoholic was a waste of place and he
was good for nothing. But in fact, don't let that nasty prejudice blur the truth that even an
alcoholic can leave behind a "legacy of love'. Through this story I have learned that a proper
upbringing full of love, even if it came from an alcoholic dad, can lead to amazing result.
b) If I were Al, I would try to behave exactly as he did. Although his life was ruined, but he had
done his best to provide Ernie the best care so that Ernie could grow up to be a truthful, caring
and kind person.

a) The lesson of this poem is really profound. All in all, it states that children are gifts from God,
and parents should always be the guider, not the ruler. Let your children live the lives they want,
and in exchange they will never forget you - the parents who are their love and motivations.
b) As it is a poem, there's no character in it.


a) An inspiring teacher is the one who can make their students feel enthusiastic about the subject.
By reading this story, I have learned that an appropriate teacher can bring out the best of each
b) If I were the teacher, I would try to behave as he/she did. Not only did he/she bring amazing
lessons towards students thanks to his/her teaching style and experience, but he/she also made an
outbreak in the student's thought.
a) When you are a student, school is like a society that you will have to face in the future. You
will go through difficulties and jealous friends as well as strict teachers. But if you are lucky
enough to study with a loving, creative and thoughtful teacher, you will regard your school days
as the best memories you will ever have.
b) If I were the teacher in the story, I would do as she did. She didnt realize how much powerful
that teaching method was, but it was indeed the most touching and precise thing her students had
ever had.
a) Every single child on this planet has a potential of becoming unforgettable. It is parents and
society's duties to take care of each child, to encourage and provide them with the best things they
could so that children could be able to reach the top of their lives.
b) There's no character as this is a kind of a short of an article.
a) People may think that they have to spend their whole lives learning everything in the world.
But in fact, all they ever need to know was taught to them since they were kids. The problem is
time flies and everyone tends to forget them all. By reading this, I have learned that all the
necessary lessons for your life were provided when you're still a child. You just need to remember
b) There's no character as this is a kind of a short of an article.
a) This story is quite abstract, but I can draw a conclusion that the best way to learn thing is to by
doing it until we can master.
b) There's no character.
a) A simple gesture from a teacher may bring amazing happiness to her students, especially with a
one who is somehow disabled. The teacher in the story might have never been able to figure out
that she made a great effect on Douglas. This story taught me a very important lesson that dont
discriminate everyone, and try to offer help to as many people as possible.
b) If I were the teacher, I would do the same thing as she did. Every child deserves to be protected
and treated equally.


a) It comes as no surprise that sometimes the backgrounds can lead to the discrimination as well
as judgments, although the people, especially children, living in those situations aren't to blame
for. Deep inside every kid, there is a fire waiting to be lighted, and Mr. Hall was the one to do that
in this inspiring story. By reading this story, I have learned that a wonderful teacher can bring out
the best from his students and his encouragements can even change their lives for good.
b) If I were Mr. Hall, I would try to do the same thing as he did. Not only did he believe in his
students' ability, but he also gave them a great chance to let it spread out. He had sacrificed and
put all his effort to make sure that his students were given the opportunity of their lives.
a) The story is written as a poem, and it is really meaningful. There are 2 teachers in the story,
which represents two typical types: teachers who want their students to do exactly as they are
told, and teachers who let their students' imaginations run wild. The boy had to go through a
tough time with his first teacher, who didn't allow him to do anything on his own, resulting in his
loss for independence. But then he met the second one, who encouraged him to listen to his
heart's whispers. And the boy began to feel free and creative again. All in all, I have learned two
most important lessons: a teacher mustn't force students to do the same things over and over again
as they are told, and a kid must have faith in themselves and be able to keep his self - esteem with
b) If I were the boy, I wouldn't do as he did. Although the teachers asked him to repeat their
actions, he could always explain why he shouldnt have done that and keep his imagination and
creative thoughts with him. But luckily, in the end he was set free from his cage and allowed to be
himself again.
a) I was really touching when I read this article. How wonderful it is to become a teacher, to
experience variety of things in life, to share and be shared, to love and be loved. People will never
be able to imagine how grateful the teacher feels when they are asked to spend the days with the
future, for free, for good, so that the eternity of human beings are taught and loved and provided
with the best care ever.
b) There's no character.
a) A goal is probably one of the most important motivations in our lives, as it encourages us to
work hard and smartly to achieve it. It is the source which brings us the strength and faith to
overcome all the obstacles and difficulties in life. Always set a goal of your life, fight strongly to
fulfill it, make your goal become your success!
b) If I were O.J Simpson, I would do as he did. Dreams reflect people's inner desires, but most
people just don't live with it because they believe dreams are just dreams. But if you dont go for
it, why is it possible for you to know that it is impossible?

a) There comes a time in life that you encounter a stressful situation, maybe a dreadful one, that
all you think of is to give up. Rocky and his mother, too, faced such a dangerous accident that
hardly anyone could escape. But Rocky managed to cheer his mother up to save their lives, and
his mother was doing her best not to give up until they were noticed by cars on the street. I have
learned that even in the darkest time, don't give up!
b) If I were Rocky or his mother, I would do the same thing as they did. If they had given up,
Rocky's mother wouldn't have been alive, which was a painful experience for young Rocky. After
all, they all tried for the other, what they did were for the sake of the other.
a) Everyone believes that there must be something they cant do in their life. Getting their crushes
to like them, becoming the head of states, winning the Nobel Prize, etc, all seem impossible. But
the teacher named Donna had taught her students to say goodbye to Mr. "I Can't", which was
really an impressive metaphor, to remind them that everything in life can be done. All you have to
do is to let your faith do its job; you just have to know that "I Can't" is long gone.
b) If I were Donna, I would behave as she did. It was really inspiring and effective to let students
know that if it's impossible for them to say "I Can't", then there must have been some other ways
to turn it into "I Can". Try hard and you can do it.
54. THE 333 STORY.
a) When facing a hard task, people have a tendency to consider why they can't do that rather than
how they can do that. If we just focus on the negative sides, we will never be able to figure out
the answer. Instead, put all your time and effort on how to solve your problem, and you will see
the difference.
b) If I were the main character Bob, I would behave as he did. Not only did his actions show his
sympathy and desire to do something for the victims of the tornado, but it also proved his
confidence as well as his decisive mind and optimistic viewpoint.
a) In life, sooner or later you would have to face a really challenging task that it takes you a lot of
time and effort to do, yet it never seems to be successful. But you have to realize one thing that
success requires patience as well as your faith. Once you believe you can do that and apply
yourself to it, you will achieve what you wish for.
b) If I were the main character, I wouldnt be totally sure that I would do as he did. Although
what he was trying to do was really moving and precious, but it's not easy to have such a big
patience and effort.
56. ASK, ASK, ASK.
a) Selling has always been a really appealing aspect to many people, yet the minority of them are
able to figure out the secret of selling. But in this story, the little girl named Markita was able to
master it. All she had to do was to ask for people to invest their money in her dream. She didnt
mind asking. And that is my important lesson: If you want something, you have to ask for it.
b) If I were Markita, I would try to do the same thing as she did. What she asked for wasn't only a
round-the-world trip, but it was also the dream of her mother. Despite the shyness as well as fear,

Markita managed to face it and had the courage to ask for what she desperately wanted. That was
really inspiring.
a) When people come down with a life - threatening diseases, they tend to lose heart for a reason
to continue fighting for their lives. Sometimes, medicines only serve as a physical treatments, it's
your duty to prepare for a spiritual fight. Once you have committed yourself to struggling through
the difficulty you have to face, you will soon get over it. And one more important thing, believe
you can, and you will eventually do.
b) If I were Angela, I would try to have the same faith as she. The important thing is not the truth,
its about the belief. Although the earthquake was definitely made by nature, but to little Angela,
it was her effort to shake the earth. And that strong faith kept her survive and enabled her to walk
on her own legs.
a) Sometimes, a kid can teach you everything that schools can't. Tommy proved to be a true
believer and a potential speaker as he showed his confidence, hope and faith in his campaign to
sell all the stickers for peace. Not only did he convince other people that he could manage it, but
he also tried to sell his stickers even to the most famous heads of states at that time. I have
learned a lesson from Tommy that you have to believe in yourself, and take every single action to
make your dream come true.
b) If I were Tommy, I would try to be confident and faithful as he was. The important thing wasn't
why he wanted to sell the stickers, but how he managed to do it. His actions proved his unique
characteristics, to cause peace and love on the world.
a) People tend to be afraid to ask for what they want, even when their purposes are judicious and
good, they are still very shy. But they dont realize one important truth is that there are always
people who are willing to offer help, once they are asked. By reading this story I have learned that
if you hesitate to ask, you will never be able to get what you want.
b) If I were the husband, I would try as he did. All he had to do was to have courage and politely
ask. And surprisingly, all people he asked turn out to be helpful and they were willing to help
them. That's the point in life. You only get things when you ask for them.
a) It comes as a fact that everyone owns a big dream deep down in their hearts, but rarely of them
is willing to take the risk and follow their hearts. But Rick did. He had put all his heart and mind
into turning his dream to life. He accepted failure, he risked everything he had. It even appeared
clearly that his future totally depended on his dare to dream. And in the end, he was well paid. He
was successful thanks to all the hard work he had tried.
b) If I were Rick, I wouldnt do as he did. It really made me sacrificed too much that although the
result was wonderful, I wouldn't dare to take the risk.

a) In the world, everyone has desires, and most of them are thought to be impossible. But Glenna
yet had shown us quite a surprising way to get it into real life: imagine it vividly in her mind and
suddenly, things turned out to be exactly what she wished for. Isn't it a good way for us to achieve
what we always long for?
b) If I were Glenna, I wouldn't do exactly like she did. Instead of planning a goal book and then
expect everything to come true, I would rather spend my time and put my effort into real actions,
something that really help me to achieve the things I want.
a) In John's list, we may see many wonderful yet impossible things. I bet that every single one of
us sooner or later will claim that there's no way a human can do all these things in their lives.
Nevertheless, John eventually managed to fulfill his list. He has achieved almost everything he
desired to do. I don't know how he did it, but there's one thing for sure. He did believe that he
could do it, and he spent his whole life trying to purchase his dreams.
b) If I were John, I would be very happy to do the same thing as he did. It seemed like he had put
a lot of effort as well as time into turning his dreams into reality. In the end, his hard work was
well paid.
a) There is always at least an opportunity for all of us to achieve the things we have always want
ed. However, we are likely to forget that fact and tend to let it go easily. But to Les, he didn't
mind trying every single possible way to be well prepared for the day when his ship came in.
Eventually, he created his own chance and take advantage of it. He succeeded because he had
b) If I were Les, I would do the same thing as he did. People always want to have a successful
career, but they don't have the intention of trying to find a chance to do it. They tend to be passive
and they wait for their opportunity to come. It's not a good way, you should be active and pursue
anything within your reach so as you don't miss your golden chance.
a) Obstacles as well as difficulties are unavoidable things in our lives. Some people choose to
deny facing it, but some, on the other hand, are willing to accept it and pay the price. Le Van Vu
understood that if he wanted to have a better future, he had to sacrifice then. He realized that
there were prices that we all had to pay, and indeed, what he saved today became the great
investment of his future.
b) If I were Le, I would try to do the same thing as he did. Although it would be very hard to
spend such a miserable life, but for the sake of my future, I would have to try and pay.
a) Dreams are like the most secret desires, which are buried deeply in our heart. Sometimes, we're
too busy and stressful with our lives that we have a tendency to forget that we all have a dream.
Our vital action is to wake that sleeping dream up, give it support and encouragement as well as a
little help from other people. Once we receive enough factors, our dreams are likely to come true.

b) If I were the main character, I would behave exactly like her. She showed a great confidence
and convincing actions about how to inspire people to follow their dreams, which help them
become financially independent.
a) People always have a tendency to judge other people and decide if something is
suitable/good/bad, etc. for them or not. In this case, the teacher expressed his strict control over
the boy's dream. He though that it was out of practice and there was no way the boy could ever
fulfill his dream. But it turned out that Monty - the young boy who longed for owning a horse
ranch - had enough courage as well as determination to follow what his heart told him. I learned
one necessary lesson that it's not about what others say of your dream, it's about you follow it or
b) If I were Monty, I would behave as he did. Dreams reflect who we are, and I will not let
anyone take away what I want to be or how I want to live. It's my dreams and I will always,
always follow them.
a) I think it would be really sad and broken - hearted if your partner isnt the one who encourages
you to follow your dream. It would be even worse if you had to follow your heart's whispers
secretly so as not to disturb other people in your own family. Through reading this story. I have
learned to be sympathetic as well as supportive to other's dreams, especially the ones of my
loving family.
b) If I were the dad in this story, I wouldnt do as he did. I think he had better try to talk with his
wife and persuaded her that it was his dream to write, no matter how bad his education was. If he
had done it, maybe his wife could have realized the importance of purchasing the dream and
maybe he would have received support from his family instead of having to hide and lie.
a) It's certainly one of the best luck in the world to have someone who trusts you, believe in you
and take actions to prove that to you. If Nathaniel hadn't received the support and encouragement
as well as the great faith he received from his wife, he might not have been able to achieve his
enormous success. I have learned that you should always find a person who totally support you
and will do everything possible to help you achieve your dream.
b) If I were Nathaniel's wife, I would behave exactly like him. There is always a moment when
you realized that a good partner needs to give encouragement as well as belief in the other person,
which tends to be a unfailing motivation for them to purchase their dreams.
a) No matter how old we are, we always have a dream to fulfill. And so does Walt Jones. Not
until he was 94 did Walt realize that he wanted to buy a motor and spend time visiting all 48 of
the contiguous states. Although that proposal was strongly dismissed by his wife, he still stuck to
that idea that eventually he did it. And even better than that, he managed to live happily until his
110th birthday. I have learned one noticeable lesson by reading this inspiring story that it is never
too late to chase your dreams.

b) If I were Walt Jones, I would definitely follow his example. There's no denying that he was
old, but it seems like age can't do nothing but strengthening his dreams and push him to follow
a) I have learned to be bold, to have enough courage and stand still while others are trying to pull
me down. Until I'm strong enough to stick to my dreams no matter what others say will I be able
to achieve them.
b) There is no character.
a) If you can't gather enough courage and faith to risk, you will never know what life could bring.
If you try, then you are likely to receive some good results, but if you dont try, you will never
have the chance.
b) If I were the former seed, I would try as it did. It's always worth trying. And eventually it
managed to grow, and it was ready to face against the challenges it may have. But the latter seed
didn't act in such a positive way. It was far too afraid, and it get swallowed until it could
understand that every thing must be tried.
a) It's a common habit of people to refer the term "try harder" with "work harder". You see, if you
insist on working in such an passive and inefficient way, you may waster a lot of time as well as
effort whereas you may be able to figure a much smarter way to finish your job by trying
something different from what you have always done.
b) If I were the fly, maybe I would do as it did. People tend to be somehow blind and can't be able
to see things clearly. As a result, they would like to stick to the old traditional way of how they
have always done thing rather than try another new way. It's a fault that everyone makes and no
one should be to blame for this.
a) I don't really understand this story, or even because it isn't a story, its just like a piece of
article. But I think the moral lesson of the story is that it's up to us whether to overcome obstacles
or to give up in front of it.
b) There's no character in this article.
a) It's quite surprising to know that even the most famous people had an awful history filled of
failures as well as harsh comments and judgments from other people. Yet in the end, they turned

out to be the stars of the human kind. Through this story, I understand that obstacles are just
challenges that help strengthening the spirits of people. If you have enough courage and faith to
overcome them all, one day you will be what you want to be.
b) If I were one of those celebrities, it would be sure for me to follow their models. Although they
had to suffer from prejudice as well as bad opinions from other people, they managed to stick to
their guns and finally achieve enormous success.
a) Owing to shyness, many people decide to hide their inability, and in the case of John, was the
fact that he couldn't read. Although he managed to build up a great career despite being unable to
read, he was still ashamed of his illiteracy. Nevertheless, when it came to the situation that he had
to negotiate with bankers to extend his loans in view of keeping his company safe, he had to
admit his flaw. Then he accepted it and tried his best to learn to read, despite being fearful to
show the secret he had hidden for years. I think the most important lesson is that you have to
accept the truth that you include some flaws, yet you will try your best to fix them.
b) If I were John, I think I would behave as he did. I would be ashamed to let people know that
despite being successful both in my marriage and in my career, I was suffering from illiteracy.
a) Everyone is afraid of failure, but there is one famous quote in Vietnam: "Failure is the mother
of success". You see, failure is a part of our daily lives. You just cant expect to be good at
everything. Only in the darkness will the stars be able to shine brightly. Don't let your failure let
you down. Instead, turn them into motivations, which help you to go further.
b) All the characters in this story is unclear enough to write a review.
a) It is such an inspiring story for all of us, especially who intends to give up, to read and admire
the persistence as well as the marvelous. He had gone ups and downs many times in his life, at
there was a time that everything was seemed to be taken away from him for good, yet he
managed to overcome them all and in the end his effort was well paid - he was elected for the
president. The most vital lesson I have learned is that never ever give up on everything.
b) If I were Lincoln, I would be grateful to do exactly as he did. It was very tough and brave of
him to keep going on his track despite having slipped over it repeatedly. He was truly a great
example for everyone so that they can understand that there's no point in giving up, you just have
to try one more time.
a) Some people easily give up on their dreams once they have to face against a really hard
situation, but some dont. Daniel had shown his great passion for surfing and he didn't let his
injure become an obstacle on his way. I have learned to maintain my dreams no matter what life
could bring.
b) If I were Daniel, I would do as he, too. The reason was that everyone should never give up on
their dreams, they should be encouraged to chase them until they achieved what they wanted. ,

Daniel did become a pro surfer in the end and who knows what might happen if Daniel's passion
for surfing dropped off?
a) Everyone in the world sooner or later would encounter some of the most unpleasant situations,
such as having tried several times, yet all you receive is nothing. The woman in this story was in
the same circumstances. She was encouraged by her former teacher that she had a talent for
writing, and she unfailingly tried to sell advertisements so as to earn money which was used for
the house payment. Yet, everything wasn't as she expected. She had to experience from failures
and turn - down over and over again. But in the end, thanks to the help of a third person
endorsement, she finally succeeded. I have learned not to be coward and to try as hard as possible
through her story.
b) If I were the main character, I would do as she did. It was not only patience and hard working, but it was also the only way she could possibly afford her house payment and make sure
that her children would not lose their home. She definitely did a great job despite having faced
against numerous failures, which was really admirable.
a) b) There's no character as well as moral lesson in this article.
a) It's not easy to realize that behind a handicapped person is a pure soul filled with passion as
well as determination. By reading this inspiring story, I have learned that a flaw in your body isnt
capable of preventing you from either enjoying your life or purchasing your dreams. Once you
are able to accept the truth that no one is perfect, you will soon understand that there must be
something you cant do, meanwhile, there must be something you can do. And just do it with all
your heart.
b) If I were Roger, I would love to behave as he did. With the support and help from his parents,
Roger didn't feel sorry for himself. Instead, he focused on what he could do well and pursued it.
What would have happened if Roger had spent time crying and being upset about his handicap?
He was likely to achieve nothing.
a) The situation that Mitchell had to encounter was really painful and shocking. Probably no one
could get over from those horrible accidents and physical hurts. But Mitchell managed to see
them as new starting point and took advantage of them to gain himself fame, love as well as
respect from others people. He taught me not to focus on the pessimistic side of the problem, but
to figure out the best way to deal with it.
b) If I were Mitchell, I would try to behave as he did. Although he suffered from a lot of hurt and
drawbacks, he never allowed them to defeat him. His positive attitude as well as determined
actions proved himself as a confident and tough person. Above all, he never indented to give up.
a) Patti was really an admirable girl. Although she had to suffer from epilepsy since she was a
child, she never intended to feel sorry for her loss. Instead, she realized that she wanted to run to

prove that epilepsy people can lead a normal life just like everyone. Finally, she succeeded. She
accepted pain as well as risk to fulfill her intention. I have to ask myself a big question: She was a
handicapped person and she was able to do that, so it's totally out of question if everyone
complains about their not having been able to follow their dreams.
b) If I were Patti, I would behave as she did. Not only did she run for herself, but she also ran for
people who were like her, who thought they would never be able to enjoy life due to their
handicap. Nevertheless, Patti persuaded them by action that even a young handicapped girl could
break the world's records, so there's no such thing as impossible.
a) A failure is only an obstacle once you accept to let it occupy you. If you do have enough
determination that you can overcome it, then you will surely do. I have learned to have a strong
mind and tough determination despite others' opinions; because I know that, it is determination
that leads to great success.
b) If I were Cunningham, I would definitely follow his actions. His physical hurt is only a
challenge that he had to go through if he wanted to lead a normal life. And yet, he finally
succeeded not only in living a life as a normal person, but he also became a top world runner.
a) There comes a time when you have to encounter a really painful circumstances that you don't
know what to do, what to think and what to feel. Just like Jerry, he was captured and he might not
have been able to be back home. Yet, thanks to the help from others, he managed to keep his chin
up and to never lose hope. His optimism and strong faith saved him. After reading this story, I
have learned t always have a positive viewpoint as it will carry me through the darkest time.
b) If I were Jerry, I would do exactly as he did. Feeling sorry and losing hopes were easy, but
keeping a optimistic viewpoint was far more complicated. But once he did that, he was half way
through the way back home from all the sufferings he had to go through.
a) This story is not really clear and I still wonder what does it really mean. But I suppose it talks
about how faith and hope can help people get over from the darkest time of their lives. Keeping
faith is much better than asking for changes in your life.
b) If there is one character, then it must be "I". But so far she had done no clear actions, and I may
say that if I were that woman, after reading what was written, I would try to live a more positive
a) Betty proved herself as a determined as well as loving and kind woman once she decided to do
everything at all cost to adopt the children from the warzone. Although it was a difficult and
demanding task, she managed to do it, which was firstly thought to be impossible. Through her
story I have learned to overcome all the difficulties if I want my task to be completed.
b) If I were Betty, I would do as she did. It was all her intention to bring the orphans to America
and took care of them properly, which showed her great kindness the successful result she
achieved was a reward for all her effort.


a) When a member is your family is trapped under a collapsed building, like everyone else, you
can have died of anxiety and worry. But is there anything you can do to save? Because the father
in this story did. Although he was discouraged and prevented from others not to waste time and
effort into finding his lost son, he kept on doing his job and finally, he did it. And his son was
even more surprising. He always believed for his father to come and rescue him along with his
friends. How amazing it is to have faith in each other that even in the darkest time, you can still
feel a sense of insurance that no matter what, they will find you.
b) If I were the daddy, I would do exactly like him. First of all, it was the love for his son. And
secondly, it was his promise, to never let his son alone, to always be there for him.
a) A short, abstract yet quite meaningful story about how people should do with faith. Through
this story, I have learned to be persistent, to be patient, to wait, and to have faith. Whenever I
intend to give up, just remember how far I have gone, and believe that next time, wonders will
come to me.
b) If I were the main character, I would behave as he did. Although he didn't seem to trust the
myth, he still went to the stone ruin on Christmas Eve for fear of being the one who missed the
wonder. He chose to believe, to have faith, and to encourage himself to try one more time.
a) I have learned 2 inspirational lessons by reading this story: There are always great people
surrounding you, and they are always willing to share with you how to become just as great as
they. You just need to gather enough courage to ask for it, to make the best use of the enormous
greatness all around you.
b) If I were one of the famous people whose influence can create positive things on other people,
I would try my best to do the same as the celebrities in the story did: they inspired young people
and truly hoped that these younger generations would be come great too.
a) It has always been a hard task to deal with the teenagers. Instead of insisting on complaining
and bugging her daughter about her taste of fashion, the mother chose a much wiser way. She
gave her daughter the permission to wear whatever she wanted at school and among friends, and
in exchange, she would have to dress smartly once she went out with her mother. Choosing a
wiser and pleasant solution is the key to solve every problem instead of keeping looking at the
negative sides of it.
b) If I were the mother, I would behave as she did. After all, younger generations always have
their own beliefs and interests, and trying to erase them isn't a clever thing to do. It will be much
nicer and easier to solve the problem by pleasing both the daughter's needs and the mother's.


a) This touching story has taught me 2 vital lessons that I may never forget. First of all, if you still
be able to see the world with your own eyes, you're still luckier than many others. Appreciate
what you have, however simple they seem to be. And the second lesson is to have faith in
humanity. It may be ill advised for you to trust easily, but if you dont believe in people around
you, you will never have everything you want.
b) If I were anyone of the drivers in that busy intersection, I would behave as they did. It was an
action of humanity, kindness and faith in the good of everyone. And it showed that however fast
life went by, people would always find the time to stop for a while and see the things happening
around them.
a) Imagine you are an elderly, sitting in a armchair and looking back on your life. You are bound
to regret things you haven't done rather than things you have done. So dont wait until your life is
nearly end, just try it, because you only have a life.
b) If I were the main character, I wouldnt live as he did. He wasted too much time not daring to
take a risk, and had to spend his whole life wondering what his life could have been instead of
having really done something, That was totally a waste of time.
a) I'm not sure I understand the meaning of this story. It can be referred that sometimes we have
to do the right thing, not to do the thing we were taught to be right. Whatever the meaning is, it is
really abstract and I'm not capable of fully understanding it anyway.
b) I mean, if I were the monk who carried the girl, I would sure to do just like him, because it was
a right thing to do.
a) I don't even know that this story even has a meaning. It is really abstract and even weird. If it is
a must to draw a conclusion from this story, I would say that babies are the most innocent and
pure creatures in the world, which means they are, I dont know, the most likely to be God?
b) I cant be able to fully understand why the main character had to do this, so I wouldnt give
any specific decision.
a) Animals have always been loyal and helpful friends of human, especially smart animals such
as dolphin. From this story, once again I am able to prove that fact. An animal is a lovely friend
and it can even save your own life.
b) I think the man in this story cant be considered to be the main character, so provided I was the
dolphin, I would save the man's life just like it did. It showed great courage as well as the love
and care of this smart creature towards the human - beings.

a) Although this poem is quite deep in meaning, but somehow I can understand that people
usually are taken in by the real worth of an item until that item falls into the right hands. After all,
it is human who creates wonders.
b) The character's actions in this poem aren't clear, so I can't set an example.
I think there have been dramatic changes once I have finished reading these stories. I have
become more aware of life, I have more faith in the people around me. I believe that one can be
able to inspire many others, and we can live peacefully together. War, conflicts, they all mean
nothing once the humanity is regarded to be on top. After all, I am a human, and I always seek to
be good and moral as well as to change the world for the better.

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