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Weinland Park Community Civic Association

Housing Committee
Summary of Meeting of March 14, 2016
Present: Matt Martin and Sean Storey, co-chair, Laura Bidwa, Rory Krupp, Brian Williams, Erin
Prosser, Abigail Hartung, Danny Dono Nugent, Kristiana Burgi and Steve Sterrett.
Matt Martin called the meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. at Godman Guild Association.
Mr. Martin said the Housing Committee will have several months to consider the nine proposals
received by Campus Partners as a result of the request for proposals (RFP) for development on
11 parcels that are part of the Weinland Park Collaborative portfolio.
Erin Prosser, community development director of Campus Partners, outlined the proposals. Five
proposals were from individuals who each selected a different parcel that each would renovate or
build a single-family home. They plan to own and occupy the house. Four proposals were from
developers who would build or renovate houses for sale to homeowners.
Committee members discussed the proposals in general. They reviewed the criteria listed in the
RFP for evaluation of proposals:
Single-family homes
Financial capacity
Timeline for construction
Review of design by Housing Committee
Live-work space
Mr. Martin suggested the community benefits that could be derived from the renovation and new
construction of houses:
Promote homeownership
Value-added for the community (something unusual that a developer might not normally do)
Committee members discussed the challenge of developing affordable single-family homes
(affordable being defined as being between market-rate for-sale and Section 8 rental) given the
current construction costs and absent a significant subsidy. The committee decided to focus on
the possibility that the six duplexes remaining in the Weinland Park Collaborative portfolio
might present a better opportunity for affordable housing. The committee agreed to ask the
Greater Ohio Policy Center to investigate affordable housing programs for duplexes.
After discussion, the committee agreed Ms. Prosser should move forward with the five
individuals who submitted proposals to vet their financial capability, return to the committee

with information on their capacity, and ask for housing designs. She suggested the four
developers be invited to attend the Housing Committee meeting on April 11.
Committee members agreed Sheldon Johnson of the Greater Ohio Policy Center be scheduled to
speak first on design review at the Housing Committee meeting on April 11, followed by
individual sessions with the developers at specific times that evening. After the developer
sessions, the committee will reconvene to discuss what they had heard. Given that the agenda
will result in a long meeting, Mr. Sterrett offered to arrange dinner that evening for the
committee members. Mr. Martin and Mr. Storey will invite the developers to meet at specific
times with the committee on April 11.
The business of the Housing Committee being concluded, Mr. Martin adjourned the meeting at
7:35 p.m.

Summary prepared by Steve Sterrett.

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