Cassius Brusso Empire Was Struck Back

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Cassius Brusso

Empire was Struck Back

There are those who come out of the wood work and blatently display their opinions and

thoughts amuck,and then there are those with experience behind them. In this ,Mr. Gatto’s case,

30 years of experience to be precise. A man who has resided within the schools incarcerations

for 30 years and yet still opposes their ways must have something of a strong will. A man, also,

who holds the beliefs of ‘love is all you need’ (The Beatles) and ‘school’s out forever’ (Alice

Cooper) high above all else, Gatto seems to be that of the hippie sort one might say. Now to

many many of us these ideals stand as something floating in the world of magic, but have any of

us ever truly thought about them?

Fits and teenage mutant ninja turtles alike have been thrown in rebellion at the very

mention of school to a child. Naturally, the parental figures of such rebels disregard and ignore

these acts, because they as parents/‘models’ of the world, have been conditioned to ‘know’ that

school is needed to prosper and thrive in the world. They cannot help it for this has been a

custom of long time following by them and their predosesors. One explanation to these cries is

provided by our man Gatto here. Having asked both the teachers and students why they had felt

worn and torn, he received the same feedback from both surveys: that they were bored of each

other. One can see how this can eventually lead to the oblitoration of any sort of worth while

activity in future lessons, therfore collectively hindering the overall ‘take-back’ of any education

in further studies.

One of my favorite things that Gatto had mentioned was that boredom is ones own fault,

true in every word. The teachers could rid of their boredom if they were to provide the children
with a more interesting lesson plan. That way, the children would be more eager to learn and the

teachers, perhaps, more eager to teach. Kinda makes ya wonder if the teachers even like their

jobs enough to even attempt to make what they do exciting and, if you will, fun. Utilizing this

example, if schools were indeed abolished, would this not create an even larger rift of ‘lifeless

doings’ to stumble into? Would removing the cause of the childrens pleas, in effect, return that

many more pleas? And then would these cries not turn into something more rash?

The anime Death Note illustrates this point rather well. Keep in mind that a death

god’s job is to write humans names in his note to kill them. At the start of the story, death gods

sit around playing cards because they are tired of writing names in their note and simply stop.

The death god Ryuk one day drops his note into the human world. The chaos that ensues is all

due to Ryuks boredom. He dropped his note on purpose, consequentially killing many humans

due to the actions of another, all beacause he was bored.

This can be seen easily happening in our world minus the fantasy aspect of it all.

Anarchy blowing out of grip all due to removing the main inhibitor of a childs life. Where’s your

walk in the park now? Its right there with those droids you thought were in your back pocket. I

do suppose that The Joker was right in that point.

Im to lazy to type the rest of this now so thus concludes this very rough draft of

seams left unhemmed. School left unsung still sings in our hearts yet remains absent in our

minds. Sir Gatto and his ideas radiate true with love and passion, yet are masked with the green

bile that is currency. Most love, in this world, has spoiled green, but, it is the red that is truly

worth our while.


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