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MEGA Jprint Series Providing Outstanding Performance for 44-inch Applications

It has been 15 years since Akiyama developed the Jprint Series

Press, the world's first single-pass sheet-fed press capable of
printing on both sides of the sheet in multiple colors. Since then, the
Jprint Series has achieved dramatic improvements in productivity
and performance and has many new value-added features
including a double-sided coater and Roll Feeder. In 2007 at the
IGAS show held in Tokyo, Akiyama introduced the MEGA Jprint 40
series Perfector, a new model which brings together all of
Akiyama's experience and expertise into a single machine. In
response to many requests for a larger format press, Akiyama then
developed the MEGA Jprint 44 series, 44-inch (32-1/4" x 44 1/16")
Check out the performance of the MEGA Jprint 44 series - the new standard in 44-inch Perfectors.
Main Features of the MEGA Jprint 44 Series
A maximum printing speed of 15,000 sph. Use a

Touch-panel screen allows operation to be controlled

suction-tape feeder to ensure a fast stable paper feeding.

easily from the ACC operation stand also.

Paper transferred parallel to the delivery direction to

Inker clutch available as option. This allows the inking

eliminate unwanted paper movement. This ensures stable

drive for unused printing units to be cutout simply using

paper delivery/. A belt-type paper guide is also used to

the touch-panel in the delivery section.

prevent rubbing or scratching.

Accelerated control of the ink key open-close speeds so

Environment-friendly design incorporates energy-saving

that the input values from the Akiyama Color Control

and heat-resistant features.

(ACC) system are instantly applied to the keys.

An improved air-blower system to better prevent

Full Auto Plate Changer (FAPC) available as an option.

excessive ink emulsification and prevent roller wear.

Double cam system used as the gripper opening/closing

In-line densitometer or In-line spectrometer available as

mechanism for the impression and transfer cylinders.

Roll Feeder (RF) available as a feeder unit option.

Number of colors
Max. printing speed (sheets/hour)













Max. printing paper size (mm)

820 x 1,120

Min. printing paper size (mm)

540 x 760

Paper thickness (mm)

0.04 -0.2/0.06 - 0.3 (Option)

Effective printing area (mm)

810 x 1,120

Plate size (mm)

900 x 1,130

Blanket size (mm)

1,070 x 1,135

Feeder capacity (mm)


Delivery capacity (mm)


Total press length (mm)



Total press width (mm)


Press height (mm)


Press weight (kg)

Power consumption (kW)











* Product design and features are subject to change without notice due to ongoing technology updates and other product
* Speeds shown above reflect the performance available using combined technologies. Actual speeds may vary depending on the
printing design and paper type.

The perfecting press, which has enjoyed the overwhelming support of its many users, has taken the next step in its
evolution. We proudly introduce the MEGA Jprint, a printing press that achieves unprecedented levels of quality and
Akiyama developed the non-convertible, double-sided, multi-color, sheet-fed offset printing press Jprint in 1994, based on the concept
of maintaining the high printing quality of a one-sided printing press while offering greater productivity and the quicker printing speed
needed to satisfy tighter delivery schedules. More than ten years later, the market still demands small-lot printing capability from
printing presses, and the demand for higher productivity is even stronger. Akiyama's MEGA Jprint was developed with the goal of
achieving higher productivity and improved operability, and we have met that goal by drawing on the wealth of experience and
know-how that Akiyama has accumulated over the years.
High Quality
The original cylinder configuration, which is based on an impression-to-impression transfer system, provides a degree of registration
accuracy that's simply unbeatable. The digital workflow ensures reliable color management, so you can easily maintain quality
High Performance
The system features a newly developed, high-speed sucker head. This new delivery mechanism provides stable feeding and delivery
even during high-speed operations. These are among the many functions that allow the MEGA Jprint to offer such unrivaled
Factory Environment
The MEGA Jprint incorporates innovative technologies, but there is also considerable emphasis on environmental excellence. The
MEGA Jprint comes standard with a range of automated, power- and labor-saving devices that reduce the burden of the operator.
Indeed, the MEGA Jprint promises to provide a printing environment that is friendly not only to the environment but also to the people
who operate it.

Condensing the years of know-how represented in Akiyama's original cylinder configurations, the MEGA Jprint is an ideal
perfecting press that pushes productivity efficiency to the highest level.
The market continues to demand ever-greater productivity from sheet-fed printing machines. Akiyama's MEGA Jprint solution
answers that need. First, the MEGA Jprint boasts the enhanced durability of each mechanism, thereby supporting higher printing
speeds. It also employs ergonomic designs and new technologies we've developed through our unrelenting quest for greater
automation and more efficient use of energy. With these unique mechanisms and more, the MEGA Jprint opens a door to the infinite
possibilities of the perfecting press. Thus Akiyama proudly presents its all-new MEGA Jprint, the culmination of our technological
capabilities that promises to bring sustainable success to your business.

Non-Stop Feeder
The non-stop feeder ensures continuous sheet feeding during
a print run by using the auxiliary paper tray.
Feeder Static Eliminator System
This system removes static electricity from the sheets as they
are fed from the feeder.
Supersonic Double-Sheet Detection System
This system sends supersonic waves over the sheets
delivered from the feeder, thereby detecting even small changes
in sheet condition. If a double-sheet is detected, the system stops
the feeder. The detection performance of the system has been
dramatically improved.

Continuous Dampening System

Akiyama's unique roller configuration helps produce a uniform
water film over the surface of the plate, facilitating consistently
high print quality.
Water-Fountain Roller Drive System
The seamless speed variation achieved by a motor drive,
coupled with a follow-up roller that operates in unison with the
speed of the main press, promises stable dampening throughout
every operation.
Inker Air-Blower System
Air is blown onto the inking rollers, which is minimizing the
emulsification to what the print job requires.

Anti-Curl System in the Infeed Section

Air is supplied through an opening in the infeed section to
prevent the sheet from traveling beyond the specified position,
and at the same time the gripped side of the sheet is flattened.

Automatic Ink Roller Wash-Up System

Each time a color is changed, cleaning solution is injected
onto the ink rollers to clean them, after which the dirty cleaning
solution is collected. All these steps are performed automatically,
helping make job set-up more thorough and efficient.

Swing Fan-Out Prevention Mechanism

When the sheet is transferred from the swing to the transfer
cylinder, its gripped end is straightened in order to prevent
fanning as the sheet is printed.

Inker Temperature-Control System

Three temperature-control rollers are used to ensure the
constant temperatures of the ink-roller and plate surface, and
thereby achieve stable ink delivery.

Swing Air-Blower System

Air is blown onto the gripped end of the sheet while it is being
transferred by the swing, and as a result the sheet is lifted and
held during transfer. This has the added benefit of preventing the
sheet from being scratched and marked by the swing gripper.

Antistatic Delivery System

The delivery section is equipped with an electrical antistatic
system for the effective removal of electrostatic buildup.

Transfer Cylinder Air-Blower System

Air is blown onto the transfer cylinder as it passes the sheet to
the impression cylinder, thus preventing the sheet from wrapping
itself around the transfer cylinder.

Sheet-Release Cam Speed-Alignment Mechanism

The speed of the sheet-release cam is synchronous with the
printing speed. Moreover, a unique speed-control method allows
the operator to make the correct paper-thickness setting to
support any type of sheet.
Air Regulation System for Sheet Alignment

Special Impression Cylinder Jacket

Each impression cylinder is equipped with a special jacket.
This jacket minimizes leftover ink, and as a result the problems
commonly associated with ink buildup are eliminated.
Fan-Out Prevention Plate Lockup
This unique plate lockup, with its fan-out adjustment function,
maximizes registration accuracy.
Blanket Cylinder Air-Blower System
This system evaporates the dampening solution that is
transferred from the plate cylinder to the blanket cylinder,
preventing the sheet from stretching due to the solution.

A special air-shower system and fan provide consistent sheet

alignment, even when printing on very thin stock.
Delivery Slowdown Suction Wheels Mechanism
(split-type suction wheels)
The slowdown suction wheels can be moved right and left
according to the image on the reverse side of the sheet.
Additionally, the wheels of different widths can be installed to
suite the image layout.
Flood Button
Raising the speed of the water-fountain rollers increases the
volume of dampening to prevent the spoilage of the printed
surface and other problems associated with the drying of the

The MEGA Jprint is a new style perfecting press offering a number of advanced functions for the sake of greater efficiency
and higher quality.
Printing Speed of 15,000 sph

Detachable Slowdown Suction Wheels

The model MEGA Jprint 4p440 achieves printing speeds of up

An all-new structure of the

to 15,000 sheets per hour!

Suction-Tape Feeder with Improved Sucker-Head
The feeder table employs an
air-suction tape that creates a
vacuum to reliably pick up and
transfer the sheet to the swing table
at high speed. The table also

slowdown suction wheel has been

incorporated in the MEGA Jprint.
The suction wheels can now be
detached and attached along with
the auxiliary suction wheels, while
lateral movements are made easy with the crank handle.
Improved Roller Oscillation and Ink Air-Blow Method
The oscillation of the rollers has been improved to eliminate

comes with a newly developed

ghosting. Furthermore, the ink air-blow method has been modified

sucker head. Greater overall rigidity

to prevent the excessive emulsification of the ink while protecting

of this system ensures stable

the roller coating from peeling.

sheet-feed even at very high

Inker Clutch (Optional)

speeds of operation.

The inking drive of a printing unit not currently being used for
printing can be disengaged from the main power train through a

Lower Power Consumption, Greater Heat Resistance

simple operation on the touch panel, thus providing further energy

The energy-saving design of the MEGA Jprint incorporates

savings. This mechanism also prevents the unnecessary wear of

measures to limit negative impact on the global environment.

New Operation Stand (ACC)
The ACC (Akiyama

rollers not currently in use.

Full Auto Plate Changer (Optional)
You can also choose

Color Control) operation

the optional FAPC (Full

stand supports higher

Auto Plate Changer).

processing speeds. In fact,

When the FAPC is

the values entered from

installed, simply set the

the stand are executed by

new plate on the plate

the ink keys in half the time

guide, and all the required

required on a traditional

operationsfrom ejecting the previous plate to setting the new

stand, or even less. This makes it easier to design a CMS (Color

platewill be performed automatically.

Management System) to allow printing jobs to go full-scale more

Double-Sided Coater (Optional)

quickly. Akiyama's original, simplified MIS is a standard feature.

The MEGA Jprint can

The plate data, ink-fountain data and various other inputs can be

be ordered with the DC

controlled for each job. When a repeat order is received, simply

(Double-sided Coater)

call up the past order to automatically restore the settings. Now all specification, which comes
operation tasks can be performed via the touch panel, which

with an inline coater

makes operation easier than ever.

commonly used on

Additional Transfer Cylinders and Adoption of Belt-Type

Sheet Guide
The delivery system
has two additional transfer
cylinders to reduce the
unwanted movement of the
sheet. The sheet-guiding
endless belt protects the
sheets from scratches and
rub marks.

one-sided presses. By
installing the double-sided
coater, the amount of
spray powder can be
significantly reduced and
the waiting time before the
next process is practically eliminated. Again, Akiyama technology
helps achieve quicker production so that even the tightest
deadline can be met.
Chamber Coater
The chamber coater system, which uses anilox rollers, allows the
doctor blade to maintain a uniform varnish surface and provide a
varnish coating of constant thickness.
IR Drying System
The MEGA Jprint's drying system combines an IR dryer, a hot-air
blower and an air-cooling unit.

The matchless printing qualitywhich surpasses what any one-sided press can offeris proof of Akiyama's innovative
Unitized Double-Sided Printing Mechanism
The top and bottom sides are

ACM (Akiyama Color Management)

Akiyama offers a

printed by separate units, each of

selection of density

which consists of plate, blanket and

measurement devices

impression cylinders. Thanks to

including the inline

unitized design, the MEGA Jprint

densitometer and the inline

readily answers diverse customer

spectrophotometer, which

needs and applications.

scans the color bar of the

printed sheet and
measures the data for

Roller Configuration
Among the long list of
standard features is a
continuous dampening
system that achieves
uniform dampening of the
plate surface. The four ink
form rollers, each with a
different size, provide accurate ink control.

color management. The

measured color data can
then be used for the
automatic feedback control
of ink keys.
Pre-Inking System
Ink-Key Preset Function
The operator can use the

Shock-Free System
The application of Akiyama's

measured percentage of

innovative "double-cam system" to

area (or CIP3/CIP4 (PPF)

the gripper open/close mechanism

data) to set an appropriate

for the impression and transfer

key opening according to

cylinders synchronizes the opening/closing of the grippers on the

the printed image.

right and left sides during the sheet-transfer. This results in

image area to total plate

Pre-Inking Function

smoother sheet transfer, the prevention of fan-out and a degree of The operator can apply an
registration accuracy that no conventional system can offer.
Cylinder Configuration
The MEGA Jprint employs

ink film to the ink rollers

according to the printing
image, and thereby

Akiyama's unique cylinder

produce nearly perfect

configuration, which is

color matching from the start of the print run.

characterized by the use of

Product System

single-size cylinders for all of the

A series of operations from sheet feed to high-speed printing can

plate, blanket and impression

be started automatically with just the touch of a button.

cylinders. Moreover, Akiyama's impression-to-impression transfer

system helps achieve the highest accuracy of registration. Each
impression cylinder is equipped with a special ceramic jacket
offering excellent dot reproduction. The jacket also prevents the
unwanted attachment and accumulation of ink.

Preset Counter
The MEGA Jprint is equipped with cumulative and preset
counters. Another unique feature includes the count down preset
counter to print predetermined number of job sheets.
Inking Control Function
The supply of ink is stopped prior to the completion of the
production run, ensuring that any extra ink on the rollers is fully
Sheet-Off Function
Printing is completed in a manner that leaves no extra ink on the
plate and blanket cylinders. So, in a small-lot production the next
printing session can start right away without the user having to
clean the blankets.

The MEGA Jprint's overwhelming printing speed and excellence of operation deliver the highest productivity.
Stable Sheet Feed Mechanism

Optimal Sheet Layout to Reduce Paper Waste

The MEGA Jprint features

The MEGA Jprint features a newly

a one-side gripping system

developed, high-performance

that takes advantage of the

stream feeder and a rotary-valve

maximum image area to

center separator. The sheet-

help reduce paper costs.

cocking adjustment dial makes it

When Printing Eight

easy to adjust the sheet even while

Pages on A1-Size Sheets

the cylinders are turning.

The Jprint 40/44 Series, unlike a convertible perfector, lets you

print eight A4 pages on both sides of an A1-size sheet. (Color

Accurate Registration System

bars can be added.)

The sheet slows down and

stops at the head stop
before being transferred.
This provides highly stable
sheet-gripper operation
and serves to ensure
accurate registration from

Plate Cocking
The registration for each plate can
be individually adjusted via the
remote-control buttons on the ACC
console. The range of adjustment
for plate cocking is 0.50 mm.

one sheet to the next.

Cylinder Cocking
Delivery Control Panel
A belt-type sheet-guide is
provided to prevent the top
and bottom sides of the

Plate registration can be fine-tuned

for each unit using the remotecontrol buttons on the ACC
console. The range of adjustment
for cylinder cocking is 0.15 mm.

sheet from being smudged

or damaged after printing.
Additionally, an air
blow-down control system
keeps the sheet from fluttering due to paper quality and printing
speed, so sheet alignment is uniformly correct.
Slowdown Suction Wheels Ideal for Perfecting
The MEGA Jprint employs unique
slowdown suction wheels and the
air blow-down control system for
stable sheet alignment.
Consistency and quality are
assured, even at the highest
printing speeds.

Simultaneous Cleaning of Blanket and Impression Cylinders

When the impression cylinder is set
and rotated simultaneously with the
blanket cylinder, any ink, paper
residue or other foreign matter
adhering to the impression cylinder
is removed by the cleaning solvent
on the blanket and transferred to
the contacting blanket cylinder,
which is cleaned concurrently with the impression cylinder using a
blanket "cleaning cloth." Because the cleaning cloth does not
come into direct contact with the impression cylinder, the special
ceramic jacket is spared from premature wear.

Akiyama's range of auxiliary printing systems can help your facility enjoy a printing environment that is more efficient,
trouble-free and environmentally friendly.
Simultaneous Cleaning of Blanket and Impression
The MEGA Jprint uses a cleaning system designed for

Green Standard (Sheet-Fed Printing)

Suppression of VOC Generation
Suppress VOC generation from dampening solution

safety and environmental responsibility. It uses a roll of cleaning Suppress VOC generation from cleaning solution
cloth impregnated with a low-VOC cleaning solution, so that
environmental impact is minimized. Because the blanket
cylinders and impression cylinders are cleaned simultaneously,

Akiyama is working to save energy and resources while

reducing noise and vibration in the printing process.

the consumption of energy and resources is reduced.

Akiyama promotes efforts to reduce waste generation and drive
Heat-Source Separation System

resource recycling.

By providing outdoor units for the inker temperature-control

system and the refrigerated water circulation system, the heat
generated from these two systems can be discharged straight
to the exterior of the plant. The elimination of the heat from such
peripheral equipment not only improves the work environment
but also lowers the costs associated with air-conditioning in the

*Green Standard
The "Green Standard of the Offset Printing Services" is a list of
guidelines published by the Japan Printing Industry Federation. It
defines the rules that govern the environmental measures
implemented by printing companies.

plant, etc.
Job Definition Format
Noise Reduction System
Total optimization of printing workflow
Pumps, compressors and blowers are centrally controlled
for greatly reduced noise within the plant. The heat generated
from the pumps can also be shut off as a means of maintaining
ideal printing conditions.

The JDF digital workflow format was developed for the

standardization of all printing processes. Now a common standard,
it was established as a means for communicating the CIP4 data
needed to enhance the links among separate processes.

Oil Cleaning System

By combining the JDF format with the mission-critical management

Impurities are removed from the lubrication oil within the

system MIS (Management Information System), we are able to

system so that it stays clean and works more effectively. This

share information resources between the management system and

lowers maintenance costs, eliminates unexpected problems and the production system.
maximizes the durable life of the press. Moreover, the oil

Akiyama employs a JDF/JMF conversion program between the

cleaning system contributes to environmental protection by

printing press and MIS to build an integrated system workflow

prolonging the life of the lubricant and reducing the amount of

capable of ensuring the highest overall utility and facilitate the

waste oil.

detailed management of information in coordination with the MIS.

Alcohol-Free Printing

The result data of each printing press is sent to and stored in the

The new, chrome-plated roller of the continuous dampening

server in real time. Through the use of such data, all printing

system has good water receptivity, so a thin, uniform film of

machines can be monitored in terms of their daily operation time,

IPA-free solution can be formed across the entire width of the

rate of utilization, number of sheets printed, number of colors used

roller. The use of an alcohol-free dampening solution solves

and other specific parameters, while the progress of each job can

common environmental issues facing printing plants. Needless

also be tracked in units of time.

to say, the MEGA Jprint also supports water-free printing.

Power Savings
The MEGA Jprint offers a production capacity equivalent to
that of two or more one-sided presses combined, but its power
consumption is only about 55% of the power that two one-sided
presses would require.

40" Press, Standard Type

Number of colors
Max. printing speed (sheets/hour)













Max. sheet size (mm)

720 x 1,030

Min. sheet size (mm)

360 x 540

Paper thickness (mm)

0.04 -0.2/0.06 - 0.3 (Option)

Max. image area (mm)

710 x 1,020

Plate size (mm)

800 x 1,030

Blanket size (mm)

975 x 1,035

Max. feeder pile height (mm)


Max. delivery pile height (mm)

Press length (mm)



Press width (mm)

Power requirements (kW)



Press height (mm)

Press weight (kg)










*Machine design and features are subject to change without notice for the purpose of product improvement and
technological progress.
*The stated speed indicates machanically feasible capabilities. Actual speed may vary, depending on the printing image
and paper type.

40" Press, DC (Double-Sided Coater) Type

Number of colors
Max. printing speed (sheets/hour)












Max. sheet size (mm)

720 x 1,030

Min. sheet size (mm)

360 x 540

Paper thickness (mm)

0.04 -0.2/0.06 - 0.3 (Option)

Max. image area (mm)

710 x 1,020

Plate size (mm)

800 x 1,030

Blanket size (mm)

975 x 1,035

Max. feeder pile height (mm)


Max. delivery pile height (mm)


Press length (mm)



Press width (mm)


Press height (mm)


Press weight (kg)

Power requirements (kW)












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