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Alchemy is a complex and scientific branch of magic

Philosophy and study of elements and transmutation

Transmutation is the act of using ones magic or natural energy to turn one
substance into another.
As such, alchemy is connected with potion-making, chemistry, and
transformation-based magic.
Alchemy also concerns philosophy to some degree
Alchemical texts are often full of mystical speculation. Likewise, Ancient Runes
play a part in it, as alchemy borrows symbols from many different backgrounds.
At first, this allowed for free communication between alchemists from all over the
world, but the downside is that it causes even the simplest alchemic equations to
look very complex.
The word alchemy is traced back through Medieval Latin and Arabic words, all
the way back to an ancient Egyptian word, khem, which means black earth.
This comes from Egypts native name in the ancient language, Kemet.
Alchemy as we know it comes from Egypt
Has contributed to several other fields, such as ore testing and refining,
metalworking, and manufacturing glass and ceramics.
Has also contributed to the creation of gunpowder and production of inks, dyes,
and cosmetics.
Prominent alchemists include Nicolas Flamel, Dumbledore, Dzou Yen, and
Assignment: Two pages on what youve learned today
Introduction to Alchemy 101
Alchemy is an ancient branch of magic that has been practiced since antiquity,
and is pursued with a complex, but rigorous and scientific discipline unlike many
other magicks. It concerns itself primarily with the study of elements and
philosophy. Chief among its pursuits is transmutation using magic to transform
one substance into another and as such it is intimately associated with potionmaking, Muggle chemistry, and Transfigurative magic.
A unique aspect of alchemical studies is that they are often written in complex
magical codes and symbols. Desiring secrecy in their studies, and fearing
persecution, alchemists employed ancient runes and symbols, as well as esoteric
branches of arcane philosophy, when writing their texts. This allowed alchemists
to communicate freely on a global scale, with no language barriers; but also
served to make alchemy exceedingly difficult to understand for outsiders and
newcomers, and the simplest equations look very complex.

Alchemy is believed to have originated in Egypt, and the word derives from an
ancient Egyptian word khem, meaning black earth (itself derived from
Ancient Egypts native name, Kemet) . Through Medieval Latin and Arabic
influences it has evolved to the modern word we use today.
Prominent alchemists throughout history include Dzou Yen, Paracelsus, and more
recently, Nicolas Flamel and Albus Dumbledore. Alchemy has contributed to
several very important Muggle fields, which include ore testing and refining,
metalworking, and the manufacture of inks, dyes, cosmetics, glass and ceramics.
Muggles have also adapted the discoveries of ancient alchemists (but thanks to
the International Statute of Secrecy, not more modern developments) to
reportedly create gumpowder. Its exact use is currently under investigation by
the Ministry of Magic.

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