Football Lesson Plan 3

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HPE2203 Jan 2016

Year Level: 10

(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Time: 9am

Students Prior Knowledge:

Individual Handball and Kicking drills

Learning Area: Health & Physical Education

Strand: Movement and Physical Activity

Focus Area:
This lesson will looking at combining the handball, kicking,
marking, bouncing etc in combination drills where students

Sub-strand: Moving our body, understanding

movement, and learning through movement

need to make decisions and use skills on the run

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:


As a lot of the oval will be used teacher must

always check for hazards
Teacher must ensure that all equipment is easily
accessed and that equipment such as footballs
are pumped and ready to be used

Equipment List
- Footballs
- Cones
- Bibs
- Whistle
- Whiteboard
- Access to the oval

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)



ICT Competence

Critical and
creative thinking


Personal and Social



Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
- Improve on their handballing and kicking skills
- Make decisions in game situations using previous skills learnt

HPE2203 Jan 2016


Motivation and Introduction:

Brief students on activities that will be done throughout the lesson
Student Organisation

Lesson Content

Class Organisation Resources/Equipment

(Individual task structure, differentiation)

(Content & KTP)

(Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class, transitions)

Warm up Kick

KTPs for Kicking

Teacher must place himself/herself on the ends of the

lines to view all students, this allows the teacher to blow
the whistle indicating when students can kick and
retrieve the ball safely.

This is a good activity

for to warm up through
running and warm up a
students kicking. Not
only does it focus on
the warming up aspect
but it gives the students
a quick chance to
practice their kicking
The activity involves
students pairing up, one
of the students in the
pair must go collect a
Next all pairs will line up
facing open space on
the oval. One of the
students will kick the
ball out into space
where the other student
in the pair will go and
fetch the ball. Students
must run back to their
pair practicing their
bouncing while running.

Line body up with

Have head slightly
bent over the ball
Hold ball over thigh
of kicking leg
Guide the ball down
with one hand
Point your toes at
target and watch the
ball impact with foot
Follow through
straight at target
KTPs for Bouncing

Variation: Football cricket

This can be a variation of the warm up where students
kick the ball as far as they can and while their partner is
retrieving the ball the kicker is running back and forth
between 2 cones simulating running between wickets

The teacher can also

turn this into a
competition for longest
kick or even make a
variation such a football

HPE2203 Jan 2016



Bridging organization

Have student come into teacher with equipment as this equipment will be used again with different
Zig-Zag Kicking

KTPs for Kicking

This is a good drill for

kicking because it is
short and the kicks can
be precise to other

Line body up with


The teacher will set up 2 groups for this drill making

sure that all students are involved and maximise
participation, because if there was one big group
students will be waiting around for their turn for a while.

Have head slightly

bent over the ball
Hold ball over thigh
of kicking leg

It focuses on receiving
then giving the ball to
other students
therefore, having both a
kicking and marking
component in the one
Students will work their
way around a set of
cones using kicking
through a zig-zag
motion, communication
also is must to know
where the football is
heading next.

Guide the ball down

with one hand
Point your toes at
target and watch the
ball impact with foot
Follow through
straight at target
KTPs for Marking:
Eyes on the ball
Body in line with
flight of ball
Move towards the
Make W with
thumbs and hands



Bridging organization

Again keeping the cones students must set up lane work with 6 cones as shown by teacher.
Teacher must go through the KTPs of handballing very quickly.
3 Line Handballing
This drill now brings in a
defensive aspect into
football. Students need
to work the ball in a 3
up to the next set of 3
students who need to
work it back down.
There will be 2
defenders who are
asked to try and stop
the ball and attackers
from getting from one
side to the other.
Students are required to
make a decision now on
where to handball and
avoid defenders

KTPs for
Ball must be gripped
firmly with the
platform hand

Teacher will make a few groups for this to maximise the

participation of students and give every student a go at
this decision and handballing drill.

Placing thumb
outside, not inside,
the fingers form a
clenched fist
Nearly side on with
Place opposite
forward towards the
With clenched fist
and slightly bent
elbow punch
through the ball
towards target.

HPE2203 Jan 2016



Bridging organization

Teacher must get students to demonstrate the next activity/drill as this will be new to them. The
teacher must state the purpose of the drill and how it relates to quick game play in football
Kick, Mark and
Handball Drill

KTPs Kicking

This drill involves

students working on
kicking, handballing and
marking. This gets them
understanding how to
combine skills in little
plays before playing
modified games.

Have head slightly

bent over the ball

This activity involves

one student being the
kicker, marker and
receiver. Students will
have three shots at
each roll.

Line body up with


Hold ball over thigh

of kicking leg

Teacher needs to make sure that groups of 3 are nice

and spread around the oval to utilise all the space.
Very Important that teacher make students aware of
different whistle signals, 1 whistle stop and listen 2
bring equipment and themselves into teacher.

Guide the ball down

with one hand
Point your toes at
target and watch the
ball impact with foot
Follow through
straight at target
KTPs Handballing
Ball must be gripped
firmly with the
platform hand
Placing thumb
outside, not inside,
the fingers form a
clenched fist
Nearly side on with
Place opposite
forward towards the
With clenched fist
and slightly bent
elbow punch
through the ball
towards target.

HPE2203 Jan 2016



Bridging organization

Students will then be put into small teams to play inside 50 modified game. No teaching points will
be addressed as the game needs to start early.
Inside 50, Six
Possession Game
The teacher will now go
straight out into a
modified game where
there will be 2 games
going at once.
The objective for this
game is for students to
have 6 consecutive
handballs or kicks then
a shot at goal.
This incorporates
decision making and
using these skills in a
game like situation.

KTPs for
Ball must be gripped
firmly with the
platform hand

Teacher must keep and eye on both games giving two

students, one in each game the role of officiating the
games and making sure the rule of if the ball hits the
ground the other team take possession.

Placing thumb
outside, not inside,
the fingers form a
clenched fist
Nearly side on with
Place opposite
forward towards the
With clenched fist
and slightly bent
elbow punch
through the ball
towards target.
KTPs Kicking
Line body up with
Have head slightly
bent over the ball
Hold ball over thigh
of kicking leg
Guide the ball down
with one hand
Point your toes at
target and watch the
ball impact with foot
Follow through
straight at target


Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)


Teacher will sum up the KTPs and the importance of modified games in prep for the tournament
coming up in the next few weeks.

HPE2203 Jan 2016

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