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SAP Oracle Backup Type (Offline, Online Incremental, Partial) Backups

BR Backup is used to take backup of the database (Datafiles). When ever a backup is triggered BR
Backup is initialized.
There are various types of backups
1. Offline Backup
2. Online Backup
3. Incremental Backup
4. Partial Backup
1. Offline Backup (Cold Backup)
The database is down during backup and no transaction is allowed as it is down.
It is consistent and reliable.
Whole Offline Backup: The backup taken fully and a catalog is opened to start the incremental
Eg: A database is of 2000 GB Which is not possible to take a daily full offline backup with a backup
speed of 150GB/ Hour.
Full Offline Backup: It is a complete database backup without any Catalog.
Catalog (SUNDAY - The rest will be taken)
2. Online Backup
The DB is up and running with out effecting the user transactions. It is consistent and reliable with
redo logs that are generating during backup.
Whole Online Backup: The backup is taken fully and a catalog is opened to start the online
incremental backup.
Full Online Backup: It is complete database backup with out any catalogs.
Online Backup: It is consistent always with redo logs.
3. Incremental Backup
It is initiated from level0 backup and used when the database size is too big. It
can be online or offline.
4. Partial Backup
It is taken for a specific table during a patch (Especially HR Patches)
Backup type is defined by a parameter
Backup_mode = all
Backup_type = offline
Backup_dev_type = Tape or Disk
Backup_root_dir = H:\oracle\SID\sapbackup
All the above backups are performed by using brbackup.
It is used to backup the offline redolog file to tape or disk i.e. from ORAARCH directory to tape or
Archive_function = SAVE/ COPY/ DELETE
Archive_copy_dir = H:\Oracle\NWD

Tape_size= 100G
Volume_archive=NWDA01...... NWDA30...

Reads content from Log Buffer. Log writer writes to OrigLogA and OrigLog B, Mirror Log A, Mirror
Log B. When OrigLog A is full it is moved to OrigLog B When OraArch is full it is backed up to a tape
or disk.
- Archive function means the saving mechanism of log files.
- Log writer logs into OriglogA, OriglogB, MirrorLogA, MirrorLogB
-When online redo logs are full then Arch writes contents to Oraarch i.e
(Offline redologs) the content of oraarch is referred as offline redo logs.
- If Oraarch is full the archive gets stuck and the complete update mechanism stuck and users
encounter congestion.
- So the Oraarch content needs to be moved to alternative location on hourly, bi-hourly for every 4
hours or daily depending upon the frequency of updates.
- While copying Oracle provides various means of log save because we don't want the corruption of

The data transfer from Oraarch to disk is done by BRArchive.

It uses BRConnect, BRBackup, BRRestore, BRRecover with various options.
We can do the following with BRTools.

- Start and stop the database

- Database backup
- Redolog Backup
- Restore Database - from database backup
- Recover Database from Redolog Backup
- Extend the tablespace by adding datafile or resizing datafile. Max datafiles are 250 in SAP.
Each datafile size is 1% of the Whole database (100-200) 2 GB 200-400 4GB...
- Tablespace management (Create drop alter. mostly create and drop are not used)
- Reorganisation (Create, Rebuild, Indexes Export and Import tables)
- Database standard house keeping jobs (DBStatistics, cleanup logs, dbcheck, adapt next extents)
- Display profiles, change schema password etc.

How to take Backup of SAP on Oracle Database

Step by step guide to take SAP backup on Oracle DB

OS- Windows Server 2003-64Bit
Database: Oracle 64-BIT
Backup Tool: BRTOOLS
Backup Type: offline_force
Note: Take The Offline Backup of Database and Take Backup of Controlfiles.
Login as <SID>adm
Edit the init<SID>.sap file stored in /oracle/<SID>/102/database.

Open with notepad

Save init.<SID>.sap File. And close it

Now open cmd
Type Command
Note:- To use BRTOOLS you should login with <SID>adm os user.

Select 1 for backup and you will see the following screen

Edit the Values of above screen

Select 2 for editing the Backup Device type
Press c to continue

Press c to continue


Now Backup is complicated with return code 0

[2] Now Take the backup of controlfile

Control file is generated in directory copy and paste in backup directory

Copy and paste in

Now Backup is completed We can Restore the system with this backup .

Oracle Database Backup using Brtools on a Disk

Hi All,
This blog contains steps with screenshot which shows you the steps to take Oracle DB backup on Disk.
Please stop your SAP application server before you proceed with your DB backup activities and take a
backup of file before you modify it manually.
Step1: Modify the file present in the location :\oracle\SID\11202\database (windows) or

Change the entries as shown in the figure above(Change "backup_dev_type = disk" and "backup_root_dir
= :\location" and save and quit.

Step2: Start Brtools utility from the command prompt by logging in as SIDadm on windows and oraSID in

Enter "4" (Press Enter Key)

Enter "1" (Press Enter Key)

Enter "c" (Press Enter Key)

Enter "c" (Press Enter Key)

Enter "c" (Press Enter Key)

It will show you the summary of all the files which it will copy during this backup activity, Press "c" and

You can see the progress of your backup as shown in the screen above.
Finally once your backup is over, you can see the return code 0 on the screen which shows that your
backup was successfull.

Moving Oracle Datafile Using BRtools in Solaris or Linux

The Following Steps will move the Oracle datafile from old location to new location

Login as "su - oraSID"

Enter command brtools

Select 2 - Space management.

Then Select 6 - Move data file.

Select 3 ~ Tablespace names (tablespace) .. []And provide the table space name, Example "
PSAPSR3700" etc.

Select 4 ~ Data file names (file) ......... [] and enter the detail of the datafile which you want
to move, Example = "/oracle/SID/sapdata1/sr3700_3/sr3700.data3

Please note the new destination should have the name starting with "sapdataXX" the location can be
any where.
Enter "c" continue 2 times

Select 3 ~ Move destination and enter destination, Example=" /oracle/SID/sapdata1/".

And Select 6 Force instance shutdown and enter yes

Enter "c"
This is just a simple example and please refer to SAP note for exact steps to move Oracle data file through Brtools

Adding SAP Datafile using BRTools

Hi All,
In this blog I will tell you how to add a new SAP datafile using BRTools:
In Windows login as SIDADM.
Start --> run --> cmd --> brtools
For Linux and Solaris login as root, then follow these commands:

> su - oraSID > sqlplus /nolog > conn sys as sysdba

Enter password: (Press enter)
--------------------------------------------------Steps are common once brtools starts:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------BR*Tools main menu

= Instance management
- Space management
- Segment management
- Backup and database copy
- Restore and recovery
- Check and verification
- Database statistics
- Additional functions
- Exit program

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help

------------------------------------------------------------------------------BR0662I Enter your choice:
2 ----------------> Enter 2
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Database space management

= Extend tablespace
- Create tablespace
- Drop tablespace
- Alter tablespace
- Alter data file
- Move data file
- Additional space functions
- Reset program status

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help

------------------------------------------------------------------------------BR0662I Enter your choice:
1 -------------> Enter 1
And then enter c two times.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablespace extension main menu

= Extend tablespace
- Show tablespaces
- Show data files
- Show disk volumes
* Exit program

6 - Reset program status

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
------------------------------------------------------------------------------BR0662I Enter your choice:
1 ---------------> Select
After this all the table space will be displayed
Select the tablespace for which you want to add a new datafile.
For example we are trying to add datafile to tablespace "PSAPSR3".
As an example we have selected
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Options for extension of tablespace PSAPSR3 (1. file)
1 * Last added file name (lastfile) ....... [[Drive]:\ORACLE\SID\SAPDATA2\SR3_4\SR3.D
2 * Last added file size in MB (lastsize) . [2000]
3 - New file to be added (file) ........... [[Drive]:\oracle\SID\sapdata2\sr3_5\sr3.d
4 # Raw disk / link target (rawlink) ...... []
5 - Size of the new file in MB (size) ..... [2000]
6 - File autoextend mode (autoextend) ..... [yes]
7 - Maximum file size in MB (maxsize) ..... [10000]
8 - File increment size in MB (incrsize) .. [20]
9 - SQL command (command) ................. [alter tablespace PSAPSR3 add dataf
ile 'D:\oracle\SID\sapdata2\sr3_5\sr3.data5' size 2000M autoextend on next 20M m
axsize 10000M]
Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
------------------------------------------------------------------------------BR0662I Enter your choice:
c ---------------> Enter c to continue and create datafiles.
----After that enter n -------------------BR0675I Do you want to perform this action?
BR0676I Enter 'y[es]' to perform the action, 'n[o]/c[ont]' to skip it, 's[top]'
to abort:
n --------------> Enter n to stop creating another datafile.
It will add a new datafile to it.
Hurray !!!!!!!! You have added a new datafile.

Note: Please refer to the SAP/Oracle note for exact procedure for adding datafile, the blogger is not responsible for any issue arising by using
the above blog.

How to change Oracle database parameter using BRTOOLS

Hi All,
You can use BRTOOLS to change Oracle DB parameter.

brspace -u / -f dbparam

Changing SAPSR3 password using BRTOOLS

Hi All,
There are times when it becomes compulsory to change the password of SAP Schema User. The older
technique involves sql query which is not allowed in SAP enviroment.
The best practice to change SAPSR3 or SAP password is through BRTOOLS utility.
Step1: Login to Server as ORASID user.
Step2: brconnect -u / -f chpass -o -p
Ex: brconnect -u / -f chpass -o SAPSR3 -p new_password
In the above example,
-u / -- option means that authorization will be done from OS level user
SAPSR3 -- Represents Schema user in Normal SR3 system
-p -- New Password

How to Generate Doveloper Access Key

Developer Access Key

If a developer want to develop any object in SAP namespace then system ask for developer access key.
That mean if a ABAP developer want to change standard SAP object then he need a access key. See
how to generate access key.
If a developer want to edit this object

Generating Access Key

Go to Market Place

Select SSCR Keys and click on Register Object

You will see the following screen

Register object

Now select the Basis Release as per 1st screenshot

fill up the entries Release 620,
Program ID - R3TR
Type - CLAS

Select the installation no as per the first screen shot then click on Register Access key will be generated.

After the successful registration of the object the the access key will be generated.

This is the desired Access key..:)

Netweaver Tools
Tools used in Netweaver 7.0
In Netweaver 7.0 we commony use following tools.
1. Templete Config Tool
2. Config Tool (Offline Tool)
3. Visual Admin Tool (Online Tool)
4. Integrated Log Viewer
Console based tool
5. Telnet Tool (Console base tool)
6. Jcmon

Software Deployment Tool

7. SDM (Software Deployment Manager)
8. JSPM ( Java Supportpack Manager)
Web Based Tool
9. NWA ( Netweaver Admin Tool)
10. SLD (System Landscape Directory)
11. Visual Composer
12. User Admin Tool

Software Deployement Manager (SDM)

SDM:(Software Deployment Manager)

Software Deployment Manager is a tool widely used in WEBAS 640 and replaced by JSPM in Netweaver
7.0 and completely phased out in Netweaver 7.1.
It requires SDM password and port 50018 which runs based on JLaunch process.
it is accessed by using /usr/sap/SID/Instance/SDM/program/remotegui.bat in windows and
in Linux operating contains its own startup menu, inbox, log etc.

it is used to deploy and undeploy the support packages, business packages, add-ons etc in Netweaver
Java is used to deploy the patches to Java Engine, File System (j2ee/cluster/server/apps) and
Database.It requires manual feed(frontend)unlike spam/saint/jspm which reads from EPS/in.
Due to its un-deployment feature it is discontinued from Netweaver 7.1. If a content is selected for undeployment it does not check the dependencies and the functionality of the deployed content is lost.
it is necessary to redeploy the content which is un-deployed (probably with an older version).
Example: Visual Composer is updated from patch level 12 to 15,but 15 found to be not compatible, so it is
un-deployed. un-deploy means the complete content of visual composer is un-deployed and visual
composer no more works. So redeploy the visual composer with version 12 or higher version 18
The SPAM/SAINT are incremental and they could not be reverted where as the java patches are
cumulative and replaces the content.The SDM deploys the files with extension *.sca,*.sda,*.war,*.ear etc.
sdm starts by reading the profile stores the information in sdmrepository.sdc and
backup the file in predefined intervals
SDM contains SDM Logs, Documentation, temp directory(used during export and import).

JSPM: Java Support Package Manager

JSPM: Java Support Package Manager

JSPM is a widely used tool to apply support packages in Java stack or Dual stack SAP system. Now a
days we use SUM (Software Upgrade Manager ) to update support packages or version upgrade.
Java Support package manager is consistent /stable/reliable tool used to deploy the patches. It works
similar to SPAM/SAINT and reads from EPS/in. It is also used to deploy the kernel.
it is accessed by path usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00/j2ee/jspm/go.bat
It requires SDM password and works only in the <SID>ADM environment.
Un-deployment function is not available in JSPM.(it handles the task of spam and saint)
It displays the source version and calculates the target version from EPS/in.

It is used to apply new usage types, support packages, add-ons, business packages, support
stack update along with SAP Kernel. It is also possible to skip the packages that are in queue

Failed Backgraound Jobs

Reasons for Background Jobs Cancellaton:
1. User Id/Password mismatch or other authorization issues.
2. User is Locked (who defined the background job).
3. Variant issues due to program change, variant deletion/modification.
4. File input/output error (Program is not able to find required file or not able to process the format).
5. Space Issues While connected to the backend system, connectivity issues, Ports Blockage.
6. Database issues - ora-1653/1654/ 1631/1632/255/272 etc..
7. Failure of Dependent Jobs.
8. Program is not allowed to run in background mode ( e.g. RSM10032)

Default Ports used in SAP

If the instance no of SAP system is 00 then the ports no will be like this.
Here 3200 is the dispatcher port. In 3200 ( 32<instance no>, 32<00>). In JAVA System Port 50000 is
(5<instance no>00, 5<00>00 = 50000).
In ABAP system SAP uses 8<instance no>0.
Port No.
Used By


Dispatcher Port


Gateway Port


Message Server Port


Internal Message server Port


Java Message Server Port


Secured Gateway


Http Port


Https Port


Java Http Por


P4 Port


Telnet Port


SLD Port


DAA Port (Diagnostic Agent)


SMD Port


Router Port


Listner Port (Default Port)

Important SAP Basis Transaction

SAP Transport Management

STMS Central Transport Management System
SE01 Transport and Correction System
SE02 Environment Analyzer
SE03 Transport Utilities
SE06 Set up Workbench Organizer
SE07 Transport System Status Display
SE09 Workbench Organizer (Initial Screen)
SE10 Customizing Organizer

SAP User Management

SU01 User Maintenance

SU01D User Display
SU02 Maintain Authorization Profiles
SU03 Maintain Authorizations
SU05 Maintain Internet users
SU10 User Mass Maintenance
SMLG Maintain Logon Group
SUPC Profiles for activity groups
SUIM Info system Authorizations
PFCG Profile Generator
PFUD User Master Data Reconciliation
S002 Easy System Administration Menu
ZAUT maintenance. Requesting new users, changing authorisation, etc.

Tcodes for Daily Monitoring

SM04 Displays User List
AL08 Displays Current Active Users
SM12 Display and Delete Locks
SM13 Display Update Records
SM21 Displays System Log
SM50 Displays Work Process Overview
SM51 Displays List of SAP Servers
SM66 Displays System Wide Work Process Overview
ST22 Displays ABAP/4 Runtime Error Analysis
ST01 Displays System Trace

ST02 SAP Setups/Tune Buffers

ST04 DB activities (SQL Server Performance Analysis)
ST05 Displays Performance trace
ST06 or ST06N Operating System Monitor
ST10 Displays Table call statistics
ST03 Displays Performance, SAP Statistics, Workload

Important DB transaction
DB01 Analyze exclusive lock waits
DB02 Analyze tables and indexes
DB12 DB Backup Monitor
DB13 DBA Planning Calendar
DB15 Data Archiving: Database Tables
DBACOCKPIT - Contains relevant functionality from the old transaction
codes ST04, DB02, DB13, DB12, DB14, and DB13C

Client Administration in SAP

SCC0 Client Copy
SCC1 Client Copy - Special Selections
SCC2 Client transport
SCC3 Client Copy Log
SCC4 Client administration
SCC5 Client Delete
SCC6 Client Import
SCC7 Client Import Post Processing
SCC8 Client Export
SCC9 Remote Client Copy

SCCL Local Client Copy

Background Jobs Administration

SM36 Define Background Job

SM37 Background Job Overview

SM39 Job Analysis

SM49 Execute External OS commands
SM62 Maintain Events
SM69 Maintain External OS Commands

Spool Administration
SPAD Spool Management
SP00 Spool and Relate Area
SP01 Spool Control
SP02 Display output Requests
SP03 Spool: Load Formats
SPCC Spool Consistency check
SPIC Spool : Installation Check Tables
SP11 TemSe Contents
SP12 TemSe Administration

Log on to remote server and start database

Hi All,
We had a issue few days back where we installed CI and DB on separate host and things went fine till the
time we refreshed system with PRD database.
Error log:
sidadm> startsap

Database SID must be started first

Log on to remote server and start database
Our DB was up and running and listener was also up.
Even R3trans -d and R3trans -x were successful.
sidadm> R3trans -d
This is R3trans version 6.24 (release 721 - 26.09.13 - 20:13:07 ).
unicode enabled version
R3trans finished (0000).
--------------------------------sidadm> R3trans -x
This is R3trans version 6.24 (release 721 - 26.09.13 - 20:13:07 ).
unicode enabled version
R3trans finished (0000).
Check for parameter named "SAPDBHOST" in DEFAULT.PFL.
Entry should be as
Check DEFAULT.PFL if the file name is "DEFAULT" only then name it to DEFAULT.PFL.
There will be an additional parameter in Java server i.e.

Moving SAPDATA files in SAP DB2 DB Server

Hi All,
In this blog I will show you on "How to move SAP DB2 database files from one location to other.
In our case we are facing drive/disk full issue and this can resolved by moving few of the DB files from
one drive to another.
Please make sure that source and target drive format is same.
Steps are mentioned below:

Step 1: Stop SAP.

Step 2: Login to the server using db2

Step 3: Take Offline backup for database and also OS level backup(Recommended).
Step 4: Stop database.
>db2stop force
Step 5: Open command prompt and move to the kernel location. Generate script file using below
>brdb6brt -s -bm RETRIEVE_RELOCATE
eg: brdb6brt -s ST1 -bm RETRIEVE_RELOCATE

Step 6: Move the script file to the location where offline backup is taken.
Step 7: Rename the script file _NODE0000.scr to _NODE0000.clp so that we can edit the file.

Step 8: Create directory structure where you want to place sapdata. And copy the content from old
storage location.

Here is the example above, the files from sapdata3 and sapdata4 are moved from D Drive to F Drive, so
we copied the files after creating similar directory structure(D:\db2\SID to F:\db2\SID) and copied the
content from parent location to target location.

Step 9: Open the file SID_NODE00000.clp in an editor, and modify the storage as shown below,
Eg: STORAGE_PATH=D:\db2\ST1\sapdata4,F:\db2\ST1\sapdata4

Step 10: Rename the file back _NODE0000.clp to _NODE0000.scr.

Step 11: move to the location where the script file is copied and Execute the below command,
db2relocatedb -f _NODE0000.scr
eg: db2relocatedb -f ST1_NODE0000.scr
Step 12: Now we can delete or rename old storage location,

Step13: Start SAP and DB now and check the new location from DB13 transaction.

Sharib Tasneem

Note: Please try this your own risk. This blog is only intended for sharing knowlodge only. Not to be used in production landscape.

RSORAISQN - Report for improving index Quality in Oracle DB

Hi All,
In this post, I will show users to use SAP report RSORAISQN to improve the index quality of table in
Oracle DB. Here we are taking an example of MSEG Table. You can similarly check the index quality of
any SAP table.
Note: Please use this report during Off-Peak business hours.
Login to SAP System with appropriate user rights to execute reports.
TX : Se38 - RSORAISQN - Execute.
Step 1: Analysis
You will find a screen as shown below:

Enter the detail as shown in the above example.

Finally Click on execute button and it will ask for a confirmation popup, click "Ok" on that screen.

Step2 : Checking Quality

Once step 1 is done, it will bring you to the main screen as shown above.
Now Enter the detail as shown below to check the index quality of the MSEG table.

And Click on "Execute" button.

The below screen shows, the index quality to of MSEG Table(Example)

If you find index quality to be below 60%, please follow the Step 4 to rebuild it.
Step 3: Improving Index Quality
You can enter the detail as shown below. Please make sure that your ID should be same during analysis.
And click on execute button.

Once, you rebuild the index, you can check to it using Step1 and Step2.

Setting up Operation modes

Hi All,
This blog will show "How to setup Operation Modes in SAP"
Step1: Tx RZ04.
Step2: Click on "Operation Mode --> Create" (For Creating Operation mode).
Step3: Enter the detail, like Operation mode(Name of operation mode), Description(Anything), and
Monitoring Properties variant (Select SAP-DEFAULT or *)and click on "SAVE" button it.

Step4: Repeat step number 2 & 3 for creating more operation mode.
Step5: Steps for Creating Instance and distributing work process.

Click on Opertaion Modes --> Maintain Instance --> Operation Mode View.

After that Click on Create New Instance and enter the following detail.

Hostname of your SAP Server.

Instance Number

Start Profile

Instance Profile

And SAVE it.

Step6: Maintaining Time table for Operation Modes.

Now Move to Tx SM63.

Select Normal Opertaion(24 Hrs).

And Click on "Change".

Select the time range by double clicking on the duration and Click on "Assign".

And Select Operation modes and Click on "SAVE" button.

Now you have setup the operation mode.

Note: This blog is only for your reference, please refer to SAP note or SAP document for exact

Renewing SAP Router License

Hi All,
Here are the Steps of renewing the SAP Router License.
Step1: Login as sncadm user. Take a Backup of folder where SAP Router is installed.
Ex: D:\usr\sap\saprouter to D:\usr\sap\saprouter_backup.

Step2: Execute the below command

sapgenpse get_pse -v -r certreq1 -p local.pse

It will ask for PIN, so enter any 4 digit number and remember this, as you may need it in at
other places during renewal. Easy to remember code is 1234.
Also enter the distinguish name.(You can find the distinguish name at )
Now copy the content of certreq .(Either to the clipboard or to the notepad)
Step3: At Service Market Place logon to ----->
SAPRouter Certificates -----> Apply Now.
On the next page Click on "Continue"
After that Paste the Contect into the Edit Box(Paste the content from -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE
Now Click on "Request Certificate".
Copy the entire content of the Certificate from Begining to End to a text file named srcert.txt
and copy this file to the same location where it was present. Rename it to "srcert".

Ex: D:\usr\sap\saprouter
Step4: Install the certificate in our saprouter by running
:\usr\sap\saprouter>sapgenpse.exe import_own_cert -c srcert -p local.pse

Now we have to create the credentials for the SAProuter with command
:\usr\sap\saprouter>sapgenpse seclogin -p local.pse -O
This will create a file called cred_v2 in the same directory.
Step5: Check if the certificate has been imported correctly
:\usr\sap\saprouter>Sapgenpse get_my_name -v -n Issuer

Switching Off/On Archive Log in Oracle Database

Hi All,

Login to the system as root, then follow these steps:

-----------------------Switching Archive log Off---------------------------su - SIDadm
>sqlplus /nolog
>conn sys as sysdba
Enter password: (Press Enter)
>startup mount; (Press Enter)
>alter database noarchivelog; (Press Enter)
> alter database open;
Now Start the SAP Instance only.
-----------------------Switching Archive log On---------------------------su - SIDadm
>sqlplus /nolog
>conn sys as sysdba
Enter password: (Press Enter)
>startup mount; (Press Enter)
>alter database archivelog; (Press Enter)
> alter database open;
Proceed with starting SAP instance.
Note: Please refer to SAP/Oracle note for exact steps.


SAP MMC Hangs After Kernel Upgrade in Windows 2008

Hi All,
The SAP MMC hangs after SAP Kernel upgrade in Windows 2008.
Solution: Please refer to SAP note number - 1326097

SAPCPE.exe Red after kernel Upgrade in SAP NW 7.01 SR1 in

Hi All,
After applying SAP kernel on NW 7.01 SR1 in windows 2003 or 2008 the SAPCPE.exe is red in color and
you can login to the SAP gui.
Refer to SAP note number: 1375494

SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege

Hi All,
Error while export catalogue object fails with SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege
error in SAP HANA DB.

Exact error log is:

SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege: Can't export view SAPSID.0BW:BIA:SID:0SD_C03.
user has no privilege on the underlying objects


Login to SAP HANA Studio as the SYSTEM user

In the security area grant the user that is having the issue the system privilege EXPORT

SAPOSCOL not starting "Cannot create Shared Memory"

Hi All,
Below are the commands to use saposcol

Login as adm
To start,
sidadm>saposcol -l
To stop,
sidadm>saposcol -k
To check status,
sidadm>saposcol -s
But some time we have error messages like "Cannot create Shared Memory".

You can use command

sidadm>saposcol -c to clear the shared memory and try starting saposcol.
In case if it doesnt start after that also, you can try below command:
>ipcs -ma|grep 4dbe
Share memory key for SAPOSCOL is "4dbe"

you can see that shared memory is assigned and the owner is root.
To clean this you need to execute below command:
ipcrm -m {Memory ID}
In above screenshot you can see that the memory id is 4.
So, the command to clear shared memory is
>ipcrm -m 4

In my example, I tried to clear memory with SIDadm user which is not the owner of the memory assigned.
So, clear this memory with root user.

Once it is cleared, you can try starting saposcol with the same command which is shown above.

Example is:

And once, it is started you can check the status with below command:

>saposcol -s.

OCS package SAPKITL705 does not match the current

software component vector
Hi All,
After installation of SAP Solution Manager 7.1 SP 04 we encountered below issue:
OCS package SAPKITL705 does not match the current software component vector
Before starting any SP import like SAP Basis SAPKB70210 or any other Support pack, please import
GW_CORE 200,
IW_BEP 200,
and IW_FND 250
via SAINT transaction with their SP's.
For more detail please refer to SAP Note: 1827677 - Solution Manager 7.1 SPS : OCS package
SAPKITL705 does not match the current software component vector


Hi All,
While running certain jobs in from TX DB13, it was failing in our landscape as our CI and DB are on
different host.
After checking the log, I found the below logs:
SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE failed for BRCONNECT - Reason: program_start_error: For More
Information, See SYS
Message no. Q2233
This message includes variables. No additional information can be specified.

Googled this and found many confusing solutions. Also, for your information, our servers were on AIX and
I am sure the solution will work on all linux flavors.
Follow SAP note number, Note 446172 - SXPG_COMMAND_EXECUTE (program_start_error) in
DB13 section 8.
Login to system as root user and execute the command which is shown below in your SAP primary
application Server(CI):
rsh -l adm sapxpg
Ex: rsh -l SIDadm sapxpg
where hostname name is the hostname of the DB Server.
In my case it failed with permission denied error("Permission denied", "Can't establish connection" or a
password query). Now, follow the procedure to fix this error.
Open file /etc/hosts.equiv and make an entry about the other host and the user which should be allowed
to execute the command in Db server.
hostname sidadm
hostname orasid
Where hostname is the hostname of your SAP Primary application Server and "sid" is the SID of your
SAP Server.

Loading of 'SAPNTAB' import package is interrupted with

R3load error
Hi All,
While Installing Netweaver 7.31 on HANA DB using SWPM 1.0, I encountered the error below while it
went to the ABAP IMPORT stage and it failed while starting the first import.
I checked the Log and found this error below in the import logs in sapinst directory.
Loading of 'SAPNTAB' import package is started.
TRACE: 2012-12-05 15:16:16 processPackage
Task file generation for 'SAPNTAB' import package:
/usr/sap/PBH/SYS/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load -ctf I
-l SAPNTAB.log

ERROR: 2012-12-05 15:16:16 run

Loading of 'SAPNTAB' import package is interrupted with R3load error.
Process '/usr/sap/PBH/SYS/exe/uc/hpia64/R3load -ctf I
-l SAPNTAB.log' exited with return code 2.
For mode details see 'SAPNTAB.log' file.
Soln: I Found a solution in SAP note number 1702177 which was relevant to SUM 1.0, but to take in
chance I took a backup of file SAPNTAB.STR and tried with the one which is attached to this note and it


During EHP5 Upgrade
Error in PREP_INPUT/TOOLVERSION_INI phase while EHP5 Upgrade while using SUM Tool.
Error Log:
EXECUTING /usr/sap/SID/SUM/abap/exe/disp+work (disp+work) -V
disp+work: /lib64/ no version information available
(required by disp+work)
disp+work: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required by
disp+work: /usr/lib64/ version `CXXABI_1.3.3' not found
(required by /usr/sap/SID/SUM/abap/exe/
SAPup> Process with PID 19406 terminated with status 1 at
Please refer to SAP note 1563102 for its cause and solution

Error in Phase 'PREP_INIT/VALCHK_INI' during EHP5 Upgrade

Using SUM Tool
Hi Guys,
We encountered some error during EHP5 Upgrade on our ECC 6.0 System while using SUM Tool.
The Error Log As Follows:
1 ETQ201 Entering upgrade-phase "VALCHK_INI" ("20121008214727")
4 ETQ399 Set environment for standard connect:
2 ETQ367 Connect variables are set for standard instance access

4 ETQ399 System-nr = '00', GwService = 'sapgw00' Client = '000'

4 ETQ399 Environment variables:
4 ETQ399 dbs_ada_schema=SAPSID
4 ETQ399 auth_shadow_upgrade=0
1 ETQ200 Executing actual phase 'PREP_INIT/VALCHK_INI'.
1 ETQ399 Phase arguments:
2 ETQ399 Arg[0] = 'HARD-CHK'
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="SID", AsHost="hostname" Nr="00", GwHost="hostname
", GwService="sapgw00"
2 ETQ232 RFC Login succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20121008214727
1 ETQ233 Calling function module "SUBST_HANDLE_UVERS" by RFC
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_MODE" = "R"
2 ETQ373 parameter "IV_ALL" = " "
2 ETQ399 Table IT_UVERS (#5):
3 ETQ399 "SAP_ABA","700","","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "SAP_APPL","600","","","","","","","","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "SAP_BASIS","700","","","","","","","","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "SAP_BW","700","","","","","","","","","","",""
3 ETQ399 "SAP_HR","600","","","","","","","","","","",""
1 ETQ234 Call of function module "SUBST_HANDLE_UVERS" by RFC succeeded
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20121008214727
2 ETQ374 parameter "EV_LEN" = "102"
2 ETQ399 Table IT_UVERS (#5):
3 ETQ399 "SAP_ABA","700","20121007","194751","20121007","194751","I","A","","700
3 ETQ399 "SAP_APPL","600","20121007","194751","20121007","194751","I","A","","60
3 ETQ399 "SAP_BASIS","700","20121007","194751","20121007","194751","I","A","","7
3 ETQ399 "SAP_BW","700","20121007","194751","20121007","194751","I","A","","700"
3 ETQ399 "SAP_HR","600","20121007","194751","20121007","194751","I","A","","600"
1AETQ228 Detected invalid (temporary) start release "SAP_ABA"
1EETQ399 Last error code set is 'SAP_ABA is in an undefined state, that is not s
afe to be upgraded, reason Upgrade wasn't completed - Call the SAP Support'
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "VALCHK_INI" aborted with severe errors ("20121008214727"

To fix this error, Please follow the step below:
Move to the location:
cd /usr/sap/SID/SUM/abap/bin
Execute the command: ./SAPup reset prepare

And then, once this command is executed successfully, delete SUM directory and extract fresh SUM files
in the same location and continue.


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