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HPE2203 Jan 2016

Year Level: 10

(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)

Time: 9am

Students Prior Knowledge:

Students do not have much prior knowledge on what is
going to be done in this lesson so this will be new for

Learning Area: Health & Physical Education

Strand: Personal, social, and community health

looked at in the SEPEP program in the form of coaches,

Sub-strand: Being healthy, safe and active

Musical managers, and sports medics

Equipment List
- iPads or smart phone

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:


Focus Area:
Todays lesson will focus on the different rolls that will be

Make a classroom available for students

Have iPads or other technology ready for
students use

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)



ICT Competence

Critical and
creative thinking


Personal and Social



Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
- All students will have a fair idea of each role and when it is there turn to take on this role they will be


Motivation and Introduction:

Briefly outline todays lesson with rules and standards they must follow when having access to technology.
HPE2203 Jan 2016


Student Organisation

Lesson Content

(Individual task structure, differentiation)

(Content & KTP)

Coaches role:

Teacher must look to see

that all students are
engaged and not avoiding
the work that has been set
for them.

Teacher will be allocating teams

today based off a list that has
been created in spare time
ensuring that most of the teams
are even.
Once this is done the teacher
will have the students in their
team and to analyse the role of
the coach.

They must be engaged in

the activity and not other
uses that such as browsing
the internet and apps that
have nothing to do wit the

Class Organisation
(Position of teacher/students, setup/working area/grids for class,

Due to kids being in classroom

environment teacher must make sure
that the discussions do not distract
surrounding classrooms.
Students must show respect by
listening when other groups are
presenting their apps.

The students must use the

iPads or smart phones in
smaller groups within their
teams to find an interesting app
that can be used to engage and
help their team understand the
role of a coach.
Within the smaller groups
students must come up with a
few apps that the coach may
These groups well then have
around a minute to present their
app and how it can be used to
help a team in football.
The rest of this lesson will
follow with the musical
manager and the sports
medic using the same activity
used for the coachs role.
Music Manager:
For this activity not only do the
groups have to find an app, but
they must make a team song
and present this song to the
Sports medic:
Students must find good apps
that relate to this topic, this
means find good apps that will
prevent injury and what needs
to be done in the situation there
is an injury. Teacher will help
with this activity.

Bridging organization

As the lesson comes to a close students must place devices as they found them and back to their
seats for final comments from teacher.
HPE2203 Jan 2016


Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)


Explain each role and how they will be implemented into SEPEP program

Give a roster of the jobs for each group heading into tournament

Ask questions for review on each role

HPE2203 Jan 2016

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