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Longman General Dictionary Worksheets

Skill set: Colloquial and idiomatic English

Level: Advanced
Dictionary Recommended: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

Exercise 1: Find a word fast!

1 Work with a partner. See who can write these words in alphabetical order first.
seedy shifty lousy gory nerdy

1…………. 2…………. 3……………. 4………….… 5……………..

These words are all adjectives ending in -y. Use your Longman dictionary to find out what else
they have in common. Adjectives ending in -y are often formed from a noun. Try to find the
nouns used to form the adjectives above in your dictionary. Is there always a clear connection in
meaning between the nouns and adjectives?

Exercise 2: Words and examples

1 Write the words below in alphabetical order.
dealings makings findings leanings takings

1…………. 2…………. 3……………. 4…………… 5……………..

2 All of the words above are formed from common verbs, but they are all used as nouns with
idiomatic meanings. Look them up in your dictionary and copy the examples for each noun.

Exercise 3: Words and idioms

1 Write these words in alphabetical order.

rulebook pressed undoing nutshell two

1…………. 2…………. 3……………. 4……………… 5……………..

Now look the words up and write down the first idiom that you find at each word – the idioms
are given in dark print.

Exercise 4: Unknown words

1 Look at the biography below. Decide if the statements below are true (T) or false (F).

As a young man, Reed scraped a

living as a journalist on a local
newspaper. He went on to make a
name for himself as the gutsy
reporter who frequently put political
figures on the spot.

a Reed made very little money working on the local newspaper.

b Reed changed his name.
c Reed did not give up easily.
d Reed often caused politicians to resign.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English – with 64 pages of new words

Longman General Dictionary Worksheets

2 Use the dictionary entries below to check your answers.

living n 1 [C usually singular] the name n 3 [singular] the opinion that gutsy adj informal brave and
way that you earn money or the people have about a person or determined: a gutsy young fighter
money that you earn: It’s not a great organisation; REPUTATION: have a
job, but it’s a living. do sth for a name for (=be known by people to
living (=as your job) So what do you have a particular quality) The company
do for a living? earn/make a living has a name for reliability. get a spot n 10 put sb on the spot to
It’s hard to make a decent living as a good/bad name The restaurant got a deliberately ask someone a question
musician. scrape/scratch a living bad name for slow service. make a that is difficult or embarrassing to
(=get just enough to eat or live) - name for yourself (=become known answer: Reporters put the governor
see LIFE (USAGE) and admired by many people) Manyac on the spot with questions about his
made a name for himself in the involvement in the bribery scandal.
Parisian art world.

Exercise 5: Spelling
1 Each sentence below contains an incomplete word. Use the context to help you decide what
the word is If necessary, you can look up the idioms/colloquial words in dark print to help
you. Then use your dictionary to check the correct spelling of the incomplete words.

a He does things on the spur of the moment - he’s very spon_________s

b It was tho_______ly awful - an out and out disaster!
c You showed a lot of guts - that was very cou__________s.
d She’s very ind________nt and knows her own mind.

Exercise 6: Idioms and prepositions

1 Look at the e-mail below and decide which preposition to write in each space.

Hi Kim
Thanks for the invitation to the party. As you know, I have exams coming up soon
and I have to finish an assignment for the end of this week, so I’m ____ to my
eyes in work. The hardest thing is trying to remember so much information at once
- I’m learning most of it ___ heart, and it seems to be working. I think that going
out would actually help take my mind ____ the exam, so yes, I will come - I
probably won’t stay very late though. See you around eight.


2 Use the dictionary entries for the words in dark print to check your answers:

eye n [C] 3 be up to your mind n 12 take your mind off heart n 9 know/learn something by
eyes in sth to be very busy sth to make yourself stop heart to know or learn something so
doing something: I really can’t thinking about something that is that you can remember all of it: You
take on anything else just now - worrying you: I decided to clean have to know all the music by heart
I’m up to my eyes in paperwork the car to take my mind off the
as it is. events of the day.

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English – with 64 pages of new words

Longman General Dictionary Worksheets

Teacher’s Notes/Answer Key

This worksheet is aimed at helping students to develop their general dictionary skills
with the help of the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, and focuses on
idiomatic and colloquial language.

Exercise 1
1 gory 2 lousy 3 nerdy 4 seedy 5 shifty
They are all informal adjectives and have negative connotations/meanings
gory - gore (sense 1); lousy - louse (sense 2); nerdy - nerd; seedy - seed (no clear
connection in meaning); shifty - shift (no clear connection in meaning)

Exercise 2
1 dealings 2 findings 3 leanings 4 makings 5 takings
You could point out to students that these words are always/usually used in the
plural form, but that they will sometimes have to find this particular use of the word
within the entry or in example sentences for a singular headword (eg making,

Exercise 3
1 nutshell - (to put it) in a nutshell
2 pressed - be pressed for time/money etc
3 rulebook - go by the rulebook
4 two - put two and two together
5 undoing - be sb’s undoing

Exercise 4
a T (scraped a living)
b F (made a name for himself = became well-known/admired)
c T (gutsy)
d F (put … on the spot = asked embarrassing/difficult questions)

Exercise 5

a spontaneous
b thoroughly
c courageous
d independent

Exercise 6
Encourage students to look at example sentences and bold phrases in each entry.

up to my eyes in work
learning most of it by heart
take my mind off the exam

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English – with 64 pages of new words

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