LGMT 682 Online Syllabus 0811

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LGMT 682


Online Course Syllabus
Credit Hours: 3
Delivery Method: Online (Internet / Blackboard)
Required Course Materials
Murphy, P. Jr. & Wood, D. (2011). Contemporary logistics (10th ed.) Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall Inc.
ISBN-10: 0136110770
ISBN-13: 9780136110774

Course Description
The focus of this course is on integrated logistics management. Although different
organizations define the concept differently, at its core, integrated logistics is all about the
systematic management of activities associated with the delivery of goods and services to meet
customer needs. As a result, this course addresses the cross-functional management of a
number of activities including sourcing, procurement, packaging, in-bound transportation,
warehousing, inventory management, distribution, customer service, and reverse logistics
where appropriate. Additional topics include the concept of life cycle cost, outsourcing,
performance management, international logistics, and the role of web and EDI in managing the
logistics information needs of the enterprise. Case studies and problems are used throughout
the course to highlight important principles and best practices in integrated logistics
Course Goals
The goal of this course is to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to be
successful logistics managers in both the public and private sector.

This Syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Constantine M. Koursaris

Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, successful students will be able to:

Define the concept of integrated logistics management and describe the history
and evolution of logistics and the role of logistics in the domestic and global
economy. (PO 1)


Explain the role of systems theory, lifecycle management, and lifecycle cost in
integrated logistics management and demonstrate how budgeting, cost analysis,
and other financial techniques can be used to maintain financial control. (PO1)


Describe the role of web and other technologies in managing the logistics needs
of the enterprise. (PO 2)


Explain the importance of customer service and the role of logistics in meeting
customer needs including planning, sourcing, order processing, packaging,
material handling, and distribution. (PO 2)


Describe the role of purchasing, why purchasing has assumed a more strategic
role in many organizations, typical steps in selecting a supplier, the role of
negotiations, and key characteristics of the partnership model. (PO1)


Explain the five basic modes of transportation, the legally defined classes of
carriers, the role and activities of the transportation management function, the
purpose of key transportation documents, and the role of freight forwarders and
other intermediaries in transportation management and explain the role of
warehouses and distribution centers and evaluate alternative warehouse or
distribution center designs. (PO 1 and 4)


Describe the site selection process and major factors that influence the location
of where to place warehouses, plants, distribution centers and other key facilities.
(PO 4)


Demonstrate the importance of inventory turnover, apply the EOQ concept, use
ABC analysis to assess inventory, and explain the role of Just-in-Time inventory
management in meeting the needs of the enterprise. (PO 3)


Describe the scope of international trade: the use of trade specialists and other
third party facilitators to manage international logistics operations, and the role of
tariff and non-tariff barriers and other forms of government control and describe
the growing need for logistics and supply chain security and what logistics
professionals are doing to improve security. (PO 2)

This Syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Constantine M. Koursaris


Explain the meaning of performance management, identify key logistics

performance measures, and define the concept of performance-based logistics.
(PO 1)

These are the major assignments in the course and will be the basis for evaluation according to
the grading scale shown below.
Course Grade Scale

Evaluation Items & Weights

90 100%



80 89%



70 79%

Individual Research Report



Final Exam




Students are expected to routinely participate in the class Discussion Board and other online
activities. Superior participation grades will be given to active students who exchange ideas in a
thoughtful manner while respecting the courtesies due others.
All homework assignments must be completed on time, unless prior arrangements have been
made with your instructor.
Individual Research Paper
Each student must prepare a formal 10-page paper on a topic of your choice related to global
logistics or supply chain management. Your instructor must approve specific topics in advance.
Your paper, which is worth 100 points and 20% of your grade, will be evaluated based on the
following criteria:

Quality and depth of content (60 points).

Organization of the report (10 points)
Overall format, i.e., typed, use of page numbers, title page, table of contents, appropriate
labels on figures and tables, etc. (10 points)
Correct grammar and evidence of proofing, i.e., no spelling errors (10 points)
Variety and documentation of references used. Format for citations and references must
follow APA guidelines (10 points)

Also, submission due dates are published alongside modules. Failure to meet submission
dates will result in points being deducted unless coordinated in advance with your instructor!

This Syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Constantine M. Koursaris

Final Examination
The Final exam will be a timed open-book, open-notes exam that will be administered online
and posted to Blackboard at the appropriate time. The exam will consist of multiple choice and
short answer questions that address the material and learning objectives covered in Modules 1
through 9. The exam must be completed on time, unless prior arrangements have been made
with your instructor. Points will be deducted for exams that are turned in late.
Additional Information
APA Format
ERAU graduate research papers are prepared in American Psychological Association
(APA) format, as supplemented by the DBA Capstone Guide. Therefore, these sources
are recommended additions to graduate courses:
American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th ed.). Washington, DC: Author
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide. (2009). Department of
Business Administration capstone guide. Unpublished manuscript. Author
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has one of the most complete library collections of
aviation-related resources in the world.

ERAU Libraries: http://library.erau.edu/

Hunt Library Worldwide: Information, Services, Help
o Worldwide Library: Basic Training
o Worldwide Library: Ask-a-Librarian
o Reference: Research Request

Contact Information

Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Telephone: 1-800-678-9428 or 386-226-6947
Email: library@erau.edu

RefWorks, a research tool included with the library databases, has guidance in how to collect
and use references, write a paper, and create a bibliography. RefWorks must be accessed
through ERNIE. From the My ERNIE tab, scroll down to Admin Services and choose the
Library Databases link. Scroll down or Jump to RefWorks. You must enter your user name
and password to use RefWorks. Please contact the Hunt Library if you have any questions
about this product or how to access it.

This Syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Constantine M. Koursaris

Course Policies
Academic Integrity
Embry-Riddle is committed to maintaining and upholding intellectual integrity. All students,
faculty, and staff have obligations to prevent violations of academic integrity and take corrective
action when they occur. The adjudication process may result in sanctions being imposed on
students who commit the following academic violations, which may include a failing grade for
the course, suspension, or dismissal from the University.
1. Plagiarism: Presenting as ones own the ideas, words, or products of another. Plagiarism
includes use of any source to complete academic assignments without proper
acknowledgement of the source.
2. Cheating is a broad term that includes the following:

Giving or receiving help from unauthorized persons or materials during examinations.

The unauthorized communication of examination questions prior to, during, or following
administration of the examination.
Collaboration on examinations or assignments expected to be individual work.
Fraud and deceit, that include knowingly furnishing false or misleading information or failing
to furnish appropriate information when requested, such as when applying for admission to
the University.

Online Learning
This course is offered over the Internet, at ERAU Worldwide Online (Blackboard) and runs nine
(9) weeks. The first week begins the first day of the term and ends at midnight EDT/EST (as
applicable) seven days later. During this first week, students may drop the course and receive a
refund if applicable. Success in this course requires in-depth study of each module as
assigned, timely completion of assignments, and regular participation in forum discussions. It is
highly recommended that students keep electronic copies of all assignments submitted until
completion of the course and receipt of a grade.
Late work should be the exception and not the rule and may be downgraded at the discretion of
the instructor, if accepted at all. Unless all work is submitted, the student could receive a failing
grade for the course. Extensions may be granted for extenuating circumstances at the
discretion of the instructor and only for the length of time the instructor deems appropriate. The
most important element of success in an online course is continual communicate with the
instructor throughout the term.
Conventions of online etiquette, which include courtesy to all users, will be observed.
Students should use the Private Mail function in Blackboard for private messages to the
instructor and other students. The class Discussion Board forums are for public messages.
It is highly recommended that students keep electronic copies of all materials submitted in
the Discussion Forum, via e-mail, or postal mail, until after the end of the term. When posting
responses in the Discussion Forum, please confirm that the responses have actually been
posted after you submit them.

This Syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Constantine M. Koursaris

Course Schedule

Titles / Topics
Logistics and Supply
Chain Management

Logistics Technology,
Demand Management
and Customer Service

Packaging and
Material Handling


Site Selection Methods


Procurement and
International Logistics

Logistics Controls and

Organizing and
Analyzing the Logistics

Final Exam

1.1 - Discussion: Post bio
1.2 - Readings: Read Chapters 1 and 5
1.3 - PowerPoint Presentations: Chapters 1 and 5
1.4 - Discussion: Week 1 Discussion Questions
1.5 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
1.6 - Review: Research Paper Requirements
2.1 - Readings: Read Chapters 2 and 7
2.2 - PowerPoint Presentations: Chapters 2 and 7
2.3 - Discussion: Week 2 Discussion Questions
2.4 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
2.5 - Research Paper Topic Approval
3.1 - Readings: Read Chapter 11
3.2 - PowerPoint Presentation: Chapters 11
3.3 - Discussion: Week 3 Discussion Questions
3.4 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
3.5 - Research Paper Outline
4.1 - Readings: Read Chapters 12 and 13
4.2 - PowerPoint Presentations: Chapters 12 and 13
4.3 - Discussion: Week 4 Discussion Questions
4.4 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
5.1 - Readings: Read Chapter 9
5.2 - PowerPoint Presentation: Chapter 9
5.3 - Discussion: Week 5 Discussion Questions
5.4 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
6.1 - Readings: Read Chapters 8 and 10
6.2 - PowerPoint Presentations: Chapters 8 and 10
6.3 - Discussion: Week 6 Discussion Questions
6.4 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
6.5 - Research Paper Reminder
The complete paper is due next week
7.1 - Readings: Read Chapters 6 and 14
7.2 - PowerPoint Presentations: Chapters 6 and 14
7.3 - Discussion: Week 7 Discussion Questions
7.4 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
7.5 - Research Paper Submission
8.1 - Readings: Read Chapters 3 and 4
8.2 - PowerPoint Presentations: Chapters 3 and 4
8.3 - Discussion: Week 8 Discussion Questions
8.4 - Assignment: Chapter Questions
End of Course Evaluation
9.1 - Review for Final Exam
9.2 - Discussion: Final Exam Questions and Answers
9.3 - Final Exam

This Syllabus was developed for online learning by Dr. Constantine M. Koursaris

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