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Bernoullis Theorem
The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the validity of the Bernoulli equation when applied to
the steady flow of water in a tapered duct.


A. Equipment Set Up
1. The apparatus was leveled. The Bernoulli equation apparatus was set up on the hydraulic
bench so that its base was in horizontal which is necessary for accurate height measurement
from the manometer.
2. The direction of the test section was set up. The test-section was ensured to have the 14
tapered section converging in the direction of flow. If the test-section needed to be reverse,
the total pressure head probe need to be withdrawn before the mounting couplings was
3. The water inlet and outlet was connected. The rig outflow tube was ensured to be positioned
above the volumetric tank in order the timed volume collections to facilitate. The rig inlet was
connected to the bench flow supply where the bench and the apparatus flow control valve was
closed and the pump was started. The bench valve was gradually opened to fill the test rig
with water.
4. Bleeding the manometer. Both the bench valve and the rig flow control valve was closed , the
air bleed screw was opened, and the cap from the adjacent air valve was removed in order to
bleed air from pressure tapping points and manometers. Now, the bench valve was opened
and flow was allowed to flow through the manometer to purge all air from them. Then, the air
bleed was tighten and the bench valve was opened partly and the rig flow control valve was
tested. Next, the air bleed was opened to allow air to enter the top of the manometer
(adjustment of both valves may needed to achieve this) , the screw was re-tightened when
manometer level reached a convenient height. The need to have the maximum (h) and
minimum (h) manometer readings both on scale will determined the maximum volume flow
rate. If required, the manometer levels could be adjusted further by using air bleed screw and
the hand pump supplied. The air flow through the air valve was controlled by the air bleed
screw, so when the pump was used, the screw must be closed after pumping.

B. Taking a Set of Results

5. Readings were taken at 3 flow rates. The tst section could be reverse in order to see the effect
of a more rapid converging section.
6. Setting the flow rate. The first set of readings were taken at the maximum flow rate then the
volume flow rate was reduced to give the h h where the head difference was about 50mm.
The whole process was finally repeated for one further flow rate where the difference of
h h was set to be approximately half way between that obtained in the
above two tests.
7. Reading the static head. When the levels have steadied, the readings of
the h h manometers was taken. The total pressure probe was ensured to
be retracted from the test-section.
8. Timed volume collection. A timed volume collection was carried out using
the volumetric tank in order for the volume flow rate to be determined.
This was achieved by closing the ball valve and the time taken to
accumulate a known volume of fluid in the tank which was read from the
sight glass was measured. Fluid should be collected for at least one
minute to minimize the timing errors. This measurement was repeated
twice to check for repeatability. The total pressure probe was again should
be retracted from the test-section during measurement.
9. Reading the total pressure head distribution. The total pressure head distribution was
measured by traversing the total pressure probe along the length of the test section. The datum
line was the side hole pressure tapping associated with the manometer h. A suitable starting
point was 1 cm upstream of the beginning of the 14 tapered section and the measurements
was made at 1 cm intervals along the test-section length until the end of the divergent (21)
10. .Reversing the test section. The total pressure was ensured to be fully withdrawn from the
test-section (but not pulled out of its guide in the downstream coupling). The two couplings
was unscrewed, the test-section was removed and reversed then reassemble by tightening the

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