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Barelwis: A Critical Review
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The question of the possibility of lying and position them Deoband scholars
3 Votes

In the name of of Allah the Merciful

Summarize the message "widow's mite" to India, Sheikh Mahmud al-Hasan on

the issue of the possibility of lying

Some of the brothers had asked me to write an article on the subject of 'the
possibility of lying', which has become a battle of opinions in the Indian
subcontinent, and I wanted to summarize the message of Sheikh India
Maulana Mahmud al-Hasan God's mercy (1268 - 1339 e), of the greatest
scientists of India and for them at all Science for transport and mental [his
translation stroll thoughts], called for: 'effort eyeballs in Transcendence goats
humiliating', the extension of the speech on the issue of the possibility of
lying, and the origin of the conflict than in India, and truth be told: this
message of the wonders of science, the back of which the abundance of
science Author and Tbhrh in transport and mental science especially theology
and monotheism

Did not stand on the date written this book, but knew from the evidence book
that God's mercy, written in the life of Sheikh God supply Muhajir Makki
deceased Year: 1317 AH and after the year 1303 AH, Vtolifa permission

signed between those two dates (1303-1317 AH / 1886-1899 AD ), I mean:

before you complete a century. It is a great book of over 300 pages, each
page is about 25 lines and each line of about 15 words. Rate and book author
in Alordoah with the transfer of phrases that quoted by the Arabic language

And divided it into seven introductions and three doors, the first door to prove
his claim that lying inside in God ancient ability but declined hindsight and
release it to the wisdom and commitment to the Almighty honesty is not the
lack of entry in the ability, and the second door in answer to the objections
cited by the opponent on the evidence quoted by the author and the third
door in answer to the evidence quoted by the opponent to prove their claim
that lying to God abstention self is not covered by the old capacity. But read
the first and second sections of the book, and did not stand at the door III
thereof. The oldest in a nutshell, summed up what he wrote in the seven
introductions and the first door with some increases of Part II, and I hope that
this will be enough in a statement, the view of the Deoband scholars, and
they went to what they went to him for insight and knowledge, not on the
basis of illusion and fantasy

Introduction Author

Between the author (Sheikh of India, may God have mercy on him) in the
introduction to the origin of the controversy the book on this issue, which is
that logical brand preferred right Aljerabadi (1212-1289 AH) wrote a book in
the 'possibility of isotope revoked', was chosen in response to the sentence
by Sheikh Mujahid Shah Mohammad Ismail Dehlawi martyr (1193 - 1246 AH)
in his book 'strengthen the faith' - a saying: ((like the king of kings this that if
he wants to create in a single moment the word 'Be' hundreds of thousands
of prophets and saints and the jinn and angels like Ghebril peace be upon him
and Muhammad, peace be upon him )) * -, everyone on this speech
mentioned the mark that there can be no match for our Lord the Messenger
of Allah, peace be upon him, and not in God find such as Muhammad, peace
be upon him the ability, he replied from his response that Sheikh Ismail
Dahlawi, proved self as possible to the presence of a peer the Messenger of
Allah peace be upon him and proved the inclusion of God's ability find it with
the refrain of the other, and as the Aljerabadi said the issue of the
impossibility of lying to God by extension, Dehlawi that this impossibility is
not the lack of entry in the old ability as he claimed Aljerabadi answered, but
rather are the result of precaution God Almighty from such an ugly, two
guides mentally ill, according to his claim this - Sozlma after God willing.

When the publication of his words took Mkhalvoh in the bashing of him and
what he said, his words altered, so they can alienate the common folk with
him. This appeals to abounded in Shah Mohammad Ismail Dehlawi article and
personality, the disciple of Sheikh Haider Ali Altonki and other scholars to
defend it, and they wrote messages in these issues - I mean: the issue of the
possibility of the match and the issue of the possibility of lying

After this conflict, died many years to live by Mawlawi Abdel Samie Alram

ora in the introduction to his book: 'bright lights', which was printed in the year 1303
AH, retorted great updated brand Khalil Ahmed Alsharn ora in his book 'proofs
unequivocal', and spread - because of this debate - to speak in this issue among the
common folk, and supported the logic and philosophy scholars who say the impossibility
of lying to God's self-exalted, He classified Maulvi Ahmed Hassan Al ndjaba Alcan ora
message called: 'disliked Rahman', his tongue lengthened where regarding the righteous
scholars, this book - I mean 'widow's mite in the disliked goats humiliation 'we are going
to be summed up - Rate author Almighty God's mercy in response to the letter in
question, namely:' disliked Rahman ', at the beginning introductions useful in
understanding the meaning, then the revenue for transport and mental evidence to prove
the words of Sheikh Ismail Dehlawi God's mercy in the door, and then respond the
objections cited by the discount on these directories in another door, and then respond
to their evidence in proving their case in a recent door


First presented

Use the words 'possible' and'jawaz 'and'asahh' and fold in the words of the scholars and
phrases books for many gloss: Personal factors such as possibility and mental possible
and possible legitimate and customary possible, as well as their opposites divided from
the 'abstinence' and'alasthalh 'and'adm passport' and'adm Health 'to these sections. It
may be ordered for non-declining - any legally or usually - with being possible in itself,
but what is possible not only be possible to the same. This is self-evident

The fact that it duty or declining possible or necessary holds for those who did not
exercise through the acquisition of some of them, as he said, and the fact that this self or
legally or customarily referee no Bdharorah. For this must be set the type of the word
'possible' or 'impossible' or 'duty

ATV issue of two things: the theme - you requested or prescribed thing - and mobile - a
judgment or description. If the mobile eye subject or topic, or part of it is a necessary
topic of the pregnancy in a positive case and necessary chore in itself. The first example
(ie: mobile eye subject): the human person, and the second example (ie: Thread mobile
part): the human animal, and the third example (ie: laptop needed the same subject):
four pair. And have antibodies to these issues negatively impossible for itself, ie: Man is
not a human being, man is not an animal, and four individuals. As for what only these
three materials, it is possible in itself, but where was the looting of the viewers it is
impossible for anyone else, and that was where the offer is for viewers is the duty of the

But at the same duty, the Almighty: If pregnancy in a case requires self or robbed the
true qualities of self necessary for the looting of the fact that there is no doubt in this
case, declining to itself

Emerges from this report that the issue of: ((obedient punished)) and the issue of:
((polytheist forgive)) are not Mmtnotain of birth to each other, it is not between the mobile
and the subject in the two cases self-requirement and not their self-repulsion, but
reported looting in them from abroad. To say one: ((Zaid polytheist Unforgiven)) or ((Abu
Jahl HMO)) or ((has sent a prophet after the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him)),
which is otherwise the flag, not between the mobile and the subject violates the self, not
judged It is declining in particular - but also to others. It is self-evident that the words of
one: the late polytheist not like the words of another: the four individual

The second provided

Using the word 'possible' and the word 'power' in the words of the scientists involved:
one: the old capacity in which antagonism deficit, which includes all the possibilities until
the refrain of the other, and the second: appreciation and appropriate will and wisdom,
and this does not include the possibilities that refrain for others

His 'he said waving': ((If it is said ability is also inclusive of all possibilities should be
saying is: You are divorced in the ability of God, I answer in the sense that they estimate
the God Faiser such as freewill and will)) finished

Mulla said Khosrow in his commentary on the threat: ((If I knew this, know that the ability
is used sometimes in the sense of old character and sometimes the sense of
appreciation ... mitigation and stress, as well as the verse: Qdrnaha who stayed behind,
and the ability first sense Bari indescribable opposite, ie dystopia which is apparent, and
the sense of the second described as and Ddh)) finished

His son gallant God's mercy: ((not required because the ability of them to be appreciated
here have estimated something was not appreciated, even if he wanted the truth ability
Almighty located in the case, as well as adequate)). This phrase and move in Durr
Mukhtar responded Radd and others

The judge said the Oval under the verse Hakia for the disciples: ((CAN RBC)): ((it was
said that this capacity as required by the wisdom and the will not to capacity as
required)) finished

Said Razi under the verse: ((Vqdrnaha yes capable)): ((It's the ability, ie: Vqdrna His
creation and filmed how we like it and we wanted etc)) and then said: ((III: The
interpretation of the capacity elimination, and Fourth: a surface that will not appreciate
Accordingly, a surface that will not do)) finished

Shaykh Ibn '(Hajar said Haytami in Tweser say Hojatolleslam Ghazali ((not possible
opus than)): (holds the answer to the words of Al-Ghazali said: that the will of God
Almighty what concerned the creation of this world and created and Cases for survival in
part to the very survival of some of not it is up to heaven and hell was prohibitive
suspend the execution of all the divine power of this world, because the capacity is not
related only Balmemkn, and the execution of it is not possible not to himself but to
suspend him, which we have mentioned, etc.)) finished

Based on this detail we can raise the conflict that appears in the words of some
scientists, the pride Razi in the interpretation said: ((CAN RBC)): ((But on our saying that
it is a laptop that God Are spent so Is aware of hindsight it if haunt him and did not know
the incident was a non-resident is not able to because otherwise known unaffordable))

Some have gone on to Mu'tazila apparent this speech, as in the 'explanation of position'
and others they said: ((God is not able to tell what without any active or aware without

any active human and capable of performing it)) finished

And Razi himself said in his interpretation of the positions that would otherwise known
within the ability of God, That way of raising the discrepancy by saying here is: What is
meant by niyyah to be or what is destined in the knowledge of God

Third submitted

The attributes of God Almighty for three types

1. Real pure as life and existence

2. As well as science with real ability and
3. Additional sheer Kalmaah, tribal , and others like them, and when Ash'ari: Alkhagayh
and Alraezkih and their ilk

As for the first kind of qualities it is not attached to these qualities in terms of Zutha
something else, and the third type is for these attaches in terms of something else Zutha

What has changed in the first traits does not fall because it is the eye of God, and the
characteristic of the second type is not changed in its principle is Talqatha has changed,
and the characteristic of the third type of change, I do not mind where

He said in explaining the situations: ((Details on the three sections: a real purely Kalsoad
whiteness and existence, life and real with added such as science, capacity and
additional purely Kalmaah and tribal including large negative qualities may not be for the
same exalted the change in the first section at all and may be in Section III absolute The
second it It may not be the same change may be in the attachment)) finished

It also includes: ((Aamidi said Sheikh Ashari Gold and General Mates that the qualities of
which are appointed described Kalugod, including what are the other which each recipe
might leave her all described as adjectives acts from being a creator and Raozka some

of which do not have eyes or not, etc.)) finished

Detective Al Duwani to examine the failure of the incidents in the same God, the
Almighty said: ((to be accidents here real character and the additional negative qualities
may change and switch them at wholesale Kkhagayh Zaid and not Khagayth because
the shift in which it is changing what added to it does not change what the same as if
capsized thing from your right to your left and you are resident non-volatile real qualities
which are required addendum but Talqatha changed without the same, it does not say:
this is an ongoing guide in additions and Alslob with the failure of the defendant with him
for I say: Do not guide the flow of the whole, such a world and Khagayh Zaid is not of the
attributes of perfection so that freedom than in eternity shortages, etc.)) finished

And affirmed that his quotations of these attributes of God Almighty on the sections, and
each section of the rule on the unit, do not judge all the qualities by virtue of which type

Actual qualities are qualities that indicate the reaction and the impact of, and the launch
indicates the occurrence of work and things like the creation of livelihood and life and
death and photography, and forgiveness of sins and wisdom and so on, have disagreed
with Sadat and Sadat Ash'aris Maatreedis Ktherhm God. Mark Ash'aris both of these
qualities accident and variable promise Maatreedis old everlastingly. He said Mullah Ali
reader: ((The view of Maatreedis they are old and they doctrine Ash'aris incident)) In
confabulation explain appeasement: ((because they Qailon recipes that acts incident
because it is a Talqat capacity and fixations incident)) finished

In spite of this difference, and Maatreedis Ash'aris agreed that the principle of recipes
acts old, which is when Ash'aris: the ability, and when Maatreedis: configuration. Mullah
Ali reader said in explaining the Fiqh al-Akbar ((Valtkhliq and Altersiq and creativity,
manufacture, and other qualities of the verb Kalahia and annihilation and germination
and development and filming things and everyone inside under the recipe
configuration ... it is better to be told that a reference all the configuration, it can hang life
called the revival of the death fatality and image shooting to the other, everyone but the
composition and the specificities of particular belongings)) finished

His son gallant Imam in appeasement: ((What is meant by the recipes indicate the
impact of her names is the ability considering its implications names and everyone
gathered configuration name)) said for the doctrine Ash'aris: ((and Ash'aris say is not a
recipe configuration chapters any details only the status of power as it attaches Bmtalq

special Valtkhliq is the ability as creature and hang Altersiq attaches to deliver
livelihood)) finished

The difference verbal permission: Take Maatreedis actual qualities of old as its reference
and its principle and promise Ash'aris incident as Talqatha own

The transfer of the Imam Eltahawy Imam Abu Hanifa and his two companions: ((as it
Mohi dead deserved this name before their neighborhoods as well as earned the name
of the Creator before they constructed, however, that over all things)), and the last
sentence indicates that the actual qualities of old in terms of its principle. Said at
appeasement after the transfer of this phrase: ((and he said that the meaning of the
Creator before the creation and maturity of his name any name that is the creator of the
original because its ability Almighty upon any of creation very name of the Creator and
the case that there is a creature in eternity for those who have the capacity creation in
eternity, and this is what you say Ash'aris not otherwise God bless)) finished

Based on the words of Imam Abu Hanifa is no disagreement between the Ash'aris and
Maatreedis in the matter. He said Mullah Ali reader: ((phonetic conflict when employers
audit also shows when investigating etc.)) finished

The point is that Maatreedis made configuration in the second type of qualities, Ash'aris
put him in the Third Kind. We can express our last two types of qualities in other words,
is that the additional qualities of two types: ones that are purely additional Kalqublah
some of which are extra starters, and the change in each possible

And affirmed that the actual qualities though its principle - the capacity or configuration Old, but in terms of being suspended on the backs of some of the acts that are the
fixations and special additions to this principle: the incident and variable inevitably. For
example, if we say that God, maker of the world, the check-making world accident
though starters this trait Old. Check recipes own acts Kalaatta, prevention, and
rehabilitation and harm and fatality accident

The doctrine of the Sunnis and the group that perfectionism traits such as the ability and
knowledge beyond divine power, and the issuance of ugly acts that are contrary to
Justice (Ktaveb person's guilt etc.) and wisdom (Kambassh and tampering) and their ilk
are in God's ability with the falling abstention. The acts that require a change in the self

or real luxury qualities like eating or drinking, movement and Navigation and others are
self-abstaining inevitably, the place of occurrence of the Creator God who is not capable
of such acts, it is not an object, place the occurrence of acts Kambassh and tampering
and injustice in the sense put the thing out of place Vmahl occurrence is the same God,
does not require a change in itself is not in the true qualities, they are empowered in the

Justice is not the wisdom of true self qualities, but is additional actual qualities, Fajlav
justice and wisdom also of the actual qualities. He said in a Muslim constancy:
((extravagance and tampering of recipes acts)) finished

Shortage of verbs - is what is meant by saying: acts Ugly - Kambassh, injustice and
tampering is not like the shortage of self-traits such as not knowing the sense of science
and disability and oblivion. The impossibility of the first is not the lack of entry in the
ability of God, and the impossibility of entering the second for lack of ability. And
systemic Mu'tazilite did not distinguish between these two sections and they said that the
ugly acts are not under also the ability such as a lack of self qualities. Real self DETAILS
eternal unchanging list to be the same God - the qualities that where it is not a selfappointed nor the other, and the additional qualities of the actual is not being said. In
some books of speech: ((some of which are others which each recipe might leave her for
acts described that comes from being a creator and Raozka)) finished

And another difference is that the real qualities of self-existential realities are different
and the essence of the realities of these qualities for the slaves but also differs with the
Almighty Creator of it animate creatures, but this difference does not really happen in the
actual qualities and negative qualities. The fact and the concept of knowledge of God
and his ability and his violation of the truth of these qualities in the subjects and the like,
do not participate in the meaning and Mataat these qualities in something, but to
participate in something legal or extra

In explaining the doctrines: ((the descriptions of knowledge, power and so on to and

higher than the creatures so as not suitable for them, he said at the beginning: The
science of us is present and display the flag Mahdt and legal existence and
circumscribed in every time. If we prove science recipe to God for it exists old recipe and
the duty to exist and always from everlasting to everlasting, not comparable in any way
aware of creation)) and stuffed said: ((even subscribe to them phonetic)) finished

The actual negative traits are not in violation of these qualities in the right God in the
right subjects, these qualities are not the eye of God and not list it, but a separate him,
and what is separate from the relevant duty accident and possible, there is no reason to
prove the difference between these traits and qualities enablers

To say the speakers: ((not display nor the body and the essence is not limited and
numberless nor its limit nor Mtbed not Metrucb nor against him do not like him do not
end him)), the meaning of these words in the right of God such as the meaning of the
right of its people, and they said that it was not presented ((because it does not in itself
but to replace Evqqr doing)) and not the body of ((because the body is a composite
setting calls for a part)), and these meanings are the same meanings of these words
also for creating

As well as in the actual qualities, Kgmh - which is to leave what they should not do what
they should - and revenge, honesty, forgiveness and prevention and damage, the
meaning of these qualities for the creator of such means for creating, interpreting
'qualities of the function on the acts' in 'big explanation' for the Razzie and other enough
to prove this pretext

Based on this difference is called the slave speaker that he listens and Basir Murid not
call it that Mohi deadly creator updated, the first of various truth and in essence there is
nothing wrong in using the same words, and the second is united truth, and in essence
may not be released on Creation

Honesty - as we shall see - from recipes acts, but the additions of the attributes of acts,
and reality in relation to the Creator, such as what it really is for the creation, which is the
fact that speech conform to reality, as well as the meaning of lying - which is against the
truth - in relation to the Creator the same meaning as lying for creation - the fact that the
speech does not match reality

The apparent that lying and tampering with injustice, but eating and drinking and
Navigation and stillness and the like, which Nfeinaha about God, the Almighty, and
Nnzha them, we carry the meanings of these words on what is to be launched at the

Provided fourth

Using the Sunni Community word 'talk' to God Almighty for those involved verbal way of
subscription or subscription or moral truth and metaphor

1. One of them: the true character that is one very simple list is not separate him, and
this is the psychological speech

2. The second speech house on the apostles, which is miraculous Challenged by a

combination of letters, this is a verbal speech

Since the first one simple no room for honesty and lying which in itself it is not the
establishment nor the news, but described its attachment to these descriptions

He said in explaining the situations: ((his exalted one we have of what passed in the
ability, and the division of the commands and prohibitions, Al Khobar, Interrogative and
appeal for he is according to the attachment, the same is the one meaning as it relates
to something ad hoc be a news story, and as it relates to something else or in any other
way be an order as well as case in residuum)) finished

He said in explaining the doctrines: ((It's one recipe abound for the commands and
prohibitions news depending fixations)) finished

This statement in explanation of Fiqh al-Akbar, too. He said the objectives: ((doctrine
that his eternal one Atkther according to attachment)) finished

Said in explaining confabulation appeasement: ((It is a body corporate types get to him
according to the attachment to the things it one meaning as it relates to something that
on the face of an ad hoc be a news story, and as it relates to something else or in any
other way be an order as well as the case in the residuum)) finished

And affirmed that the psychological speech is not good does not create itself, Valsedk
lying in it do not imagine, but the field of truth and lies came after attachment to the news
of what

Speech scientists have disagreed in this attachment, is it an accident or Old? The

application will come face between these two colon Baznallah Almighty.

The Abdullah bin Said bin Al-Qattan and his followers say it was an accident, and the
public as the Old. He said in explaining the doctrines: ((but becomes one of those
sections when fixations and so while still in the eternity not originally split)) and some of
them said in his interpretation: ((This is the view of some Ash'aris)) finished

Chalabi said the mark: ((which Abdullah bin Saeed Al-Qattan and a group of applicants,
they said that his exalted status and not one in which the multiplicity originally, but
according to the number of fixations incident occurred, according to fixations)) finished

In Muslim constancy: ((Be aware that Ash'aris all of them agree that the words in the
everlasting one but the audience that this one as it relates to something that on the face
of an ad hoc be a news story, and as it relates to something else and on another face to
be an order to the other is in eternity characteristic of the Department of Forums
according fixations, but the son of Saeed as saying. with unity in eternity says it is not
fair in judging some of the sections in eternity, but becomes one with still)) finished

Said Detective Al Duwani: ((We say: the word of God is the words arranged by God in
the knowledge of the eternal in the eternal, which is the principle of composed and
arranged, and this trait is old and those words also ranked according to scientific
presence eternal ... and not the word of God, but what God arranged himself non mode
and the words do not punish them in the scientific presence even necessary, but they
occur in succession, including overseas presence, which, according to the word of the
existence of the verbal, and this face Salem as the necessary doctrines transmitted etc))

For this, it is considered an old fixations presence in the old eternal science, but as its
presence abroad are incident

Said in a confabulation In explaining the Fiqh al-Akbar ((The answer to tell God not
characterized from eternity past and the case and the future ... but characterized it as
still according fixations, it is said: The same God telling sending Noah never, so telling

exists from eternity staying Never, before the transmitter was the function by ferry Verily
send and after sending We sent, the change in the term news is not in the news based
in particular, and this, as we say in the knowledge of God as a stand-alone God from
eternity knowing that Noah sender and this science remains never before and stay
aware that it will be found and sent after his presence aware of this knowledge that he
had found and sent, and the change in not known in science as passed in the speech on
science and will)) finished

Word of God - So - free for appointments and fixations in what was still, but confused
some appointments while still due to private Talqat. This is like knowledge: science does
not change it at all, but change with respect to doing any science: It is known, that the
scientific and Old presence and existence external accident

He remade the second millennium Imam Ahmad Sirhindi: ((recipe science Him simple
old recipe real does not address the multiplicity already abound even as multiple
fixations because there is exposure and a simple one revealed by information eternal
and aware of all the things Bohawwalha disproportionate and opposing, colleges and
fractions with specific times each and every one of them at once on the face knows
Zaida, for example, in that now exists and non-existent and a fetus and a boy and a
young man and an old man and alive and dead and standing and sitting and a document
and lying and laughing and crying and Mtlzma and in pain and dear and humiliated in the
isthmus in Hashr in Paradise in Allzmat shall multiplicity of attachment are also missing
in that home, the multiplicity fixations calls multiplicity groans abound times there and not
only that one simple from everlasting to everlasting not the multiplicity of the originally as
not being the Almighty Zaman does not provide or delay if we prove to his knowledge
Almighty attached to the information be attached and one becomes him relate to all the
information and then hung up also unknown how and impeccably for example science
and quality as an adjective)) Almktobat, written c 1: 266

And objections received to the words of Abdullah bin Saeed may answer them in written
speech Kalmqasd and others. Bahr al-Ulum said about the words of Ibn Al-Qattan: ((I
have seen in some modern books they ruled the fact that this view is selected)) finished

Many of the investigators speak scientists have said that the real qualities of Talqat
Kalaradh ability incident. He said in explaining the situations: ((The position of ancient
science and one infinite sense Mata robbed finite and infinite sense of attachment to
prove the infinitude already in the attachment, and will also be attached as well, but an
infinite force, as in capacity, this hatch, etc.)) finished

He said in explaining the purposes of: ((and her answer to speak though everlastingly
but its attachment to persons and acts incident the will of God and selection)) finished

What concerns us in this position but it is our saying: that the psychological speech that
is real simple recipe transcendent in itself all the news and construction, not the prospect
of a lie and a truth in it, but it came the prospect of construction and news reporting after
Altbash Baltalqat crossbar and late appointments

On this: If someone said that to speak of psychological abstention lying his way but that
lying is perceived in the psychological speech to its simplicity, unity and non-attachment
to itself and the non-conformity of the reality and the perception of non-conformity. Their
goal is not that after the delivery of mental possible refrain lying in it self because it is the
duty of honesty and necessary, but: honesty it is also inconceivable. For example: if one
said that it is required to fully verify lying words, and refrain lying in sheer vocabulary,
Fmnco abstinence is not imagine lying, not the duty of honesty and necessary

As for saying that honesty in his words, for he is the duty of doing what they prefer that it
involves psychological speech, not speech mentioned in the psychological sense of
itself. To sum up: Description speak the truth and not the status of coming down Atsafh
truth and lies status to come

Then: the word 'speech psychological' is used for those involved in the words of
scientists: one: the principle of speech and a facility based in the same duty Almighty,
Old and eternal, like this other self attributes like knowledge and ability, will and so, just
as the starters exposure is described as a science and starters impact emergence is a
recipe capability , so too starters speak is to speak psychological, and all of these
qualities Old exists with the same duty is not self-appointed nor the other; and second:
the meaning of verbal speech and his way of linguistic or positive, could be called the
word: science

For example, the principle of the human person and the strength of the outside to speak
to him, and if he wants to utter words to express the meaning of the pretext that force
was there - before you're talking to - that meaning in his knowledge. Both starter and
science exist before the outer speak

Meaning is the first word of psychological Old Like all real qualities, and the second
meaning to him but it is old as the scientific existence, the first meaning stopped its
existence on an old recipe eternal at the same Creator Almighty indefinite B'alkalam ',
and the second meaning is not dependent on such a character in itself. The verbal
utterance depends on each of these involved psychological and talk shows each

As it must to check exposure both real science and information and the emergence of
the impact of both the real and the old Almekdurat ability, so too verbal utterance
depends on the psychological speech Buckley concerned with: starters speech and word
meaning. As that science is called starters exposure, which is as old as the external
presence and also called known which of his belongings what is happening in outer
existence, so too the psychological speech that starts when Old in terms of external
existence, and the meaning of words His presence external accident, an old as scientific

Detective Al Duwani explain beliefs Jalali said: ((If you pave it, we say: the word of God
is the words arranged by God in the knowledge of the eternal as the eternal, which is the
starters composed and arranged, and this trait old, and those words are also ranked
according to scientific existence is eternal, but words The talk at all like the other
possibilities eternal according to scientific existence, and not the word of God, but what
God arranged himself is mode, and the words do not punish them in the scientific
presence even necessary occurrence, but progressions between them in the overseas
presence, which, according to the presence of the words myself)) finished

He recalled saying: ((described as the eternal, which is the starters composed and
arranged, and this trait old)) to the first meaning psychological speech, he noted: ((If you
pave it, we say: the word of God is the words arranged by God in the knowledge of the
eternal)) and saying: ((and not the word of God, but what God himself is arranged
mode)) to the second meaning for him. Brand Shehab al-Khafaji was approved by the
words of this investigator in his commentary on the interpretation of the Oval

Said Al Duwani: ((the principle of psychological speech he made us the recipe of letters
systems and arrange them on what applies to the meaning, which is a recipe against the
principle of psychological dumb to speak, etc.)) finished

Maulana Bahr al-Ulum in explaining the ladder of science: ((unless it poses to speak it a
recipe list are absolutely without suspicion, we need to complete Bari Almighty Almighty,

but the right is not afraid, there are two things: one it is estimated to compose words and
offset the dumb, the other recipe speech-based offset by silence, the matter first recipe
complementary to the same the same the same, and other characteristics branched
from the first, which is subordinate to it, and the impossibility of completion but is in the
first qualities of self, Reflect on where it is the subject of meditation)) finished

Imam Aserhende: ((as well as his words, the Almighty One is simple Almighty speaker
this one speech in everlasting to everlasting, the precept, precept Vnac from there and
also forbid Vnac from there though notification Fmokhoz also there and query it there
though Tmanaa Fmstvada from there though Trgia there too)) written No. 266 of Part I of

In brandishing evidence of the fact that the psychological speech starters speech: ((This
is an old recipe contrary to Scott and the lesion is not like letters and sounds, is no
different to the commands and prohibitions and news is not about the past and the case
and reception, but according to the fixations and additions, such as science and ability,
and this talk of verbal incident author of sounds and letters list Bmahalha called the word
of God and the Koran on the meaning of it is that old meaning)) finished

The sign said Chalabi: ((saying is that old sense, it was: the meaning of being a phrase
that he D it mind signify impact on influential on his principles, the virtual Pronunciation
in human as evidenced starters him, Egayr science and the ability and the will as well as
verbal speech in Almighty Creator demonstrates the qualities of the other starters
Egayr)) finished

Mullah Khosrow said in explaining the threat: ((I say: no meaning as the term that he
was appointed, he said after this: that the Koran is the author proprioceptive and as an
ad hoc rules, so apparent and that D. upon the situation because the meaning postural
him is the meanings situation incident, but it means the D it mind, and the significance of
the impact on its principle, the pronunciation apparent in humans as evidenced by his
starters Egayr science and the ability and the will as well as in Bari Almighty shows Allgzi
speak on his starters Egayr other attributes)) finished

As for the second meaning of psychological words, he said in explaining the situations:
((PE.YN is any psychological meaning, which is expressed in the form of third news
adjective)) finished

He said in explanation of position: ((PE.YN is any psychological meaning, which is

expressed in the form of third news adjective)) finished

Chalabi said: ((It is no secret that the concept of public speeches is that the
psychological meaning of verbal, though not without all formats)) finished

He said in explaining the purposes of: ((second face that provides a formula command
or prohibition or appeal or news or intelligence or otherwise find at the same meanings
then expressed with words that call them to speak sensuous, Meaning is that he finds in
himself and goes on in immortalized does not vary Alabart according to the conditions
and conventions are intended winning speaker at the same listener to being on Mujbha
is what we call self-talk and new)) and these express words in the fact that the
psychological speak a second sense

Imam Aserhende said: ((and the Koran the word of God revealed to the Prophet him and
his family prayers and peace, caught dressed in character, voice and commanded His
slaves and forbade them, as we show psychological our word through the mediation of
the mouth and tongue-in-bass letters and sounds Nord him hidden our objectives in the
platform appearing well as the right Almighty psychiatric slaves in his bass voice full
character showed his ability with no broker's mouth and tongue and evacuated hidden
orders and prohibitions within the character and voice on a platform appearing Both
sections speak the right words Almighty meant psychological and verbal)) finished

But it is a second meaning of psychological words that confused sound and character,
how do you imagine the confusion the first meaning of character and sound? , Meaning
it is confusion or ambiguity is given, not what confused reason

In the books of speech: ((because all of the calls the tune and tells the finds of the same
meaning then, evidenced by ferry, in writing or reference)) and in the hair famous: ((The
speech for in heart, etc.)), said caliph Omar may Allah be pleased with him: ((rigged in
my article)), and said the people of custom: ((the words to myself, I want to remind him
of you)). All this applies to the second meaning of the word psycho

The view of some Sunnis that the psychological speech is essential honesty
demonstrates the second meaning of psychological words, the description of honesty
does not come in the first psychological meaning of the words - no starters speak - but

realized in the second sense in which the meaning of the verbal utterance. And telling
the Sunnis that the psychological speech is not self-appointed nor other shows on the
first psychological meaning of the words, it is obvious that the meaning of the word, such
as information differently and separately from the self.

After this detail, much of what people are confused on the outs. Fmma disagreed about
is: Do you denote verbal speech on the psychological speech: my mind or my situation?
Appears from the previous report that the significance of the first meaning of the word of
psychological mind - indication of the impact on the influential - as evidenced by acts of
God on his ability, and its significance to the second meaning of it and my

Mawlawi Abdul Hakim said in Alakaad Jalali footnote: ((D. verbal discourse on the
psychological meanings, which is an indication topic to topic him on his principles and
significance impact on the influential)) and these express words to prove the previous

Should the income in this research to appoint his way of psychological speech: AHO
starters speak or verbal utterance meaning?

Mu'tazila claimed that if news of God said everlastingly the necessary lie in the
experience, he said explainer purposes in his answer: ((The answer is that his words in
eternity is not characterized by the past and the case and reception for lack of time, but
characterized it as still according fixations and the occurrence of the times or dates)) and
then said: ((and to achieve this with say that the eternal meaning of the verbal is very
difficult, as well as to say that the move is marked by the other incident but it is a word
without meaning old)). Here, too, if this detail evoked among stakeholders psychological
words to become a hardship mentioned fraction, the who described the verbal utterance
just go and others, and denied the psychological speech Fmradh first meaning of
psychological words, and the meaning of being a connotation word but it is the meaning
of my mind not my situation. Yes, if the load on the positive connotation to it confused

And also revealed many of the problems mentioned in detail, as is obvious to a skilled

As for the psychological Talqat speech which has been summed up, and now it was
evacuated, the first speech Talqat psychological sense be Ktalq science information and
the ability Balmekdurat attached, and the second Mounay Fmtalqat psychological

speech Ktalq idiom situation Bdalaladtha. The back of this detail is the difference which
occurred between Abdullah bin Said and among the public, the Abdullah Bin Saeed said
the occurrence of fixations on the first meaning of psychological words, the public said
foot fixations on the second meaning of psychological words as their presence in the
eternal science. And this way in a statement doctrine Abdullah bin Saeed best and
O_khasr than reported in a Muslim constancy and explain the positions and explain the

It appears clear that everything had decided previously untapped and is taken from the
words of senior companions and scholars who are considered, it is what their terms
indicate the first meaning of the word psycho, including what shows on the second
meaning, including what shows entirely concerned

May be called a recipe indicative of meaning, as in the purposes and others: ((and make
a recipe signifier on the signified is common, such as I heard this for the meaning and
wrote and read)), as well called 'Word of God' speech verbal as they are called on the
psychological Bmnih speech

It said: ((I heard aware Zaid)) and ((I watched the jurisprudence Baker)) and ((I saw the
pleasure Zaid)), but the audio and viewer impact of these things do not notables

If a speech said that the psychological sense of the meaning of word postural old recipe
list in the same God as the Creator and the outside presence, this is not true, because
the meaning of the word accident as the external presence

The meaning of the word positive but called 'speech psychological' because the
meaning of verbal and psychological talk real status in the same God connotation word
also in terms of mentality is not the situation, since this idiom has a presence in science
Balozl called by this account 'speech psychological' also

They should be appointed on an opponent that is what they prefer psychological

B'alkalam 'statement then: Is it lying failure to self or not? Are you suggesting verbal
utterance by the terms of the status or terms of mentality? It is a must face the
applicability of truth and lies between the psychological and verbal? It is not a statement
of these things is not to claim that the value lies in the verbal utterance shops for itself
based on being applicable to the psychological speech

[Omitted summarize the fifth made it where no significant benefit]

Introduction sixth

Truth and lies in the verbal utterance Menderjan recipes in deeds, not themselves set
within a real self qualities, just as the wisdom, justice and tampering with the
extravagance of the qualities of acts so too truth and lies in the verbal utterance of the
actual qualities of reason and quoting. This is because the truth and lies recipe verbal
speech that is an accident and created the majority of the Sunnis, and will come
achieved [This is the second part of the book that did not like to summarize for its length,
it offers seeded to tell the judge the sails of the Aegean in the matter and the words of
other investigators, and went opponent as an entrepreneur ' Rahman disliked 'that verbal
utterance Old and present the same Creator, but by him should be attachment to the
incident, and as the truth and lies of its attachment to the incident that is under God's
ability necessary Andrajhma in actual DETAILS

He said in explaining the situations: ((refrain him lying agreement, either when Mu'tazila
Vlugean: first that any lie in the words that is they have such acts without the ugly
qualities of a glorified does not do the ugly, which is based on their origin to prove the
rule of reason in good deeds and ugliness measured to God and you will know the void))

And Mu'tazila but they say speak verbal, psychological, and they say speak based in the
same God, the verbal discourse we have also from the actual characteristics

Introduction seventh

There is a big difference between the ability to Alkabbaih and issuance Alkabbaih.
Issuance Alkabbaih of God shops when the Sunnis and the community, but are included
in the ability of God like all other possibilities, and corruption in the promise which enters
the pan ability of God, but corruption in the issuance, but to deny the power of God
Almighty contrary to the inclusion of the power of God to all possibilities . Mentioned in
the books of beliefs: ((ability Almighty prevail in other possibilities)) and ((every able))

In the image entry Alkabbaih - Kambassh and tampering with the sense of injustice put
the thing out of place - in the ability of God, none of which requires self-abstaining from
causes that separated the first introduction, then how come the ugly acts of God's
ability? Yes, the descriptions that require self-disintegration of himself or herself or its
requirements are impossible Mata as eating and drinking, and others like them, which is
beyond the capacity of the old

To sum up: say inclusion of God's ability to Kabbaih and possible issuance in itself is a
doctrine of the Sunnis, but refrains issuance external inhibitor is not never be achieved

He said in explaining the sighting: ((Valmana of its issuance by the Almighty and is not
calling for the will to release the sum, not the ability him Zaalh, it is capable of ugly but it
did not issue him not to will him to release, not that it is not is able to be upon him))

It is measured not against science and against the ability of any: Alhal and disability ugly
acts as it is displayed

Thus: it described the indescribable basis until the of the designation by the fact, H in the
written speech to say in: ((need derivative of something to prove who is the socket
Derivative its abstention)), no one is described lying Once his ability it, otherwise
necessary description of the prophets and saints - We seek refuge in God - Balkabbaih!
The necessary description infidels and ungodly deeds good

And now - God willing - appoint the contentious between us - the supporters of Shah
Ismail Shaheed him mercy in this matter - and the violators. We all agree that the
speaker of God, but you're talking to Kiffa and reality is something else. We all agree
that the holding of verbal speech and issued under the ability of God. But came in the
thirteenth century, a group of scientists said that the inter violation hold of reality and
downloaded outside of the old power of God, in the event that Zaid estimated Allah
writing a phrase: ((Zaid based)) and download it, and in the case of Qaudh, Vtolev such
talk and downloaded outside of his ability, not with the Almighty Creator able to tell such
words contrary to reality

The group of scientists - the approval of the Sunnis and the community - that it is
capable Mukhtar, in both cases, but it will not be achieved lying or telling what is
otherwise Indeed, it never is. If we imagine - for hypothesis - that Adam peace be upon
him did not eat from the tree or Pharaoh Godhead not named, will be held the words:
((Adam disobeyed his Lord)) and the words: ((he said I am your Lord) High) and
Tenzilhma in the ability of God as it is in Indeed, only to check the version of such an
abstention for the full sincerity and wisdom of the Almighty and appropriate sanctify and
mercy. All he has done or is essential honesty, if one stops believing none of his words
for a possible lack of honesty in which he is a heretic and atheist and outside of the
circle of Islam

The point is that everyone agrees on the necessity of honesty, with lying, but differed in
caused, came Maulana Shah Ismail Dehlawi and his followers that should be honesty,
with lying two buildings on God's will and choice, it says committed to honesty and heed
to the lying, came Mkhalvohm that they are constructed on the inability to lie , Fujob
honesty with them but it is his inability to lie

And inferred on the fact that lying in a speech verbal self declining to be inferred either
for transport or indications of mental directories. If quoted evidence showing
transmission is well known from the first submitted that the mere word 'omission'
and'mhal 'and their ilk is not sufficient to prove the claims, it is likely abstaining, self

Even quoted mental indications, then he has to show the face of unnecessary lying in
verbal utterance to a shortage of the same God or self qualities, though his guide did not
address this matter is not Astdalalh

And not the rule of the shortage of the qualities such as self-rule of the shortfall in the
actual characteristics as previously, and the violator must be appointed, which is inferred
to lie in the reluctance to speak verbal self being applicable to the psychological speech,
what is meant by psychological speak? The face of the failure of lying? Allbeb equitable
notes that taking into account all these things invalidate what more do kaafirs

The first Door

We must follow in matters of belief: Quranic verses and hadith and the consensus of the
companions and senior companions, and the blessing of their followers, we find that a

healthy mind OK to their words, and send the mind also sent Mu'tazila altered the words
of Allah and the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and senior companions, they
made the already mind abstract in doctrine, especially in the door Theology and made
texts belonging to their mind. And the people they made the right texts originally a
follower her mind

For example: learning of the explicit texts from the Quran and Sunnah and the
consensus of the companions that Allah alone is the Creator of possibilities in all, even
evil, and claimed Mu'tazila symptoms for this consensus that it needed this to say nonvalidity of assigning slave in his actions optional, it is not a creator of his actions, and
they regard the slave creator of his actions optional they said that it is necessary to
describe violating God's not justice, wisdom and compassion, and they said: ((The slave
if it were not selected Iqbh assigned)). Vioolon - but they twist - the word of God and
offering all the sayings of the Companions and their consensus and sayings advances.
And they believe this needs to be a partner that the slave of God in creation, fled - on
Zaahmanm - of the problem and entered in the biggest problem of them, in other words:
fleeing from the rain, and they have under the gutter. Answer and Sunnis is that the
slave is true in matters assigned based on the discretionary income and earned his will
which although not its creator. He said in appeasement and others: ((The investigation
should be punished but it is violating the non-selected Majabur the comment will sin no
Eugbha it did not take away the choice of where and did not force him to do)) finished

Another example that should not be a God that rewards the slave obedient not be
tortured slave offending, it is chosen and do whatever he wants, it could have - the same
- to punish the obedient and rewards the offending, but this does not do based on his
generosity, wisdom and sincerity and justice. He said in explaining the purposes of:
((preferred reward from God and punishment of justice is the need, nor the maturity of
Abdul Unlike the solitary but back in the promise shortage may not be attributed to God
Vithieb obedient at all achievement to his promise)) finished

To say otherwise is opposed by explicit texts of the verse: ((God over all things)) and
((do not are asked what do they Asilon)) and ((Creator of all things)) and ((do whatever
he wants)). It does not need to enter anything in the Almighty God and the ability of
hindsight. He quoted Mu'tazila who say not to enter like this in the power of God what he
said in explaining the purposes of: ((third verses and conversations contained in the
achievement of reward and punishment on the box if not must Jazz nothingness
necessary back and lying)) and answered it by saying: ((responded that than falling at all
it does not require obligatory on God nor the maturity of the slave to what is the
defendant)), God promised and expertise but also demonstrate it happens not on the
fact that otherwise unaffordable him

The Sunnis say the generality of the power of God with sightseeing of the occurrence
Alkabbaih. If Del says: ((God over all things)) and ((do not are asked what do they
Asilon)) and ((Creator of all things)) and ((do whatever he wants)) on the pan capability
and coverage for Kabbaih , it del saying: ((and created the heavens and the earth and
what is between them in vain)) and ((God created this void)) and ((and created the
heavens and the earth and their players)) and ((Ovhspettm but we created you in vain))
and: ((what God wants no injustice for sunflower)) and ((he does not like corruption)) not
realized it

And Mu'tazila Almtbon system (systemic) said not to enter Alkabih - as injustice and
absurd and wrong and absurd - in the power of God, and Almzdarih - other band
Mu'tazilite - to another party, said that he does not mind the occurrence of such
Alkabbaih Vthakgaha also possible! The Sunnis and the community mediocre between
the two parties

And the prophets Almasmon sins Mahvozawn him capable of committing sins, and this
shows the perfection of their edge, or else must be the fact that the trees and the stones
the best of them from the face of this, it is not able to do the sins already! This is false
obviousness. The fact that the properties of human beings better than the properties of
the angels is this facial. It had the ability to Alkabbaih reason for the shortage is also
claimed discount to reflect it. The fact that the ability to Alkabbaih from perfect as to
guard against them also of perfection and virtue. As a result of the matter is that
Mu'tazila but Kamal prove God's justice and deny Kamal ability, and the Sunnis are
proving perfect in both. But I still Mu'tazila because they did not distinguish between the
ability to Alkabbaih and the issuance thereof. He said in explaining the situations: ((well
Valajmaa in session on any of the prophets that they are charged with leaving the sins
Mthabon him, even if declining guilt about being the case it is not mandated to leave the
omission does not reward him what I knew above)) finished

And now we draw our attention to the issue in question. To say who said that the author
of inter contrary to reality and downloaded to the subjects informing including reality
does not match is not under God's ability This is to say the exclusion of mind peace, it
it's not what requires self-abstinence does not become possible to precisely declining
precisely once symptoms and additions, and thus has proved the inclusion of the power
of God for all possibilities. Valqailon not entered in the ability walked Mu'tazila conduct in
this matter, and violated the consensus of the year should not be a God thing. The
Sunnis have taken the attitude among those who say Almzdarih can check real lies and
those who say no regular entry in the ability of the Almighty Creator, God Vnfoa algebra -

the inability to tell contrary to fact - and decreases or ugliness - actual lie, and have
taken the tack moderate moderate

As evidence of the Sunnis are peremptory explicit texts: ((God over all things)) and ((do
what he wants)) and ((Creator of all things)) and ((effectively what he wants)) finished

And theologians who seemed supported this course of their detention all the possibilities
in the ability of God. Said at intents and others: ((because the turn stems Kadriye is selfdebugger for Mekdorah is possible, no differentiation before being allocated to another,
and the first to stick to such: God over all things)) finished

He said Al Duwani mark in explaining the doctrines: ((It is imperative that enabled to
estimate the existence of a close to duty, has proven to be an actor specify, shall be able
to be, because the deficit for some of the lack of which is on God shops with the texts
speaking generality of capacity, meaning: He is over all things)) finished

He said in explaining the purposes of: ((it is better to stick to texts function on the
inclusion of his ability, such as: God over all things)) finished

The scholars said: ((I know that the offenders in this original, I mean the general ability
Almighty whole - the enablers which is the greatest asset - multiple teams)), and in
explaining the purposes of: ((including system and his followers who say that he is not
able to create ignorance, lies, injustice and other Alkabbaih, as if it was created
manageable him to jazz release him and needed void for Avdhaih to extravagance that
was a world Bakbh so Basgnaih him and to the ignorance, if not a scientist, and the
answer is: I do not recognize the ugliness of the thing for him Almighty, how an act of his
property, even him: the ability it does not contradict release him due to the presence of
Alsarv and not calling, although it was possible at the same refrain)) finished

The sense of injustice here is not the disposition of the property of others, ignorance is
not against science. Should not the reader of these words should be understood that
such injustice and such ignorance in the ability of God - and God forbid. Sense of
injustice here is to put the thing out of place, and ignorance is the opposite of wisdom
and dream. And the statement are as follows

His platform year said: ((The second opinion that injustice able and God is far above him
and the view of the majority of all confirmed the ability of the Nvath, is the view of many
of the principals installed for as Kalkramah and others, and many of the companions of
Abu Hanifa and Malik, Shafi'i, Ahmad and others is the view of the judge Abu Hazim and
Alakadhi Abu second to none and others, and this Ktaveb human guilt etc.)) finished

Said Shehab al-Khafaji, the mark in the interpretation of the words of God: ((God does
not oppress whit)): ((interrogator said: It does not do injustice to ease for wisdom is not
the ability, because it seems from our saying: so and so does not do as well as in acts
which are optional in the same he left choice, and capable of Turk is able to act, etc.))

Injustice, which is located under the power of God when the public is to put the thing out
of place as like him, saying: Human tortured guilt other

The sense of injustice disposition of the property of others can not be for God's self as it
is very apparent, God Almighty does not come out of his thing. Detective Al Duwani in
explaining the creeds said: ((and injustice might be said on the disposition of the
property of others, and this meaning shops in his right Almighty because all his property
he may dispose of it as he pleases, and to put the thing out of place, and God judge's
ruling, and I know both worlds and I appreciate capable of all that and put it in a position
to be the best places for him though hidden face classed us)), for the first meaning
Mahal injustice can not be achieved in relation to God Vimitna reason and Mata, and the
second meaning is achieved in particular can be replaced, although declined to others

Word utter ignorance mentioned in the download sense: ((said: You are ignorant
people)) said: ((But I see you a people ignorant)) Oval said: ((Tesfhon them to invite
them Orazl)). According to a hadith ((although ignorance of the ignorant one of you is
fasting, let him say: I am fasting)). And the meaning of ignorance here, such as verbal
abuse, beatings and appeal. Modern commentators said: ((also called Ignorance versus
science also called against the dream)). Khafaji said in the Oval footnote: ((shall
ignorance in other words, a crime against others and do what shove it in word or deed,
which is common sense such as saying: Do not be ignorant of one's ignorance we Venjhl
above Gahlaina)) finished

The suspicions of irregular Vtendf by saying: that these things are possible and very
reluctant to others

Thus, the scientists said that the asset allocation in a provision of the law if it is the way
of the mind is like to be the exception, it is true customization beyond comparison. Said
in a clarification: ((the provision if it is the mind and so it is in the rule of exemption upon
what comes not inherited suspicion etc.)) said in a waving: ((If the provision is mind the
general categorically in the rest of the non-gene compromised, etc.)), and when he out
of the verse ((Creator of all things)) attributes of God and Balbdahh is out saying: ((God
over all things)) Almmtnat particular as eating and drinking Balbdahh, the text remained
after this allocation on cousins and Qteith

Lying - Kkhalav Justice - within the power of God, it is within the pan in the words of
God: ((God over all things)), which is not the same as eating and drinking as stated
above. Just as the obedient tortured inside the Almighty in his ability but refrains of mind,
so too authored sentence violates the reality within his ability but declined to release the

He said in explaining the situations: ((Fourth system Mtbaoh said, not able to ugly act,
because with science Bakbha foolishness and without ignorance and both lack of Nnzha
exalted him, and the answer is that it does not nastiness to him, the All his property, he
may act in it in any way he wanted, though nastiness him act for him Fgaath inaction
existence Alsarv him a ugliness and does not negate the ability it)) finished

Valkabbaih I've made Mu'tazila of the ability of God does not recognize the first being the
ugly in relation to God, but ugliness is achieved for the benefit of its people and their
interests, and because of this interest heed her choice and God will not Jabra and deficit

Lying and show the miracle at the hands of the false, both in ugliness, as interpreted by
some of them. He said in explaining the purposes of: ((the false appearance of a miracle
on the imposition of hands for any purpose, although it may mind the inclusion of the
power of God, he is usually known abstention Alantvae certainly as is the rest of the rule
of Antiquities)) finished

He said in explaining the Fre: ((I said: the ugly act of non-need shops, the want it stores
the same it is a Muslim I know the need that the act does not require or not for its own
sake, but we know that his presence and whether or not relative to the same one, but I
wanted it stores because God Almighty is capable sage does not want to do such an act,
it is a Muslim, but that is not required in the absence of the ability, but his ability and his

will left)) ended

This explicit provision to prove our case. He said in some of the footnotes: ((They said
that back in the warning is not a shortage but is generous praise him Bari Almighty,
unlike back in the promise , it is a shortage must disliked God Almighty if backward
generosity unworthy cream Qadir therefore, the right to back legal mind at all, but it is
the reality of the book and the Sunnah and scholarly consensus )) finished

Valkhalaf legal mind, and backward members of lying as it is displayed. The owner of the
Platform for the year: ((I know that the Almighty God when he said in his great book: God
does not oppress whit though good tack compounded by verse, the audience and said
that injustice affordable, was the audience said: that behind the promise of legal possible
though God does not break His promise never always that sage cream and mercy to
dominate the anger)) finished

Said in a confabulation explain appeasement: ((there is no doubt that robbed ability what
has been reported from injustice and extravagance and lying is the doctrine of Mu'tazila
As proved, any ability to reportedly then refrain from Mtalgaha choice doctrine which is
the doctrine Ash'aris more appropriate than the doctrine Mu'tazila, is no secret that this
Aloliq Enter the transcendence also, if you do not doubt that the omissions of any of the
things mentioned of injustice and foolishness and lies from door Altensahat what is not
worthy of Bjnab holy God, Vesper building effect, ie: testing the mind that any chapters
told in transcendence indecency? Is it the ability upon any mention of what three things
with the omission of any failing by the Almighty selected so do not abstain or to abstain
from deliberately to power it, it must be said Bodechl two views in a transcendence say
Aloliq doctrine Ash'aris)) finished

This phrase explicit to prove the case, but is telling violators Mu'tazila doctrine, endorsed
this statement in the editorial and explained the report: ((he said in reference to the path
of appeasement that the second sentence of any estimated that certainly does not enter
the transcendence)) finished

Judge sails Din said in a brief explanation of assets: (( It may be argued: that to do Sarv
ugly act omission does not negate the choice)) Then he said: (( the answer to the first: I
do not recognize the show miracle at the hands of the false and lying to God abstaining
mentally abstention, and if we are certain without any active because they are
empowered and comprehensive ability)) and the explicit provision in proving the case

Mu'tazila claimed that if Hassan was not ugliness mentally ill because declined lying and
may show the miracle at the hands of the false can not prove the prophecy, he answered
all this suspicion in the Muslim constancy like this: ((has answered PANA not recognize
lying abstention on God, with show miracle at the hands of the false abstaining mentally
because they are enablers, and comprehensive ability, even if he does not recognize the
refrain that the absence of mental ugliness requires Antvaah passport to abstain aware
of another, a habit, if you do not have a certain lack of erasure flag Balmudallol manual,
no secret of their weakness)) finished

The words of the weakness of the two answers is not seeded Mradh weakness of their
substance, but his way is Dafhma Aaradhma answer for suspicion Mu'tazila, and the
evidence that this is meant is the support of his self-acknowledged say could lie
elsewhere in the book. Said in a research assignment: ((As for the picture format that
utters it and say: Find shops, Wat meeting of extremes, what is only according to your
word: extremes meeting reality, but was told his refusal to be aware if another would
have been)). The statement to be this phrase as follows

Some Ash'aris: Can God Almighty assigned slave including unbearable said, Maatreedis
Ash'aris and investigators said it was not Bmemkn. The evidence of those who say his
inability, as interpreted by the Muslim owner that if demand from the commander of a
real - that he in fact wants to achieve that is enjoined from the sheriff - should imagine
the occurrence of this in the mind of the matter, and the omission in particular is
perceived to fall to the commander Alim, then ordered his ideals. He answered sayers
who can: you should not imagine command to verify the occurrence is enjoined, but
must utter such: Find stores or: coming Bajmtaa extremes. Replied the owner
recognized for this suspicion, including take us with him: ((Suri But that uttered the
imperative form and says: Find shops, Wat meeting of extremes, what is only according
to your word: extremes meeting reality, but was told his refusal to be aware else if would
have been)), namely: To say that there can be assigned to slave so unbearable is based
on the fact that demand is a genuine demand, while Suri demand that it not be required
in fact achieved enjoined the sheriff is permissible in particular, and what is only
according to the words: ((extremes meeting reality)) is the fact that speech belief [which
is Ein lying. Valtlfez such words is not what it really is possible belief. He said stuffed
Muslim constancy: ((the news is the fact that is not true though uttering his right)), but
not worthy of such utter the judge's ruling, he said: ((but was told his refusal to be aware
else if would have been)), and this other perceived is a promenade of God for
extravagance and contrary to truth, justice, wisdom

This, he said, in explaining the situations: ((systemic owners Ibrahim ibn Sayar system,
one of the demons of fatalism, perused books philosophers, mixing his words Mu'tazila,
they said, he can not do the slaves in the world at Salah them to it, not estimated to
increase in the Hereafter or that detract from the reward and punishment for the people
of Paradise and the fire, keeping it above the disenchanted Almighty evils and Alkabih
can only be looted by his ability, to understand the one who fled from the rain into the
gutter)) finished

He said in explaining the situations: ((The punishment is subject Bgesan: I: enjoined all
Mu'tazilites and Kharijites punishment large employer if he dies without repentance did
Ajoswa that God forgive him the first two faces: that the Almighty shimmer punishment
on the sins and told him any punishment on them, if not punished large and antiquated
needed back at his festival, it lies in the experience and it is impossible; and the answer
is : than the occurrence of punishment where should the punishment that our words
where it does not suspect that is not obligatory with falling does not require a successor
does not lie, do not say: It requires Hawwazhma It is also shops for I say: Asthalth
banned, how are two of the possibilities which excluded from its ability Almighty)) , and
this explicitly clear text

Isfahani said in explaining omens: ((system and said that the Almighty is not able to
create ugliness because the ugly act of stores and shops is affordable, but that ugly act
of shops is because it shows the ignorance of the actor and his need two Mhalan on
God, and that leads to the assignee shops, and either stores is not able to because the
affordable is true find it and it calls for the health of existence, the omission does not
have the health to exist. The answer: it is not ugly in relation to God, and him that ugly
ugly at all, but an inhibitor of do Verifier not be able fleeting because the ugly then have
been referred to other and shop for others as possible to the same affordable vicua
manageable does not contradict the other being a non-resident)) finished

He said in horoscopes Rumi: ((his answer that he is not ugly for him because the owner
things are all but handed the ugly ugly at all, and for him also Valmana of its issuance by
the Almighty and is not calling for the will to release holds no ability by the ephemeral, it
is capable of ugly but it not issued for lack of it to the will of its release is not that it is not
is able to be upon him)) finished

He said in explaining the abstraction of Isfahani: ((and his words are sincere because
the Almighty lying ugly may not be a God because Hakim and al - Hakim does not make
him ugly)) , Valasthalh because of his wisdom is not required of this lack of ability in

And lying though possible in himself but shops - inevitably - to others. , Said in
explaining the purposes of : ((If it is said to stick to the book and the year depends on the
science honestly word of God and the words of the Prophet peace be upon him and
significance of a miracle and this can not be achieved with the people as the creator of
everything , even evils and Alkabbaih and it does not Iqbh him typecast, fraud, lying and
show the miracle at the hands of the false and so on, which detract from the need
sincerity of his words and the proof of prophecy and the significance of miracles, we
said: science preclusion those Alqoadh though possible in the same of Antiquities
ancillary necessities)) finished

Said in attitudes: ((IV: if you do Iqbh of lying and show the miracle did not prove when
the false prophecy, we said: probably could not cut the thing and it happens like the rest
of Antiquities)) finished

He said in explaining the situations: ((The answer to possible mental does not contradict
the assertion originally not fall like the other Antiquities)) finished

Also he said: ((The answer should be aware lying him abstention Almighty we have is
not a mental ugliness even necessary absence of ugliness that does not know failing
him, as may be him aware else has this progress in the Investigation being Almighty
speaking and the significance of the miracle of the sincerity of an ordinary prosecutor do
not depend on the failure of lying as in other regular science that is not Anagaidha
abstaining, we are certain honestly miracle appeared on his hand with a lie that is
possible in the same, you do not need confusion)) finished

Also he said: ((fifth it is not necessary to believe God him of his sincerity unless you
knew the impossibility of lying to God)) then replied: ((total answer to what we have
decided is time any repeatedly that mental Altjoizzat does not contradict the normal
science as in Mahsusat) ) is over

These explicit statements to prove our case all praise to Allah. The transfer finally
statement to an investigator for the benefit of Al Duwani

Detective Al Duwani in explaining the doctrines said to endorse the words of the Sunnis:

((he does not have anything)): ((because what either phrase for what is worth, leaving
only slander and some Mu'tazila or said what is left in breach of wisdom also said some
of the last, or what God has decided to himself that he does not leave him even if he left
permissible as chosen by some mystical and speakers also felt by the phenomena of the
verses and hadiths such as the verse then that we employed and saying peace be upon
him Hakia about God O my servants, I have forbidden oppression for myself and the first
void because the Almighty is the owner ever has to act of his property as he wishes not
going to slander originally of the acts it is Mahmood in all his actions, as well as the
second does not recognize collectively that all his actions include governance and
interests nor surrounds learned his wisdom and interest in it to take care of wisdom
commitment and interest should not be exalted, not are asked whether do they Asilon,
and the third as well because if it were told refrain issuance of disagreement with him
says he contradicts what he said in his passport Turk but did not tell him where the
meaning is obligatory because then there will be the outcome that God will not leave him
on the road to run normally and it is not obligatory in something it is just the launch of
obligatory convention)) ended his talk

So look saying: Care wisdom commitment and interest should not be exalted.

The mental evidence to prove our case are as follows

1. Most people can written words does not meet the reality and delivering the addressee,
To say that God is not able to like this needs to be said that the man of God appreciate
from this face, a void Balbdahh. Sheikh Ismail Shahid said in response to a brand
favored right Aljerabadi

2. Perfection and virtue but to guard against the ugly thing by choice and will not be a
deficit and Jabra, otherwise must praise Gamdat the absence of lying about them.
Sheikh Ismail Shahid also said

3. Honesty is not the eye of God and the true qualities of the self, not to say what Ddh
requires robbed of God's truth or usurp all its requirements

4. Truth and lies of recipes verbal speech, which is a creature and accident, and every
creature able to God, Valsedk permission and lying in his ability. Atsaf speaker and the
truth and a lie but it is an additional Atsaf, it is to add an additional order! The truth and

lies are not the qualities of the same words, how Akunan of the qualities of the speaker?
Speech but be truthful or a liar as its conformity to reality or not conformed to him, and
this additional order. Based on this, it may be the words in the case of sincerity and have
that same speech lied in another case. But the speaker is described as honest or a liar
because when he spoke such words

Part II

Part II of a very long book, but it summarize some important Investigation

The first topic

Detective Al Duwani said: ((I said, lying shortages and lack the Almighty shops it would
not be empowered not covered by the ability and does not include other kinds of power
shortages such as not knowing the Almighty, disability and preclude speech and other
luxury DETAILS)) finished

This declare ferries serve the opponent, and do not have the strongest of which is, but
we have Detective Al Duwani does not go to self-abstinence to lie (as it is displayed
ferry), and the statement are as follows

Said in explaining the doctrines Jalali In explanation of position and others that the big
owner who died before repentance to God must be tortured when Mu'tazila Kharijites
and is not able to be pardoned, said the Sunnis: it is not obligatory, but pardon may not
be achieved, declining to others also

Mu'tazila replied: God has told in many verses that tortures large employer, they should
torture him, and only need to be lying back in his festival

And answered in explaining attitudes and explain the purposes and others that his
reasoning than this should be an agony not obligatory on God, with the amnesty on what
is their case, it is not correlation between non-obligatory and not the actual

He added in explanation of position he remained behind the suspicion and lying if we

said it should not torment we assume the possibility of lying and back, he said: ((say
Asthalthma banned, how are two of the possibilities covered by the ability Almighty))

Said Detective Al Duwani to say this explainer situations: ((I said, lying shortages and
lack the Almighty shops it would not be empowered not covered by the ability of God
also does not include other deficiencies upon the ability Almighty such as not knowing,
disability and preclude speech and other luxury DETAILS)) finished

And telling the investigator this is based on the problem in the words of commentator
positions, which is that the Sunnis did not say pardon can for the big particular employer
only, but said he could realized and actually Also, To say explainer positions that needed
it - to say the Sunnis - the occurrence of lying and release him, a absolutely void, and to
say that ((not obligatory with falling does not require rear)) is not correct on the doctrine
of the Sunnis in the issue of amnesty for large employer. Have fancy words explainer
positions reader that his words: ((two of the possibilities covered by the ability Almighty))
is possible Aelloukuaa not possible self, based on the doctrine of the Sunnis in the
matter, he replied the investigator Al Duwani saying: ((it would not be empowered not
covered ability)), namely: do not be the occurrence of the back, lying and chests with
him from the possibilities already, while saying: ((not covered by the ability)) is the word
of the phenomenon of the problem, and to us that we carry on the ability in the sense of
appreciation and will though this pregnancy away. And demonstrates the fact that this is
the Murad Al Duwani what he said after this phrase, which is the correct answer to oblige
Mu'tazila: ((but the face in answer to what we have referred to earlier that the promises
and warnings Parwttan restrictions and conditions for unknown texts may retardation
due to the absence of some of those conditions)) finished

The truth is that Answer Duwani and Answer explainer positions both properly in its
place, Vjawab explain positions Answer is mandatory, ie: this very Astdalalkm it requires
an agony does not lack the ability to pardon, not answer this based on the words of the
Sunnis in the matter, Fmradh possible is self-possible and Almekdorah Aelloukuaa not
possible, and the words of detective Al Duwani Answer investigative and is based on
what is telling the people of the year in question

He said in explaining the purposes of: ((III: the verses and the hadith contained in the
verification of reward and punishment on the box if not must Jazz nothingness
necessary back and lying, it was reported that his purpose falling at all, and he does not
Astzlam obligatory on God and the maturity of the slave to what is the defendant, this

doctrine passport back in the intimidation that is not located agony, and then make sure
formats)) finished

And make sure the confusion mentioned is unnecessary and a lying, back and are not
permissible, this is problematic who wanted Al Duwani dissolved and answer it. The
deficiencies mentioned by the investigator is the shortage or ugliness in deeds, it has
already ugliness in particular and possible third party acts abstention

The second topic

Objected to the discount on the first evidence of the mental evidence - an obliging
opponent by saying that man is capable of God - that is needed on this directory to say
that God is able to eat, drink, etc., the human estimated them. The answer to this
objection is that eating and drinking and their ilk from the properties of objects and
supplies empowered, and their issuance is inconceivable without the physical, Vsdor
such acts need to be a big change in the attributes of God and self, and this is precisely
abstention also provided. Thus: do not eat and others in relation to God, such as eating
and doing other for the Creation, the Creator of the Almighty was not a matter of eating
and drinking, and others, and not in the capacity of creation is also to make the body is
not eaten mustache. As for lying to the Creator and not for the creation of their offense,
the verbal utterance is no difference in reality in relation to the Creator for the creature.
Yes, contrary to how to speak, but does not contradict the fact that verbal utterance. For
this is what it consists speak the same thing: ie: letters of the alphabet and words

The sign said Chalabi: ((I'm know necessarily that it is aware of something possible for
him to tell him not for what it is)), and this shows that there is a difference between the
reality of the Word of God verbal and the fact that human verbal words, and only what is
true this measurement. Then Chalabi said: ((I answer him that saying from the
knowledge of something, etc. is prohibited and action necessary is audible as not speak
in truth and lies Allfezaan so can this, but in the psychiatrists)), this indicates that there is
a difference between the sincerity of speech and verbal lie in relation to the Creator and
for to the creation, but the difference in the psychological speech

The third topic

Objected to the discount on the second evidence of the mental evidence - is that it is
only valid Altmidh to leave ugly thing if the selection and will - that God says: ((Do not
take it one year and not sleep)) This is based on the inability, as agreed upon by
everyone. The answer him that the negative qualities is either in self or in the qualities or
deeds, Valtmidh true in the first two sections preclusion ability of the face is not in
Section III. One investigator said: ((the right thing that abstinence does not prevent
Altmidh exiled if the shortage of recipes, but refrain indicates Kamal praise, if it was
exiled from the qualities of the shortfall was more the exile was stronger Altmidh
stronger)). The meaning of this speech is not that true Altmidh of Alantvae purely
entertained, but if it shows something else, but in saying: ((Do not take it one year and
not sleep)), Vamidh the hand of God that the Nearer, the seeing, in all times and all
times as he said Razi in his interpretation, and should only praise Gamdat year not to
sleep! Razi said: ((say: denial shall not be a reason to get praise and praise because
exile sheer nothingness exchange not be positive for the praise and praise and flag it
necessary even if the exile evidence for recipe)), also said: ((The laud thing thing is not
valid unless it is valid for him and he was able)), this explicitly in support of the directory
in which they objected

The fourth topic

Quoted an opponent lying on the omission in the speech on the applicability of verbal
and psychological speech, including that honesty in which duty is a necessary and
essential duty in verbal utterance. It may provide reference to the answer to this
reasoning, which is that if what they prefer psychological speak here of speech-based
same God it is true applicability of the verbal utterance it in terms of truth and lies, it is
inconceivable truth and lies which are also provided, though their goal by the
implications word is valid applicability of speech verbal it in terms of truth and lies, is also
true as saying that the abstention lying, but no evidence of the fact that this omission
because of the entry in the capacity as their claim


This is the last thing I wanted summarized from the book 'widow's mite' of Sheikh Imam
Maulana Mahmud al-Hasan Almighty God's mercy. Did not grasp all Investigation book
symptoms for prolongation, it never did I have the third section of the book because I
have not seen him, and did not summarize the detective that you summarize them as it
should be and as it is right for the lack of my merchandise in the Arabic language and in
forensic science, but I hope that this work is modest enough in statement doctrine
Aldeubnd scientists in this matter disputing it, and the author, who have authored Bltejes

is the first graduate of Darul Uloom Deoband at all

* He said in the context of responding to the corrupt conjecture that imagines some
people for the intercession of God out of it 'intercession prima', ie the creation of got the
status of God Almighty force him this status to suppress his anger and forgiveness of the
sinner whom intercession is made that is worth suffering the same thing and this belief
for intercession is not true, it is not often on the Almighty God is, this is the context
mentioned this sentence

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Al-Kadhib Imkan and non-Deobandis
with In "Barelwis"
Of the False Refutation Allegation Against Shaykh al-Thanawi [Arabic]
with In "Arabic Refutations"
Al-Muqill Juhd of Shaykh al-Hind Mawlana Mahmud Hasan Deobandi
with In "Imkan al-Kadhib"
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Imkan al-Kadhib and non-Deobandis
Nur and Bashar explained
The concept of heresy in Islam
Patent Sheikh Ismail Dehlawi say the fact that expand the graves largest snare
The question of the possibility of lying and position them Deoband scholars

Absurd Stuff
Accusations against Deobandi Scholars
Ahmad Raza Khan
Ahmad Yar Khan
Aqidah of the Barelwis
Arabic refutations
Arabic scholars
Ashraf Ali Thanwi
Differences between Barelwis and Others
Fabricated Fatwa of Raza Khan
GF Haddad
Hadir Nadir

Hatred towards Deobandis

Hussam al-Haramayn
Ilm al-Ghayb
Imkan al-Kadhib
Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri
Knowledge of the Hour
Mujaddid Alf Thani
Mukhtar al-kull
Munawwar Ateeq Rizwi
Na'im al-Din Muradabadi
Nur and Bashar
Pir Karam Shah
Praise of Deobandis
Preamble To Faith
Qasim Nanotwi
Rashid Ahmad Gangohi
Shah Isma'il
Umar Icharwi
March 2016

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Ahle Haq
Ahmad Rida Unmasked

Ahsan al-Ulum
Allamah Sarfraz
Barelwi Fitna
Bawariq al-Ghayb
Haq Char Yar
Mawlana Sawati
Pearls of Elders
Raza Khani Mazhab
Response to Hussam al-Haramayn
Zarbe Mumin
Imkan al-Kadhib and non-Deobandis
Ahmad Raza Khan
Barelwis are Wahhabis - Shaykh Nuh Keller
About us
Ruling on seeking help from the Creation
Ahmad Rida Khans insulting remarks about Sayyida Aisha
Basic Differences between Deobandis (Ahlus Sunnah) and Barelwis (Ahlul Bid'ah)
A Reply to Preamble to Faith
The question of the possibility of lying and position them Deoband scholars
Juhd al-Muqill of Shaykh al-Hind Mawlana Mahmud Hasan Deobandi
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