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Imkan al-Kadhib Explained by Ml. Thanwi

2 Votes

Imkan al-Kadhib
Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanwi

Regarding imkn al-kadhib, one scholar gave a speech that gave rise to some
doubt [in the questioner]- namely that the attribute of speech (kalm) for
Allah is eternal and all His attributes are characterized by perfection whereas
lying (kadhib) is a defect (naqs) and flaw (`ayb). Being transcendent from it is
necessary (daruri). Thus, the attribute of the attribute (sifat ka sifat),
meaning truthfulness (sidq) [in this case], will be eternal also and so its
opposite is not possible. [Allahs] power has no relation over these attributes
because power relates to the possible (mumkint) and the attributes [of
Allah] are eternal. His speech being truthful eternally and everlastingly is
necessary for the reason that all the attributes are ones of perfection. A flaw
is not poss ible within it and thus lying is not-possible.

Regarding the matter of possibility and impossibility, then there is no doubt in
the exquisiteness and reality of the statement [above], but it relates wholly to
the self-speech (kalm nafs) [of Allah]. Thus, at this level the intrinsic
necessity of truthfulness (sidq) and the intrinsic impossibility of lying (kadhib)
is something no one differs on.

Rather, the argument is concerning uttered-speech (kalm lafdh) when it is

an act (af`l) and created (makhlq), which is the position of the Maturidis.

Therefore, the above statement does not apply here. Yet the act being a
creation necessitates power (qudrat) over it and power is always associated
with opposites due to which the linkage of such qudrat over truthfulness.

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Ibn al-Humam in al-Tahrir on the Issue of Lying in Allah's Power
In "Imkan al-Kadhib"
Imkan al-Kadhib
In "Accusations against Deobandi Scholars"
Juhd al-Muqill of Shaykh al-Hind Mawlana Mahmud Hasan Deobandi
In "Imkan al-Kadhib"
This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 31st, 2012 at 4:28 pm and is filed
under Imkan al-Kadhib. You can follow any responses to this entry through
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2 Responses to Imkan al-Kadhib Explained by Ml. Thanwi
Have Courage to know Truth --- A Sunni says:
May 18, 2012 at 9:48 am
Why person who psoted this didnt tell readers .. as who asked this question.

Ahmad Tariq says:
July 12, 2012 at 11:27 am
I dont understand. Does Ashraf Ali Thanwi simply mean that it is possible

that Allah creates lies? Such as a person lying about something? Then
thats the position of the asha3irah as well. Whoever doubts whether it is
possible or not for Allah to create lying commits kufr. Surely Allah can
create lies.

BUT it is impossible that there should be lies/untruthfulness in Allahs

eternal speech AND in what Allah reveals in the Quran or to the Prophet,
3alayhis salatu was salam.

Can you clarify what Ashraf Ali Thanwi meant?

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