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Freire advocates for a more world-mediated, mutual approach to education

that considers people incomplete (Freire,1986)

The method of learning of Paulo Freire requires that students do more than
simply reproduce the words that already exist. It requires that they create their
own words, words that allow them to become aware of reality in order to fight
for their own emancipation. Without this, some people acquire a kind of naive
consciousness in which they are aware of their situation but don't make any
effort to change it; they take a conformist stance and consider their situation
something normal, even to the point of supporting it themselves. Other
individuals construct their own reality and liberate themselves from
oppression, only to go to the opposite extreme and become the antithesis of
what they were fighting against (Gibson,2006). Freire advocates an education
that is based on experience, we just dont learn from school and from our
teachers we also need to learn from our own experiences. To know from our
experiences is to be able to learn to face the same problem if we encounter it

When the individual does not fight for his interests and for cultural and
social emancipation, it seems that he has lost his love of life. Such is the

necrophilia of the situation that has prevailed, reproduced by the type of

education that is imparted in the schools. The pedagogy that Freire
proposes is the opposite of that described above. It suggests that the
individual acquire a love of life through a cultivation of his being - by being
with the world and not of it - a state that is achieved through liberation. For
this to occur we need an education that ceases to be alienating and
mechanistic. (Gibson, 2006) People need to fight for his or her culture,
like what we are experiencing now in the Philippines, little by little our
country is being westernized country, the people are adopting the western
culture and somewhat forgetting what is truly ours. A lot of effort has been
done in our schools to bring the spirit of Filipino culture back, but
unfortunately it doesnt seem to be effective at all. According to the book,
to bring the life or spirit back people needs to be liberated, it means that us
Filipinos needs to be free from the things that makes us more western-like,
probably the simplest thing that we can do is by patronizing our own
products. Also, Freire suggest that to be liberated people needs to be with
the world and not of it; to live with the world is to go with what the world
gives us. The world should be like our friend in which we enjoy each
others company and we should not destroy each other. In short we need
to take care and cherish of what the worlds gives.

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