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Master of Music
Application period
01 March 31 March for the following winter semester
Applications are only accepted within the application period.
Only the date the application is received is decisive not the
postmark. In case the last day of the application deadline is
a Saturday, Sunday or a public holiday the application
deadline is extended to the next working day.
Duration of study course and degree qualification
Standard period of study: 4 semesters
Degree: Master of Music (M.mus.)
Language of instruction
German and English
Structure of the study programme
frequent conducting of live ensembles, singers and solo
master classes, rehearsals and concerts with professional
regular conducting classes with the studio orchestra of
the UdK
video analysis of orchestral sessions and laboratory work
with two pianos
tuition in Repetiteuring, vocal coaching and score
reading (also for non-pianists)
piano, singing and Italian lessons
career and professional development
instruction and practical experience in rehearsal
planning, orchestral set up, off-stage music, preparation
of orchestral material, programming and management of
large scale projects
final exam with orchestral concert or opera performance
Entrance requirements
Bachelor of Music in Conducting
In exceptional cases one of the following Bachelor
degrees will also be accepted: First study orchestral
instrument or piano, singing, composition, music
pedagogy, church music, record producer;
special musical talent
sufficient knowledge of German

Documents to be submitted with the application

completed application form (online)
certificate of university graduation, foreign certificates
have to be handed in as certified translation (German or
Foreign university degrees must be recognised by
uni-assist before the application at UdK Berlin.
The uni-assist certificate
("Vorprfungsdokumentation/VPD") has to be submitted
together with the complete application documents.
Detailed information can be found here:
transfer students from comparable programs:
documentation of courses completed and examinations
a detailed tabular CV/Resume with information about
ensembles and works conducted in concert
a DVD of a rehearsal and/or concert excerpt (total
length: minimum 5 min., maximum 45 min.) or a link to
a video on the internet which can be viewed online.
If you wish to send your conducting video as a link to a
video on the internet please send it by email to and write in the subject field:
"Video Master" followed by your name
proof of knowledge of German:
at the time of application: proof of linguistic ability
equivalent to level A2
at the time of matriculation: proof of linguistic ability
equivalent to level B2
bank statement (for transfers from abroad, proof of
payment) documenting payment of 30 application fee.
This fee cant be refunded even if applicants withdraw
from the application process.
Bank details can be found on this website:
applicants from the Peoples Republic of China must
obtain a certificate from Academic Evaluation Centre
Applications can be sent by post. Its not possible to send
applications by fax or email.
When applying for more than one programme applicants
have to fill in a separate application form for each
programme and send each form with the complete
documents separately.

Address for applications


Applications together with complete documentation should

be sent to the following address

Harry Curtis
Conducting tutor and course- coordinator

Universitt der Knste Berlin

Master Dirigieren
Postfach 12 05 44
10595 Berlin
The application documents can also be delivered to the
admissions office in person:
Einsteinufer 43
Office hours:
Monday and Thursday 9.30a.m. -12.30p.m.
Tuesday 12.00 noon-3 p.m.
Entrance examinations
The entrance audition is divided into two rounds:
Round 1:

Rehearsal with orchestra of symphonic works and/or opera

excerpts selected by the jury communicated to applicants
three weeks before the audition which will take place most
likely 15 and 16 June, 2016.
Round 2 (after successful completion of round 1):

written exam to test musical knowledge and ability

(aural tests, knowledge of instruments and scores, music
theory and orchestral and opera repertoire)
piano performance and sight-singing
viva voce to assess conducting experience and
a further rehearsal with orchestra of symphonic works
and opera excerpts selected by the jury communicated to
applicants three weeks before the audition.
Applicants from other universities
Applicants from other universities or courses must follow the
same admissions procedure as first-time students.
Previously earned credits as well as an applicants
placement in a certain semester will only be assessed after
the applicant has been accepted to the programme.
Place of Study
Fasanenstr. 1B (Fa) Berlin-Charlottenburg
Hardenbergstr. 41, (Ha-Mu), Berlin- Charlottenburg
Bundesallee 1-12, (Bu), Berlin Wilmersdorf

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