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D2-01 C07









The paper will describe the projected solution for integrating the Caracoles Power Plant SCADA system with the
132kV Substations SCADA system, as well as with the Real Time Operation System (SOTR) required by the
Power Electric National Control Entity (Cammesa)
The projected solution will optimize the functioning of the mentioned systems, as well as accelerate data
interchange between the three systems. This will reduce the total cost of work and obtain high Available figures
for the HV energy transfer into the regional 132kV Power System of San Juan Province.
Although it was not possible to create an applicable solution under the IEC 61850 concepts, the current solution
utilizes a method of integration in order to migrate from the traditional design criteria to new design criteria.
The traditional criteria were commonly designed with three independent subsystems; meanwhile, the new
integrated criteria will have the following advantages:
To preserve the specific and particular features of each subsystem despite of the integration level
A common SCADA software
A common communication protocol
Elimination of common parts and devices


Generation and HV systems

The Caracoles Power Plant (CPP) located in the San Juan Province, includes two 62.6MW turbines that are
coupled to vertical axis generators capable of generating 71.5 MVA at 13.8kV. The CPP will also have a related
13.8/132kV Substation (Caracoles Substation-CSS) designed for:
two 72 MVA transformer fields
one 132kV coupling bar
two line fields
The power transformers will have voltage regulators under load in order to allow a 10% line voltage variation.
The CSS will be connected, using a 45km double 132kV Line (HVL), with the Punta de Rieles Operation
Switchyard (PROS). In this way Caracoles Power Plant finally will be connected to the regional 132kV System
of the San Juan Province that is operated by the "Energia San Juan" distribution company, as well as the
"Distrocuyo" HV transport agent


Generation and HV systems

The double 132kV Line will have a digital optical communication system with low non-Availability figures. It
will be totally dedicated to the functions of SCADA, DAG automation, teleprotection, telephony, etc.

*Av. Belgrano 327- (1092) Buenos Aires-Argentina-;

The communication system includes dedicated point to point digital links, with a digital multiplexer connected to
the OPGW fiber optic cable. Each multiplexer channel will operate at E0 hierarchy with redundancy criteria.
Additionally, each device to be connected to the multiplexer interfaces will have two independent and separate
ports in order to send signals in a duplicated and redundant scheme.
Additionally, the project has taken into account the following concepts:
Current stage: digital communication links connected to the fiber optics of a unique OPGW cable
Future stage: digital communication links, part of two independent and separate communication


Functions to be transmitted

In order to allow the functioning of the CPP, it was necessary to design the following systems:
SCADA for the operation of the Power Plant
SOTR for the real time control and dispatch of the Power Plant
In order to allow the functioning of the CSS, it was necessary to design the following systems:
SCADA for the operation of the Substations
SOTR for the real time control and dispatch of the Substations and HV Lines
As we mentioned before, although it was not possible to implement the project under the concepts of IEC 61850,
it was decided to integrate the four above mentioned functions, and consequently:
improve the Availability of each system
optimize the amount of required hardware
obtain high Reliability figures
maximize features of each System
reduce the cost of work

2. SCADA project criteria

Main guidelines
The integrated SCADA project was designed under the following main requirements:
High Availability (Ai): in case of hardware and/or software failures, the systems will only suffer a minimal
degradation but remaining in service
Great Reliability (Ci): systems must continue functioning during adverse conditions as well as when data error
transmission is produced. This is a criterion based on accepting a system degradation but remaining in service.
When it is necessary, redundant parts must be included.
Independence: despite the common platform used for the integration between the SCADA systems, each one
must maintain an independent and continue mode of operation
Flexibility: systems must be provided in such a way that future reconfigurations or modifications of the original
installed systems can be done without modification of basic hardware.
Transparency: it must assure the possibility to surf into the systems down to the lowest logical levels of the
control hierarchy
Reduced cost: the projected integrated solution must be able to have lower cost than the solution that could be
done by separate systems, but with much greater Reliability figures
Easy maintenance: the integrated SCADA system was designed for minimum maintenance in order to assure
that it remains in active service for long periods of time


Particular guidelines

In addition to the above detailed main guidelines it was necessary to take into account the following particular
Integration: it was necessary to obtain a full integration between the SCADA systems as well as to optimize the
data transferring process, taking into account the fact of the complementary information handled by the systems
Configuration: due to the typical situation of probable modification of the original electromechanical project
after the starting period, the SCADA system must be able to accept new configuration and reconfiguration
processes. These actions must be locally and remotely done.
Management: it must have remote access to the SCADA equipment and devices, in order to know their
functioning states, status of alarms, alert messages, etc
Adaptability: the integrated SCADA system must permit the adaptability between the variables measured and
the needs of the information and reports. It must taken into account that the electrical values must be captured,
(i.e.) from CPP`s integrated protection systems, from CSS`s bay units, etc

D2-01 C07



General statements

The CPP will have a centralized control system (SDSC) that will integrate the protection, measurement, and
command systems of turbines and generators, with the supervision of the complementary equipment that will be
installed along different dam areas.
Under the criteria mentioned above, the SDSC will allow the operation and local control of the Power Plant as
well as the HV Lines and Substations, by using an optical and duplicated Local Area Network (LAN). It will
function at 100Mbps and be locally and remotely operated.
The optical LAN will connect all sites located in the Power Plant, as well as in the Substation area, and will
allow migrating from conventional hardwiring control style to an optical distributed control style. This means it
will have the following main advantages:
Total immunity against electromagnetic interferences, as well as against radio-interference signals
To avoid risks due to points connected to earth, as well as to avoid random discharge effectts
To drastically reduce the hardwiring, obtaining a lower complexity project, as well as permitting
simultaneous electrical and low level signal installations
To have high data traffic with less cost of systems
To have access to more levels of control
To continue with the Power Plant and Substation operations in case of communication system failures
To operate equipment that will be located far away from the power plant building (i.e. dam areas) in a
highly reliable way
To have further remote control of the Caracoles Power Plant from a future Management Centre which
will also control all Hydraulic Plants located around the area


Special requirements

In order for the SDSC to satisfy the above listed system requirements, the project took into account:
a) Operation Stations (OS). They will be redundant and do the HMI between the Operators of the Power Plant
and the SCADA system itself. By means of the OS, the Power Plant and Substation will have full supervisory
control and operation, including all related services and systems.
It will also have the access to the Data Bases that will include historic information, event recording, the tools to
develop systems, etc
b) Data acquisition and control units (DACU). They are the interface between SDSC and, both, the peripheral
equipment and sensors. They will do the control, supervision and data acquisition functions of the equipment and
the associated systems. Additionally, they will solve both, logical functions and algorithms of the signals and
They were configured with similar components that were used to build the remote terminal unit (RTU). In this
way the following advantages were obtained: high reliability, open connectivity and interfaces, and one
millisecond event time resolution for recording action.
There will be: an independent DACU per each generation machine; one DACU for general services; three
independent DACUs locally distributed along the dam area and far away from the Control Centre Office (2km)
The DACU for data of generation units will have redundant processors under a hot-stand-by scheme.
The DACU for data of auxiliary services will control and supervise the centralized systems related to cooling,
oil, air under pressure, electrical distribution, etc
The DACU for acquisition data of dam area will supervise and control the gates, flaps , spillway and water
intake systems in the dam area.. These DACUs that are far away from the Main Building Stations will acquire
information from hydraulic measurement equipment located in the area.
c) Local area network (LAN): It will be a full duplex Ethernet 100Base FX optical network in a ring topology.
d) Remote terminal unit (RTU): This will be described later. It will be connected to the LAN, as well as to the
protection systems and bay control units of the Substation. The RTU will form a link with the Operation


General statements

A double 132kV transmission line will connect the Caracoles Substation with the Punta Rieles Substation.This
last mentioned SS is the 132kV node which will transfer the generated energy to the regional 132kV Power
System. Due to the importance of these HV Lines and their related SSEE, a SCADA system was projected in
order to obtain the following functions:

D2-01 C07

To control and command the electromechanical equipment of each SSEE from the unique SDSC
Control Centre
To supervise the mentioned SSEE from the regional Control Centre of the HV Operator located at SE
This means those control and commands will be assured from multiple sites and, consequently, the effect of an
eventual loss of link of communication will be reduced. This is the first foreseen criterion of the increased
reliability of the integrated SCADA system
The acquisition and command of SSEE will be done from a remote terminal unit (RTU) that will have the
following functions:
Local control of the electromechanical equipment located in the switchyard
Monitoring of parameters
Remote control of all SSEE
Remote supervision of states and measurements
Event recording (alarms, states, alerts)
The SSEE control criteria took into account the following operation modes:
Level # 0: SSEE remotely controlled from SDSC Power Plant Centre (full telecontrol operation)
Level # 1: SSEE locally controlled from a Notebook functioning like a Local Control Console (in case
of loss links of communication)
Level # 2: equipment locally operated from bay control units (in case of failure of remote terminal unit)
Level # 3: electromechanical equipment locally and directly operated (in case of simultaneous failure of
bay control units and remote terminal unit)
This is the second foreseen criterion of the increased reliability of the integrated SCADA system


Particular statements

The remote terminal units must be compatible with all the existing units installed in the regional 132kV System.
This means that the following characteristics must be in place:
PowerLink/Realflex/Oasis SCADA software
DNP3.0 communication protocol for SCADA functions
Vancomm communication protocol for SOTR functions
Synchronous Vancomm protocol to asynchronous Vancomm protocol converters
The input/output signals adopted the following criteria:
Digital inputs directly acquired (without measuring converters)
Digital output with check-before-operate secure function
Analogical input acquired from three different sources:
*discrete and individual field analogical measures
*integrated digital measures from IED devices
*integrated digital measures from bay control units
A distributed processing philosophy based on a real time acquisition concept was used. Additionally, a command
control in each specific module was utilized instead of giving the command from the central CPU of the RTU.
Then, each module will do its particular processing work in accordance with each input/output signal, as well as
do its data self-storing. This is the third foreseen criterion of the increased reliability of the integrated
SCADA system



SOTR system for the Power Plant

The Caracoles Power Plant, like other ones, will need to implement a Generating Operation Centre (COG), and
consequently, its own and exclusively dedicated Real Time Operation System (SOTR).
This is necessary in order to transmit voice and supervisory data information from the Power Plant to the Power
Electric National Control Entity (CCO-Cammesa), as well as simultaneously, to the Alternative Area Power
Control Entity (CCA-Distrocuyo)
The COG will be composed by a duplicate PC in a redundant (1+1) scheme, connected to the above detailed
LAN by an Ethernet 10/100Mbps network and TCP/IP protocol. The data information from the COG of
Caracoles Power Plant to the Cammesa Control Centre will be sent through a X.25 switch, using an Elcom-Type
2 communication protocol. The main communication link between the COG and the CCO will be a SCPC point
to point satellite system. The back-up communication link will be a combination of the digital communication
system described in 1.2, as well as other existing communication systems.

D2-01 C07

The information to be sent from the Power Plant to the Cammesa Entity includes:
Measurements like generation of active power and frecuency, dam levels, reactive power sent, etc.
State of operation of several devices like breakers, isolators,etc.
Signaling and alarms of turbine protections, machine breakers, generator protections
Energy transferred from the Power Plant to the Substation
Planning and control of the Power Plant operation
The Power Plant is to receive the following information from Cammesa Entity:
Foreseen generation dispatch
Active power assigned values for each generator unit
Reactive power and voltage assigned values for each generator unit
All the information must be transmitted to Cammesa Entity every 10 seconds.


SOTR system for Substations

The new Caracoles 132kV Substation, as well as the upgrading of the Punta de Rieles 132kV Substation will
incorporate the information of their electromechanical equipment to the existing Real Time Operation System
(SOTR) exclusively dedicated to SSEE and, independent of the above described SOTR for the Power Plant.
Additionally, the information will also be sent to the Alternative Area Power Control Entity (CCA-Distrocuyo).
Taking into account the integration and optimization criteria of the project, the information was taken from the
SCADA Data Base, but by configuring an independent SOTR Data Base.
The SOTR information was sent by redundant digital communication links. Additionally, in order to increase the
reliability of the SOTR transmission, it was also considered to duplicate the route:
Sending the information to the CCA, through San Juan Substation
Sending the information to Cammesa, through Cavic Substation
These criteria permitted to increase the security of information transmission, as well as to include independence
of transmission, in case of future, independent and different owners.
The information to be sent from the Substations to the Cammesa Entity will include, among others:
State of operation devices, like breakers, etc.
Measures of active power, reactive power, voltage, current, etc.
Critical alarms from protection and communication systems
Event recording


Availability of SOTR system

Availability figures of 99.5% were required for the whole SOTR system (data acquisition equipment +
communication system). The figures have to be obtained taking into account both hardware and software
simultaneous probable failures.
The following sources of Non-Availability were considered:
Failure of communication links
Loss of information due to remote terminal unit failure
Non-upgrading of the information transmitted
Wrong information received



It was an important added value, for the new SCADA project implemented, to obtain complete integration
between all subsystems, yet preserving the distributed philosophy in each control level, as well as the specific
and particular features of each one. The unification of software, the unique communication protocol and the
elimination of common parts, were main added advantages. Due to these features, it will obtain high Reliability
figures, both for generation and for HV electrical transmission. The regional Power Electrical System will
operate with maximum efficiency and security. Additional benefits are the large capacity of the SCADA system
for future and more complex functions, as well as for other related hydroelectric projects. The centralized
management of regional generation of several power plants, as well as river and rise of water control, will also
be very important benefits obtained by this project.



(1) Availability of telecontrol systems- Cigre, WG01/SC35-Part1

(2) Structure of telecontrol centres and overall system-Cigre WG01/SC35
(3) Final report on computer based protection and digital techniques-Cigre WG02/SC34

D2-01 C07

D2-01 C07

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