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UK Visa Services in Colombia

Additional Student Questionnaire

Applicant’s name and date of birth…………………………………………………………

Applicant’s passport number………………………………………………………………..


1. How will following this course in the UK be of benefit to you, and what specifically do you intend to
do on completion of your proposed studies in the UK?
Please provide supporting evidence and be specific in your answer.

If you intend to study English in the UK and you are required to study this English course as part
of your degree (carrrera) course or similar here, please state the course being followed here in
Colombia ( i.e. carrera, tecnologia, maestria, especializacion), the semester you are in and how
many semesters are remaining.
Please provide supporting documentary evidence this and of the specific English language
requirement of your course in Colombia.

If you intend to study English in the UK and require this for your current employment or a future
job offer or promotion, please explain this and provide supporting documentary evidence of this
and the English language requirement for the position.

2. Why did you choose this particular course and college/school/university in the UK? What factors
influenced your decision to chose this one? How many courses did you look at before choosing this one
and why did you decide on this one?

3 Please provide details of your English language ability and any previous English language
studies undertaken in organised (not self-taught ) classes.
Please provide supporting evidence.

4 Please give your full education history from Age 11 – where you studied, dates of study, dates
of examinations and qualifications obtained. Also include any courses you started and failed
to complete and explain your reasons for failing to complete the course.
Please provide supporting documentary evidence of this.

5 Have there been any gaps other than school/college holiday periods, in the time between your
last period of study and now?

If yes, please explain exactly what you did in that time, providing supporting documentary
evidence. If there has been a break in your studies, please explain why you have now decided
to return to education at this stage and why you need to undertake these studies overseas.

6 Please state the total cost of your course and expenses whilst studying in the United Kingdom
by completing the table below:

Total cost of fees COP……………………………….

Total cost of accommodation COP……………………………….

Total cost of living expenses COP……………………………….

Total COP……………………………….

* Please note that the British Council and your chosen educational establishment will be able to
provide you with guidance relating to the cost of living in the UK whilst studying.

Please provide evidence from the UK school or college, not the Colombian agent, of the total
tuition costs of your proposed course. Please also provide evidence of how much of the total cost
of your course you have already paid.


Please give the full name, date of birth and nationality of your sponsor.

Please explain why your sponsor is paying for your studies in the UK.

What is the relationship of your sponsor to you? If they are your Godparent, please show evidence
of this.

What is your sponsor’s occupation and income?

How many people does your sponsor support financially? If yes please state the extent of that
monthly support.

If your sponsor is relying on company bank accounts to fund your studies in the UK, how many
partners and employees are there in the company? Please provide the Camara de Comercio and
evidence of the other partners’ willingness for company funds to be used.

If you have more than one financial sponsor, please provide full details for each sponsor and
explain how much each sponsor is giving you. You can provide these details in section 11 or on
additional pages.
Do not forget to include full documentary evidence of their financial circumstances.

8. Has your financial sponsor sponsored any other visa applicants in the last 5 years? If yes, please
provide the names and dates of birth and details and proof of the financial commitment your financial
sponsor has made to them, for example payments made by international bank transfers. How long
were they supported by your sponsor?

9 Do you have any brothers and sisters who have studied/are studying overseas? If so, please state
where, what they studied, what they are doing now and who is fuding/funded them.

10 Please list the location of your immediate family

How related Name and Date of birth Occupation Current country Where is he/she
of residence now






Your spouse

Your children

Your children

Your children

Your children

Your children

Please use this space to continue details of other family members, if required

11 Additional information

12 Have you applied through an agent? If yes, please provide details of the agent.

13 I am aware that it is an offence under the Immigration Act 1971, as amended by the Immigration &
Asylum Act 2002, to make to a person acting in execution of the Act a statement or representation
which the maker knows to be false or does not believe to be true, and to obtain, or seek to obtain
leave to enter in the United Kingdom by means which include deception.

I declare that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed………………………………………… Date……………………….

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