Theoretical Aspects of Training and Development

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It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge, sharpening of

skills,concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and behaviours to enhance the performance
of employees.









p e r m a n e n t c h a n g e s i n behavior, for a definite purpose. The three main areas

involved are skills, knowledge andattitudes (sometimes called social skills) but always with a
definite purpose in mind.Training also helps a person cultivate appropriate and desired behavior and
attitude towardsthe work and people.Training is a process through which a person
enhances and develops his efficiency,c a p a c i t y a n d e f f e c t i v e n e s s a t w o r k
b y i m p r o v i n g a n d u p d a t i n g h i s k n o w l e d g e a n d understanding the relevant skills
relevant to his or her job.Unless training is provided, the jobs and lives of employees in organizations are
at stake.Training is activity leading to skilled behavior. Its not what you want in life, but its knowing
how to reach it Its not where you want to go, but its knowing how to get there.
Its not how high you want to rise, but its knowing how to take off It may not be quite the outcome you
were aiming for, but it will be an outcome Its not what you dream of doing, but its having the
knowledge to do it It's not a set of goals, but its more like a vision Its not the goal you set, but its what
you need to achieve itTraining is about knowing where you stand (no matter how good or bad the
currentsituation looks) at present, and where you will be after some point of time

Preparing both the old & new employees to meet the present as wellas the changing requirements of the
job & the organization.

Preventing obsolescence.

Preparing employees for the higher-level tasks.

Ensuring smooth & efficient working of the department.

Ensuring economical output of the required quality.

Imparting knowledge & skills for new entrants.



Preparing for future assignments

Competency development
Classification of training....
There are a number of training methods available; Use of a particular
methoddepends on the type of trainees viz. worker, supervisor and manager.
Basically thesemethods can be classified into following categories:
1.Induction training:
Here, training is given to newly joined employees. The main objective of
thistraining is to give an idea to the employee about the particular work. It is concerned
withorienting a new employee to a new environment.
2.On-the-job training:
Here, the individual is placed on a regular job and taught the skills necessary
to perform that job. The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a
qualifiedworker or instructor. It gives first hand knowledge and experience
under the actualworking conditions
3.Apprenticeship training:
Apprenticeship training is normally given to artisans, electricians, plumbers and alike.
The duration is mainly 6 months to 2 years; this is carried out under the guidance

andintimate supervision of master craftsman, expert worker and supervisor. During

training period the trainee is paid less than that of a qualified worker.
This involves the movement of the trainee from one job to another. The traineereceives job
knowledge and gains experience from his supervisor or trainer in each of thedifferent job
assignments. This method gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand the
problems of employees on other jobs
The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who functions as a coach
int r a i n i n g t h e i n d i v i d u a l s . T h e s u p e r v i s o r p r o v i d e s f e e d b a c k

the trainee

o n h i s performance and offers him some suggestions for

improvements. But the trainee may nothave the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas
6.Job Instruction:
This method is also known as training through step by step. The trainer explains tothe trainee the way
of doing the jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer
appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback informationand corrects the
A group of trainees are given and asked to solve an actual organizational problem.The
trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops teamwork.
8.Off the job training:
The trainee is separated from the job situation and his attention is focused uponlearning
the material related to his future job performance. Since the trainee is
notdistracted by job requirements, he can place his entire concentration on learning the
jobrather than spending his time in performing it. There is an opportunity for
freedom of expression for the trainees.
9.Vestibule training:
Actual work conditions are simulated in the classroom. Material,

f i l e s a n d equipments, which are used in actual job performance, are also used in
training. This typeof training is commonly used for training personal for clerical
and semi-skilled jobs.Theory can be related to practice in this method.
It is a method of human interactions that involves realistic behavior in imaginarysituations.
This method of training involves certain characters. This method is mostly usedfor developing interpersonal interactions and relations.
The instructor organizes the material and gives it to a group of trainees in the formof a talk.
To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the trainees.This method is
direct and can be used for a large group of trainees. Costs and time involved are
12.Conference or discussion:
This method involves a group of people who pose ideas, examine and share facts,i d e a s








c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e improvement of job performance.

The subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully
planneds e q u e n t i a l u n i t s . T h e s e u n i t s a r e a r r a n g e d f r o m s i m p l e t o
m o r e c o m p l e x l e v e l s o f instruction. The trainee goes through these units by
answering questions or filling the blanks.
Here, the organization makes arrangements with technical institutes to get
itsemployees duly trained in the latest theoretical knowledge and other developments relatingt o
trade, this training is provided to the employee in such a way as to
b r i n g b a l a n c e between theory and practice
5.Professional skill training:










Surveyors,A u d i t o r s , a n d Ar c h i t e c t s e t c . O r g a n i z a t i o n p r o v i d e s t h i s

t r a i n i n g t o n e w l y j o i n e d professionals to gain the professional qualification and it

is also given to the existing professionals


Top management support

Commitment from specialists and generalists

Technological advances

Organizational complexity

Learning principles

Determine the training needs through job description, performance appraisal,

potentialappraisal and discussion with employees
Prepare a training calendar in discussion with the managers concerned.

Define the training objectives specifically.

Select the efficient faculty





There are numerous sources of online information about training and development. Severalof these

sites (they're listed later on in this library) suggest reasons for supervisors
toconduct training among employees. These reasons include:

Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees

Increased employee motivation

Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain

Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods

Increased innovation in strategies and products

Reduced employee turnover

Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training (not a good reason for ethics

Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity.

(known as
India Communications Corporation Limited
) is a public sector communications company in India. It is the largesttelecommunication company in
India and the sixth largest in the world
citation needed

. Itsheadquarters are at Bharat Sanchar Bhawan, Harish Chandra Mathur Lane, Janpath, NewDelhi. It has
the status of
- a status assigned to reputed Public Sector companies in India.BSNL is India's oldest and largest
Communication Service Provider (CSP). CurrentlyBSNL has a customer base of 65.3 million (Basic &
Mobile telephony). It has footprintsthroughout India except for the metropolitan cities of Mumbai and
New Delhi which aremanaged by MTNL. As on July 31, 2007 BSNL commanded a customer base of
32.7million Wireline, 3.7 million CDMA-WLL and 28.9 million GSM Mobile subscribers.BSNL's
earnings for the Financial Year ending March 31, 2007 stood at INR 397.15b (US$9.67 b) with net profit
of INR 78.06b (US$ 1.90 billion). Today, BSNL is India's largestTelco and one of the largest Public
Sector Undertaking of the country with authorized sharecapital of US$ 4.26 billion (INR 17,500 Crores)
and assets of US$ 14.74 billion. The foundation of Telecom Network in India was laid by the British
sometime in 19thcentury. The history of BSNL is linked with the beginning of Telecom in India. In
19thcentury and for almost entire 20th century, the Telecom in India was operated as a Government of
India wing. Earlier it was part of erstwhile Post & Telegraph Department(P&T). In 1975 the Department
of Telecom (DoT) was separated from P&T. DoT wasresponsible for running of Telecom services in
entire country until 1985 when Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) was carved out of DoT
to run the telecom services of Delhi and Mumbai. It is a well known fact that BSNL was carved out of
Department of Telecom to provide level playing field to private telecoms.Subsequently in 1990s
thetelecom sector was opened up by the Government for Private investment, therefore it became
necessary to separate the Government's policy wing from Operations wing.
TheGovernment of India corporatised the operations wing of DoT on October 01, 2000 andnamed it as
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL).BSNL operates as a public sector.
BSNL's employee base comprises of more than 3,57,000 telecom engineers and professionals.
Teamwork, leadership, motivation, etc. are the management principles followed at BSNL.The entire staff
is divided in four groups.
BOD of BSNL consists of 6 members


Training helps to increase productivity and achieve the goals of theorganization

Training programs are well planned in the organization.

The training given in organization is not of sufficient duration.

The training programs are not evaluated periodically.

The training programs strongly focus on technical and managerialcapabilities..

The training programs are not given adequate importance due to thework pressure in the organization.

Employees attitude towards the training programs is casual/informal

There is no involvement of employees in determining the training needanalysis.

The quality of training programs in the organization is excellent..

The training programs are well designed and widely shared in theorganization.

More priority is given for on the job trainings than the value addition programs like motivation,
stress management, group dynamics

Employees should decide and determine the training programs that they need sothat they
can work more effectively and efficiently, employees should decide someof the training they
would like to undergo.

The HR department should conduct briefing and debriefing sessions for employeesfor Training as to
give them an idea as to why this training is been conducted andwhat they have to learn in
the training program conducted and also after trainingcompletion they should take a feedback as
to how effective was the training so thatt h e




t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m s c a n b e c o n s i d e r e d a n d implemented

Apart from on-job training programs the HR Department should conduct constantvalue
addition programs such as Time management, Stress management trainings,group
dynamics, grievance redressal, these will help to add value and is also essential
in todays business scenario.

Performance of every employee undergone training should be evaluated so as to getImproved

quality of training activities, Improve ability of the trainers to relate inputs to
output know their understanding about the training programme conducted
Training program should evaluate the abilities, competencies and potentials of thetrainees
for a particular job or work skills.

It should aim to narrow down the gap between expected level of performance andthe actual
level of performance.

It should provide new recruits or trainees a scientific pace for

i m b i b i n g t h e knowledge and skills required to discharge their duties and
responsibilitiesmeaningfully and purposefully.

The company should conduct training programs at regular intervals, which helpsthe
employees to enhance their knowledge for their current jobs.

The company should design the training program based on the current requirement,which includes

development of technical skills, personality development, time management,

computer knowledge etc

The training session should be made more interactive and participative so

thattrainees and trainer are in constant interaction

The training session should be made more interactive and participative so

thattrainees and trainer are in constant interaction
The employees are not involved in determining the training need analysis. The training
programs are fixed by the top management.The quality of the training programs is excellent but
the employees are not making the bestuse of it

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