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Asad Ullah Khan

Assignment No. 03
Task 1:
Given below are few case scenarios. Your task is to identify the different type of learning
objectives like instructional, cognitive and behavioral which have been discussed in lecture 34.
You are supposed to identify the type of learning objective discussed in each case along with the
justification of your choice.




Hira, enters into the class


Because Hira is moving into class with

room with an objective


objectives to give instructions to students so

that students will be able

they can be able to draw assigned machine

to draw multiview

parts with 90% accuracy. So thats the

drawings of assigned

reason this stands in instructional

machine parts with 90%


accuracy. This is an
example of which type of
learning objective?
Identify and justify your

Moosa, assumes that at the


Moosa is giving lecture and transferring

end of this lecture,


knowledge to the students by giving them

students will be able to

the main points related knowledge about

describe the key features

diabetes with hints which is going to be

of diabetes. This is an

highlighted in students mind whenever they

example of which type of

want to recall and thats why they this

learning objective?

stands in Cognitive objectives.

Identify and justify your


Menaal is a teacher of


Menaal is entering into class with objective

elementary school and


to teach the sound of Alphabets so that

she enters into the class

when the class is ended students are able to

room with an objective

correctly pronounce or able to say sound of

that at the end of the

alphabets in correct manner. So thats why

class students should

this stands in Behavioral objectives.

learn the sound of A (aa)

, B (ba), C (ca) and so on.
This is an example of
which type of learning
objective? Identify and

justify your selection.

In creative work class,


In this creative work class students are

students are able to make


going to make cards with pastel colors for

greeting cards by using

mothers day with their imagination. So this

pastel colors for their

stands in Cognitive objectives.

mothers for celebration

of mothers day. This is
an example of which type
of learning objective?
Identify and justify your

Task 2:

Being a student of educational psychology, you are supposed to make a poster which gives a
clear picture of a creative classroom environment as per your knowledge. In order to make this
poster you have to follow the given instructions: (4)
1. You can use Microsoft word document as your poster
2. You have to select any four pictures from different websites which reflect the five different
Themes which make a class room more effective and creative.
3. You are supposed to write one line under that image in order to tell the significance of that
image like why and how such type of arrangement in class would create a healthy impact on
students behavior and learning.
Picture number 1:

This class enables the students to participate and enjoy the class just
like an activity going on in learning.

Picture number 2:

In this type of class students in groupings can better perform when they
have the opportunity to stay in competition with peers in different groups.

Picture number 3:

This type of class helps the students to achieve the sense just like they
are going to do something interesting.

Picture number 4:

In this type of class students can be in professional atmosphere for learning and
academic activities and can complete the assigned projects on time.

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