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Deliverable 7b.

Staged Mixed Reality Performance
"Desert Rain" by Blast Theory
The deliverable reports on the staged event Desert Rain by the performance group Blast
Theory. This is a pioneering large-scale virtual reality theatrical work representing a
synthesis of art and technology using innovative interface devices. As an electronic arena it
presents a new approach to theatre that incorporates the functionality of a collaborative
virtual reality environment (CVE), the technology of a physically permeable mixed reality
boundary and a new relationship between the audience and the performers.
The technical infrastructure combines a number of technologies: a distributed virtual world,
a projection environment, a user interface (the footpad), audio monitoring and feedback,
and a card activated video replay.
Researchers from Kings College, London, carefully evaluated audience participation in
Desert Rain. Their study describes observations and findings regarding different forms of
social interaction across the mixed reality boundary and elaborates on problems regarding
the functioning of interaction amongst participants and performers. Drawing on these
observations the study sets out implications for the future of a theatre of this kind, the
design and display of media art and traditional exhibits, as well as for the evaluation of
audience responses to such events and exhibitions.

Document ID

Report and Video
16 August 2000
Jeffrey Shaw, Heike Staff (ZKM), Ju Row Farr, Matt
Adams (Blast Theory, London), Dirk vom Lehm,
Christian Heath (Kings College, London), Marie-Louise
Rinman (KTH), Ian Taylor, Steve Benford (Nott)


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

1. Desert Rain .............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3
1.2 The preparation of Desert Rain................................................................................ 5
1.3 Desert Rain The Performance............................................................................... 6
1.3.1 Basic Settings...................................................................................................................... 6
1.3.2 Order of events..................................................................................................................... 6

2. The Artistic Evaluation ......................................................................................... 15

2.1 "Virtual war" as the topic of an artistic environment............................................. 15
2.2 The "rain curtain" as a new mixed reality boundary.............................................. 17
2.3 The "journey" through the collaborative virtual environment ............................... 19
2.4 Desert Rain - a theatre play? .................................................................................. 20
3. Technical Infrastructure ....................................................................................... 22
3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 22
3.2. Overview............................................................................................................... 23
3.2.1 Infrastructure...................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.3 Player Interface .................................................................................................................. 25
3.2.4 Control and Monitoring Space ........................................................................................... 26
3.2.5 Preparation......................................................................................................................... 26

3.3. Virtual World........................................................................................................ 27

3.3.1 Running the World............................................................................................................. 27
3.3.2 The Hotel Room................................................................................................................. 27
3.3.3 The Target.......................................................................................................................... 29
3.3.4 The Live Link .................................................................................................................... 31
3.3.5 The Exit ............................................................................................................................. 33

3.4 Mixing Desk Operation ......................................................................................... 34

3.5 The Physical Hotel Room ...................................................................................... 34
4. Participation in Desert Rain ................................................................................. 35
4.1 Abstract .................................................................................................................. 35
4.2 Executive Summary............................................................................................... 35
4.2 Introduction............................................................................................................ 37
4.4 Aims and Objectives .............................................................................................. 37
4.5 Background ............................................................................................................ 38
4.5.1 Social Interaction in Museums and Galleries..................................................................... 38
4.5.2 Visitor Studies in Museums and Galleries ......................................................................... 38

4.6 Case Studies Data Collection.............................................................................. 40

4.7 Key Observations and Findings ............................................................................. 41
4.7.1 Design for Participation and Collaboration........................................................................ 41
4.7.2 Experiences at the Exhibit-face.......................................................................................... 42
4.7.3. Creating a Shared Experience ........................................................................................... 45

4.8 Summary and Implications .................................................................................... 46

4.9 References.............................................................................................................. 49
5. Summary................................................................................................................. 51
Appendix A.................................................................................................................. 52
The Desert Rain Flyer ................................................................................................................. 52


ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

1. Desert Rain
Heike Staff (ZKM), Marie-Louise Rinman (KTH),
Ju Row Farr and Matt Adams (Blast Theory)
1.1 Introduction
The deliverable reports on the staged event Desert Rain by the performance group
Blast Theory. Desert Rain is a pioneering large-scale virtual reality performance
installation representing a synthesis of art and technology using innovative interface
Desert Rain is one of the eRENAs year three demonstrators that fully embodies its
mixed reality research objectives. The main features of this electronic arena are:
a new relationship between performers and audience which can be experienced by
the interacting audience members within a collaborative environment
a new form of staging that extends narrative possibilities by using virtual reality
technologies combined with real theatre elements and video
a new, physically permeable mixed reality boundary technology by means of a rain
curtain - a curtain of water spray onto which images could be projected

Figure1: Participant navigating in the CVE

The successful premiere of Desert Rain took place in Nottingham on October 18th,
1999. A critic of the Sunday Times describes the event as follows: "Only six audience
members attend each performance. They are led to a darkened waiting room, where
each player is given a magnetic swipe card and watches a series of instructions unfold
on a TV screen. They are to find a target - whose name is written on the back of a
swipe card. Then, one at a time, they are led from the waiting room and zipped into a
fabric cubicle, where they negotiate a virtual desert projected on to a wall of fine water
spray as they struggle to reach the name on their card. Once through, the game ends
and they are led forward through the water and over a huge sand dune to a hotel room.

ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

Here, theres a television set through which they swipe their card. If they find their
target, the real person that name represents appears on the screen and talks about their
experience of the war. Theres a soldier, a journalist, a tourist, a peace worker, a
television viewer and an actor who played a part in the Gulf war drama The One That
Got Away. (...) As the audience leave, they pass a description of the shooting down of
an Iranian airliner by a US ship. Their bags are returned and inside they find a bag of
sand containing 100,000 grains. If you have trouble understanding casualties, the bag
is meant to say, this is what 100,000 looks like.(...) Its a powerful piece and it excites
curious emotions in the viewers ."1
The project was a collaboration between the performance group Blast Theory2, and the
eRENA partners University of Nottingham, ZKM, and KTH. Blast Theory is a
London-based performance group of four inter-disciplinary artists. Since 1991 the
group has created performances, installations, videos, and new media works, and they
are considered as one of the most innovative performance groups in European theatre.
In addition to their experience with new media performance, Blast Theory also
introduced the technology of the rain curtain to the eRENA project. While
experimenting with water projections in 1997, they met with researchers from
Nottingham who were researching various mixed reality boundary technologies. The
idea of using the rain curtain as a permeable boundary in a Collaborative Virtual
Environment was born, together with the first tentative performance ideas. In two
longer working periods in 1999 at ZKMs media theatre all aspects of the piece were
developed, tested and evaluated in internal and public demonstrations.3 The final
result - Desert Rain - was premiered during the Now 99 festival in Nottingham from
October 18th to 22nd4. The event was then shown at the ZKM Karlsruhe in November.
During 2000 it toured to London in May, Bristol in June, Glasgow in July, and it will
be presented in Stockholm in September.
This staged mixed reality performance deliverable builds on the earlier eRENA
deliverable 7b.1 Pushing Mixed Reality Boundaries, namely part 5 "An early practical
experience and demonstration of using a permeable mixed reality boundary in a
performance"5. The current written deliverable is divided into four parts:

Part 1 provides a general introduction to and a detailed description of Desert Rain.

Part 2 evaluates the piece in terms of content and artistic form. It gives special
regard to the artistic use of the mixed reality boundary and the theatrical character
of the collaborative virtual environment.

Stephen Armstrong: "Want to replay the Gulf war as a video game? Sunday Times, 31 October 1999;
see Apendix C
Blast Theory are: Matt Adams; Ju Row Farr; Nic Tandavanitj; Jamie Iddon. Toynbee Studios, 28
Commercial St., London E1 6LS. Email: Desert Rain has been produced by
Andrew Caleya Chetty. It was co-commissioned by NOW ninety9 (Nottingham) and ZKM (Karlsruhe)
in association with University of Nottingham, DA2 (Bristol) & KTH (Stockholm) with financial
assistance from the Arts Council of England and the European Commissions Kaleidoscope Fund. It was
premiered on Monday 18 October 1999 at Strella House Nottingham as part of the NOW ninety9
eRENA D7b.1 Pushing Mixed Reality Boundaries. Edited by Benford, S et al. 1999
see the flyer of Desert Rain, Appendix A
D 7b.1, pp. 42-70


ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

Part 3 describes and evaluates the heterogeneous set of innovative technologies

that were developed and effectively integrated in relation to this project.

Part 4 describes and evaluates Desert Rain in terms of audience participation. This
study was undertaken by researchers from Kings College6, London, who collected
data from five locations where Desert Rain was staged and performed.

1.2 The preparation of Desert Rain

The process of developing Desert Rain begun with an initial research and
development phase of two weeks in 1997 under the working title of Virtual Rain. The
project was a part of Artlab - a process orientated research and development
programme - and took place at the Powerhouse in Nottingham, England.
During this time the properties of video projecting into water spray had been explored,
using multiple projection (including the use of slide projection), projection from
different directions, water being dispersed from a hand sprayer and from a small
specially fabricated greenhouse spraying system, live presence within, through and
around the water/projection ( including live videoing and simultaneous projection),
the use of computer generated image and text onto the water curtain and sound, both
generated live and prerecorded.
On the last day an informal presentation took place to an invited audience. Blast
Theory and Steve Benford (University of Nottingham) met and started afterwards their
January 1999
In January 1999 a team of computer scientists, performers and social scientists spent a
two week period at the ZKM experimenting with the rain curtain, including a public
demonstration on 27th January. The deliverable 7b.1 "Pushing Mixed Reality
Boundaries" reports on the work and the results of the workshop. The goal of the
workshop "was to explore the use of a novel mixed reality boundary, a rain curtain, in
the creation of a performance. At the same time, we have tried to show how the rain
curtain represents a particular class of mixed reality boundary and have suggested how
dry boundaries with similar properties might be created and used in more everyday
settings. This workshop has been one informative part of the process of developing a
full public performance that will involve multiple participants interacting with
August 1999
Blast Theory together with computer scientists from Nottingham and ZKM technical
staff8 in ZKMs media theatre shared a four weeks working period in order to develop

The researchers from Kings College evaluated as well the audience participation in "Murmuring
Fields" (see eRENA Deliverable 6.2 "Linking between Real and Virtual Spaces, ed. By Strauss, W. et
al., 1999). Here they compare here different experiences in audience participation in eRENA projects.
D 7b.1, pp. 79
Boriana Koleva and Ian Taylor from Nottingham and Torsten Ziegler and Jan Gerigk from ZKM.


ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

the final form of the Desert Rain performance. The main goal was to extend the
number of users to six participants.
The design of the whole environment had to be installed and tested in the media
theatre. The technology of the rain curtain had to be proved. The same with the surffoot-pads in terms of size, of working in a wet environment, and of usability. The best
position of projectors and cameras had to be found out. And finally, the whole
collaborative environment with computer graphics and sound had to be set up and
integrated with all other electronic means.
On the last day, an audience were invited to experience the whole performance which
was yet not completely ready and had still improvised parts. Various smaller technical
problems occurred which were to be fixed until the premiere in November. All
participants completed a questionnaire of Blast Theory. This material leaded to further
changes in computer graphics and sound and especially to changes concerning all
informations visitors get before stepping into the collaborative virtual world.
1.3 Desert Rain The Performance
1.3.1 Basic Settings
The Desert Rain performance lasts 30-40 minutes and 6 participants can experience it.
The staged event consists of seven elements, six spaces and a couple of physical
objects. The overall concept concerns modern warfare, represented by the Gulf-wars.
1) Entrance: The audience is picked up the theatre entrance.
2) The antechamber: the first station on the journey where the ground rules about the
piece and a plastic card containing the targets name are supplied.
3) The cubicles: a 3D world is projected on a water screen, through which the
participant navigates, while standing on a footpad.
4) The sand tunnel: a 2 metre long tunnel fenced off by high walls containing sand
through which the participants walks, ending up in a hotel room.
5) The hotel room: the swipe-card is used to turn on a TV-set showing a number of
video clips.
6) Nine sentences all connected to the Gulf-war are pasted on the wall near the exit.
7) And finally a little sandbox is left in the participant's pocket.
1.3.2 Order of events
Entrance and Ante-chamber
A performer dressed in a green parka with a fur-rimmed hood collected the public (six
at a time) at the entrance outside the theatre. They were brought into an ante-chamber
where they each sat down on a chair and then they were given some basic information
about the piece by the performer who used a torch as the only source of light: The
information is basically as follows: 1. how to communicate with other participants in
the virtual environment, 2. how to use the footpad in order to navigate through the
world 3. how to identify the other avatars in the 3D world and 4. how to find and hit
the target. Finally they have to find the exit and the other participants and, then get out
together. In short, each visitor is given a plastic card with the target's name on it (the


ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

target is the person that has to be found). The visitors have twenty minutes to
complete their task in the virtual world.

Figure2: The ante-chamber

They are then asked to take their jackets off, put them in the box under the chair and
to put the raincoats on. The limited number of people creates an intimate atmosphere,
unusual in traditional theatrical contexts. This change of clothes has a symbolic and
ceremonial touch: it is like changing skin from ones ordinary life, to become part of
the performance or ritual and then being introduced to the secret conditions. The room
with its slight cave-like resemblance and the distribution of cards / missions recalls
the interior of an aircraft in a war movie. It is silent and the participants may ask
questions if they don't understand. In that moment the water is turned on. The
swishing sound is very powerful and is accentuated by the humid breeze that hits the
faces of the participants when they leave the antechamber one by one, together with
the performer. The next halt increases the feeling of walking further and further into a


ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

Cubicles (and mixed realities)

Figure3: The six cubicles (with test projection)

Figure4: The hidden computer space

This part in particular is a Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE). Behind a

fenced-off area, six computers are placed, showing each participants exact position in
the 3D world. A performer / technician can "move" the participants without them
knowing it, if someone becomes hopelessly stuck somewhere. The technology
includes collaborative possibilities in the visual area and in audio.


ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

The next space is hidden behind a

green fabric wall of the same
waterproof material used in tents,
with six crescent-shaped zippers
instead of doors and handles on the
front. The inside of each cubicle is
u-shaped and the visitor is placed
with the back towards the "door",
the thin, green fabric walls
separating the visitors from one
another. The open space in front of
the visitor is the fourth wall, a water
screen where images are projected.
The visitor is then instructed to step
up on a footpad placed in a low,
water filled basin and to put on a
head-set (including a microphone)
and to wait for someone to tell them
to start. The black rubber mat in the
basin mirrors the images and the
moving water gives an illusion of
profound, almost vertiginous depths.
Finally the performer who closes the
zipper behind them carefully locks
them all in.
Figure5: A participant

When all are in position and the headsets have been donned, they are instructed to
start to move around and the play begins. To navigate through the virtual world, the
visitor leans forwards, backwards, or left - right. The first image presented on the
moving water screen is a motel room with a chair, a double bed, a lamp, and a TV- set
with a show running. The visitor has to find the door and get out of the motel room
into, or out to, a desert landscape surrounded by Arizona-like mountains. The strong,
almost blinding light from the projector lamp might be taken for the hot, merciless
desert sun. Once outside there are big, blocky arrows pointing to a sign "Exit here".

Figure6 & Figure7: Computer graphics - exit and hotel room


ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

When passing through the yellow rectangular sign, the image shifts into a new
landscape that, in a second or two, turns from bright daylight to darker. A short
distance away, several inscriptions are visible, written in white on the black sky. The
names of the different targets are written in white and when the visitor gets closer a
voice says "My name is Sam" or what ever the name of the target is. Just underneath
the name is a picture of the target or person. The visitor is supposed to walk right
through that picture.

Figure8: Computer graphics - the target

The visitors are then supposed to look for the exit together. Eventually an agreement
is made among the participants on who is going to search for the exit. The long
tunnels have different colours in order to facilitate the description. A sign at the exit
informs whether the rest of the group has found their targets or not. As soon the
visitors are close enough to one another, they can communicate through the
microphone. They can also communicate with each other in the "Live Link", a room
with six numbered boxes, one for each visitor. When entering one of the boxes a live
video image of the inhabitant of the box is seen and the two can communicate.

Figure9 & Figure10: The "Live Link"

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ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

If that is done correctly, the image on the water screen switches to a white spinning
object with the following inscription: "Wait here". A huge shadow is seen blocking
the projector light. It grows smaller and the shadow gets a real face and a performer
eventually walks through the water screen. The furred hood on the green parkas gives
a halo effect when a light placed in the ceiling illuminates the water on the fur. The
performer asks for the card with the targets name and replaces it with a new swipe

Figure11: The performer crossing the rain curtain

After twenty minutes the water is switched off and the sound-scape changes. The
visitors are told to take their headsets off, and to step down from the surf board. A
black rubber doormat that has been placed in the water leads from the foot- pad to the
other side of the basin to prevent the visitor from slipping and falling into the water.
At the other side of the basin, they are asked to take their raincoats off. They are then
shown into the next halt, a sand tunnel.

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ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

Sand tunnel
A two metre, hilly tunnel of sand framed by high wooden walls leads to the end
station, a hotel room. The sand is prepared after each run through by the performers
and is completely smooth and untouched, as if no one has walked there before. The
performers are gone and the visitors are left alone in the tunnel. The silence
accentuates the sound of the sand under the soles.

Figure12: The sand tunnel

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ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

Hotel Room
The room consists of four walls with huge photographs of a hotel room. It is blown up
in life-size. The same as in the starting point in the virtual world? To the right of the
tunnel is a TV with a perspex screen and beside it a swipe card reader. The
participants who succeeded in finding their targets in the virtual world were given a
swipe card instead of the "target card". Each one of the six swipe-cards corresponds to
a video clip that starts when pulling the card through the card reader. The videos
consist of three minute long interviews with all six "targets" (five men and one
woman), each one affected by the Gulf War in one way or the other. The same hotel
room, the same lamp and TV-set, as in the photos on the walls in the constructed hotel
room in the installation, constitute the background of the screened interviews.

Figure13: The hotel room

The six persons in videos:

Shona Campbell served in the Army for three years and is now a captain in the
Territorial Army. At the time of the Gulf War she was suffering from colic and was
confined to bed.
Richard Kilgour is a peace worker who helped establish a peace camp on the IraqiSaudi Arabian border in December 1990.
Glenn Fitzpatrick drove an Armoured Personnel Carrier in the Gulf War,
collecting Iraqi casualties. He is currently studying Fine Art.
Eamonn Matthews was one of the only journalists in Baghdad on the night the air
war started. After a week he returned to Britain and resumed his post as deputy editor
of Newsnight.
Sam Halfpenny played Legs in "The one that got away", an LWT film of the
Bravo Two Zero mission told from Chris Ryans point of view.
Tony Taras is an actor who was on holiday in Egypt at the time of Iraqs invasion
of Kuwait.

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ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

The text below is pasted up on the wall outside the hotel room. It is the last space
containing any visible information about the Desert Rain and in close connection to
the exit:
"In 1988 the USS Vincennes was dispatched to the Persian Gulf to help Iraq, under
Saddam Hussein, in its war against Iran.
The warship was equipped with AEGIS, the most sophisticated weapon control
system yet developed.
It uses 16 main frame computers and 12 minicomputers to control up to 122 ship-toair missiles and two 6 tonne, 6 barrelled automatic machine guns capable of firing
3,000 rounds per minute.
On July 3rd the Vincennes shot down Iranian Airbus Flight 655 killing all 290 on
board (more than died in the Lockerbie bombing). While widely reported in the third
world the incident received little coverage in the Western media.
The crew of the Vincennes had undergone 9 months of simulated scenarios prior to
leaving for the Gulf, all of which were predicted on hostile encounters.
During the crucial minutes in which the airbus was flagged as a hostile F14, the crew
ignored indicators that cast doubt onto the AEGIS interpretation of events.
Because the AEGIS automatically analyses incoming data there was no way to directly
evaluate the radar blips.
The commander of the nearby USS Sides wandered about in disbelief as the
Vincennes prepared to fire but did not intervene with the vessel equipped with
On return to the US captain. William Rogers - commander of the Vincennes - received
the Legion on Merit award for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance
of outstanding service in the Gulf War."
Exit and gift
All of those, who had left their outdoor clothes, a shirt or a cardigan with pockets in
the antechamber, would find a small transparent plastic box full of sand in his or her
pockets. The box bore the inscription:
Desert Rain
estimated at hundred thousand grains
"Its really not a number Im terribly
interested in." General Colin Powell
New York Times, March 23 1991 p. A4

The figures symbolise the number of Iraqi people that were said to have been killed
during the Gulf war (the figures vary between a 100.000 and a million).

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ESPRIT project 25379


Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

2. The Artistic Evaluation

2.1 "Virtual war" as the topic of an artistic environment
Mixed reality elements are used in Desert Rain in a double sense:
as a new technological form of combining a collaborative VR environment with
the direct physical communication between real persons and
as a metaphor of mixing various layers of realities.
Very early, Blast Theory imagined the structure of the piece as follows: "Virtual Rain
(the older title of Desert Rain) will use a combination of virtual reality, installation
and performance to explore the boundary between the real and the virtual. It will
involve participants in Collaborative Virtual Environment (CVE) in which the real
intrudes upon the virtual and vice versa. It will use the real, the imaginary, the
fictional and the virtual side by side and will seek to juxtapose these elements as a
means of defining them".9 In fact, the relationship between content and technology in
Desert Rain is as narrow as possible. The technology provides neither the form, or the
medial infrastructure, or theatrical effects, nor is the content at all conceivable without
the specific technologies utilised.
It is the setting of the elements of such different characters which - collected in the
mind of the participant - defines or creates the content. The beginning, when the
participants are instructed, is pure theatre. What follows is a kind of collaborative
computer game, where each of them has to find his or her personal target and which is
based on somehow generally known VR technologies. The Virtual Reality then turns
out to be a mixed reality: a real person crosses the "screen," which, by this time, turns
out to be a permeable water spray curtain. By switching off the water supply, the
participants can leave their somehow destroyed cubicles and walk through the wet
zone to a dry sand dune. And again they have to leave the world of natural elements to
experience another kind of "meta-world". They find themselves being brought to a
natural looking hotel room, created by realistic photo prints on the wall. The only real
thing is a TV monitor where people who are somehow linked to the Gulf Wars are
giving their individual witness or opinion. Shortly before the exit, the audience reads
an information text about an extraordinary incident in the first Gulf War. And having
left the theatre they will find a souvenir in their pocket that symbolically reminds them
on the high number of war victims in the second Gulf War.
The first thing which becomes clear is that the piece deals with war in general without gun shooting and bombing noises, dead or injured persons, that is, without
any naturalistic theatrical elements. There are allusions to a situation of threat in the
antechamber and there are various hints in the graphical and acoustical design of the
virtual world. Here the participants are starting their journey in a projected hotel room
and leave this for a kind of desert space with entrances to bunker-like corridors and
rooms. The topic war becomes explicit in the witness videos, in the text about the
Vincennnes incident, and - indirectly - in General Powells quotation of on the sand
box. After having seen and heard the Gulf War witnesses and after having read the
information text, the audience member must go back in his or her memory of what
previously happened, in order to create something like the statements of piece.

Blast Theory, A brief description of the project. Concept, January 1999, see Deliverable 7b.1, pp. 6667

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Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

By putting all the elements together, one can say that the piece parallels the abstract
experience of modern warfare, and hints at modern war reporting, and more generally
speaking, questions the naive usage of VR technologies and their impact on real life.
Having played within the Virtual Environment and then read about the Vincennes
incident, various questions are going through ones mind: "Where is the difference
between military training and military reality (= war)?" or "Can the responsible
persons, the soldiers, still perceive the difference?" or "When so many things are
automatically programmed in complex software environments, what is the role of
human communication in making decisions?"
The whole piece is constructed around the contrast of technological and natural
elements and it moves constantly between different layers of social reality, theatrical
reality, media reality and virtual reality. The proper element of Mixed reality provides
the strongest artistic moment of the piece: the minute in which the performer crosses
the rain curtain, virtuality and reality are not longer separate realms. No theoretical
discourse could ever achieve such mixed feelings about the difference between virtual
and 'real' reality: surprise and fear, astonishment and suspiciousness. The realm of the
real intrudes on the realm of a computer game. This is the most impressive moment of
Desert Rain, repeated and mirrored in many other contrasts and shifts.
The critics of the performances in England and in Germany emphasised this aspect, as
the Sunday Times did: "This change from virtual to real is remarkably sudden and
strangely disconcerting. Previously, we have been within the well-accepted paradigm
of the computer game. We know the rules. (...) If we had the power to shoot
opponents or destroy buildings, it wouldn't seem strange to us. It's a computer game,
after all, and in computer games, we are immortal. Computer games allow us back in
the schoolyard to play Cowboys and Indians or War without connecting to the lessons
of such encounters. In the mocked-up hotel room, the videos actually make that
connection."10 The German journal "tanzdrama" speaks of a "convincing synthesis out
of a spatially directed cyber computer game and a performance, in which the audience
comprehends, while acting, the confusing overlapping of different levels of reality."11
The doubtful nature of modern war reporting, that the whole world experienced during
the second Gulf War, is questioned by the reports of the six video witnesses and their
opinions on the number of victims and, more strongly, by the text about the Vincennes
incident and its revelation that the western media did not report on the error which
caused the death of 290 persons in a civil airplane. Only after the experience of the
game-like synthetic world, the audience is confronted with the confusing statements of
the witnesses and the historical information about real wars.
Blast Theory answered my question as to the choice of the Vincennes incident from
1988: "It was a background event to the Gulf War, possibly one amongst many. It
provides a good example of Western Media coverage of events. They decided that this
was less important news than the Lockerbie bombing, for example, even though more
people were killed as a result. It suggests a faith in advanced technologies and
knowledge/training with these systems over and above that of human ability to make
decisions. For us this reflects upon ourselves as we control and operate Desert Rain,

ibidem (Footnote 1)
Ske Dinkla, Vom Zuschauer zum vernetzten Teilnehmer, tanzdrama, 2/2000, p. 51

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Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

but also on the users decisions within the experience. It is also of interest to us as the
fetishisation of technology is something we are implicated in. As a result, people are
commended for their dexterity with technology. We may use it but we are attempting
to interrogate it too and do not embrace technology with open arms."12
Indeed, one of the starting points of the Desert Rain-concept was "Jean Baudrillard's
assertion that the Gulf War did not take place because it was in fact a virtual event.
Whilst remaining deeply suspicious of this kind of theoretical position, Blast Theory
recognise that this idea touches upon a crucial shift in our perception and
understanding of the world around us. It asserts that the role of the media, of
advertising and of the entertainment industries in the presentation of events is casually
misleading at best and perniciously deceptive at worst. As Paul Patton says in an essay
about Baudrillard, the sense in which Baudrillard speaks of events as virtual is related
to the idea that real events lose their identity when they attain the velocity of real time
information, or to employ another metaphor, when they become encrusted with the
information which represents them. In this sense, while televisual information claims
to provide immediate access to real events, in fact what it does is produce
informational events which stand in for the real, and which inform public opinion
which in turn affects the course of subsequent events, both real and informational. As
consumers of mass media, we never experience the bare material event but only the
informational coating which renders it sticky and unintelligible like the oil soaked
sea bird."13
In the metaphorical sense, the "mixed realities" of Desert Rain provides a setting of
personal and social experience in a virtual world and in a theatrically defined world
with counteracting elements of informations in mass media style (or about the
behaviour of mass media). On an artistic level, Desert Rain expresses a more complex
understanding of how the virtual and the real are blurred than we find in everyday
discourse about the impact of mass media and new technologies.

2.2 The "rain curtain" as a new mixed reality boundary

The eRENA project, namely the University of Nottingham, emphasises the research
on new boundaries between real and virtual spaces, driven by concerns of supporting
new forms of awareness and communication between the participants of collaborative
environments. The rain curtain, as one type of boundaries between real and virtual
spaces, is an example of a mixed reality boundary to support performance.
The eRENA deliverable "Pushing Mixed Reality Boundaries" defined the technical
and artistic aspects of working with this boundary:
a novel material for creating a mixed reality boundary. The rain curtain has a
number of interesting properties, especially with regard to permeability, dynamics and
the use of the rain curtain in creating performances that establish new relationships
between performers and audience.
a fully permeable mixed reality boundary, i.e., one that was not solid and through
which performers, audience members and objects could pass.

quoted from a personal letter exchange between Ju Row Farr and Heike Staff
Blast Theory, Virtual Rain. A brief description of the project. Concept, January 1999, D 7b.1, p. 66

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an appropriate style of interaction with the rain curtain.14

After having experienced the performances of the final piece, we can now report on
the artistic achievements of this mixed reality boundary. The expression "rain curtain"
mirrors precisely the aesthetic quality of the projected image on the falling water
spray. The spectator sees a clear but somehow unstable image of which the lower
margin becomes wavy like the lower margin of a softly folded curtain. (Footnote:
Please, be aware that this impression cannot be documented on video; one only
realises the beauty of the projection in physical reality.) The specific physical quality
of water spray vanishes from ones mind the longer one looks on the projected image.
You forget that the thing you are looking at is not a screen, nor the fourth wall of the
cubicle, but just something as unsolid as rain, made from water drops.

Figure14: The projection on the rain curtain and the two walls of the cubicle

Through this aesthetic aspect, which we might call a poetic one, the spectator's mind
becomes open to all kinds of illusions. The suggestive power of the rain curtain
provokes various associations15: it is water and you can think of rain, but it could
equally be dust, a sand storm, or other particles suspended in the air. You know that it
is an illusion, a mirage, a wet kind of Fata Morgana. And because it is beautiful, you
easily accept and integrate even the technical aspects: the round light of the projector,
which you see through the falling water, can be interpreted as the merciless, white sun
over the desert. Even though you feel the illusionary character of the material on
which the front images are projected, you are strongly disappointed the minute it
stops: "something real seeming to last, but it really doesn't; somebody has turned a
switch and it is all over".
Ju Row Farr from Blast Theory acted several times as the performer who traverses the
rain curtain and she likes the tension of the moment, "when a performer goes through
the water and the participant realises they are not alone in the cubicle, that the screen

eRENA D. 7b.1, p. 42
The collection of associations is based on statements by the artists and audience members.

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isnt the end of their perspective and that something else is possible. This moment for
me brings together all of the elements perfectly - mixed reality boundaries, the fusion
of the real with the virtual, implication and communication. What is especially nice is
that people often try to touch your hand, go with you, they speak to you and trust you.
At this moment for me it is a performance, a game and an installation using new
technologies. It is about trust, about deception or illusion, about the unknown person
watching you and coming for you and you not knowing what happens next."16
2.3 The "journey" through the collaborative virtual environment
Traversing the rain curtain is for both the performer and the participant the most
exiting moment of the piece. The journey through the virtual environment is the
longest lasting phase, the central period of Desert Rain. Each of the six participants
has been asked to find his or her personal target in the virtual world through which
they are navigating, standing on footpads. Each one is standing alone in a cubicle and
is equipped with a parka, a headset and a microphone. They can talk to the
operators/performers and in certain spaces of the virtual world they can talk to each
In regard to the topic "Gulf War", how are the rules defined in the computer game like
CVE? Which are the artistic goals behind the definitions? "We were not interested in
stressing or reiterating the macho, the gung-ho, the loner, the leader. We were
interested in the joint experience, the communication between the players in the
virtual world, in the headsets, in the real spaces, but especially when faced with a set
of tasks and circumstances that needed to be negotiated," answers Ju Row Farr from
Blast Theory on this question. "We are more interested as a group of artists in the
social rather than the solo nature(s) of technological experiences. It would have been
much easier to make a piece about a war, that was gamelike, competitive, using
familiar structures of drama and conflict to create the narrative of the piece. However,
for us and for Desert Rain that would have provided a set of criteria that we were not
interested in exploring and it was not appropriate. We were not interested in who was
best/strongest/quickest/the best fighter/gamer etc - the aspects of the Gulf War which
reduce it to winners, losers, victims, victors and we were not interested in bringing
these qualities out in users."18
Instead of this, she points out: "We were interested in how do you negotiate a situation
with a group of people even though you cant see them but with whom you can
communicate in some way. How does a real event and set of circumstances relate to
an event that is represented by a virtual environment, a fictional scenario? Where is
the line? This idea felt much more appropriate to us with regard to the Gulf War and
came into play when making the rules of navigation. How do you find someone in a
desert? You can hear them for a while and then you cannot, you cant see them, but
you know they are out there and they know you are out there. And if you do meet up,
how can you work together? How can you get somewhere and achieve tasks? From
the outset, from the antechamber, everyone is on the same side looking for similar

quoted from personal letter exchange

see the detailed description in chapter 1.3 "Cubicles"
quoted from personal letter exchange

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things, it is against the clock but not against each other. And the water curtain added
its own set of challenges in order to complete the tasks."19
Nevertheless, it is obvious that there is a link between computer simulations, games
and military training. As Marie-Louise Rinman stated: "Computer games and
simulation games are widely used in military contexts as training devices. These
games train and demand various abilities and faculties, such as strategic planning,
logic calculation and memory. The US Marines, for instance, used networked Doom
in Bosnia to teach teamwork and tactics."20
Ju Row Farr comments the experiences which the members of Blast Theory made
with the real behaviour of audience members: "I think that it is interesting to be placed
alone within a zipped cubicle, headphoned and miked up. Your own survival instincts
or desire to succeed on the one hand naturally rises. This is set off against the tasks
that you have to complete and the other five participants you know are a real part of it.
Certainly as a performer on the headphones, our role was sometimes ambiguous in
this area and we could inflect the experience accordingly - for example if the users had
all found their targets and were close to finding the exit within the given time
allowance, we could give them more information and heighten the sense of climax.
Listening to users conversations within the virtual world also revealed a competitive
level which some people were bringing to the experience or which the experience was
bringing out in some people. Certainly after users left the virtual world and took their
coats off their conversations on the whole were about the competitive nature of the
world - Did you find your target?, Did you find the exit? etc."21
Also this potential contradiction, the rise of ones "survival instinct" and competitive
behaviour and the reality of a game-like situation where one is supposed to
communicate and to help each other, is an important aspect of the content of Desert
Rain. Nothing has been shown or performed or demonstrated, but it is the carrying-out
of one possibility of what we call "content production by audience participation".
2.4 Desert Rain - a theatre play?
Not only are the borders between the real and the virtual being blurred in Desert Rain,
but the production also questions the traditional borders of art genres. Is it correct to
call it a play or a theatre production or is "artistic environment" the more adequate
general term? Is its character more dominated by the elements of interactive
installations or by the performance aspects? In the flyer of Desert Rain, Blast Theory
called it "a game, an installation, a performance"22. Stephen Armstrong from the
Sunday Times takes it for "an intermeshing of computer game, installation, live
performance and cultural polemic".23
Modern art, and especially media art, generally questions the well-defined realms of
traditional art genres. The interactive media usually changes the roles or the aspect of
typical role behaviour of both parties, the creators - artists, technicians, scientists - as

Marie-Louise Rinman: The Desert Rain Performance. An exploration of the boundary between the
virtual and the real, stage and audience, unpublished article, 2000, p. 8
quoted from personal letter exchange
the flyer of Desert Rain, see Appendix A
Sunday Times (see Footnote 1)

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well as the audience - visitors, participants, players. The members of Blast Theory act
in different roles: as an actor in the antechamber, as a speechless performer at the end
of the journey, as bodiless voices and as operators "back-stage". The audience behave
as spectators and players and "interactors". They are the ones who are moving around.
Climbing on the footpad might remind the one or other of being on a stage. When the
rain curtain and the projection has been switched off, the audience might have the
feeling of being in a cinema, where the film has ended the flashing lights are
destroying the former illusionary world.
Desert Rain might be described as a defined tour through four installations, where the
audience interact as players, walkers, spectators etc. Accordingly, Marie-Louise
Rinman defines Desert Rain "partly as an installation through which the visitors can
move around, not freely but according to a certain order and during a limited period of
time. Desert Rain is better and more regarded as a performance though, because of the
limited number of people let in at a time and the interaction between performers and
audience. The latter are participating in a drama / play following a pre-written script,
yet the outcome of it is to a certain extent unpredictable."24
As so often in modern performances (in contrast to traditional theatre), here the stage
is not any longer separated from the audience space; in fact, it is impossible to employ
these terms on Desert Rain. Here, spaces have become transitional in their character.
There is no space or place in Desert Rain that is not stage.

Rinman, ibidem, p. 3

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3. Technical Infrastructure
Ian Taylor (University of Nottingham)
3.1 Introduction
This section describes the technical infrastructure of the Desert Rain exhibition piece.
A number of technologies were combined to achieve the finished result and these are
described and illustrated, namely:

Distributed Virtual World. This was run using seven PCs connected over a Local
Area Network. Six of the machines acted as user clients whilst the remaining
machine ran the world server.

Projection Environment. Each client machine was connected to a video projector

that back-projected on to the rain curtain. The player then viewed the image from
the opposite side of the water within a fabric cubicle.

User Interface. To control movement throughout the virtual world, each player
used a square footpad that responded to the players shift in weight.

Audio Monitoring and Feedback. A mixing desk was used to allow three main
audio functions. Specifically;

Selective monitoring of each players voice.

Providing assistance and advice to one or more players.
Enabling direct communication between players when entering the
virtual video link.

Card Activated Video Replay. A player is awarded a magnetic swipe card when
they have located their virtual target. When the player arrives in the physical hotel
room, this card is used to activate the video of the interview with the person who
was named as their target.

The following sub-sections provide more detail on these components, beginning with
a diagram of the physical space .

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3.2. Overview
3.2.1 Infrastructure
Figure 1. shows the physical layout of the entire Desert Rain environment.

Figure 1. The complete physical Desert Rain space.

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The layout in figure 1 is based on the set-up of the Nottingham event in October 1999.
Subsequent events modified this layout according to space availability, however the
inner-layout of the areas marked in grey remained the same. The function of each area
can be summarised as follows:

Antechamber. The room in which the players are briefed, handed overcoats and
given their target card.

Technical Support space. The area in which all software is run and monitored,
and where the mixing desk operator resides.

Virtual Experience space. The six cubicles in which the players experience the
virtual world. The world is projected onto the rain curtain and navigation is
achieved using a footpad.

Hotel Room and Exit space. The final destination where the players use the
swipe cards they may have obtained to view the pre-recorded interviews with the
person named as their target.

Prior to discussing the technical implications of the virtual world and hotel room, we
shall look at the core technical configuration in more detail. Figure 2 focuses on the
set-up for a single cubicle, showing its relationship with other key components.






Six of these
(one per player)




To client 6

Figure 2. Desert Rain configuration. In the full set-up there are six sets of the components in the large
grey box (see figure 1).

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As shown in figure 2, each player makes use of a single cubicle that contains the
In front of the player is the projection surface that consists of a fine spray of water.
Several feet behind the water curtain, a video projector produces the image of the
clients viewpoint in the virtual world. This video signal is obtained from the RGB
output of the client machine. Additional video is fed into the virtual world from a
small camera in the cubicle and a VCR. The latter plays the footage seen on the
television set in the virtual hotel room where the players are initially located.
In addition to the video signal, audio was fed to the players headset from the line-out
of the client PC. This is the in-world audio that consists of sound effects, music and
voices from any players in close proximity in the virtual space. Each player also had a
two-way audio link with the person acting as event monitor. By routing this audio
through a hardware-mixing console, the event monitor was able to open audio
channels that enabled players to hear each other when not spatially proximate in the
virtual world. The event monitor is also able to selectively communicate with one or
more players to provide instruction and indicate time remaining.
The remainder this sub-section provides an overview of the player interface and the
monitoring environment.
3.2.3 Player Interface
To control movement through the virtual space, the player utilises a wooden footpad
that supports movement in four directions. Figure 3 illustrates the pad and describes
the possible movements.

Rotate anti-clockwise/

Travel forwards/

Figure 3. The footpad controller. A micro-switch is mounted on each corner and is activated when the
user applies their weight to that corner.

The footpad electronics were constructed so as to emulate a joystick. This meant that
the wiring could easily be adapted to plug into the joystick port of the client machines

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3.2.4 Control and Monitoring Space

In order to monitor the progress of the Players, the client machines were connected to
VDUs that were placed on a table next to the mixing desk, in order of player number.
Figure 4 shows a photograph of this area during the Nottingham performances.

Figure 4. The mixing desk and PC area. The left of the photograph shows the mixing desk operator,
towards the right can be seen the client views on six VDUs. Off to the right of the photograph is the
world server machine and VCR.

With the exception of client six, each client machine had the same hardware
configuration. Client six however, had two video inputs, one from the camera in
cubicle six and another from the VCR. This was to allow rendering of the VCR data
on to the television set in the virtual hotel room. The world was configured such that
any video data passed to client six would be rendered on each television set. This
meant that the VCR must be stopped before any player was to enter the Live Link (see
section 3.3.4) of player 6, otherwise they would see the VCR output instead of the
cubicle camera footage.
3.2.5 Preparation
At the start of the day a number of checks were performed to ensure all devices were
operational. Also, all contingencies relating to the footpad were planned. Specifically
cases of footpad failure, players being too light to apply the required weight (e.g.
children) or a disabled player. A spare footpad had been built to cater for footpad
failure. In the other cases (or when the spare footpad was already in use), a number of
joysticks were available that had previously been tested.
The following section describes how the technologies discussed so far relate to the
experience that Player has whilst travelling through the virtual world.

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3.3. Virtual World

This section describes key locations in the virtual world that utilise any external
system components or internal dynamic properties. This will show how the journey
through the virtual world integrates with external actions/hardware or (in the case of
the final exit from the virtual world) pre-programmed conditions that depend on the
actions of other players.
3.3.1 Running the World
Between every performance a number of system processes must be shut-down and restarted. This is due to the fact that the world is irreversibly modified during a
performance. This modification occurs when a player locates their target, which
results in a deletion of the target and the removal of a part of the barrier to the exit
(see section 3.3.3 for more detail). Therefore, the world process must be restarted on
the server machine followed by the six client processes. Once the client is running,
player movement is disabled until the game is ready to begin. This is achieved using a
keyboard button that toggles client response to the footpad.
As an additional preparatory step, the VCR is re-played to begin video texturing of the
film on to the virtual television set. Once the clients are running and the video has
begun, the players are allowed to enter the cubicle, mount the footpad and put-on the
3.3.2 The Hotel Room
The players experience of the virtual world begins in the hotel room. Figure 3 shows
their initial viewpoint.

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Figure 3. The initial viewpoint in the virtual world. Towards the left of the image is the television set
upon which the video source obtained from the VCR is rendered.

When all players have been placed in the cubicles and all staff (performers, mixing
desk operator and PC operator) have communicated readiness, the game is started.
Players are notified (via the mixing desk) that they may begin and the PC operator
toggles the movement key to allow footpad control.
It is at this point that the client VDUs are closely monitored to detect any problems
with the footpad. Navigational difficulties are usually due to unfamiliarity with the
footpad interface, in which case the mixing desk operator offers verbal assistance.
However, if it is felt that the fault is with the footpad, a performer tests the pad, and if
deemed faulty it is replaced with the spare footpad. Should the spare footpad be in
use, then a joystick is provided in its place. This involves a short delay in which the
joystick is calibrated using software.
When all players have successfully found their way out of the virtual hotel rooms, the
VCR is stopped and rewound in readiness for the following performance. The next
point in the virtual world that requires intervention by performers and technical staff is
the target.

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3.3.3 The Target

As mentioned in section 1.3.2 each player is assigned a named target that is located in
a large desert area beyond the hotel room enclosure. Figure 4 shows an example view
from a session in which Player 5 is approaching their target.

Figure 4. Player 5 approaching their target. To properly locate their target, the player must move into
the centre of the white area below the face.

Once the user has located and moved into the target, they are automatically placed in a
space below the target containing a sign saying WAIT HERE. It is at this point that
the water performer walks through the rain curtain and hands the magnetic swipe card
to the player in exchange the target card. To ensure the user player does not navigate
out of this space and back into the desert, the PC operator immediately disables the
players footpad as soon as the player hits the target. It is only when the water
performer has completed the exchange and left the projection space that footpad
response is returned.
Moving out of the target causes its deletion so as to indicate completion of the target
finding process. The corresponding exit barrier for the player is also removed from
the world. This is achieved through the following pre-programmed properties:

The exit is initially sealed by six solid cuboids of equal size, all of which occupy
the same space.
One cuboid is associated with a target.
The cuboid is deleted when the target is deleted.
Therefore, all six targets must be deleted before the exit is clear.
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Although six targets exist in the desert, a player is only able to enter their own. This is
achieved by pre-programmed access control that associates an integer identifier with
both the client and the target. Only when these identifiers are equal are the players
allowed to enter the target.
It was sometimes the case that less than six players would participate in the
performance. This meant that targets could be present in the world that would not be
given to players. Of course, the targets could not be left as the exit would never
become open. To compensate for this, the clients for the empty cubicles were started
with the following properties:
1. Starting point inside the target. This meant the target could be removed
immediately without the need to navigate to the correct position.
2. Null embodiment. The client could be left running without a superfluous
embodiment being seen by the players. This was desirable as quitting clients during
the performance could cause software crashes.
The next point of technical interest that the player may encounter is the Live Link

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3.3.4 The Live Link

Within the large desert area are two entry points to the underground complex area.
One of these leads to a map room containing a static map geometry, the other contains
video booths that allow the players to view the physical space of another player. This
was known as the Live Link room. In this room were six video booths, each
containing a video texture of the input from the small camera mounted in the
corresponding players cubicle. Figure 6 shows a players viewpoint as he/she
approaches the video booth of player 1.

Figure 6. One of the six video booths. Upon entering this booth, the player would see live video of the
real Player One.

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Figure 7 provides an example of the video that would be seen by a player upon
entering the video both of Player 2.

Figure 7. A still from the video taken in cubicle 2. This would be seen by any player entering the virtual
video booth labeled Link to Player 2.

As briefly described in section 3.2.1, each cubicle had a small video camera mounted
in front of the water, facing the player. The camera for cubicle 1 was fed into the
video input of client machine 1 and so on. Therefore, a single client was responsible
for feeding the video data into the world for the corresponding player. The
configuration of the virtual world allowed for the correct virtual booth to be associated
with the video obtained from the client machine. The two-way communication
between client and the world server meant that this video data could be distributed to
the other clients and thus perceived by any inhabitant of the world. So in summary,
this meant that the six video sources could be positioned in the world using the video
input of the six client machines.
In addition to obtaining a video view in the Live Link, a player was granted audio
communication with the player he/she could see. This is achieved by the method
described in section 3.4.

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3.3.5 The Exit

Ultimately, it is hoped that all players will locate their target and collaborate to locate
and pass through the exit. If this happens before the time limit, the players are asked
to remove their headsets and walk through the rain curtain to be led into the sand
corridor. However, this happened in a minority of cases and it was usual for players to
locate their target but fail to locate the exit once open. If the user locates the target but
finds it closed, they are encouraged to assist the player(s) who is(are) responsible.
Figure 8 gives an example of a case where the exit is still closed due to one player not
having found their target.

Figure 8. An example of the exit when closed. In this case, Player 5s discovery of their target will
open the exit.

If a player (or players) find exit be room and the exit is open, but other players have
not found the exit room, the player(s) receive advice to locate and help the other
players. However, they may still choose to pass through the exit into the room beyond.
Any players that do enter the region beyond the exit gate are granted audio
communication with any players that are also present in the region.
Having understood the general overview and the technologys relationship to the
virtual world, the remaining technical discussion provides more detail on the
additional technical elements, namely the mixing desk and the hotel room card reader.

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3.4 Mixing Desk Operation

An important part of the performance was to monitor audio from the players and
provide feedback when appropriate. Also, the Live Link facility required a means of
opening/closing audio communication between players during the performance. To
this end, a mixing desk with sufficient inputs/outputs was obtained and configured for
each event. A section of the mixing desk was set-up as illustrated in figure 9.

Talks to


talks to
Figure 9. Mixing desk configuration. The circles are volume controls that allow the operator to set the
level at which a player can talk to another player. The lowest row is a series of buttons that opens up
audio to the player from the mixing desk operators microphone.

To illustrate the operation of the mixing desk controls, consider an example in which
Players 1 and 4 enter the live link of Player 2. The operator would look to the controls
on the second row (for Player 2) and increase the levels from zero to maximum for the
first and fourth knobs. Should any players then leave the link, the appropriate knobs
would be reset zero volume.
The final row of buttons simply allowed the mixing desk operator to talk to one or
more of the players. In the case when a single player was experiencing difficulty, the
operator would select the individual to establish communication whilst ensuring all
others were deselected. For broadcast messages such as notifications of time left, the
operator would select all six buttons.
3.5 The Physical Hotel Room
The physical hotel room held the swipe card reader that triggered replay of the
interview with the person named as the players target. The video itself was back
projected onto a small sheet of translucent plastic. This plastic was inserted into a
square area that was cut into the hotel room wall. This area was framed by the
photograph of the television set which formed part of the image on the hotel room

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4. Participation in Desert Rain

Dirk vom Lehn, Christian Heath (Kings College)25

4.1 Abstract
The study explores the installation Desert Rain developed in collaboration between
the London based art group Blast Theory and the Communication Research Group
(Dept. of Computer Science/University of Nottingham). By drawing on a mixture of
social scientific research methods the study investigates how the participants
collaboratively explore, experience and make sense of the installation, in which the
navigation of a virtual environment plays a major part. Of particular concern for this
study are the ways in which participants communicate and interact amongst each other
and with performers across a rain curtain that serves as mixed reality boundary. The
study describes observations and findings regarding different forms of social
interaction across the mixed reality boundary and elaborates on problems regarding
the functioning of occuring interaction amongst participants and performers. Drawing
on the observations the study suggests possible implications for the objective of
eRENA, future showings of Desert Rain, the design and display of new media art and
traditional exhibits as well as research and evaluation of audience responses to
exhibit and exhibitions. Also, the study wishes to contribute to the design and
deployment of exhibits and innovative technology into public places.
4.2 Executive Summary
This section of the deliverable covers a social scientific investigation into Desert Rain
an installation collaboratively produced by the London based art group Blast Theory
and the Communications Research Group (University of Nottingham). Desert Rain is
one of the demonstrators produced as part of eRENA to explore novel ways to involve
audience participation, and to provide means for new forms of interaction between
performers and members of the audience.
Desert Rain uses a rain curtain as mixed reality boundary across which participants
and performers can interact with each other and collaboratively produce experiences
of the installation. The careful introduction of the participants into the use of the
technology and the installation, the easy to use and reliable interface as well as
dramatic appearances by the performers result in a very engaging novel work of art.
During the present study, we have observed participants journey through the
different stages of Desert Rain and carried out interviews with performers and
participants. In order to compare and contrast these observations with visitors actions
and interactions in other art environments, we have conducted parallel research studies
of Murmuring Fields, an artwork produced within eRENA by MARS (GMD), and in
more traditional museums and galleries such as the Courtauld Institute of Art, the
Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science Museum (all in London), Greens Mill
Science Centre and Djanogly Art Gallery (both in Nottingham).

The Management Centre, Kings College, Franklin-Wilkins Building, London SE1 8WA, Tel. +44
(0)20 78484314, Fax. +44 (0)20 78484479,email:,

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The general observations and findings from this study can be summarised as
Blast Theorys Desert Rain is a novel new media artwork that based on innovative,
reliable and easy to use technology that facilitates and engenders new forms of
interaction between performers and participants as well as amongst participants.
The success of Desert Rain is based upon interdisciplinary efforts between
computer scientists, artists and social scientists, who in building upon each others
know-how have collaboratively produced, deployed and continually refined the
artwork up-to its present state.
Members of the audience are carefully introduced into the technology and the
installation by performers so that participants journey through Desert Rain can be
smoothly accomplished.
The evaluation of novel new media artworks requires flexible research methods,
which produce observations and findings regarding participants actions and
interactions around the artwork that can significantly contribute to the design of
artworks, which are intended to facilitate collaborative experiences.
The present study also has produced observations and findings that are of
relevance for studies on social interactions around traditional artworks as well as on
studies in HCI and CSCW, that is, they can make important contributions to the
design of new technology that shall be deployed into public places.
With regard to the interaction amongst participants and between participants and
performers we made the following observations:
Carefully designed dramatic performances introduce participants to Desert Rain,
and make possible the unproblematic use of the technology while participants
experience the exhibit.
When navigating the virtual world participants have only partial access to each
others actions and experiences, and can only glean limited information about each
other. Therefore, it is difficult for participants to co-ordinate their actions with each
Participants have difficulties to see virtual objects and avatars in relation to the
virtual world. For example, the map cannot be seen in relation to the virtual
environment it represents. Therefore it is difficult to use the map to orient in the
virtual world.
Participants who try to communicate to each other through the live-link do not
have simultaneous access to each others orientation in the virtual world. For example,
a participant who sees another player in the live-link video image cannot see where
this player is oriented to in the virtual world.
When leaving the virtual world the performance seems finished and the flow of
experiences is interrupted through participants interaction with each other; thus, the
final stage of Desert Rain in the Hotel Room, follows more as an appendix than as
part of the performance.
Our observations and findings suggest implications for the objectives of eRENA, for
future performances of Desert Rain and the design and development of other novel
media artworks. They also bear upon the design and evaluation of traditional
exhibits and exhibitions as well as for the design and deployment of computer systems
and studies in HCI and CSCW. Drawing on this study we have recently begun a
collaborative study with artists and curators to explore how interaction and
communication amongst visitors can be facilitated and engendered through certain
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design features of exhibits and their spatial arrangements. In the continuance of this
research we will to further investigate issues and concerns that have emerged from our
involvement in eRENA, that is,
investigating collaborative experiences of (novel) artworks,
exploring ways to enhance interaction, discussion and debate amongst visitors, and
contributing to the design and deployment of novel exhibits and innovative
technologies into public places.
4.2 Introduction
The aims and objectives of eRENA include the development of artworks that in novel
ways engage and involve the audience, and provide for new forms of interaction
between performers and audience. In this light, the creation and use of mixed reality
boundaries for the design of an artwork that involves social interaction across mixed
reality boundaries is novel and innovative. In order to produce an engaging artwork
that is based on a reliable technology, members of the public find easy to use and
appealing to engage with, eRENA facilitates and encourages close collaboration
between computer scientists, artists and technicians as well as social scientists.
As part of eRENA the Communications Research Group (CRG/University of
Nottingham), the London based art group Blast Theory, social scientists from KTH
(Stockholm) and Kings College London, as well as technicians from ZKM (Karlruhe)
worked together to produce and evaluate Desert Rain, a game, an installation and a
performance that you must explore to find your target. Travelling through real and
virtual spaces, visitors need to work together to search motels and bunkers, deserts
and storms.26 State-of-the-art computer technology is used to project a virtual reality
environment onto a rain curtain, which is permeable and thus can become a boundary
between the real and the virtual when being crossed by performers to interact with
members of the audience.27
The present study builds upon investigations we have conducted in various museums
in the UK and abroad over the past two years. Observations and findings from these
studies will help our understanding of the collaborative experiences participants
produce in interaction with each other and performers, in Desert Rain. Through
extensive field observations, videorecordings of actions and interactions inside the
virtual world, interviews and questionnaires the study explores the different stages of
Desert Rain the audience participates in.
4.4 Aims and Objectives
The objective of the present study is to investigate how in, and through, collaborations
across the mixed reality boundary the experience of Desert Rain is produced. The
study sheds light on the forms of interaction that occur across the rain curtain as
mixed reality boundary. It explores how the audience is involved in the performance
of Desert Rain, and which forms of social interaction occur amongst the participants
and between participants and performers.

e.g. Blast Theory flyer, see Appendix A

see description of Desert Rain in Chapter 1 of this deliverable; for a description of the rain curtain see
eRENA D7b.1; for discussions of mixed reality boundaries see Benford et al. 1998; Koleva et al. 1999,

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4.5 Background
4.5.1 Social Interaction in Museums and Galleries
Over the past two years, we have conducted a research project concerned with social
interaction at, and around, different types of exhibit in various museums in the UK
and abroad. The observations and findings of that project can be summarised as
Participation with Exhibits
When orienting towards exhibits individuals not only take regard to the features and
properties of the respective object but they take into account that others both, those
they are with and strangers act and interact in the same space. Thus, visitors
collaboratively participate with artifacts and experience exhibits in, and through,
interaction with each other.
Peripheral Participation
In their interaction around exhibits visitors not only take regard to actions and
activities produced by their companions but also they are aware of occurrences and
events in their perceptual range and orient towards them. Apart from interacting
with their companions, visitors orient towards behaviour conducted by strangers who
just happen to be in the same space. They experience and learn about features and
characteristics of exhibits by virtue of participating in actions and orientations of
others in the same milieu.
Configuring Experience
When making sense of an exhibit in collaboration with others visitors perceivably
animate their experiences. Visitors in perceptual range of the event thus learn about
features and characteristics of an exhibit through others orientation towards and
animation of the exhibit.
4.5.2 Visitor Studies in Museums and Galleries
Discussions and debates in Visitor Studies, a research area that despite of early
experimental explorations by Robinson (1928) and Melton (1933/1972) emerged only
since the 1960s, are preoccupied with individual visitors responses to individual
exhibits and their features. Investigations are conducted as case-studies mainly by
psychologists with a background in the behavioural and cognitive sciences. Their
principle interest is to measure the effectiveness of exhibits and exhibitions, that is, "a
measurable change in viewer behavior produced by the exhibit, and consistent with
the stated aims or objectives of the exhibit"29. The primary measurements employed
are attracting power, the percentage of visitors stopping at an exhibit, holding
power, the average viewing time, and teaching power, the exhibits ability to
convey the intended message to the visitors.30

for a more detailed discussion see vom Lehn et al. 1999

Shettel 1968: x
see also Bitgood et al. 1987

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Research on visitor behaviour has widely acknowledged that museum visits are social
events. Visitors come with companions and experience exhibits in, and through,
interaction and discussion with each other; they meet people at exhibits who just
happen to be there, and observe their activities and their display of experiences. Also,
in reference to recent developments in educational and learning theory31.Visitor
Studies as well as exhibition design more and more take into account that social
interaction, discussion and debate enhance visitors experiences of and their learning
from exhibits. Research studies that have been undertaken in the recent past have
largely concentrated on how patterns of interaction and communication at, and around,
exhibits and exhibitions, are produced by differently composed groups.32 Only very
few studies on visitor behaviour are concerned with the social organisation of actions
and activities at, and around, exhibits.33 Also, although the meeting of people who
have not come together to an exhibition is an event that can often be observed in
museums and galleries, research on visitor behaviour widely neglects social relation
amongst strangers. Apart from McManuss (1987) mentioning that strangers do
not influence each others behaviour until they have come into each others reach
(2.5metres) and studies on learning through modelling.34 Visitor Studies discard
how experiences of exhibits are influenced by activities accomplished by other
visitors in the same domain.
4.5.3 Blast Theorys Desert Rain
In comparison to the more traditional exhibits and displays that feature in the
investigations we have carried out over the past two years, Blast Theorys Desert Rain
is a unique exhibit, in many ways rather different from exhibits on display in
museums and galleries. Indeed, due to its size and set-up Desert Rain is organised as
an event that is staged for fairly short periods, a few days up to two weeks, and only in
venues that have rather large open spaces with access to electricity and water. Blast
Theory did not produce a space for the audience to enter and to explore but also they
carefully designed the introduction of participants into the performance to create an
attitude towards the exhibit and the local environment.
After the introduction to the exhibit, participants are individually guided to cubicles,
to stand on navigation boards they use for the orientation in the virtual environment; a
headset is in place for the communication amongst the participants and between
participants and performers. When all participants (players) are in their cubicles the
game starts; from this moment on, the participants individually interact with a
computer to navigate the virtual world and accomplish their task, finding their targets
and the exit to the virtual world. On their journey through the virtual world they
encounter avatars as representations of co-participants, with whom they communicate
and interact. Thus, human computer interaction turns into computer supported cooperative work.
The unique set-up and design of Desert Rain requires the employment of particularly
designed research methods in order to comprehend how through actions and
interactions participants experience and make sense of the installation. Methods

e.g. Gee 1996; Billig 1996

e.g. Diamond 1986; McManus 1987, 1988, 1989; Blud 1990ab
e.g. Hensel 1987
e.g. Koran et al.1988; Borun et al. 1997

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normally applied within the field of Visitor Studies, that is, for example, the
measurement of stopping power and holding power are not suitable to obtain an
understanding of participants experiences of Desert Rain. Indeed, it seems necessary
that as the installation had to be adapted to the environment it was set-up in, the
researcher had to employ a flexible set of various research methods (observations,
video-recordings, interviews) to adapt to the circumstances the event took place in.
4.6 Case Studies Data Collection
For the purpose of the study after a preliminary investigation into Desert Rain while it
was prototyped (Karlsruhe January 1999) we collected different types of data at
five locations where Desert Rain was staged and performed. The particular design of
Desert Rain required an adoption of social-scientific research methods to the
particular context of the performance and the objectives of the investigation.
We studied the experimental phase of the exhibit in spring 1999, known as the
Virtual Rain Demonstration. The rain curtain as mixed reality boundary was
explored by technicians, computer scientists, artists, and invited members of the
public.35 The objective of our study was to gain an initial understanding of the mixed
reality boundary, the exhibit and the intentions the design team pursued with its initial
set-up as well as planned future developments of the exhibit. During this initial phase
of our study into Desert Rain we observed the actions and activities of both, design
team and visitors and conducted informal interviews with members of the design team
as well as with visitors.
In October 1999 Blast Theorys Desert Rain was presented to the public for the
first time in an old factory building in Nottingham. We conducted ten informal
intensive interviews with groups of participants before and seven with groups of
participants after their attendance. Also, we made extensive field observation at all
stages of the performance.
We attended the performance of Desert Rain at ZKM (Karlsruhe) in November
1999. At this occasion as before in Nottingham we conducted informal, intensive
interviews with visitors, and observed their interactions amongst each other.
At Blast Theorys performance in London (Riverside Studios May 2000) we
asked visitors to complete brief questionnaires before they entered the installation and
we conducted five in-depth interviews with visitors after they have participated in
Desert Rain. The collected data were intended to give information about the
(sociodemographic) composition of participants in Desert Rain, and to obtain more
information about their experiences of the installation.
At the performance in Bristol (June 2000) participants actions and interactions
inside the virtual world have been video-recorded to explore how participants socially
organise their actions and activities in the virtual world when being physically
separated from each other. About six hours of video-recordings were produced from
the perspectives of two of the participants.
Currently, research is being undertaken at Blast Theorys performance of Desert
Rain in Glasgow.
Apart from these research methods and casestudies conducted to investigate
participants experiences of Desert Rain, we have carried out two further case-studies

see report in eRENA D.7b1

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to compare and contrast Desert Rain with other exhibits and exhibitions. First, we
investigated how in more traditional museums and galleries such as the Courtauld
Institute of Art, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Science Museum (all in
London), Greens Mill Science Centre and Djanogly Art Gallery (both in Nottingham)
participants collaboratively experience and make sense of exhibits. And second, field
observations and interviews have been carried out at the performance of Murmuring
Fields (MARS GMD) at Fidena 1999 in Bochum.36
4.7 Key Observations and Findings
This section discusses and summarises the key observations and findings from the
undertaken casestudies into Desert Rain. It concentrates on the key issues that came
out of our investigations. First, we will explore how through the introduction into
Desert Rain participants are prepared for the interaction with the technology and the
experience of the installation (Section 4.7.1.). Second, we will describe the
organisation of participants accomplishments while they stand on the navigation
board facing the rain curtain acting and interacting with co-participants utilising
various technical means (audio-channel, visual representation of the virtual world and
of co-participants) (Section 4.7.2.). And third, we will investigate how participants
leaving of the installation is organised and accomplished (Section 4.7.3.). In all three
sections we will draw comparisons to our observations in the Courtaul Institute of Art
and to Murmuring Fields.

4.7.1 Design for Participation and Collaboration

Museum managers as well as researchers in visitor behaviour have long acknowledged
that visitors attend exhibitions and encounter exhibits rarely on their own but normally
while others both, companions and strangers are in the same locale. Despite the
recognition that museum visits are social events, museum managers and designers of
exhibits and exhibitions do hardly organise exhibitions that facilitate or engender
collaboration and interaction. Desert Rain, by contrary, is specifically designed to
provide for, facilitate and encourage visitors to participate in the exhibit and to
experience it in collaboration.
The design for participation and collaboration is accomplished through a careful
information policy towards the public (e.g. in leaflets, media presentations), and
through a cautious introduction of the participants to the installation. Through the
introduction to the exhibit the performer creates a mood and an attitude to participate
in the installation while at the same time he encourages the participants to
communicate with each other and to collaborate in exploring the virtual world. The
organisation of this introduction into the journey as it is accomplished in the
antechamber of Desert Rain, contributes to the creation of a specific mood that makes
possible that participants believe what they are encountering in the virtual world
while they interact with a computer system. Of particular importance, hereby, seem to
be the darkness in the antechamber, the changing of clothes, the separating and
isolating of the participants, and the general tone of the verbal explanations by the
performer in the antechamber.

see eRENA D 6.2.: pp.78-83

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Communication and collaboration is facilitated through the design of the virtual

environment and the provision of technical means. The headset enables participants to
talk to each other, and the avatars are positioned in the virtual world giving
participants a sense of where the others are and where they oriented to in the virtual
world. By virtue of these technical means participants have partical access to each
other and each others experiences of the virtual world, which seemingly encourages
them further to explore through communication where they are in the virtual
environment and what they are experiencing. However, it seems difficult to help each
other out navigating the virtual world because the avatar design makes it difficult to
recognise where participants orient themselves towards in the virtual world.
4.7.2 Experiences at the Exhibit-face
Studies on visitor behaviour conceive the experience of museum exhibits as series of
individual encounters with individual exhibits. By contrary, Desert Rain is designed to
facilitate collaborative experiences amongst visitors by encouraging them to interact
and communicate with each other. The following three points summarise our key
observations and findings regarding how participants co-ordinated their actions and
interactions in the virtual world:
Participation and Co-participation in Desert Rain
Participants only have partial access to each others actions by virtue of the audiochannel and the visual representation projected on the rain curtain. The co-participants
cannot directly perceive each others actions but they have access to them indirectly
by means of the communication channels. The images projected onto the rain curtain
allow participants to see the avatars of the others, where they are in the virtual world
and where they orient themselves. Also, when avatars meet in the virtual world the
respective participants are able to talk to each other. Participants have used this
facility extensively and attempted to give each other directions in the virtual world. In
interviews they said that the possibility to talk to each other has been very helpful to
navigate the virtual world and also increased the feeling of companionship and even
community. However, when asking them in more detail how talking to other people
supported their ability to navigate the virtual world participants could hardly give us
any information. Most participants were able to navigate the virtual world without
major problems, which in part is made possible through the smooth operation and
functioning of the technology, navigation board and rain curtain, and in part is helped
by the performers who monitor and intervene in participants actions and interactions.
The designers of 'About Time' on display in the Courtauld Institute of Art (Spring
2000) tried to intrigue visitors and to engage them in discussion and debate by
juxtaposing drawings and watercolours with poems. Also, poems and drawings
displayed on tables in the centre of exhibition space invited visitors to sit down and
contemplate individual exhibits but also to engage in discussions with those sitting
close by. Our observations indicate that visitors only rarely produced relations
between juxtaposed exhibits and also only seldom used the displays on the tables. The
findings from this study suggest that further cues are necessary to engender sequences
of actions and interactions that result in a drawing of relations between certain
exhibits. Or in more technical terms, there seems to be a need for traditional
galleries to develop interfaces that facilitate and engender certain sequences of actions
and interactions.

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Interactive exhibits as on display in the Science Museum in London or in Greens

Mill Science Centre (Nottingham) attempt to involve visitors in interaction with
exhibits by virtue of push buttons, touch screens, and the like. While through this type
of exhibit they facilitate visitors participation with the displays they largely localise
and individualise activities around the interactive object and hamper social interaction
and co-participation at the exhibit.
With regard to 'Murmuring Fields' our study has illuminated that in particular
audience members had difficulties to understand the relationship between the actions
on stage and the triggered sequences in the virtual world. It seems that Murmuring
Fields does not facilitate social interaction amongst participants and hampers coparticipation with the exhibit because participants have problems to produce a shared
point of reference; the small screen installed above the stage where the action takes
place is not sufficient to allow participants to co-ordinate they activities with regard to
the virtual world.37
Blast Theorys Desert Rain is an attempt to allow collaborative experience between
participants acting in remote, isolated locations. The carefully designed introduction
into the installation and the explicit encouragement of collaboration and interaction
between participants clearly mark this exhibit as novel and innovative. However, the
design and performance of the installation also produce problems in participants
interaction with the technology, with each other and with performers. In particular in
the beginning of the performance some participants have problems to use the
navigation board and to move around in the virtual world. The continuous observation
of participants by performers from the opposite side of the rain curtain and by
designers and performers from behind the computer screens makes possible
interventions in participants actions. For example, through the audio-channel
performers give participants instructions on how to use the navigation board, and by
means of the arrow-keys of the computers participants avatars are surreptiously
moved through the virtual world in order to influence and shape their experiences.
Thereby, the designers take particular care that the external movement of a player
remains unnoticed to the moved participants as well as to other players in the virtual
world in order to sustain the consistency of the experience.
With regard to navigation and wayfinding problems in the virtual world, our
observations indicate that only rarely the quality of the images on the rain curtain was
the cause for the problems but rather the restricted possibility to orient towards virtual
objects (e.g. map, avatars) in the virtual world. In particular, participants seem to have
difficulties to interact with each other and to reference to virtual objects. Therefore,
giving each other directions and helping each other out to navigate the virtual world is
problematic, so that participants largely rely on the audio-channel to inform others
about what to do and where to navigate towards. A typical solution for the problem to
communicate directions in the virtual world is to take the lead and ask co-participants
to follow the avatar in front.
The Map-Room
The map-room is enclosed by walls and thus separated from the rest of the virtual
environment. The division of the virtual space in sub-spaces is problematic for the

see eRENA D 6.2

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participants when they want to match the map with the virtual environment. The map
is disembeded from the environment it represents and participants cannot relate
landmarks indicated on the map to landmarks in the environment. Indeed, after a
glance at the map participants leave the map-room and face the environment. Also,
two or more participants meet in the map-room they hardly talk about the map and use
it collaboratively as orientation device because it is difficult to establish a shared
perspective on the map. It is worthwhile to mention that these difficulties do not arise
from technical problems like the quality of images on the rain curtain but the problems
come about through the design of the virtual world.
The Live-Link
The live-link is a sort of videoconferencing room one participant can enter to see a
video-image of a particular player balancing on her/his navigation board. The system,
however, worked only one way except both participants have entered each others
live-link and could see each other on their board that was a very rare event if it happen
at all. Also, once a participant has entered a live link (s)he does not have access to the
virtual world anymore. The live-link, therefore, only allows conversations between
two participants but does not support referencing to the virtual environment or
monitoring others orientation to the virtual environment. Also, the live-link does not
allow participants to give each other instructions on how to use the navigation board
or on how to navigate the virtual world because it does not support the creation of
shared viewpoints, neither on the virtual nor on the real world. Also, we have quite
often observed that participants access their own live-link facility and, then, when
seeing a video-image of themselves balancing on the navigation board, did not know
what the live-link was for. At this point, designers and performers regularly intervene
and point out to the participants that they have entered their own live-link. From the
observations, we would suggest that the use of the live-link in the present format is
The Rain Curtain as Mixed Reality Boundary
Our observations also give some information on the functioning of the rain curtain as
mixed reality boundary. The asymmetric structure of the rain curtain as boundary
between virtual and real world can be considered from two perspectives: first, it
allows participants to view the virtual world projected onto it but it does not give them
access to the real world beyond the curtain. In this respect the live-link seems to be an
exceptional case where participants and their actions on the navigation board can be
accessed. However, the visual accessibility of another player also has an asymmetric
structure because the seen player can not see who is talking to her/him; (s)he just hears
a voice on the headset and neither has a choice to switch it off nor can utilise the fact
that (s)he is seen on the board as resource for her/his own accomplishments.
And second, performers can stand on the other side of the curtain and observe
participants balancing on the navigation board without being seen by the participants.
Blast Theory exploit the asymmetry of the rain curtain in two respects. Performers
observe participants on their navigation boards and take their observations as resource
to decide whether a player has problems to use the interface. And most importantly,
the production of the dramatic crossing of the rain curtain relies on the asymmetric
feature of the mixed reality boundary, because it allows performers to tie their real
appearance into the players navigation of the virtual world without being noticed. The
asymmetric features of the rain curtain, therefore, serve to subtly manage and coordinate the performance with the participants interactions.
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Observations in museums and galleries give evidence that visitors co-ordinate their
navigation of exhibitions and their approach to exhibits with each other. Visitors are
sensitive to co-participants orientations and glean information about others
orientation and projective course of actions from observations of co-participants
bodily conduct, movement and orientation. Also, it is difficult for participants to coordinate their actions and activities with each other. One reason for this inability to
glean information about each others actions and experiences results from the design
of the avatars, which does only to a small extent allow to translate bodily
comportment into the virtual environment. Designers of Desert Rain may reconsider
the properties of map-room and live-link and how they may be improved to enhance
participants ability to co-ordinate their conduct with each other across the mixed
reality boundary.
4.7.3. Creating a Shared Experience
The experience of Desert Rain is produced through different forms of interaction and
communication amongst participants and between performers and participants at
different stages of the journey. In this section, we wish to complete the overview of
the observations and findings we have made by investigating the actions and
interactions of participants that occur when their exploration of the virtual world is
Leaving the Cubicles
After the completion of the journey through the virtual world participants leave their
cubicle to the front and meet again face-to-face. They take off the raincoat they have
received in the antechamber and instantly begin to converse with each other about
their experiences in the virtual environment. However, the leaving of the cubicles is
not the end of the performance but rather an intermediary stage from where the
participants are guided to the next stage, the hotel room. Unfortunately, it seems that
the organisation of this stage of the performance interrupts its flow for the visitors. In
particular, the pulling off of the raincoats seems to conclude the participation in
Desert Rain, and makes it difficult for the participants to revitalise the specific mood
they have been in just a moment before.
Hotel Room
In the hotel room there is a television screen with a swipecard mechanism by its side.
Participants are supposed to swipe the magnetic card at the television screen, which
will start the showing of an interview with the target each participant has looked for in
the virtual world. Observations of participants responses to the video indicate that the
intense mood created by the organisation of the performance has been replaced by
lively discussions amongst participants about their experiences in the virtual
environment. The discussions continue throughout the showing of the interviews and
also often when participants leave the performance altogether and go to the coffee-bar
associated to the venue Desert Rain takes place in. It is particularly noteworthy that all
participants of anyone showing engage in discussions and debates independently of
the status of their personal relation prior to their participation in Desert Rain.
Facilitating and Engendering Discussion and Debate
Drawing on educational theory it is an important objective for museum managers,
curators and others involved in exhibition design to engender discussions and debates
amongst visitors during and beyond their visit to an exhibition. Various attempts are
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undertaken to facilitate long-term discussion and debates, such as web-sites that

provide further information on an exhibition, books and handouts often available in
the museumshop, and other materials. However, it has proved difficult to investigate
the success of these means in engendering discussions and debates. We do not have
any information about whether or not people discuss their experiences long after they
have left Desert Rain, and we do not know whether the sandbox hidden within the
bags or clothes of the participants has any impact. However, our observations in the
hotel room suggest that the design and momentary managing of the participants
experiences through designers and performers engender discussions amongst them
when they meet after this stage of the performance. The following three features of
Desert Rain seem to facilitate and engender discussions amongst participants:
the temporary isolation of participants in cubicles,
for the duration of the virtual reality experience participants have (only) partial
access to each others actions and experiences, and
the representation of the co-participants avatars in the same virtual environment
seems to suggest that the others make similar experiences in the same locale.
Our study in the Courtauld Institute of Art does not give any evidence of whether or
not the exhibition has engendered discussions between visitors after their leaving of
the gallery. Blast Theorys approach gives us some idea of how discussions and
debates amongst visitors might be engendered. After the performance of Murmuring
Fields a discussion about the installation has been organised. The liveliness of this
discussion suggest that debates about the installation continued after the audience left
the exhibition; however, we do not have any indication of this.
4.8 Summary and Implications
The key observations and findings from our study can be summarized as following:
Carefully designed dramatic performances introduce participants to Desert Rain,
and make possible the unproblematic use of the technology while participants
experience the exhibit.
When navigating the virtual world participants have only partial access to each
others actions and experiences, and can only glean limited information about each
other. Therefore, it is difficult for participants to co-ordinate their actions with each
Participants have difficulties to see virtual objects and avatars in relation to the
virtual world. For example, the map cannot be seen in relation to the virtual
environment it represents. Therefore it is difficult to use the map to orient in the
virtual world.
Participants who try to communicate to each other through the live-link do not
have simultaneous access to each others orientation in the virtual world. For example,
a participant who sees another player in the live-link video image cannot see where
this player is oriented to in the virtual world.
When leaving the virtual world the performance seems finished and the flow of
experiences is interrupted through participants interaction with each other; thus, the
final stage of Desert Rain in the Hotel Room, follows more as an appendix than as
part of the performance.
The following paragraphs summarise implications our observations may have for the
objectives of eRENA and exhibits produced in the context of eRENA, for future
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performances of Desert Rain, for those involved in exhibit and exhibition design and
evaluation (Visitor Studies) as well as for the design and evaluation of computer
systems and their deployment.
Blast Theorys Desert Rain is a novel exhibit that on various levels engages the
audience and encourages all members to participate in the installation.
Desert Rain facilitates various forms of co-participation amongst audience
members, and encourages them to explore the exhibit in collaboration.
Desert Rain provides for different forms of interaction between performers and
The rain curtain as mixed reality boundary allows participants access to a virtual
world, in which they can communicate with each other and participate in each others
The mixed reality boundary allows the performers to unobtrusively observe
participants navigating the virtual world and to engage in a dramatic face-to-face
performance with the participants, closely tied into their involvement in the virtual
The close collaboration of the artists with computer scientists from Nottingham
University (CRG) ensured a smooth operation of the technology, that is the navigation
board and the virtual environment, which proved easy to use.
Desert Rain
Desert Rain works very well in terms of audience participation as well as in terms
of interaction amongst participants and between participants and performers.
Participants are not thrown into an environment in order to explore a pre-set
order of events but the experiences are collaboratively achieved through
communication and interaction between performers and participants.
The introduction to the exhibit carefully designed by a performer as well as the
continuous observation of participants and their orientation to the virtual world are
critical for the production of the experience of Desert Rain.
Participants do not encounter a computer system to interact with but through
carefully produced actions the performer converts the visitor to the venue into a
participant of Desert Rain.
It seems, however, that the participation in Desert Rain is interrupted when the
participants meet each other outside the cubicles to be guided to the hotel room.
Finally, the isolation of the participants in cubicles and their partial awareness of
each others actions and experiences engenders lively discussions and debates
between them as soon as they meet.
Museum Managers, Curators, Exhibit and Exhibition Designers and Evalutors
Novel exhibits and exhibitions require novel and very flexible methods of display.
The audience enjoys the collaborative nature of the experience of Desert Rain.
Partial access to each others actions and experiences engenders discussion and
debates about each others experiences after the participation.
Traditional methods to measure visitor behaviour cannot be applied to evaluate
novel types of exhibits. By contrary, a very flexible use of research methods is
necessary to explore participants collaborative experiences.

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Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

By virtue of observational and other research methods adapted for the respective
exhibit sociological research can produce important information for those involved in
the design and deployment of novel exhibits.
It seems worthwhile thinking about whether the display of computer systems in
public spaces requires the creation of a dramatic environment to introduce and lead
people into the use of the technology.
The dramatic introduction into Desert Rain contributed to the conversion of
visitors to the venue into participants of Desert Rain and their use of the computer
system. Indeed, the smooth and reliable process of navigating the virtual world helped
to replace the barrier between user and system by the experience of the virtual world.
The rain curtain worked very well as mixed reality boundary, and its asymmetric
features stimulate the imagination for other possible applications as well as ideas for
the use of different boundary materials.
There are problems in mutually referencing and pointing to objects in the virtual
and real world across the mixed reality boundary.
For the design of future exhibits and performances using virtual reality technology
a closer study of the performers interaction with the participants across the mixed
reality boundary seems interesting.
Our observations and findings suggest implications for the objectives of eRENA, for
future performances of Desert Rain and the design and development of other novel
media artworks. They also bear upon the design and evaluation of traditional
exhibits and exhibitions as well as for the design and deployment of computer systems
and studies in HCI and CSCW. Drawing on this study we have recently begun a
collaborative study with artists and curators to explore how interaction and
communication amongst visitors can be facilitated and engendered through certain
design features of exhibits and their spatial arrangements. In the continuance of this
research we wish to further investigate issues and concerns that have emerged from
our involvement in eRENA.

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August 2000

4.9 References
Benford, S., Greenhalgh, C., Reynard, G., Brown, C. and Koleva, B., Understanding
and Constructing Shared Spaces with Mixed Reality Boundaries, ACM Transaction on
Computer-Human Interaction (ToCHI), 5 (3), pp.185-223, September 1998, ACM
Billig, M. Arguing and Thinking. (2cnd ed.). Cambridge. 1996.
Bitgood, S. and Patterson, D. Principles of Orientation and Circulation. In Visitor
Behavior. January 1987, Vol. I, No.4.
Blud, L. Social Interaction and Learning Among Family Groups Visiting a Museum.
In Museum Mangement and Curatorship. 1990a (March), Vol. 9, No.1: 43-51.
Blud, L. Sons and Daughters. Observations on the way Families Interact during a
Museum Visit. In Musem Mangement and Curatorship. 1990b (September), Vol. 9,
No.3 : pp.257-264.
Diamond, J. The behavior of family groups in science museums. In Curator, 1986,
29(2), 139-154.
eRENA D6.2. Linking between Real and Virtual Spaces. edited by Strauss, W. et al.
eRENA D7b.1. Pushing Mixed Reality Boundaries. edited by Benford, S. et al. 1999.
Gee, J. Social Linguistics and Literacies. (2nd ed.). London. 1996.
Hensel, K. Families in a museum: interactions and conversations at displays.
Dissertation Abstracts International, c/9-09. University Microfilms No.8824441
Koleva, B. N., Benford, S. D. and Greenhalgh, C. M., The Properties of Mixed Reality
Boundaries, in Proc. 6th European Conference on Computer Supported Co-operative
Work (ECSCW99), Copenhagen, September, 1999, Kluwer.
Koleva, B. N., Schnadelbach, H. M., Benford, S. D. and Greenhalgh, C. M.,
Traversable interfaces between real and virtual worlds, in Proc. ACM Conference on
Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2000), Hague, Netherlands, April 2000,
pp.233-240, ACM Press.
Koran, J.J, Koran, M.L., Foster, J. and Dierking, L.D. Using Modeling to Direct
Attention. In Curator, (1988), 31(1). pp.36-42.
McManus, P. Its the company you keep... The social determination of learning-related
behavior in a science museum. In International Journal of Museum Management and
Curatorship, (1987) June: 263-270.
Borun, Minda and Jennifer Dritas. Developing Family-friendly Exhibits. In Curator
40/3 (1997): 178-192.
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Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

McManus, P. M. Good companions: More on the social determination of learningrelated behavior in a science museum. Journal of Museum Management and
Curatorship, (1988) 7(1), 37-44.
McManus, P. Oh yes, they do: How museum visitors read labels and interact with
exhibit text. In Curator, (1989), 32(3). pp.174-180
Melton, A. W., "Some behavior characteristics of museum visitors", Psychological
Bulletin 30, 1933: 720-721.
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Shettel, H. H. Strategies for determining exhibit effectiveness. American Institutes for
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vom Lehn, D., Heath C. and Hindmarsh, J. Exhibiting Interaction. Video and the
analysis of visitor behaviour. WIT Report. (1999).

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August 2000

5. Summary
The Dessert Rain staged mixed reality performance is a paradigmatic eRENA
deliverable that encompasses the principal objectives we had set ourselves for this

a close collaboration between artists and scientists

an opportunity for the majority of eRENA partners to make valuable and extensive
a demonstrator that is innovative and qualitative both in terms of its cultural and
its technological achievements
an exemplar of an artistically driven project that is able to provoke scientific and
technological developments whose value extends into other domains
an elaboration process that involved clear stages of research, implementation,
presentation and evaluation, leading up to numerous (and successful) public
performances that were also carefully evaluated
a mature product that makes a real contribution to the social, cultural and scientific
European landscape.

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Staged Mixed Reality Performance

August 2000

Appendix A
The Desert Rain Flyer

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