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Ibn Saud

Abdulaziz ibn Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal ibn Turki

ibn Abdullah ibn Muhammad Al Saud (Arabic:
, Abd al-Azz ibn Abd arRaman l Sad; 15 January 1875[1] 9 November
1953), usually known within the Arab world as Abdulaziz[2] and in the West as Ibn Saud,[3] was the rst
monarch and founder of Saudi Arabia and the House of
Saud, the third Saudi state.[4]

the raid proved protable, it attracted more participants.

The raiders numbers peaked at over 200, though these
numbers dwindled over the ensuing months.

In 1904, Abdulaziz of Al Rashid appealed to the Ottoman

Empire for military protection and assistance. The Ottomans responded by sending troops into Arabia. On 15
June 1904, Ibn Sauds forces suered a major defeat at
the hands of the combined Ottoman and Rashidi forces.
His forces regrouped and began to wage guerrilla warfare against the Ottomans. Over the next two years he
was able to disrupt their supply routes, forcing them to
retreat. The victory of Ibn Saud in Rawdat Muhanna,
in which Abdulaziz died, ended the Ottoman presence in
Najd and Qassim by the end of October 1906.

In the autumn, the group made camp in the Yabrin oasis.

While observing Ramadan, he decided to attack Riyadh
and retake it from the Al Rashid. On the night of 15 January 1902, he led 40 men over the walls of the city on
tilted palm trees and took the city.[14] The Rashidi govHe reconquered his familys ancestral home city of ernor of the city, Ajlan, was killed in front of his own
Riyadh in 1902, starting three decades of conquests that fortress. The Saudi recapture of the city marked the bemade him the ruler of nearly all of central Arabia. He ginning of the Third Saudi State.
consolidated his control over the Najd in 1922, then conquered the Hejaz in 1925. He extended his dominions
into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932. As King, he
2 Rise to power
presided over the discovery of petroleum in Saudi Arabia
in 1938 and the beginning of large-scale oil production
after World War II. He fathered many children, includ- Following the capture of Riyadh, many former supporters
ing 45 sons,[5] and all of the subsequent kings of Saudi of the House of Saud rallied to Ibn Sauds call to arms.
He was a charismatic leader and kept his men supplied
with arms. Over the next two years, he and his forces
recaptured almost half of the Najd from the Rashidis.

Early life and family origins

Ibn Saud was born on 15 January 1875 in Riyadh in the

region of Najd in central Arabia.[6][7] He was the son
of Abdul Rahman bin Faisal, last ruler of the Emirate
of Nejd, the Second Saudi State, a tribal sheikhdom
centered on Riyadh. His family, the House of Saud,
had been a power in central Arabia for the previous 130
years. Under the inuence and inspiration of Wahhabi Islam, the Saudis had previously attempted to control much
of the Arabian peninsula in the form of the Emirate of
Diriyah, the First Saudi State, until its destruction by
an Egyptian army in the early 19th century.[8] Ibn Sauds
mother was a member of the Sudairi family,[9] Sarah Al
Sudairi.[10] She died in 1910.[11]

He completed his conquest of the Najd and the eastern

coast of Arabia in 1912. He then founded the Ikhwan, a
military-religious brotherhood which was to assist in his
later conquests, with the approval of local Sala ulema.
In the same year, he instituted an agrarian policy to setIn 1890, the House of Sauds long-term regional rivals, tle the nomadic pastoralist bedouins into colonies, and to
the Rashidis, conquered Riyadh. Ibn Saud was 15 at the dismantle their tribal organizations in favor of allegiance
time.[12] He and his family initially took refuge with the to the Ikhwan.
Al Murrah, a Bedouin tribe in the southern desert of Ara- During World War I, the British government estabbia. Later, the Al Sauds moved to Qatar and stayed there lished diplomatic relations with Ibn Saud. The British
for two months.[13] Their next stop was Bahrain, where agent, Captain William Shakespear, was well received by
they stayed briey. Their nal destination was Kuwait, the Bedouin.[15] Similar diplomatic missions were estabwhere they lived for nearly a decade.[13]
lished with any Arabian power who might have been able
In the spring of 1901, Ibn Saud and some relatives including a half-brother, Mohammed, and several cousins
set out on a raiding expedition into the Najd, targeting
for the most part tribes associated with the Rashidis. As

to unify and stabilize the region. The British entered into

a treaty in December 1915 (the "Treaty of Darin") which
made the lands of the House of Saud a British protectorate and attempted to dene the boundaries of the de1


veloping Saudi state.[16] In exchange, Ibn Saud pledged the Masmak Fort in 1938[21] and the palace remained his
to again make war against Ibn Rashid, who was an ally of residence and the seat of government until his death in
the Ottomans.
The British Foreign Oce had previously begun to support Sharif Hussein bin Ali, Emir of the Hejaz by sending T.E. Lawrence (a.k.a. Lawrence of Arabia) to him in
1915. The Saudi Ikhwan began to conict with Hussein,
Sharif of Mecca also in 1917 just as his sons Abdullah
and Faisal entered Damascus. The Treaty of Darin remained in eect until superseded by the Jeddah conference of 1927 and the Dammam conference of 1952 during both of which Ibn Saud extended his boundaries past
the Anglo-Ottoman Blue Line. After Darin, he stockpiled the weapons and supplies which the British provided
him, including a 'tribute' of 5,000 per month.[17] After
World War I, he received further support from the British,
including a glut of surplus munitions. He launched his
campaign against the Al Rashidi in 1920; by 1922 they
had been all but destroyed.

Ibn Saud had to rst eliminate the right of his own father
in order to rule, and then distance and contain the ambitions of his ve brothers particularly his oldest brother
Muhammad who fought with him during the battles and
conquests that had given birth to the state.[23]

3 Oil and the rule of Ibn Saud

The defeat of the Al Rashidi doubled the size of Saudi

territory because after the war of Ha'il, Ibn Saud sent
his army to occupy Al-Jouf and the army led by Eqab
bin Mohaya, the head of Talhah tribe. This allowed Ibn
Saud the leverage to negotiate a new and more favorable
treaty with the British. Their treaty, signed at Uqair in
1922, where he met Percy Cox, British High Commissioner in Iraq, to draw boundaries[18] saw Britain recognize many of his territorial gains. In exchange, Ibn Saud
agreed to recognize British territories in the area, particularly along the Persian Gulf coast and in Iraq. The former
of these were vital to the British, as merchant trac between British India and United Kingdom depended upon
coaling stations on the approach to the Suez Canal.
In 1925, the forces of Ibn Saud captured the holy city
of Mecca from Sharif Hussein, ending 700 years of
Hashemite rule. On 8 January 1926, the leading gures
in Mecca, Madina and Jeddah proclaimed Ibn Saud the
King of Hejaz.[19] On 20 May 1927, the British government signed the Treaty of Jeddah, which abolished the
Darin protection agreement and recognized the indepenSt. John Philby
dence of the Hejaz and Najd with Ibn Saud as its ruler.
With international recognition and support, Ibn Saud continued to consolidate his power. By 1928, his forces had
overrun most of the central Arabian Peninsula. However,
the alliance between the Ikhwan and the Al Saud collapsed when Ibn Saud forbade further raiding. The few
portions of central Arabia not under Saudi control had
treaties with London. This did not sit well with the Ikwhan, who had been taught that all non-Wahhabis were
indels. Tensions nally boiled over when the Ikwhan
rebelled in 1927. After two years of ghting, they were
suppressed by Ibn Saud in the Battle of Sabilla in March

Petroleum was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938 by

American geologists working for Standard Oil Company
of New York (SOCONY) in partnership with Saudi ofcials. Through his advisers St John Philby and Ameen
Rihani, Ibn Saud granted substantial authority over Saudi
oil elds to American oil companies in 1944, much to
the dismay of the British who had invested heavily in
the House of Sauds rise to power in hopes of open access to any oil reserves that were to be surveyed. Beginning in 1915, he signed the friendship and cooperation
pact with Britain to keep his militia in line and cease any
further attacks against their protectorates for whom they
On 23 September 1932, Ibn Saud united his dominions were responsible.
into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with himself as its
His newfound oil wealth brought with it a great deal of
king.[20] He transferred his court to Murabba Palace from
power and inuence that, naturally, Ibn Saud would use to

advantage in the Hijaz. He forced many nomadic tribes
to settle down and abandon petty wars and vendettas.
He also began widespread enforcement of the new kingdoms ideology, based on the teachings of Muhammad
Ibn Abd al-Wahhab. This included an end to traditionally
sanctioned rites of pilgrimage, recognized by the orthodox schools of jurisprudence, but at odds with those sanctioned by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab. In 1926, after
a caravan of Egyptians on the way to Mecca were beaten
by his forces for playing bugles, he was impelled to issue a conciliatory statement to the Egyptian government.
In fact, several such statements were issued to Muslim
governments around the world as a result of beatings suffered by the pilgrims visiting the holy cities of Mecca and
Medina. With the uprising and subsequent decimation
thereafter of the Ikhwan in 1929 via British air power,
the 1930s marked a turning point. With his rivals eliminated, Ibn Sauds ideology was in full force, ending nearly
1400 years of accepted religious practices surrounding
the Hajj, the majority of which were sanctioned by a millennium of scholarship.

King Ibn Saud converses with President Franklin D. Roosevelt

(right) through interpreter Colonel Bill Eddy, on board the USS
Quincy, after the Yalta Conference. Fleet Admiral William D.
Leahy (left) watches.

ical gures. One of these meetings, which lasted for three

Ibn Saud established a Shura Council of the Hijaz as early days, was with the U.S. President Franklin Delano Roo[32]
The meeting took place
as 1927. This Council was later expanded to 20 members, sevelt on 14 February 1945.
on board of the USS Quincy at the Great Bitter Lake in
and was chaired by the kings son, Faisal.
the Suez Canal.[32][33] The meeting laid down the basis of
the future relations between two countries.[34]

Foreign wars

The other meeting was with British Prime Minister

Winston Churchill in the Grand Hotel du Lac on the
shores of the Fayyoun Oasis, fty miles south of Cairo, in
February 1945.[35] However, Saudis report that the meeting heavily focused on the Palestine problem and was unproductive in terms of its outcomes, in contrast to that
with Roosevelt.[35]

Ibn Saud was able to gain loyalty from tribes near Saudi
Arabia, tribes such as those in Jordan. For example,
he built very strong ties with Prince Sheikh Rashed Al
Khuzai from the Al Fraihat tribe, one of the most inuential and royally established families during the Ottoman
Empire. The Prince and his tribe had dominated east- In 1948, Ibn Saud participated in the Arab-Israeli War,
ern Jordan before the arrival of Sharif Hussein. Ibn Saud but Saudi Arabias contribution was generally considered
supported Prince Rashed and his followers in rebellion token.[29]
against the Hussein.[25]
While the members of the royal family desired luxuries
Prince Rashed supported Izz ad-Din al-Qassam's de- such as gardens, splendid cars and concrete palaces, Ibn
ance in 1935 which led him and his followers in rebel- Saud wanted a royal railway from the Persian Gulf to
lion against King Abdullah of Jordan. And later in 1937, Riyadh and then an extension to Jeddah. This was rewhen they were forced to leave Jordan, Prince Rashed Al garded by all of his advisers living in the country as an
Khuzai, his family, and a group of his followers chose to old mans folly. Eventually, ARAMCO built the railway,
move to Saudi Arabia, where Prince Rashedi was living at a cost of $70 million, drawn from the Kings oil royfor several years in Ibn Sauds hospitality.[25][26][27][28]
alties. It was completed in 1951 and was used commercially after the kings death. It enabled Riyadh to grow
into a relatively modern city. But when a paved road was
built in 1962, the railway lost its trac.[36]
5 Later years
Ibn Saud positioned Saudi Arabia as neutral in World War
II, but was generally considered to favor the Allies.[29]
However, in 1938, when an attack on a main British
pipeline in the Kingdom of Iraq was found to be connected to the German Ambassador, Fritz Grobba, Ibn
Saud provided Grobba with refuge.[30] It was reported
that he had been disfavoring the British as of 1937.[31]

6 Personal life

Main article: House of Saud

Further information: Succession to the Saudi Arabian
throne and List of sons of King Abdulaziz ibn Saud by
At the last stage of the war, Ibn Saud met signicant polit- In accordance with the customs of his people, Abdul


6.1 Relations with family members

Ibn Saud in 1934

Ibn Saud was said to be very close to his paternal aunt,

Jawhara bint Faisal. From a young age, she ingrained in
him a strong sense of family destiny and motivated him
to regain the lost glory of the House of Saud. During the
years when the Saud family were living almost as refugees
in Kuwait, Jawhara bint Faisal frequently recounting the
deeds of his ancestors to Abdulaziz and exhorted him not
to be content in the existing situation. She was instrumental in making him decide to return to Najd from Kuwait
and regain the territories of his family. She was well educated in Islam, in Arab custom and in tribal and clan
relationships. All her life, she remained among the kings
most trusted and inuential advisors. Ibn Saud asked her
about the experiences of past rulers and the historical allegiance and role of tribes and individuals. Jawhara was
also deeply respected by the kings children. Ibn Saud
used to visit her daily until she died around 1930.[37]
Ibn Saud was also very close to his sister Noura, who
was one year older than him. On several occasions, he
identied himself in public with the words: I am the
brother of Noura.[11][37] Noura died a few years before
Ibn Saud.[11]

6.2 Assassination attempt

On 15 March 1935, armed men attacked and tried to assassinate Ibn Saud during his performance of Hajj.[38] He
survived the attack unhurt.[38]

In regard to essential values for the state and people he
said Two things are essential to our state and our people
... religion and the rights inherited from our fathers.[39]
Amani Hamdan argues that the attitude of Ibn Saud towards womens education was encouraging, since he expressed his support in a conversation with St John Philby,
where he stated It is permissible for women to read.[40]

Ibn Saud and Iraqi King Faisal in 1922.

Aziz headed a polygamous household comprising several

wives and concubines. According to some sources, he
had twenty-two consorts. Many of his marriages were
contracted in order to cement alliances with other clans,
during the period when the Saudi state was founded and
stabilized. Abdul Aziz was the father of almost a hundred
children, including forty-ve sons.

His last words to his two sons, the future King Saud and
the next in line Prince Faisal, who were already battling
each other, were: You are brothers, unite!"[23] Shortly
before his death, Ibn Saud stated Verily, my children and
my possessions are my enemies.[41]

8 Death and funeral

In October 1953, Ibn Saud was seriously ill due to heart
disease.[42] He died in his sleep of a heart attack at the
palace of Prince Faisal in Ta'if on 9 November 1953
(2 Rab al-Awwal 1373 AH) at the age of 78.[6][43][44]
Prince Faisal was at his side.[44] Funeral prayer was per-

formed at Al Hawiya in Ta'if.[6] His body was brought to
Riyadh where he was buried in Al Oud cemetery.[6][45]

[7] David W. Del Testa, ed. (2001). Sad, Abdulaziz ibn.

Government Leaders, Military Rulers, and Political Activists. Westport, CT: Oryx Press. p. 165. via Questia
(subscription required)

[8] History of Arabia. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online.

Retrieved 27 April 2014.


The US Secretary of State John Foster Dulles stated after

Ibn Sauds death that he would be remembered for his
achievements as a statesman.[46]



In 1935, Ibn Saud was awarded the Order of the Bath,[47]

in 1947 the Legion of Merit and in 1952 the Order of
Military Merit (with White Decoration).[48]


See also

King of the Sands (2012 lm) a biopic lm on Ibn

Saud directed by Najdat Anzour

[9] Mordechai Abir (April 1987). The Consolidation

of the Ruling Class and the New Elites in Saudi
Arabia. Middle Eastern Studies 23 (2): 150171.
doi:10.1080/00263208708700697. JSTOR 4283169.
Retrieved 25 April 2012.
[10] Fahd Al Semmari (Summer 2001). The King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and Archives (PDF). Middle East Studies Association Bulletin 35 (1). Retrieved 10
March 2015. via JSTOR (subscription required)
[11] King Abdulaziz' Noble Character (PDF). Islam House.
Retrieved 29 April 2012.
[12] Wallace Stegner (2007). Discovery! The Search for Arabian Oil (PDF). Selwa Press. Retrieved 29 April 2012.
[13] Mohammad Zaid Al Kahtani (December 2004). The
Foreign Policy of King Abdulaziz (PDF). University of
Leeds. Retrieved 21 July 2013.
[14] William Ochsenwald (2004). The Middle East: A History.
McGraw Hill. p. 697. ISBN 0-07-244233-6.



[1] His birthday has been a source of debate. It is generally accepted as 1875, although a few sources give it as
1880. According to British author Robert Lacey's book
The Kingdom, a leading Saudi historian found records that
show Ibn Saud in 1891 greeting an important tribal delegation. The historian reasoned that a nine or ten-year-old
child (as given by the 1880 birth date) would have been too
young to be allowed to greet such a delegation, while an
adolescent of 15 or 16 (as given by the 1875 date) would
likely have been allowed. When Lacey interviewed one of
Ibn Sauds sons prior to writing the book, the son recalled
that his father often laughed at records showing his birth
date to be 1880. Ibn Sauds response to such records was
reportedly that I swallowed four years of my life.
[2] Robert Lacey (1982). The Kingdom. New York: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 0-15-147260-2.
[3] Ibn Saud, meaning son of Saud (see Arabic name), was
a sort of title borne by previous heads of the House of
Saud, similar to a Scottish clan chiefs title of "the MacGregor or "the MacDougall. When used without comment it refers solely to Abdul-Aziz, although prior to the
capture of Riyadh in 1902 it referred to his father, Abdul
Rahman (Lacey 1982, pp. 15, 65).
[4] Current Biography 1943, pp. 33034
[5] King Abdul Aziz family tree. Geocities. Retrieved 23
August 2013.
[6] The kings of the Kingdom. Ministry of Commerce and
Industry. Retrieved 28 July 2012.

[15] Robert Wilson and Zahra Freeth. The Arab of the Desert.
London: Allen & Unwin, 1983. pp. 31213. Print.
[16] Wilkinson, John C. Arabias Frontiers: the Story of
Britains Boundary Drawing in the Desert. London u.a.:
Tauris, 1993. pp. 13339. Print
[17] Abdullah Mohammad Sind. The Direct Instruments of
Western Control over the Arabs: The Shining Example of
the House of Saud (PDF). Social Sciences. Retrieved 10
January 2013.
[18] Ibn Saud meets Sir Percy Cox in Uqair to draw boundaries
[19] Clive Leatherdale (1983). Britain and Saudi Arabia,
19251939: The Imperial Oasis. New York: Frank Cass
and Company.
[20] Odah Sultan (1988). SaudiAmerican Relations 1968
78: A study in ambiguity (PDF). Salford University. Retrieved 23 April 2012.
[21] Murabba Palace Historical Centre. Simbacom. Retrieved 22 July 2013.
[22] Rebirth of a historic center. Saudi Embassy Magazine.
Spring 1999. Retrieved 22 July 2013.
[23] Mai Yamani (JanuaryMarch 2009). From fragility
to stability: a survival strategy for the Saudi monarchy (PDF). Contemporary Arab Aairs 2 (1): 90105.
doi:10.1080/17550910802576114. Retrieved 5 April
[24] Anthony H. Cordesman (30 October 2002). Saudi Arabia enters the 21st century: III. Politics and internal stability (PDF). Center for Strategic and International Studies
(CSIS). Retrieved 1 May 2012.


[25] " .
." Noonptm. Retrieved 25 October 2011.
( ANN .)"Anntv.
1935. Retrieved 25 October 2011.

19 November

[27] .." ;
."Al Rai. Retrieved 25 October 2011.

."" Asharq Al Arabi.

Retrieved 25 October 2011.

[29] A Country Study: Saudi Arabia. Library of Congress Call

Number DS204 .S3115 1993. Chapter 5. World War II
and Its Aftermath
[30] Time Magazine, 26 May 1941
[31] Time Magazine, 3 July 1939
[32] Rudy Abramson (9 August 1990). 1945 Meeting of FDR
and Saudi King Was Pivotal for Relations. Los Angeles
Times (Washington DC). Retrieved 22 July 2013.
[33] President Roosevelt and King Abdulaziz. SUSRIS. 17
March 2005. Retrieved 22 July 2013.
[34] Gawdat, Bahgat (Winter 2004). Saudi Arabia and the
War on Terrorism. Arab Studies Quarterly 26 (1). Retrieved 14 September 2013. via Questia (subscription
[35] Ibn Saud meets British Prime Minister Winston
King Abdulaziz Information Resource.
Retrieved 22 July 2013.
[36] Michel G. Nehme (1994). Saudi Arabia 195080: Between Nationalism and Religion. Middle Eastern Studies 30 (4): 930943. doi:10.1080/00263209408701030.
JSTOR 4283682. Retrieved 11 April 2012.
[37] Stig Stenslie (2011). Power behind the Veil: Princesses
of House of Saud.
Journal of Arabian Studies:
Arabia, the Gulf, and the Red Sea 1 (1): 6979.
doi:10.1080/21534764.2011.576050. Retrieved 15 April
[38] Amin K. Tokumasu. Cultural Relations between Saudi
Arabia and Japan from the Time of King Abdulaziz to the
Time of King Fahd. Darah. Retrieved 2 January 2013.
[39] Joseph Nevo (July 1998). Religion and National Identity
in Saudi Arabia. Middle Eastern Studies, 34 (3): 3453.
doi:10.1080/00263209808701231. JSTOR 4283951.
Retrieved 5 April 2012.
[40] Amani Hamdan (2005). Women and education in Saudi
Arabia: Challenges and achievements (PDF). International Education Journal 6 (1): 4264. Retrieved 22 April
[41] Steen Hertog (2007). Shaping the Saudi state: Human agencys shifting role in the rentier state formation
(PDF). International Journal Middle East Studies 39: 539
563. doi:10.1017/S0020743807071073. Retrieved 17
April 2012.

[42] Warrior King Ibn Saud Dies at 73. The West Australian.
10 November 1953. Retrieved 2 April 2013.
[43] Richard Cavendish (2003). Death of Ibn Saud. History
Today 53 (11). Retrieved 29 July 2012.
[44] Ibn Saud dies. King Abdulaziz Information Source. Retrieved 9 August 2012.
[45] Abdul Nabi Shaheen (23 October 2011). Sultan will have
simple burial at Al Oud cemetery. Gulf News. Retrieved
29 July 2012.
[46] Western tributes to King Ibn Saud. The Canberra Times
(London). 11 November 1953. p. 5. Retrieved 11 April
[47] Sad K. Aburish (15 August 2005). The Rise, Corruption
and Coming Fall of the House of Saud: with an Updated
Preface. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 17. ISBN 978-07475-7874-1. Retrieved 11 August 2013.
[48] Boletn Ocial del Estado: Boletn Ocial del Estado

13 Further reading
Michael Oren, Power, Faith and Fantasy: The
United States in the Middle East, 1776 to the Present
(Norton, 2007).
Valentine, S. R., Force & Fanaticism: Wahhabism
in Saudi Arabia and Beyond, Hurst & Co, London,
2015, ISBN 978-1849044646
The Egyptian magazine Noon. Cairo, Egypt
History of Prince Rashed Al-Khuzai with King Abdul Aziz Al Saud an article published by the American Writer Muneer Husainy & the Saudi Historian
Khalid Al-Sudairy. 27 November 2009
The political relationship between Prince Rashed
Al-Khuzai, Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, and Saudi
Arabia Arab News Network, London United
The political relationship between Prince Rashed
Al-Khuzai and Sheikh Izz ad-Din al-Qassam, The
Arab Orient Center for Strategic and civilization
studies London, United Kingdom.
DeNovo, John A. American Interests and Policies in
the Middle East 19001939 University of Minnesota
Press, 1963.
Eddy, William A. FDR Meets Ibn Saud. New York:
American Friends of the Middle East, Inc., 1954.
Iqbal, Sheikh Mohammad. Emergence of Saudi
Arabia (A Political Study of Malik Abd al-Aziz ibn
Saud 19011953). Srinagar, Kashmir: Saudiyah
Publishers, 1977.

Robert Lacey (1982). The Kingdom. New York:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. ISBN 0-15-147260-2.
Long, David. Saudi Arabia Sage Publications, 1976.
Miller, Aaron David. Search for Security: Saudi
Arabian Oil and American Foreign Policy, 1939
1949. University of North Carolina Press, 1980.
O'Sullivan, Christopher D. FDR and the End of
Empire: The Origins of American Power in the
Middle East. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, ISBN
Alsabah Formal Egyption magazine, Rashed Al
Khuzai article. published in Cairo on 29 March
Francis R. Nicosia (1985). The Third Reich and the
Palestine Question. London: I. B. Taurus & Co. Ltd.
p. 190. ISBN 1-85043-010-1.
James Parry, A Man for our Century, Saudi Aramco
World, January/February 1999, pp. 411
Philby, H. St. J. B. Saudi Arabia 1955.
Rentz, George. Wahhabism and Saudi Arabia. in
Derek Hopwood, ed., The Arabian Peninsula: Society and Politics 1972.
Amin al-Rihani. Ibn Sa'oud of Arabia. Boston:
HoughtonMiin Company, 1928.
Sanger, Richard H. The Arabian Peninsula Cornell
University Press, 1954.
Benjamin Shwadran, The Middle East, Oil and the
Great Powers, 3rd ed. (1973)
Troeller, Gary. The Birth of Saudi Arabia:Britain
and the Rise of the House of Sa'ud. London: Frank
Cass, 1976.
Twitchell, Karl S. Saudi Arabia Princeton University
Press, 1958.
Van der D. Meulen; The Wells of Ibn Saud. London:
John Murray, 1957.
Weston, Mark, Prophets and Princes Saudi Arabia
from Muhammad to the Present, Wiley, 2008


External links

An article on his marriages and children (Arabic)

"Ibn Sa'ud". Encyclopdia Britannica (12th ed.).




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File:Arabic_albayancalligraphy.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons by Sdrtirs using CommonsHelper.
Original artist: murraytheb
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Arabia.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work Original artist: Anuskafm
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File:Harry_St._John_Bridger_Philby.jpg Source:
Philby.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: Image from The heart of Arabia, a record of travel and exploration (London:
Constable and Company, 1922) by H. St. J. B. Philby: Original artist:
Unknown<a href='//' title='wikidata:Q4233718'><img alt='wikidata:Q4233718' src='https://upload.' width='20' height='11' srcset='https:// 1.5x, https://upload.wikimedia.
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King_Abdul_Aziz_Al_Saud.jpg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Schmakkofatz
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the_mid-1920s.jpg License: Public domain Contributors: The Online Museum of Syrian History Original artist: Unknown<a
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Saudi_Arabia.svg License: Public domain Contributors: Own work, based on Flags of the World - Saudi Arabia: Royal Standard, Flag of
Saudi Arabia.svg and Coat of arms of Saudi Arabia.svg. Original artist: Thommy


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