To Banish Darkness

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To Banish Darkness

By Oriondruid
Summary: After surviving two Hunger Games Arena battles and bringing about the overthrow of
the evil Capitol regime of President Snow, more than anybody Katniss Everdeen and Peter Mellark
deserved to be happy and at peace. Sadly though so many dark shadows of past tragedies still
clouded their minds and brought them both terrible nightmares. But perhaps there was one place
they could go to heal themselves and each other? A place where they could finally lay to rest the
demons of their past, the 74th Hunger Games Arena! Despite their fears the couple both bravely
grasped the opportunity and in doing so found that some of the 'ghosts' from their past came back
to 'haunt' them. But ghosts, even those of old enemies, are sometimes friendly...

Disclaimer: As should be self-evident from my site profile I am not Suzanne Collins.

Therefore I hold no claim to these characters. They are all the brilliant work of the author
herself and I thank her for the opportunity to 'play' in her world for a while.

Author's Notes: This story, with it's 'ghostly' theme was originally intended to be posted at
Halloween, or what is otherwise known by my fellow Druids and I as the old Pagan Celtic
festival of Samhain. However, as many of the fan fiction writers here will recognise
sometimes happens, the story took on a life of it's own. It could not possibly have been
completed on time, having almost organically, 'growed like Topsy' from a simple idea for a
few pages into something much bigger. It's now a longish but complete 'one shot' because I
have become wary of publishing multi chapters, a bit at a time. My all too regular bouts of
apparently untreatable clinical depression mean that the need for updates can badly stack
up when I get 'the blues' and feeling pressure to complete unfinished stories can even make
matter's worse.
Like a lot of my 'stuff' written in both The Hunger Games and Harry Potter 'universes' this
is a story of redemption and love, but this time set in a place previously dedicated to fear
and death. It is another 'take' on some of the themes in my previous story Arena of Reunion,
but is not directly linked to it. Some may consider the 'spirits' of those who appear in the
74th Arena to be way too far 'out of character', but that is entirely the point! Death and
subsequent self-realisation are seen here as the ultimate transformative forces and this story
is about how the stunted and twisted spirits of some of those poor children hurt by The
Capitol's vile system and who died in that sad place learned to love and grow, to become
happy and 'move on'. It's also about how they help Katniss and Peeta to heal as well.

This can't go on Katniss! Peeta Mellark said. Nearly every night, it's me or you,
sometimes both of us, if we can't stop these terrible nightmares we'll end up insane

and kill ourselves, or worse still kill one another!

What can we do though Peeta? Other than drink ourselves senseless and try and
achieve a dreamless oblivion every night, like poor Haymitch used to have to do
before Effie helped him heal? It's a well known phenomenon 'survivors guilt' and in
our case it is worse because we aren't entirely innocent. We both had to do some
things we weren't proud of, in order to survive the Arenas.
I've been thinking about it Katniss. Peeta replied. My therapist Janny and I have
been talking things over and she and I have come to believe that only one thing might
help us. We should go back Katniss, revisit the place where all our nightmares
originated, go back to the 74th Hunger Games Arena!
Katniss looked stunned at his suggestion but Peeta carried on, saying; You must
know The Capitol preserved it as a memorial to all the lost children sacrificed to The
Hunger Games, they kept that one alone when they destroyed all the others. I've seen
pictures of how it is now and it's a natural, beautiful place, completely transformed
now that all the Gamemaker's weapons and surveillance equipment have been
removed and all the fear and killing is over. It was preserved because it's the place
where President Snow and the Capitol's regime first began to crack, the place where
you, in so many people's eyes, first became their Mockingjay because of the loving
way that you marked poor little Rue's death. Many people now go to visit it, to
remember their lost loved ones from all the many 'Games' over the years and give
thanks for our new found freedom.
Katniss thought over what Peeta had said, then smiled at him and replied, I think
you're right my love, going back there might be the only way we can banish the
demons and finally get closure on what they did to us all, the only way perhaps that
we can find some peace. We need this, it may be the only thing that'll help, let's make
some calls.
They found that being Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen still had it's privileges and
their request to the President and Council was looked upon favourably. It was
arranged that a hovercraft would be sent to collect them from District 12 and take
them direct to their old Arena. The site was to be temporarily closed to normal
visitors and given over to their private use, for as long as they felt they needed to be
Katniss and Peeta left the home they were sharing in the old Victor's Village after
saying goodbye to Haymitch and Effie and promising to return in time for the older
couple's upcoming wedding. They then walked the short distance to the new District
12 Memorial Park, which was a lovely place dedicated to all those killed in the
Capitol's bombing atrocity. Their hovercraft would collect them from the open

ground of the playing field there.

Walking through the newly rebuilt streets of their home town they passed houses that,
whilst still modest, were a far cry from the tumbledown wooden shacks of old, the
ashes of which had long been swept away. Over recent years since the survivor's
returned the 'new' District 12 was becoming a much more comfortable and healthier
place to live. It's citizens well fed, those mines that were still open were now far
safer, the miners better paid, better fed and living far less dangerous lives. The
District children also were now well nourished and growing tall and strong, with their
minds becoming filled with knowledge in the brand new and well equipped District
Ordinary people now had the right to travel, not just within their own District but
between them and also to the Capitol, which was becoming a popular holiday
destination for those growing number of people who were fairly well off. Terms of
trade were no longer determined by the Capitol's military occupation, but by normal
commercial bargaining and the merchant class of District 12 were now used to having
the right to freely haggle over prices. No longer was District 12 to be just a poor coal
mining area, they were also beginning to make pharmaceuticals, using sophisticated
coal based chemical and plant based biochemical technologies. There was also now a
newly established high tech factory, making various domestic electronic items, which
Beetee had come to District 12 after the war to help set up.
The economies of all Panem's Districts were becoming far less specialised in general,
political power more decentralised and a greater, more rewarding variety of work
opportunities were becoming available to all. Even in District 13 there was strong
revival in progress, with the populous regaining the chance to re-emerge from their
tunnels and bunkers and once again live in sunlight. To begin to rebuild and renew
their damaged land. The previous strict military control over the populous had
vanished with the death of President Coin and the nuclear weapons of both The
Capitol and District 13 had been dismantled and destroyed.
The leadership of Panem, both local and central were now elected by democratic
vote, the right to exercise which included all adult citizens over eighteen
countrywide. Everyone, be they District or Capitol people, had an equal right to take
part in the Presidential and Central Council selection as well being able to chose their
local District officials. Also, in honour of the lost children of The Hunger Games,
there was an elected Children's Council. This organisation had representatives
selected by a younger electorate, from the age group of those who might once have
been selected to die in The Capitol's murderous Arena's. This body of fine young
people had a fair degree of real power in certain specific areas, such as education,
health, sports, the arts and other youth relevant fields. Never again would the
country's children become mere fodder for an appalling series of televised atrocities.
Panem was finally becoming a truly civilised nation and not just a collection of
occupied territories, trampled under the boots of The Capitol's former military might.

All would have been well Katniss felt, had she and Peeta not been left broken and unrepaired, unlike the rest of their District and their country.
The Return
Their hovercraft was loaded with supplies enough to last them for several weeks and
they would, in addition to the usual camping requirements, both be carrying
communicator/tracker units. Katniss of course also had her bow and a hunting knife,
Peeta a spear and also a similar knife. These were needed as a precaution, since now
the perimeter forcefield was no longer active some large wild creatures had entered
the old Arena from the Northern Wilderness and taken up residence in it's woods.
Ordinary groups of visitors were always accompanied by a warden who was armed
with a hunting rifle in case of bears, wolves, surviving rogue mutts or suchlike. But
Peeta and Katniss would be entirely alone, so their weapons were vital tools and
needed to keep them safe. They could have taken a gun as well had they so wanted,
but both felt more familiar and comfortable with their own 'lower tech' weapons. In
any case since Katniss and Peeta were both formidable with their chosen weapons a
gun would have been of little additional advantage to the pair. Their skills would
ensure their place as top predators in those woods and they had nothing to fear from
any creature they might encounter there.
The communicator/tracker units they also had with them were a safety measure. The
electronic tracker network being the only part of the Arena's original technology still
left operating. But now nobody had to have tracker chips implanted in them against
their will anymore. All normal visitors to the old Arena wore tracker wristbands, just
in case anyone got separated from their group and guide and became lost in the
woods. In the case of Katniss and Peeta this function was built into the radio units
which they both carried in case they need to contact each other, if for some reason
they got split up.
The couple also had one other piece of technology with them, a small, lightweight,
easy to operate but sophisticated camera/recorder on which they intended to record
personal video diaries of their experiences in the old arena. This would work in
daylight or at night, had built in motion tracking autofocus and also could film in near
complete darkness, using either it's built in light or image intensification technology.
It had power enough on a single charge to run continuously for a week and spare
batteries were also carried. The use of this device had been at the request of the
President and the Capitol's TV network. It was intended that their 'video diaries'
would later be edited and a documentary film created, from diary clips and later
interviews, to be broadcast Panem wide. Katniss and Peeta would have full editorial
control of what went into the programme, but they could understand that a great
many people would be interested to see what would come about during their trip back
to the place where it all began. They were happy to co-operate with the plan, as long
as they didn't feel it too intrusive.

The couple were set down by their hovercraft in the lakeside meadow in which the
Cornucopia had previously stood, although this now had been replaced by a beautiful
memorial to all the children killed in all the Hunger Games. There was a twenty foot
high white marble statue on a stylised 'launch pedestal' of two young children, a boy
and a girl hand in hand with a four segmented circular polished dark granite wall
around it, with entrances at the cardinal points. This recorded the names of all The
Hunger Games victims from the very first to the last, their names engraved into the
stone and highlighted in real gold.
The memorial gleamed in the late autumn sun as Katniss and Peeta disembarked
nearby from their hovercraft, having had their supplies and gear unloaded for them by
two very helpful Avox attendants. Sadly after the war it had been found that nothing
could be done to restore the voices of these victims of the Capitol's former cruelty,
the horrible surgery to their tongues and vocal chords had been too extensive and
damaging to correct. But they all now had small voice synthesizer units with compact
control keypads on pendants around their necks, with these they could, in a limited
way, compensate for their lack of a real voice. All the Avoxes were of course now
free, they had been given substantial compensation payments for their mutilation and
enslavement and also, if they wanted it, were found suitable and interesting paid
work. The married Avox couple on their flight had told Katniss and Peeta, using their
artificial voices, that they were most happy to be of service to so famous a pair and
they were the very epitome of polite helpfulness throughout their flight.
As the Avoxes unloaded materials from their craft Katniss and Peeta worked with
them and stowed all their excess gear in an animal proof container made from a large
metal shipping crate. It formed a small cache near to the memorial, to which they
could return when they need to re-supply. Thus they would only need carry with
them a few days worth of food & water at a time, their weapons, their lightweight
'tech items', plus a sleeping bag and insulating ground mat each, along with a small,
light but thoroughly weatherproof tent. It would mean they'd have a much lighter load
to carry and made them more mobile.
Once all had been disgorged from their hovercraft Katniss and Peeta said a fond
farewell to their Avox helpers and waved to the flight crew at the controls of the
hovercraft, telling them via communicator they would contact them when they
wanted retrieval. The hovercraft then took off and headed away on a bearing towards
The Capitol. It had no need to use it's invisibility 'cloak', so Peeta and Katniss
watched it vanish to a dot, then turned to each other, embraced and kissed.
Alone At Last!
Peeta smiled at Katniss and said I know it's a clich love but I've gotta say it, so here
goes... Alone at last!

Yeah, you're right Peeta, it is a terribly corny clich, but in this case an appropriate
one. Katniss grinned. Let's take a look at the memorial before we move off into the
woods. It looks so beautiful.
Indeed it was, but also incredibly sad they both thought as they more closely
examined the statue of the two innocent and frightened looking young children. Their
young faces bore expressions they both knew all too well. Seeing this Peeta said. I
bet we both looked just as frightened as them when we emerged from the launch
tubes and were stood on those pedestals over there. I know I was terrified and didn't
think I'd last even beyond the first few minutes.
Katniss replied. I was terrified too, I wanted that bow they'd set up in the front of the
Cornucopia so badly I could taste it, but seeing you shaking your head about it
brought me to my senses and I ran from the 'bloodbath' after grabbing only a nearby
rucksack. Even then Clove nearly got me, but your warning not to get involved saved
my life in the first sixty seconds of the Games Peeta.
The couple then read some of the names on the memorial's wall. They concentrated
mainly on the later Games and of course a great many names they knew appeared in
the list of the fallen of the final two Arenas. Reading those names recalled the faces
of so many they'd known, both lost friends and old enemies and they both had tears in
their eyes by the time they got to the end of the roll of the dead. They held each other
tightly, slumped against the wall and cried together for several minutes, just thankful
to be alive and not to have become just another two names amongst the long list of
those who'd died.
Then they gathered their thoughts and Katniss with her tears drying bravely said,
Tonight I'd like us to revisit the cave where we hid whilst you were hurt Peeta. That
is the setting of one of my worst nightmares, the one where I failed to get you the
medicine you needed because Clove killed me slowly and sadistically at the feast,
leaving you to die horribly of your wounds, all alone.
Peeta looked concerned and said, Do you feel strong enough to take on that demon
our first night here darling? I know that horrible nightmare, you've told me it several
times and I have a similar one sometimes, where you went off to the feast and never
came back. I'm game to go there though, if you feel we really need to so soon.
Katniss, looking determined said. This isn't a vacation Peeta, it's our chance to heal,
perhaps our only chance and we must confront and defeat our 'demons'. So yes,
whilst I'm scared I really want to do this. Let's go, it'll be getting dark in a few hours
and we'll need to set up camp there before sundown.

Their Sanctuary
Back in the 74th Hunger Games Katniss had found the badly injured Peeta
camouflaged by mud and weeds next to a river. That river flowed into the lake, so the
pair began to follow it back up it's course to find their cave. Just as the sun began to
touch the horizon they made it back to the cleft in the rock which had been their
'sanctuary'. They swiftly gathered plenty of firewood in the deepening shadows and
lit a small fire. They knew that it would get cold later it being late autumn, although
for some while it had been unusually warm during daylight hours for that time of
year, with all the leaves still on the trees and only just starting to 'turn'. Having
assured themselves of adequate warmth they then laid out their lightweight foam
camping mats and sleeping bags on the most level part of the rock floor, their tent not
being needed as the cliff face overhung the rock cleft, forming a roof for the cavelike
Then Peeta set down the small video unit they had with them on a rock and the pair
began to give an account of their arrival in the Arena, their impressions of the
Memorial and how it felt to be back in their former 'sanctuary'. Both then tacked on
some individual impressions and insights about the day. Neither had any secrets from
each other as they undoubtedly would have been married by then, had they been
sufficiently mentally well. The pair both frankly admitted in front of each other their
trepidation about having to sleep there for the night, fearing the nightmares it would
almost certainly induce. Then they shut the machine off and ate some of their rations,
trying to comfort each other by engaging in fairly inconsequential chat about
Haymitch, laughing about his love/hate relationship with his geese and their latest
chaos inducing 'escape attempt', running squarking around the village, with Haymitch
in rampaging pursuit, yelling drunken threats at them.
They then discussed the fact that Effie Trinket was now a permanent fixture in his
life. They were a happy, if somewhat 'odd' couple, the former sophisticated Capitol
Escort and the ageing, grizzled and grumpy Hunger Games Victor. Effie's love had
been good for Haymitch and whilst he still drank a little bit to excess sometimes he
was a much improved, happier individual and getting better all the time. Their
wedding was coming up soon and Haymitch hoped to be totally 'dry' for the occasion,
other than taking a symbolic sip of champagne at the celebration of course. Well that
was the plan anyway, they'd believe it when they saw it. Katniss and Peeta were to be
important guests, and would be acting as Groomsman and Maid of Honour for the
pair in the ceremony.
The First 'Visitor'
It got late and growing tired almost against their will the couple eventually decided
they had to try and sleep, if they could manage it. They lay side by side in their
sleeping bags on their foam mats, with a folded towel and some spare clothes under
their heads to act as a pillow. Soon, probably because of the day's exertions and
stress, they did both fairly swiftly drift off into a reasonably untroubled slumber.

Then after some unspecified time had passed Katniss woke as she'd heard a female
voice calling softly from outside the cave's entrance. It called, Katniss, Katniss
Everdeen, wake up you dozy cow, get your head together 'Girl on Fire'. I've come to
talk, come out here, I need to speak to you without Lover Boy listening in.
Katniss was puzzled, as she knew that herself and Peeta were supposed to be
completely alone in the Arena. She also felt sure she somehow knew the voice she
was hearing, but just couldn't put a face to it. She got out of her sleeping bag, put on
her boots and with her hunting knife in her hand as a precaution she went out of the
cave entrance. Peeta seemed sound asleep and didn't stir as she did so. On the moonlit
riverbank in the shade of a tree she could just make out the figure of a girl, sat on a
rock watching the silvery water flowing by. She had her back to Katniss, but
nonetheless seemed strangely familiar.
As Katniss drew near the girl turned and in horror Katniss recognised her. It was
Clove! She looked exactly as she had when they'd first met in The Capitol, wearing
the same tracksuit she'd worn for Training. But Katniss knew full well that she had
died in the Arena several years ago, her head caved in by a blow from a rock wielded
by Thresh. 'This must be a new nightmare,' Katniss thought, 'Perhaps I'll wake up if I
really try, before it turns nasty.'
Clove looked at the hunting knife in her hand and said, Nice tool Katniss, good edge
on it, great for skinning and gutting but not much good for throwing though, lousy
balance. I had one just like it once.
Almost as if she'd read Katniss's mind Clove smiled a little sadly and said. No 'Girl
on Fire' this isn't a nightmare, I'm as real as I ever get to be these days, I died here in
this arena and never left, I guess that makes me a ghost. With that Clove stood up
and walked between Katniss and the brightness of the near full moon shining at a low
angle through the foliage overhead. Sat on her rock in the shadows of the riverside
trees Clove had seemed fairly solid, but now against the moonlight Katniss could see
clear through her, she was gossamer transparent.
It's good to see you again Katniss Clove said, her words sounding surprisingly
genuine. I know we were mortal enemies in The Hunger Games, but dying tends to
give you a bit of a new perspective on the past. I overhear things said by the visitors
who come here and their guides, things about what you did, overthrowing President
Snow and the Capitol regime with the rebels and even about the stuff before that. I
know all that happened in the Quarter Quell Arena, both to you and Lover Boy, (I
really must stop calling him that!) Clove snapped at herself, a little of her old mental
instability showing through.
However she then smiled again and said; Politeness never was my 'thing', sorry
Katniss. I meant to say about the second Arena that you and Peeta were forced into

and I guess what I'm trying to say is this, I got you wrong! I thought you were weak, I
thought you were just a show off, all fiery frocks and no moves! A 'one trick pony',
with that bow of yours that got you the top Gamemaker's rating. I was jealous of all
the attention you and your boyfriend got. I'm ashamed to say I was happy when Rue
was killed, knowing how sad it would make you and that it would leave you
vulnerable. Anyway, I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry. Being such a bitch got me the
only reward I deserved, a rock in the head from Thresh. I'm so happy for you and
Peeta. You've both done such marvellous things for all the people of the Districts and
I wanted to thank you on behalf of my family. Please don't fear me anymore Katniss,
if we meet again in your dreams please stop being afraid of what I almost did to you
and try to think better of me. I could never be your friend in life but at least by your
coming here again to this Arena it has given me the chance to apologise to you. I'm
glad you made it 'Girl on Fire', the best girl won! I'd shake your hand but that's sadly
not possible now.
Then Clove faded from view like slowly evaporating mist, but as she did she beamed
in happiness and joyfully said. I'm free Katniss, free of this place at last! It must
have been talking to you that did it. That was the thing I needed to do to be set free
from this Arena and now I can go and join Cato at last! Thank you 'Girl On Fire',
thank you for being so fair and for listening to me, it's more than I deserved from
you. I hope we'll meet again as friends some day!
As the vision of the dead girl faded away Katniss shivered, not merely because of the
night-time cold, but also because of the strangeness of what had just happened to her,
although she felt happy for Clove that she was finally free of the Arena. She then
headed back back into the cave and lay down again at Peeta's side. He stirred and half
awoke as she did so, asking where she'd gone. Katniss explained it by saying Just a
'call of nature' Peeta, go back to sleep. Then she soon drifted off herself into a
peaceful nightmare free slumber.
The next morning Katniss awoke feeling refreshed, both she and Peeta had got
through the rest of the night without either of them waking up screaming, but Katniss
did remember her strange dream about Clove. She felt that although it could not
exactly be called a nightmare it was certainly odd, but somehow comforting. Peeta
and herself then had some breakfast and began to pack up their kit into their
Peeta then said, I'm just headed off into the bushes before we set off, I bet it was
cold out there last night Katniss, I'm glad I didn't need to go then.
Katniss was shocked, as she'd rationalised her night-time encounter with Clove as
being down to simple dreaming, but apparently Peeta was confirming that she really
had gone outside the cave the previous night. She put on her boots, which indeed still
had some soft mud on the soles and went to look at the riverbank area where she had
'met' Clove. Sure enough her own footprints were plainly to be seen in the mud by the

rock which Clove had sat on. Her night's 'visitation' had been real!
Bless you Clove. Katniss said quietly and smiled. Thank you for coming to me
last night and for your honesty, I do believe that what you did will help ease the
nightmare I've been having about you and what nearly happened. Perhaps when we
meet in my dreams in future it may be as friends, as you hoped. I'm glad you're free
now, and at peace with your Cato.
The Tracker Jacker Tree
The couple spent a very pleasant day together by the river, mostly just walking hand
in hand or just sitting, talking on the river bank. Katniss told Peeta her strange story
from the night before and they also recorded it on camera. Peeta listened closely and
whilst obviously wishing to believe her he still tended to put it down as a dream, plus
perhaps sleepwalking on her part. As they talked they were both each fishing with
hand lines from their kit and competing to catch the fat brown trout in the stream. The
fish were very nave because they were generally left to lead undisturbed lives and
they both easily caught two of them each, before saying that would be enough for
Katniss and Peeta planned to spend that night camped by the tree where Katniss had
cut loose the tracker jacker nest and dropped it onto the Careers and also Peeta. At
that time, although Katniss didn't know it, Peeta, though he was with the 'Career
Pack' was in fact attempting to lead them away from her. The tree that Katniss got
trapped in was a place about which Peeta had nightmares, remembering not just the
terrible insect attack, but also the horrific event before it, when he had to make the
horrible decision to 'finish off' the mortally injured female District 8 tribute whom the
Careers had attacked after seeing her camp fire. Killing that girl was the one event
Peeta was the most conflicted about from his whole Arena experience. Was it mercy
or was it murder? Why had he volunteered to go back and finish her off after
Glimmer had bungled her killing and left her lying there, slowly dying in pain? Had
Peeta despatched her to end her suffering or to impress the Careers and begin to rack
up a 'score'?
The pair left the riverbank late in the afternoon and walked the two miles or so to the
tree where memories both good and bad awaited them. Upon arriving they checked
that no new insect nests had been re-established in the tree. They set up their small
tent and camp-fire, then cooked their delicious fresh fish for their supper. They then
spent a further couple of hours sat by the fire, talking with the camera running, but
ignored, about the many events that had happened in this very spot. There were both
good and bad memories here, bad mostly for Peeta but for Katniss it was the place
where her alliance with her friend Rue had begun, when the young girl had saved her
life by pointing out the tracker jacker nest and thereby giving Katniss a way to get
down out of the tree she was trapped in alive. Even though during the incident
Katniss had herself suffered several stings and their terrible venomous side effects

she had, with Rue's care and herbal knowledge, survived and from then the friendship
and alliance between the two girls had blossomed. Peeta had bravely insisted on
staying by the tree that night, as two of his worst nightmares happened in and around
that setting.
Peeta's 'Victim'
Eventually the couple went to bed in their tent and Katniss drifted off into a deep
slumber, having a very happy dream about her time with Rue, before the little girl
was sadly killed.
Peeta on the other hand was totally unable to sleep, terrified that if he did he's once
again see the clouds of insects enveloping himself and the Career Pack. Frightened
that he'd once again be made to see the once lovely Glimmer becoming a horrible
mass of swollen flesh as she screamed her last. Or maybe it would be the even darker
dream about his killing the District 8 girl, the one where he never knew if what he
did to her was good or evil.
Eventually he decided to get up and taking a torch from his rucksack and putting on
his walking boots he left Katniss in their tent and without waking her he headed
towards the nearby spot in which the girl he'd killed had once lit her camp-fire, the
fire that had betrayed her all those years ago. As he got nearer to the place it
happened he became very afraid, but bravely pressed on, hoping that actually being at
the scene of the girl's death might help him overcome his bad memories.
He arrived at the exact spot and sat on the leaf mould and grass beneath the trees
there, then as it was becoming very cold and perhaps as as something of a memorial
to the dead girl he lit another small fire with the dry twigs he found around the place.
He sat for some time just gazing into the flames and then said out loud, I'm sorry '8',
I still don't know why I did it, was it right or wrong, how can I know? Was I being
merciful or a murderer?
He was startled to receive a reply. A girlish giggle and then a voice saying. Peeta
Mellark, why do you even trouble yourself over my death?
He looked up and there she stood, young and pretty as the day she'd appeared in her
interview with Caesar Flickerman in the Capitol. She was even wearing the same
lovely green evening dress she had worn then, which seemed a little incongruous out
here in the wilds. She smiled at him and came to sit next to him by the fire, as she did
so her clothing smoothly morphed into her more suitable woodland outfit, consisting
of a sweatshirt, waterproof jacket, jeans and walking boots which she'd once worn
and her hairstyle became far less formal and fussy, turning into a simple braid not
disimilar to Katniss's prefered style, although her hair was auburn. When she got
closer he noticed she was semi-transparent, the flames shone visible through her body
as she drew near his camp-fire and passed in front of it.

She smiled at him as she sat down and said. You were my saviour Peeta, why do you
beat yourself up about finishing me? The wound I'd suffered was mortal but it might
have taken me hours of torment to die. You stopped the pain and set me free, I bless
you for your compassion. Clove was finally able to join us last night thanks to
Katniss and she told me you two were back in this Arena. Rue's been watching over
Katniss on and off and she told me about the horrible nightmares you've both been
having, so I had to come back here tonight to help set your mind at rest. I have
nothing but thanks for your kindness and I am sure it was no more than human
decency that made you come back and stop my pain. Don't give it another thought
Peeta. The man who could go on with Katniss and achieve what you both did
together is not capable of cold blooded murder.
Then the ghost of the girl leaned in as if to kiss him on his cheek. Of course he felt no
contact but the spot where her lips would have been felt momentarily warm, which
surprised him, since he seemed to remember hearing stories told that ghosts were
always cold.
Peeta said. So Clove really did come to see Katniss last night then! It seems I have
some 'humble pie' to eat, I'd best find out the recipe and bake one when I get back.
He said smiling.
The girl smiled in return at what he said and replied. I don't think Katniss will be too
mad at you, after all it was a pretty incredible story she told you.
Peeta nodded then said, Thank you for this visit my dear, I'm so glad you came to
see me, this has really helped set my mind at rest. I'm ashamed to say I can't even
remember your name, I simply knew you by your District, as '8', whilst you
obviously know mine. What do they call you?
Alia, it's Alia Westerman, Peeta, and of course you don't remember my name. I don't
blame you since you only had eyes for one girl Tribute and were terrified for her
safety. As to me knowing you, well you were the consort of the 'Girl On Fire', you
two were the big news. Everyone in Panem knew who you were then and who you
both still are, even to this day.
Suddenly another female voice broke in from beyond their circle of firelight and said.
You can say that again Alia, and 'The Boy With The Bread' is not only famous, he
has nice buns too! How come you get a sneaky kiss and not me? I was his ally for a
little while after all. Looking up Peeta saw another face he knew well, the beautiful
face of Glimmer, the former District 1 Career was cheekily grinning at them both.
Peeta was utterly shocked, not so much at the arrival of another ghost, although that
was strange enough, but because Alia then giggled at what Glimmer said and showed
no hostility to her arrival, despite the fact that Glimmer was the former girl Career

who'd bungled her murder and left her there to die in pain.
Whoa! Hold on! Peeta said. This is getting too weird, one ghost at a time like
Katniss met, that I can just about go with, but two at once! And in any case Alia, you
should hate Glimmer, she's the one who left you here wounded and dying, forcing me
to make the decision to finish you off. What's going on here?
Glimmer, who had arrived already wearing more suitable outdoor gear, smiled at
Peeta and Alia and sat down by the fire with them both, saying; Well Lover Boy, it's
like this. As I believe Clove told Katniss last night, being dead gives you a whole new
perspective on things, you can take 'the long view' and are forced to be honest with
yourself. I soon came to realise that what I'd done to Alia was really shitty, an awful
thing to do! It's bad enough that we were forced to try to kill one another, but I should
at least have had the decency to have done so cleanly, not leave her to suffer like I
did. Thank you for correcting my mistake Peeta and being so kind to dear Alia. After
all we Careers were supposed to be 'professionals' and my attack on her was rank
amateurishness and callousness at it's worst. I apologised so many times to her, both
for what I'd done and how badly I did it. Thankfully Alia has also learned to see some
things differently and eventually she accepted the truth of my shame over what I did
to her. Believe it or not it's now 'bygones', we're good friends now and hang out
together a lot, that's why I'm here tonight with her.
Alia smiled and said; Yeah, that's right Peeta, certainly the pain was horrible, but it
goes away and then thinking about it I realised that I too would have happily killed
Glimmer if I'd got the chance to, in order to survive, to so-called 'win' The Hunger
Games. Not that anyone ever really could, because 'victory' was a sham and no more
than a passport straight to a haunted and horrible life. One of being sexually exploited
by the degenerates in The Capitol and being forced to 'Mentor' other poor kids, then
watching them being sent off to the Arena to face an almost certain horrific death. But
at the time, because we'd been brainwashed, both Glimmer and myself were ignorant
of what so-called 'victory' would really mean and we both thought we wanted it.
The young girl's ghost went on, saying; So then Peeta, given that I would cheerfully
have murdered Glimmer myself then in all fairness I could scarcely blame her for
killing me, although I must admit that for quite some time I was more than a bit
unhappy about her doing it so badly. But like she said, I've forgiven her now, after all
I was her only real 'cold blooded' kill. Prior to that she killed no-one other than in the
'kill or be killed' frenzy of the Cornucopia 'bloodbath' and despite her training she had
never been in a such a situation for real, had never had to kill a real live person in
cold blood, only training dummies that didn't beg for mercy or bleed. It was her lack
of experience and nervousness that were to blame for her bungling the job, rather
than intentional cruelty. Anyway, Glimmer may once have been a murderess but her
remorse is genuine, plus she's clever, beautiful and fun to be around, now that she
can't kill me anymore that is. All the boys love her, she's a real 'party animal' knows
where and when all the fun things are happening and I get to ride on her wave of

popularity. Then she cheekily stuck her tongue out at Glimmer and both girls again
Peeta shook his head in amazement, grinning at this bizarre turn of events and said,
sounding astonished; And there was me thinking I was beginning to get the hang of
understanding women, but you two, you're something else, you really are. Anyway,
it's taught me one lesson meeting the pair of you again, that all that angsty guilt I was
feeling is nonsense! In the end one way or another we all die and there's time enough
to sort things out when we leave this earth. We should just enjoy it as much as we can
whilst we're here.
Glad we could be of help setting your mind at rest Peeta. Alia said.
Then Glimmer asked. I need to see Katniss tonight whilst I'm here Peeta, is that
okay with you?
Yeah, sure Glimmer, after Clove's friendly visit I'm sure she'll be glad to see you.
She's up in our tent by the tracker jacker tree. Talking of that, I felt so guilty that I
couldn't get you away from those horrible bugs, I've had many nightmares about it,
although I nearly died myself and it was sheer panic for all of us. To see what those
horrible stings were doing to you was awful, you got the worst of their attack and
were such a mess. I'm so glad you're beautiful again now Glimmer. I know Katniss
sometimes feels a little bit guilty about it too, but for her it was 'kill or be killed', she's
got a reasonably clear conscience about the issue.
I know it was self defence on Katniss's part Peeta and I don't blame her in the least,
or you for not trying to save me. Had you tried it would simply have meant you'd
have died as well, so please don't blame yourself. Could you give me a while alone
with Katniss though, we really need to talk and I have little time left here.
Of course I will Glimmer, bless you both for coming back to see me and thank you
again girls for putting my mind at ease, I feel a great burden has been lifted. That's
two nightmares about this place I doubt I'll ever have again.
Glimmer then leaned over and kissed Peeta on the cheek as Alia had earlier and once
again he felt the warmth of the girl's lips on his cheek. Bye Peeta, she said, see you
later. Are you going to keep this hunk company for a little while Alia, whilst I visit
I sure will Glimmer, and I'll see you back here later, we need to go by dawn don't
I won't, and don't you two go getting up to anything you shouldn't do in the
meanwhile. Glimmer said, winking and smiling at the pair as she got up from the
camp-fire and walked off into the trees.

A Glimmer of Understanding.
Katniss was still fast asleep in the small tent when Glimmer's ghost arrived. Rather
than wake her she decided to insert herself into her dream.
Katniss was dreaming about a time when Rue and herself had been sat in the wood,
talking together about their love for their families and sharing anecdotes about them,
it was one of the few peaceful lulls that they'd had in which to relax. However,
Katniss was fully aware, as is often the case with many people, that this was a dream
and was not, unlike the previous night with Clove, a real event. She knew it was
simply a memory of a happy time replaying in her mind. A time when she had felt
safe with a loved friend.
Katniss soon realised the dream, which was one of the better ones she sometimes
experienced, had begun to change. Katniss heard footsteps approaching through the
woods and turned to see Glimmer emerging from the trees. This she knew had not
happened before and she also knew that Glimmer would, in any case, have been dead
by the time in which this particular dream was set.
Glimmer was, however, smiling and not, as Katniss felt she had the right to be,
exhibiting any aggression. Hello Katniss. Glimmer said. I've just been talking with
Peeta and Alia by her old camp-site He told me you were here and that I could drop
by. Don't worry, I wish you no ill will and in any case could do you no harm now,
even if I wanted to.
Are you really here Glimmer or is this just a dream, only you seem more solid than
Clove did last night. Katniss asked her.
In this case it's both. Glimmer smiled at her. I really am here in the Arena but this
time instead of waking you I let you sleep on and just slipped into your dream. I
guess I'm just more considerate than Clove. But she's getting better, being stuck here
for so long seems to have taught her some lessons and she's almost human now.
Glimmer smiled at Katniss who couldn't help giggling a little at what she's said. The
former Career then went on, saying By the way, thank you so much for freeing her
from this place, it's great to have her back with us again. Nobody is exactly sure how
she managed to get stuck here and unable to 'move on' but the consensus seems to be
it was her poor mental state when she died, that it was her violent psychosis that held
her here. Rather, that is, than it being down to her being any more 'evil' than the rest
of us Career dupes that the Capitol and our Districts brainwashed. Another theory is
that it was the 'Powers of Light', who decided that a peaceful time here alone would
be healing for her soul and help clear her mind. Either way Cato's been a so sad, an
inconsolable mess alone without her. I suppose that for both of them it could be seen
as 'just punishment' for what they did, but if that's the case then why only those two

and not the rest of us? But in any case it's good to see Cato smiling again now they're
Katniss looked around and saw that the spot where Rue had been sitting was now
empty. She felt a little sad she'd gone and it must have showed on her face.
Seeing this Glimmer said consolingly, You know she wasn't real Katniss, that was
just a memory you were reviewing, so you've lost nothing because you can have that
dream again anytime you like. Don't worry though, in any case you'll be seeing Rue
for real again before you leave this Arena, that's something she asked me to tell you.
Anyway, listen up 'Fire Girl', I could make big speeches of forgiveness for your
killing me in such a horrible fashion, but what's the point, Clove said it all last night,
all that stuff about redemption and getting a new perspective on things. I must admit
that it was not a nice way to go, but then again we were all trying to kill you, in fact if
I wasn't such a lousy shot I'd have done so with that bow. You were fully justified in
using whatever means you could to save yourself. She's damn smart, that little tree
top friend of yours, I'd never have thought of using those bugs as a weapon.
Glimmer went on to say; I know I must have looked a horrible mess when you saw
me after the attack and you came to get the bow, but I was dead and beyond all the
pain and the horrible hallucinations. Well you know how it felt, you had a dose of that
nasty bug venom yourself. So buck up Katniss, be the 'Girl on Fire' again. Stop
mopeing and distressing over past tragedies, you did some bad things, sure, as we all
did, but we were not the instigators. Those who were mainly responsible are now
dead and can't hurt any of us ever again, so it's over! You, Peeta and the rebels have
totally transformed Panem and it is now unrecognisable from it's old disgusting self.
So go on with your life Katniss Everdeen, have babies with that hunky Baker Boy of
yours, live, enjoy, don't forget us but please remember us as we are now, not as the
fools and murderers we were conned into being back then.
Katniss smiled and almost tried to hug Glimmer, stopping at the last moment thinking
it wasn't possible. But then Glimmer smiled at her and said Go ahead girl, it won't
work in the real world, but that's not where we are at the moment. It might be
possible here in a dream, I wouldn't know 'cos I've never tried it.
So Katniss hugged her and found that indeed it was possible, as both young women
kissed each other on the cheek. Then Glimmer said. Well it was nice seeing you
again Katniss Everdeen, make sure it's Katniss Mellark soon, you promise me?
Katniss blushed and nodded. Then she said, We'll meet again someday Glimmer,
next time as friends. Please ask Cinna to organise a party for Peeta and I when we
eventually get there will you?
Glimmer grinned, and replied; Yep, I sure will, but I'll do the decorating and most
of the arrangements, I'm the 'party animal' after all, I'm famous for it! Cinna will be

too busy to do it all in any case, he'll have his work cut out designing all our dresses.
By the way, he asked me to say hi and that he loves you very much.
Please tell Cinna that I love him too and that I'll see him later. Katniss replied,
Glimmer got up to leave, saying I must be off now and go and stop dear Alia from
seducing your boyfriend, she's such a flirt. It'd never work out anyway, they're such
different people, worlds apart really. She grinned.
Katniss grinned back at her, then sat up fully awake in her tent and whilst reaching
for her boots said Hold on Glimmer, I'm feeling wide awake now anyway, I'll come
with you and say hello to Alia as well, before you both go. I never really knew her
much, other than as just another face at the Training Centre, it'd be nice to meet
properly at last. And as to her seducing my boyfriend, I very much doubt there's any
ectoplasmic 'hanky panky' going on. Peeta's too 'noble a spirit' for that, he's really
quite shy with other girls.
Glimmer waited as Katniss dressed warmly and then both the living and ghostly
young woman headed off together the few hundred yards through the moonlit trees,
soon arriving at the camp fire, which was blazing merrily and sending red sparks
skyward, Peeta having stoked it up with some larger branches.
They heard Alia and Peeta laughing loudly as they approached and then as the duo
entered the circle of firelight Peeta winked at Alia and then said to Katniss , Hello
my love, are you okay? Only you look like you've seen a ghost! Then they all burst
out laughing hysterically.
Eventually, when the mirth had died down Glimmer said to Katniss, And this is the
guy you say is shy with other women? He seems pretty relaxed to me.
Katniss grinned at her and replied. Oh it's only live women he sometimes has a
problem with, when it comes to dead ones it seems he's quite the charmer.
That's okay then, as long as it doesn't get 'physical', 'cos there are laws against that
sort of thing. Glimmer replied, grinning back at Katniss.
Necrophilia isn't your style is it Peeta? Katniss asked.
Peeta simply poked out his tongue and blew her a raspberry as his only reply.
That's what makes me love him so much girls, he's so mature. Katniss smiled. So
anyway, it looks like you two have been having a nice chat whilst Glimmer's been
with me. Hi Alia, it's nice to really meet you at last, I take it from all the laughing as
we got here that Peeta and yourself have resolved any old 'issues' between you both.

Alia smiled at Katniss and replied. There were no 'issues' Katniss. What Peeta did
for me I always felt was a blessing, an act of compassion and now he knows it too,
it's all bygones and never were's.
Yep, I think that's another nightmare or two gone up in smoke. Peeta said, smiling.
By the way Katniss, you won't be surprised to learn that I now completely believe
what you told me about meeting Clove last night. Sorry for doubting you my love.
I'm gonna look a bit of an idiot when the video of that riverside chat gets aired, cos
I'll have to eat my words in the commentary. As far as I'm concerned the evidence
that it really happened is pretty conclusive. In fact I asked Alia if it would be possible
to film a ghost, but sadly it isn't, they have no physical presence to reflect light, their
images are created directly in our minds and won't show up on a camera. It's a big
shame as we'd make a fortune with a real verifiable 'ghost film'. Anyway, how'd you
and Glimmer get on, girly chat all sorted?
We're fine Peeta, Glimmer and I have been having a nice talk, We don't bear any
grudges either. It didn't take us long to work that out, so we've also been planning a
party we'll be having some time later when you and I get to 'heaven'. I'm gonna make
you take dancing lessons Peeta Mellark, 'cos Glimmer and Cinna are going to be
planning a massive welcome party for our 'heavenly' arrival. On the walk over here
Glimmer suggested we make it a formal ball and I agreed. I'd love an excuse to wear
one of Cinna's beautiful gowns again.
Peeta was a terrible dancer, he had to admit Katniss was right, and the idea of having
to learn to do so properly was not one he cheerfully entertained. Katniss, Alia and
Glimmer all just grinned at Peeta's discomfiture, he could scarcely believe it but his
night had just got even weirder!
Maybe there's still some tracker jacker venom soaked into the ground under that
tree, I'm really still in the tent and this is all a hallucination? He desperately thought
to himself for a second or two, then rejected the idea as baseless rationalisation,
accepting the events for what they were, genuine but strange.
The first light of a dawn sun, although still well below the horizon, was beginning to
hit the high wispy clouds above the arena, making them glow a faint pink. Glimmer
and Alia stood up and Glimmer said, Well you two, we'd best be off, we shouldn't
stay here in daylight or who knows what, we might even get stuck here like poor
Clove did for so long. We'll see you again, but hopefully not too soon. Bless you
both, have a good life and a long one, know we love you and will be waiting to greet
you when the time comes. By the way Katniss, as I said earlier Rue wants to see you
tonight, so be sure and be at the place where she died. She's bringing a companion
with her to say hello as well.
Bless you both, Katniss replied. I'll look forward to tonight then and thank you for

everything you two. Bye Glimmer, Bye Alia. See you later.
Bye loves, Peeta added. See you both in a while.
Glimmer replied, Until later then, and Alia said, Bless you both, have a great life.
Then after kissing them both on the cheek again the young women's ghosts faded
away, waving happily as they went.
Well we'd best get back to the tent and try and get a bit more sleep then Katniss, it
looks like we'll be up all tonight as well. Peeta said.
Okay, but I don't know if I will get much sleep, I'm so excited 'cos I'll be seeing little
Rue again tonight! She beamed with excitement and joy at Peeta, who kissed and
hugged her and after extinguishing the fire led her off to their small tent for another
The Blessing in the Wood.
That day, after rising in the late morning, having in fact achieved a few more hours
sleep, Peeta and Katniss went walking back to their cache by the Memorial at the old
Cornucopia site, to restock with food and get more fresh water. By going direct
through the woods and not going back to the river and following it's meanderings the
distance was cut in less than half, so they arrived in time for a late lunch. They had a
picnic there, sat by one of the old launch pedestals which had been left in place in
their circle and enjoyed the sunshine which was still bright and fairly warm. With
their camera running they gave a detailed account of the previous night's 'visitors',
then began to discuss the implications of what they'd been told.
You know what Katniss? Peeta said, sounding very relaxed. I don't think I will be
having any of those nightmares about what happened to us in the Arenas anymore.
And thankfully the other nightmares and 'episodes', the ones due to being imprisoned
and hijacked in the Capitol, are fairly rare anyway and are getting less intense. I can
usually tell whats real or not real now and Janny, my therapist, has really helped me
with the bad memories about that time, although she says I may always suffer some
'flashbacks'. But as far as here and the other arena are concerned I think all my old
demons are gone, or rather they aren't demons any more, but angels.
Katniss smiled at him and teasingly replied, Angels eh? I thought you and Alia were
getting on a bit too well when Glimmer and I turned up at the fireside last night. I can
see I'll have to keep a close eye on you two when she's around!
Peeta tried to splutter out a denial of any amorous intent, but Katniss just laughed at
him, saying, Only winding you up sweetheart, Alia may not be exactly an 'angel' but
I think she realises that you're 'out of bounds' and if she tried anything I'd 'clip her
wings' for her.

Peeta got her joke and laughed, feeling relieved that she really did trust him. Then he
secretly smiled to himself thinking, 'Perhaps I was flirting just a little bit, come to
think of it, but to be fair romance was never my 'strong suit' and I probably need the
He then got more serious and went on to further explain his feelings about the
benefits of the couple having returned to their old Arena, saying; Katniss, I think
that even the nightmares that involved other people than those we've so seen here so
far, as well as the ones that originated in the second Arena we were forced into feel
far less traumatic, now that I know so much love and forgiveness are possible. You
know what? I think that even if I met Cato's ghost now that he'd no longer frighten
me. I'm glad he's got his Clove back, he may have been a total bastard, but he was a
brave total bastard and he deserves to have his 'warrior girl' at his side. Perhaps she'll
even be able to 'civilise' the bloody git a little, since she's turned over a new leaf.
Peter grinned.
I agree, those two are perfect for each other and I'm glad they're back together. Apart
from both having been vicious murderers they really were quite cute together.
Katniss smiled broadly, making Peeta realise what she's said was at least part 'tongue
in cheek'.
Finishing their meal and packing away the extra supplies that they needed from their
cache into their backpacks the pair headed out to hike to the clearing in the wood
where Rue had been killed.
The place was deep into the woods and once again the sun was getting low when they
arrived, casting a beautiful dappled light into the open space. Katniss was, at first, a
little sad and nervous about entering the clearing, her feelings being that it was almost
a 'holy' place. A place somehow apart from the rest of the world. To her it was the
true memorial for her fallen friend. Peeta took Katniss's hand as they stood at the
clearing's edge, squeezed it gently and said, Buck up 'Fire Girl' Rue's gonna be
coming to see you soon, you don't want her to see you looking unhappy do you?
They set up their little tent a few feet from the spot where the young girl had died and
afterwards Peeta pulled out something from his backpack that Katniss didn't even
know he had with him, a small bottle of red wine and a couple of plastic tumblers. He
filled their 'glasses' and then pulling Katniss to her feet he took the bottle with the
remaining wine over to the exact spot where Rue had once lain, dead and covered in
the flowers Katniss had gathered. Setting up their camera/recorder on a fallen log
positioned to cover the scene he took hold of Katniss in a tight embrace and kissed
He said; If I may I want to do something Janny's taught me Katniss, something that's
very old. It's something special, like what you did for Rue with the flowers and your

salute. It's something that even pre-dates Christianity. It is a way to show respect for
the dead, a way to give thanks for their lives, for their love and to honour their
Katniss nodded her permission and Peeta then gently up-ended the bottle in his hand,
letting the remaining wine flow onto the ground onto the spot where Rue had died.
He said, Blessed Be Rue, we give thanks that you brought light and friendship into
this dark place and are eager to see you again tonight. Blessed Be also all those who
suffered and died in this Arena and the many similar ones created by men's evil, be
you previously our friends, foes or strangers to us from long ago. Know that you are
loved, missed and not forgotten.
Then Katniss and Peeta both drank deeply from the wine in their beakers and then
tipped the last of it onto the ground as an additional 'offering'.
Katniss was crying copiously and she said. That was beautiful Peeta, It's was like
nothing I've ever seen before, spirituality without religion, ritual without dogma, it
was amazing.
Like I said, it's something I learned from Janny my therapist. She is interested in
ancient religions and spirituality and she is teaching me some of this old stuff, she
says it may be calming to my soul. I think she's right.
It certainly was calming to mine Peeta, perhaps when we get back to District 12 we
should both work with Janny and try and learn and more of this stuff. I was never one
for religion, I never saw how any just and loving God could permit The Hunger
Games to exist, but this is different, this is 'real'.
Peeta told her, I had initially intended to do this at the Memorial site, it seemed the
right place before I arrived here, but this clearing seems even more appropriate, it is a
far more 'sacred' place and far more important to you Katniss my love. In any case I
now have something else very important that I want to do back at the Memorial
before we leave. For now though, to practical matters, it's getting dark, it'll be cold
later and we'll need plenty of firewood for tonight. Let's gather lots before it gets too
dark to see it.
The pair then set about gathering dead wood with a will, until the deepening twilight
brought a halt to their activities. They then sat around the fire as it burned gently,
eating supper and with a pot of coffee brewing by the fire's heat. Then using the
camera's built in light intensifier to amplify the firelight and compensate for the
gathering gloom and with it set up on a small rock by their camp they videoed a
section about the 'ceremony' they'd carried out, plus some more about the healing
effect of the previous nights events and also what they'd discussed on that afternoons
trek to the clearing.

Killer and Victim

By the time they finished it was around midnight and the moon was rising when
Peeta said, Do you think it's worth us going to bed Katniss? I'm really not that tired,
but how are you?
Sleep, are you kidding Peeta! I couldn't, I'm just so anxious to see little Rue again,
this wait is killing me.
Then a kindly sounding male voice spoke from the darkness outside their circle of
firelight, startling them and saying, Then I'm glad to say your wait is over Katniss,
here she is, go and say hello honey. And Rue, looking 'pretty as a picture', her hair in
bunches tied by ribbons and wearing her blue 'interview dress' stepped into the
firelight and walked over to hug and kiss Katniss. The two of them were soon crying
tears of happiness and saying how much they'd missed each other. Katniss, with
streaming tears, was saying how sorry she was not to have got back in time to save
her life, with Rue telling her it didn't matter and she should not blame herself, that she
believed her death in the Arena had been more or less a certainty, almost pre-ordained
before she'd even entered the place and that at least thanks to Katniss she'd not died
alone, terrified and unloved.
Then, with the pair regaining some degree of emotional control the little girl walked
over to Peeta and said: I never knew you as well Peeta, but I saw you two together in
the Training Centre and on the Interview evening and you looked so well suited to
each other. I'm so grateful to you both for all that you've done for my family and all
the Districts, you were so brave, both of you. You, Katniss and the Rebels have
remade the our world. Thank you. Then she hugged and kissed Peeta as well.
It was then that Peeta noticed something very odd indeed, how did she do that? Rue
was apparently solid, a warm, living little girl, not an insubstantial ghost.
His puzzlement must have been obvious, as the unknown male who was barely
visible at the edge of the ring of firelight chuckled and said, Yes Peeta my friend,
here in this clearing and on this night she is real, a living, breathing little girl again.
Your friend Janny has probably told you that this time of year is known a Samhain,
an ancient Celtic festival when the dead may return to console the living who love
and miss them The Powers of Light have granted this night as a reward for all that
you and Katniss have done and have had to go through. It is an incredibly rare event
for them to intervene directly to change reality, but you two deserve it, and so does
Rue. It is because she was a total innocent when she died that this physical return is
possible. But in any case Rue's 'afterlife' is somewhat different to that of the rest us.
Think of her as what the Christians call an 'Angel', she has been granted abilities
beyond those permitted to most of the dead. In her kindness she insisted she be
allowed to use her powers, so that that I too could be solid and near human again in

this one place, whilst I'm acting as her 'escort'.

And just who are you my mysterious friend, out there in the gloom? Please come
into the firelight so we can see you properly. Peeta replied.
Very well Peeta. The voice said. But I don't know how welcome I'll be. And then
Marvel stepped forward into the fire's glow, drawing a gasp of shock from both
Katniss and Peeta.
It took them both a while to recover their composure, not because he was another
ghost of the dead, they had both become completely used to that idea, no, it was
because Marvel, Rue's murderer, had apparently been chosen by her to be her 'escort'
to the clearing. They were shocked that incredible though it seemed, she trusted him.
I thought I might not be very welcome Rue. Marvel said smiling sadly at the little
girl. Nevertheless I still hope it'll be worthwhile my coming.
Then he turned to Katniss and said. Katniss, you and Peeta have learned much of
forgiveness whilst you've been here, of what is possible from those who have already
visited you. I hope and believe this has eased your minds and helped cure your
damaged spirits. But what you now see is the very purest and strongest kind of
forgiveness, the forgiveness of a wronged innocent is the most powerful and
transformative force there is. Rue has forgiven me for what I once did to her. It was
her love and forgiveness that saved me from going to the 'other' place. That place of
darkness and despair that Presidents Snow, Coin and so many other tyrants, killers
and truly evil men and women end up. My dearest friend Rue saved me from what
the Christians call hell and there are no words of gratitude strong enough to describe
my feelings towards her. The shame I felt for what I did almost destroyed me, but she
dragged me back from the gates of hell itself, she saved me! By now Marvel was
crying and broke down sobbing.
Then Rue ran over to the crying young man and hugged him, saying, There there
silly Marvel, I know you are truly sorry for what you did and you know that all the
darkness is in the past. Cheer up, this is supposed to be a joyful occasion and sad
tears are not meant to mar it. Only tears of joy are allowed here tonight.
Pulling himself together at Rue's loving words Marvel smiled at her and said, But
those were tears of joy, or at least gratitude Rue. And the young girl smiled in return
and hugged him tighter.
Then Marvel carried on speaking to Katniss saying. I have something else I need to
tell you Katniss. I forgive you for killing me as well, in fact I thank you for it!
Otherwise how many more innocents might I have killed? What sort of monster was I
becoming? You did me a favour dear Katniss, both you and Rue together saved me
from what I might have been, bless you my dear.

Upon hearing this Katniss's former hatred of the young man melted away. She stood
up and walked over to Marvel, held his hand, kissed his cheek and replied. And if
you can forgive me for my vengeful killing then you'll make me a better person too
Marvel. What I did was wrong, I killed you out of fury and frustration, it made me
spiteful! It was a deadly frustration that nothing I could do would ever save Rue's life
and that I had been just seconds too late returning here. Thank you for bringing my
dear Rue back to see me here tonight.
Katniss then smiled at Marvel and Rue, and returning to Peeta's side she firmly but
happily said; Now enough of this angst and past sorrows. Let's have some fun! Rue,
as you're alive here tonight can you eat sweeties? Only I have a big chocolate bar in
my rucksack, would you like it? And Marvel, there's still some food in the packs if
you're hungry and we've got fresh coffee.
Marvel declined to eat but accepted a mug of coffee. But a grin spread across the
young girl's face at the mention of chocolate and Rue replied, What, a whole bar to
myself! I never had so much before. Then can we play hide and seek? The moon's
full and rising and there should soon be enough light to see by well enough, once our
eyes get used to it.
Katniss nodded and smiled, saying, Yes okay Rue, but only if you stay on the
ground, we can't climb trees as well as you so that'd be cheating. And don't go too far
from this clearing, there are wild animals in these woods that have come down from
the northern wilds, bears and such and I wouldn't want you harmed.
Rue looked at Katniss with a strangely puzzled expression on her face and then
grinned, saying, Okay 'big Sis', but you forget I'm an angel now, nothing can harm
me and no wild animal would even try. In any case I've sent all of them away from
here for the night, but even if I hadn't I can do this. And thus saying she took Katniss
by the hand and together they soared straight up into the treetops, then gently glided
down again, as graceful as a pair of mockingjays.
Over two hours later Katniss, Peeta and even Marvel who had also joined in the game
of hide and seek were tired, but Rue still had boundless energy. As they sat by the fire
getting their breath back Rue said to Katniss, Please tell me about the Mockingjay
dress you wore, the one Cinna made you as your wedding dress. I heard about it from
one of the Capitol girls who died in the attack on the city. Not everyone there was on
President Snow's side, as you know. I have lots of good friends who were sadly killed
in the fighting supporting the Rebels. Anya was one of them, she was very young but
was carrying messages for local Resistance fighters that had to be kept 'off air'. She
got shot by Peacekeepers. Anyway, she told me about a marvellous dress you wore
that made President Snow so furious.

So Katniss told Rue all about the incredible mockingjay dress that Cinna had created,
the white wedding dress that transformed by false fire as she spun into a black
feathered representation of a mockingjay. They both grinned as she told her friend
how furious it had made the former President, how he'd looked like he would explode
when he saw it. Then she sadly said, My wonderful little sister Prim would have
loved to have been there to see it, but now she might never see me in any of Cinna's
beautiful creations, she died in the attack on Snow's mansion did you know?
But of course I do Katniss. Rue replied. Prim's one of my very best friends, we're
practically sisters! She wishes she could have come here tonight as well, but sadly
she couldn't. Thanks to you volunteering to take her place she was never here as a
Tribute in this Arena for The Hunger Games. This meeting place has been set aside
solely for those who fought here originally, so sadly she had to remain behind.
But then Rue gave a sly grin and said, She's very sad about it, but as you both know
all too well Katniss and Peeta, this Arena is particularly infamous for last minute rule
changes, so don't despair! We may well find a way to sneak Prim in, as well as some
other members of your families, plus other old friends and ex-foes might just get in
here yet, before you have to leave. You've plenty of supplies, far more than the three
days worth you've used up so far, so even though I'm pretty sure you've both already
healed enough to go home why not take the opportunity for a little vacation here? It's
a lovely place now that all the killing, hatred and fear have gone, so there's no reason
not stay here a few more days and I've got a feeling this 'party' is not over.
When I get back I have some serious lobbying to do, along with Cinna whose a wily
fox and wise in the ways of 'heavenly politics', plus I've several other friends who'll
help me. We'll be working along with lots of influential people we know to try and
make history repeat itself, with luck more 'last minute rule changes' might just happen
here once again.
The Beauty Revealed
Katniss had noticed that sometimes Rue sounded older and more grown up than when
she'd first known her, even though she still looked exactly the same. Hearing what
Rue had just said, and how it had sounded she asked her, Rue, do people still grow
up in 'heaven' if they die young?
Ah, so you've caught me out then Katniss, you clever girl. Rue smiled. Whilst we
spirits do not age, as such, we can appear any age we wish to, up to our real 'mortal'
one. Up 'till now I've stayed in the age you knew me for this meeting because I
wanted to relate to you as I did when we first met as friends and allies. Would you
like to see me at my proper age, the one I would be now?
I would very much like that Rue. Katniss replied. And Peeta nodded too.

Very well Katniss, Peeta, but brace yourselves, I'm hideous. Rue grinned.
Then the twelve year old child grew taller and more adult before Katniss and Peeta's
astonished eyes. Her body grew into that of a beautiful, graceful young woman in her
late teens and her face changed also, from that of the pretty child they knew into one
of a stunning beauty. Her hair grew long and straighter and fell from it's bunches into
dark brown waves onto her flawless shoulders. Even Rue's clothing had transformed
into a dress which, whilst still as beautiful and the same blue as her interview gown,
was more suited to her new age and stature, it's ultra glamorous styling showed it
could only have been designed by one person.
Peeta and Katniss were stunned by what had just happened and both gaped
wordlessly in amazement.
Rue grinned and said, See, I told you I was hideous, it looks like you two can't even
speak you're so scared.
Peeta replied first saying, My God, Rue, you're so beautiful, you must know it.
That's why I have no words.
Katniss then said, Oh, but your gorgeous Rue, I knew you had to be 'cos you were
such a lovely child. But really this is beyond anything I expected. And that dress! It's
by Cinna isn't it? It's unmistakeable.
Thank you both so much. Rue beamed. Yes Katniss this 'little number' is of course
one of Cinna's, and you should see your sister Prim in the matching styled red one
she wears when we both go to parties together. We make quite a stunning entrance in
our matching 'frocks', even if I do say so myself.
Katniss instantly went to pieces, from joy to terrible sorrow in less than a second.
Rue, seeing her crack up rushed over to help as Peeta supported her, stopping her
from completely collapsing to the ground and holding her tightly. Watched by a
concerned looking Marvel who also looked ready to rush in and aid him Peeta
lowered her gently to the floor by the fire as Rue took her hand saying, Katniss,
sweetheart, what's wrong, did I say something bad?
After a short while a sobbing Katniss, through tears and struggling to get the words
out said; No Rue, it's not what you said. It was just the vision of my lovely little
sister Prim, all grown up and beautiful like you are. I missed it all as she grew, she
was so young when she died. She'd only had one boyfriend and what with both the
Arena's and then the war going on I was not able to be there for her anything like as
much as I should have been. I so wish I had been able to be her big sister, protect her
and give her advice. Then when you said about her wearing a dress like yours it hit
me so hard, the loss, the sorrow, when will I see her again? Then she broke down

again and Katniss moaned softly to herself. Oh Prim, I miss you, I need my 'little
duck' but now she's gone forever.
Marvel stepped in with concern on his face and gently said, But she's not gone
forever, you know that Katniss, she's just 'somewhere else' at the moment and you'll
be together again one day. And what's more if you need her to be your 'little duck'
again, just like Rue here Prim can shift her age she can become so again, at least for a
little while.
Peeta holding her hand told her. Marvel's right my love, Prim's only 'in the other
room' just a few footsteps away. You'll be together again all in good time, the new
friends that we've made here have taught us that haven't they?
Thats right Katniss. Rue said, putting her arm around her shoulders. Listen to the
boys, those who love us are never far away, no more than a heartbeat's distance. Their
love never diminishes and one day, when it is time, there will be a joyful and
complete reunion. You know this, you have seen the evidence here with your own
eyes. This is not a matter of 'religious faith' whatever that is, it is a simple matter of
fact. So stop crying honey and kiss your Peeta. I'll have one too if there's any going
spare. I'll bet they're sweeter than that chocolate bar you gave me.
Katniss couldn't help but grin a little at that, and pulled herself together. She was
helped to her feet and then did as she was told, kissing Peeta passionately on the lips
and then Rue was also kissed, but more chastely in gratitude. Then she looked at
Marvel, smiled and with open arms said, C'mon then lummox, why should you be
left out? And kissed and hugged him as well!
Smiling and happy to see Katniss strong again Rue said. Marvel and myself must go
back soon, but like I said, why don't you two take a few more days vacation here?
Don't be too eager to leave, District 12 will be fine by itself for a little while more,
you've done more than enough for them and The Capitol to have earned a proper
Rue smiled and continued, saying; My friends and I will have a lot of bottoms to kiss
or kick, there's bureaucracy to bypass even in 'heaven'. We're going to organise a little
'rebellion' of our own, I'm fairly sure we can talk most people around, but I'm
thinking of one particularly stubborn guy who's in the group that deals with what you
might think of as 'mortal relations'. He's an awful 'rulebook stickler'. I think I'll ask
Thresh to go and loom over his desk for while, that should make him more flexible.
Rue grinned her old, cute 'little girl grin' at the thought of tormenting a bureaucrat
and then said; By hook or by crook never fear you two, several people who really
want to see you again will be coming here before you go home. This isolated place is
a unique facility and a one off opportunity, so why waste it? I promise it'll be worth
the wait, meanwhile enjoy it here, relax, by mistake the Gamemakers created a pretty

place and it's all yours, tax free and funded by the Capitol, even the weather is being
nice and looks 'set fair' for a while longer, so what more could you want?
Katniss and Peeta agreed they'd stay a few more days and would enjoy a nice break.
Rue smiled and then said mysteriously to Peeta, Can I have a little word in private
for a second before Marvel and myself leave.
He looked puzzled but replied, Of course you can Rue.
Step into my office then. Rue said and she led him a short way off into the trees.
Once out of earshot of Katniss and Marvel she asked. I hope you've got it with
Got what with me? Peeta replied, sounding confused.
Don't be silly Peeta. Rue smiled. The thing you've been carrying around
everywhere with you for nearly a year, you know full well what I mean!
Oh that. Peeta said shyly, Yeah, it's in my rucksack.
Good, now listen carefully, here's the plan....
A couple of minutes later Rue and Peeta emerged from the trees to find a slightly
puzzled Marvel and Katniss waiting for them. They both smiled a little guiltily and
then Rue said, Nothing to worry about, just clarifying with Peeta some arrangements
about a little surprise I hope to set up. Anyway Katniss, Peeta, it's been wonderful to
see you again but Marvel and myself better be going now, we've lots to arrange.
Then, after taking their leave as the first slivers of light began to appear on the
horizon Rue and Marvel vanished.
The Last Night.
Peeta and Katniss had spent three days of deliriously happy and relaxed holiday
together in their old Arena. They'd 'skinny dipped' in the freezing cold lake, emerging
covered in goose bumps and shivering in each other's arms to rub each other dry in
the big fluffy towels they'd brought on their trip to double as pillows. They'd made
love in the sunshine on the riverbank, surrounded by the tall trees and song of the
Mockingjays. They'd hunted in the woods, cooked their groosling and squirel kills
over an open fire and slept in each others' arms by their camp-fire under the stars, not
even bothering to put up their tent as they'd zipped their sleeping bags together and
shared warmth. None of their old nightmares had troubled them and they had come to

truly believe that at last they were free of them.

On the third evening they decided to camp not far from the Memorial, in the meadow
by the side of the lake. They felt that even though they hadn't yet heard from Rue that
they really should get back to District 12 the next day, as it was getting nearer to
Haymitch and Effie's wedding and they needed to be home to arrange some things.
They planned to recall their hovercraft to pick them up in the morning. However, in
the early evening, after they'd finished their supper and were sat by their fire a
familiar figure came to join them in their camp. It was Rue, she was back and
beaming at them, looking jubilant and in her older 'real age' persona, but much more
casually dressed in clothes better suited for where they were. She did however,
remain just as solid and 'alive' seeming as she'd done earlier.
Peeta and Katniss were delighted to see her again and greeted her warmly. They
asked her about her non 'ghostly' condition and she beamed at them, saying, I got an
extension on this, what can I say but somebody 'up there' likes me, but that ain't all!
Unable to stop smiling Rue went on, saying, We did it guys, we kicked their butts
and they've conceded. The 'Powers of Light' have agreed, although to be fair they
were never the real obstacle, it was some more 'petty' officials we had to 'arm twist'
Everyone's coming to see you off and they'll all be here an hour or so before dawn, so
we must be sure to be at the Memorial by then.
Oh we're not likely to need sleep anyway, we had a good nap this afternoon.
Katniss explained to her and added, smiling shyly, We got a little, 'physical' earlier
and needed a sleep to recoup some energy. We can nap on the flight back tomorrow in
any case. Can you stay with us till dawn Rue? It's so lovely to have you back in my
life. She said, smiling.
Of course I'll stay Katniss. Rue replied, Can I invite a few more friends along to
make it a party?
Of course Rue. Peeta said. The more the merrier.
Rue didn't say anything vocally, but evidently the invite went out as immediately
Clove returned to the Arena, but this time with a familiar figure holding her hand.
It was none other than the arch Career, Clove's lover, Cato. However the young man
who now appeared seemed a very different person from how Katniss and Peeta
remembered him. Far more relaxed, still 'fighting fit' but with all his former bravado
and aggression gone. He was wearing the simple 'tracksuit' type sports outfit he'd
worn in the Capitol's Training Centre, as indeed was Clove, but it was obvious from
their manner that neither of them had come to fight.
They both smiled at Katniss and Peeta, then Cato, all false pride gone, said softly; I
don't know how to thank you Katniss, you gave me my Clove back and now I have

all I ever wanted, I was so alone and now we are one again. I don't deserve such
kindness from either one of you, but believe me I am in your debt. Time is 'different'
where we are now, much more 'flexible' and we two have been back together again
for some 'apparent' time longer than it has been in your world. It's been long enough
for us both to 'heal' some more. With Clove at my side I am a better man and she is
calmer too.
Then smiling at his girlfriend Cato said, You're not such a psycho bitch now are you
my love? Instead of blowing up as she once would have at his verbal provocation
Clove simply smiled at Cato, nodded and kissed him. Cato continued, saying, That
goes for me too, once all I thought about was killing and winning a 'victory', but now
I see that was all insane and pointless. Now we both know all will be well for us and
that all we need is each other to be happy. I wish I could shake your hand Peeta, but
that will have to wait 'till we are on the same 'plane' of existence, but, with your
permission and hers may I kiss your young lady?
Peeta and Katniss both smiled and nodded, Cato stepped up and gave Katniss a chaste
kiss, which, as she was by now expecting, she felt as a warm spot on her cheek, the
imprint of Cato's lips.
Clove, still smiling lightened the formal mood by saying, Sorry about the 'tracksuit'
outfits by the way guys, we can change 'em if you'd prefer but it's what we like to
slob around in. In any case we were both doing some training together when we got
the 'call' from Rue and shot straight down here. After all, just 'cos one's dead there's
no need to let yourself get out of shape. Cato and I would miss it anyway if we
stopped training, it's been such a large part of our lives. But now it's good to know
that it's not leading up to anything nasty like The Hunger Games, we just do it for
fun. He beats me with spears, I beat him with knives, but in unarmed combat we're
pretty much evenly matched most of the time believe it or not. He's much bigger and
stronger than me but sometimes I can turn his strength against him, 'cos I'm faster,
nastier and sneakier. She smiled at Cato who nodded ruefully in agreement,
obviously from 'painful experience'.
Then Clove went on, saying, But there's one thing we still both lack from our skill
set though, we're lousy at archery just like Glimmer. Perhaps you'll teach us all when
you eventually 'arrive' Katniss? Ever since I first saw you practising it at the Training
Centre I've always wanted to be able to do that rolling shoulder dive thing you do
with your bow in your hand, the one that ends up with you in a kneeling position
ready to shoot. That's so cool! Clove beamed in admiration.
It'll be my pleasure Clove, and in return you can teach me your knife throwing
techniques, I can't hit a barn door from twenty feet. Don't bother changing the
training gear though, it's always suited you both anyway and you look better in it than
Peeta and myself ever did, that's for sure. Katniss smiled.

Cato turned to Peeta, saying, You can help out with the weight training too if you
like Peeta. I remember when you lobbed that big heavy metal ball thing at us Careers
in the Training Centre. I never thought it'd even get half way, but it was impressive I
must say! For a second before it hit that rack I thought it'd bowl us down like skittles.
Lots of us ex-Tributes and not just the Careers have started a little 'training club' and I
have been attending for a while to try and take my mind off of missing Clove, it
didn't work though.
Cato looked momentarily sad, but then squeezing his girlfriend's hand to reassure
himself that his lonely time was over he carried on, saying; Anyhow, the girls and
guys there are planning to start holding some reasonably non-violent(ish)
competitions. Not that anybody could get really hurt now in any case, but we're
aiming at something like we've read about. It's an old pre-Panem sporting 'Games'
tournament called The Olympics, but we'll be doing it with different events, more
suited to what we know best. There'll be more types of manual weapons skills than in
the original, and also all sorts of unarmed combat, climbing, pursuit and evasion
games, both for teams and individuals, it's gonna be fun! You and 'Fire Girl' oughta
enter as a team. He beamed and Peeta and Katniss and they said they'd look forward
to it.
Just then a spectacularly glamorously dressed Glimmer in a semi transparent outfit
not unlike the gold one she'd worn for her Capitol TV interview, along with Alia in a
sophisticated and slinky emerald green evening gown and with her long auburn hair
piled up in a stunning fashion both materialised by the fire. Glimmer smiled at Peeta
and Katniss and said Hi again you two, this is nice, I didn't expect to be seeing you
both again so soon but we just got 'the call', thanks Rue! We were at a party but it was
a bit slow and stuffy, lousy music and no decent 'nibbles'. This sounded much more
fun and subversive so we slipped out before anyone could notice. Marvel will be
along later with a guest, but he's taken it upon himself to go and tell some of the
others to be here for the pre-dawn, as permission for us all to come was only granted
last minute and he wants to be sure everybody knows about it who should. That boy
never relaxes, anybody'd think he had a guilty conscience. Glimmer winked and
grinned at Rue.
Then both the girls party outfits transformed, shape-shifting into far more practical
and comfortable sweat shirts, jeans and trainers better suited to their current location
and both their hairstyles changed to become simpler and more practical also. Then
they all sat by the blazing camp-fire and began to chat and laugh together.
Bit by bit more people, both old friends and ex foes turned up as they sat around the
fire and eventually quite a number were assembled. Thresh arrived looking strong,
tall and fit as ever. He shook hands with Cato, slapped him on the back and then
kissed Clove's hand, an eye boggling sight considering the history of mutual violence
they all three had shared. He said a very polite hello to Peeta, thanked Katniss
profusely for her loving care of Rue then kissed her cheek, as well as those of all the

other girls around the fire. All that is bar one, as he finally took Rue in his arms, lifted
her clean off of the ground and kissed her far more passionately on the lips, it was
obvious they were now very much a happy couple. Katniss speculated that Rue had
probably momentarily used her angelic powers, temporarily making Thresh as 'solid'
as herself so that she and her boyfriend could kiss properly.
Marvel as had been promised eventually arrived, with the red headed girl Katniss had
only previously known as Foxface. Her real name turned out to be Amber Finch, or as
she told them just Finch as a nickname. Whilst initially a bit shy she soon relaxed and
proved to be a delight, smart as a whip and very witty. However, Katniss and Peeta
deliberately and discretely failed to ask Finch about how she'd died, as neither was
quite sure if the berry poisoning had been accidental or intentional on her part and
they felt it would be bad manners to enquire. As the party carried on into the night it
got later and later, then earlier and earlier as all the former Tributes present all talked
and laughed together in a big and merry circle round the well stoked up fire.
Eventually Rue suggested that they all started to head towards the nearby Memorial,
as it was getting nearer to dawn and those who had not yet arrived would be there
A Question Asked, With Friends.
It was just over an hour 'till first light as the happy group from the camp-fire made
their way towards the Memorial, which was only a few hundred yards away on the
other side of the lakeside meadow.
The white marble of the children's statue palely shone, more ghostly looking in the
light of the low, waning moon than even the group of spirits who accompanied
Katniss and Peeta. By comparison and with the exception of Rue who remained
'alive' even though they were not solid and were all in ghostly form the group of
former Tributes were far more colourful and 'real' than the statue figures, seeming to
radiate a gentle light of their own.
The group reached a point near to where the statue was and stood, awaiting the
promised arrival of many other's due to be there. Suddenly, in a part circle described
by the still present arc of 'launch podiums' there were a host of other ghosts present.
Amongst them were Katniss and Peeta's fathers, Peeta's mother, and to Katniss's
delight her beloved sister Prim. Also present was Madge, the ex mayor's daughter and
Katniss's former friend who had originally given her the gold mockingjay pin and
who'd sadly died later in the District 12 bombing. There were also all the rest of the
Tributes former friends and foes alike from both their Arenas, along with those rebel
friends they'd lost in the assault on the Capitol also present. They all made up a large
throng in a long arc, described by the podiums and almost surrounding the memorial.
Those amongst them who had been particularly close to Katniss and Peeta in life then
made their way towards them and the couple in turn ran towards their relatives.

Katniss was hugged by both her sister's spirit and her father's. Katniss looked in
astonishment at Rue and she smiled and winked at her saying, Strictly speaking I
didn't get permission to use my powers to do this, but I'll argue about it later if
anyone objects. Peeta also greeted his own mother and father in similar fashion, as
all the remaining large group by the podiums cheered enthusiastically.
Katniss could barely stand to let go of her father and Prim. He looked far healthier
and younger than he ever had as a careworn miner and her beloved sister had
appeared as the smiling young 'little duck' Katniss had known when she had
volunteered for her at the Reaping, all those years earlier.
Her beaming father told her, Katniss, darling girl, my songbird daughter, you did so
well, to look after your mother and sister so bravely and strongly after I was killed.
I'm so proud of what you achieved for everyone and glad for what you and Peeta
have together. Look at you, all grown up and a beautiful young lady! Prim here has
hardly been able to wait to see you again. I had to stop her from trying to sneak in
here earlier with your friends, but we who were not Tributes here are sadly only being
granted a short time before we must take our temporary leave of you again. He
sounded a little sad, but then smiled and said. But at least you're now certain it will
only be for a while and that we will keep watch over you.
Prim smiled at Katniss and said; Katniss, darling Sis, I've missed you so much,
thank you for taking care of my dear Buttercup, I'm so happy he managed to find his
way back to you in '12' all the way from '13', I told you he's a smart cat! Don't worry
about Lady, she is with us at home and she's happy, we've even found her a boyfriend,
the only problem we have is keeping them both out of the flower beds.
Primrose grinned but then looking more serious she said; When I was at Snow's
mansion I heard you call my name just before I died, I'm so sorry you had to see that
Sis, it was President Coin's horrible trick as you know. I don't blame Gale in the least,
he was as badly deceived as we bomb victims were so you shouldn't you blame him if
and when you see him again. Please don't worry about us two, Dad and I. We'll see
you and Mother again when it's time and I already have a spare room prepared for
you at home for when you and Peeta come to visit with us. Although time is different
where we are now it still seems to have been so long that we've been apart. I've
missed you so much Katniss.
And I missed you so much as well Prim. You know you saved my life in both the
Arenas, it was thinking about getting home to you and Mother that kept me alive, and
Peeta of course, I'd never have made it without him. Katniss said.
Prim continued, now more happily, saying. You know of course that this is not how I
really look now, don't you Sis, Rue told you that didn't she? Would you like to see me
as I really am?

Katniss grinned at her sister and said, I missed so much in your life Prim, of course I
want to see my little sister all grown up. Show me how beautiful you are now, my
'little duck'.
Then Prim began to shape-shift, she grew taller even than Katniss and her young
body began to take on more grown up and feminine curves. Her long hair unravelled
from her braids and hung down like a waterfall, which shone like pale silver and gold
in the moonlight. She became a beautiful young woman before Katniss's astonished
eyes, and yes, as Rue had said earlier, she was now wearing a gorgeous dress,
identical in styling to Rue's blue 'Cinna creation', but in a bright scarlet.
Her father beamed at his younger daughter with pride and then smiled at Katniss,
jokingly saying, So what do you think my young mockingjay, has our duckling
turned into a swan?
Katniss nodded happily and smiled at her father, then said to her sister, Your so
beautiful Prim, such a lovely young woman now, far prettier than me and taller too! I
can't believe I've been so blessed as to see you this way. I never wanted you to grow
up when you were alive, I loved my 'little duck', but now seeing you like this is so
wonderful. Thank you for coming to show me how lovely you are now dear Sis.
Meanwhile Peeta had also been talking earnestly with his Father, and Mother. They
both seemed to have undergone a massive change of heart since they'd been killed in
the bombing of their District and now both seemed far gentler and more loving
people. They were all three holding hands and smiling happily together.
Then Peeta catching sight of the transformed Prim out of the corner of his eye let out
an involuntary gasp, then called over to her saying; Wow, is that you Primrose?
What happened to the knobbly kneed little girl I used to know back where we lived in
'12'? You're a beautiful young woman now, I bet you're breaking hearts all over
'heaven'. Then smiling he said to Rue, You best use those 'angelic powers' of yours
to keep the wolves at bay, or Katniss and I might need to kick some boys asses
ourselves when we get there.
Don't worry Peeta. Rue smiled. Prim is a good girl, just like me. We watch each
other's backs when we go out on a 'girl's night' together and in any case there are no
really nasty people in 'heaven'. Rue grinned and went on, saying, But in any case I
won't need to use my powers to keep us safe, because Clove's promised to teach us
both a few moves to 'modify' any guys that get 'out of line'. Rue then said, Anyhow
Peeta, I thought you had something important to ask Katniss, now everyone's here as
Reminded by Rue's prompt Peeta recalled what he meant to do and went over to his
backpack which he'd left on the ground by the Memorial wall. Undoing the side
pocket he removed a small red velvet coated box and returned to Katniss, Prim and

their father. To the older man he simply said, With your permission sir?
Mr Everdeen obviously had worked out what was about to happen and nodded,
happily. Then Peeta went down on one knee, opened the red box and took out a
simple plain gold band and holding it out to Katniss. He said, This was my mother's
engagement ring, it was one of the few things from our house that survived the
Capitol's bombing and has been passed down to generations of Mellark wives. No
matter how poor we were our family never sold it. Miraculously it was found
undamaged in the ruins of our bakery building when they were cleaned up. Mother so
much wants you to have it. Katniss Everdeen my love, will you marry me?
Katniss took Peeta's hand, she was leaking tears of joy, accompanied by her sister
who was also crying happily, and as her father's ghost proudly looked on Katniss
replied. With all my heart I will marry you Peeta, I want us to be together, always.
Peeta smiled at her, winked and asked, Real or not real? Although he already fully
knew the answer.
Katniss laughed gently at his joke and happily replied, Real of course soppy. As he
slipped the ring onto her finger.
The cheer that went up from the assembled encircling spirits who'd witnessed it was
deafening, then all of them placed the three fingers of their hands to their lips and
then gave them a united salute.
Peeta and Katniss, hand in hand then turned to scan the faces of all those assembled
and as a faint glow appeared on the horizon Katniss said, Thank you all for being
here, thank you for your love and aiding Peeta and I to heal. We must both get home
today as two dear friends of ours whom some of you know, Haymitch Abernathy and
Effie Trinket, are also getting wed in a few days and we need to help with the
arrangements. Peeta has a lot of baking and cake decorating to do and I'm needed to
help decorate the hall where the wedding breakfast and party will be held. Once it's
light we'll summon the hovercraft and be on our way. We will see you all again in
good time, remember we love you.
Peeta added, Katniss and I will never forget you all and thank you for your kindness.
It's hopefully going to be many happy years that we'll have to live together, but now
we know what awaits us we will never have to fear death in the way we did when we
first entered this place. Thank you all for coming and we'll be along presently. Many
Blessings All.
Most of the assembled spirits then began to melt away as it was getting very close to
sunrise, but a select few, those who'd first visited them in the Arena, Rue, Marvel,
Glimmer, Alia, Clove, plus in addition Cato who seemed glued to her side, along with
their parents and Prim, all remained. Then there was one final surprise, as Cinna

appeared amongst them. He had been standing quietly all the time nearby, just
waiting a chance to rush in and congratulate them but not wishing to interrupt their
family reunions and Peeta's unexpected proposal.
He beamed at Katniss and Peeta saying. I told you I was betting on you didn't I? It's a
bet I won hands down and I couldn't be happier. Bless you both. Then turning to
Katniss in particular he said; I wish I could do more, but do you remember the white
wedding dress I first made for you Katniss, the original prototype one that was not
designed to transform into the Mockingjay form? I happen to know it survived intact
and is in an undamaged storehouse in the Capitol. Effie knows where to find it and
can contact the Capitol's fashion community to get it sent to you, I would be
honoured if you would wear it for your wedding my dear.
Katniss beamed at her beloved stylist and replied, Dear Cinna, the honour will be all
mine and of course I'll wear it. Just be sure and have something spectacular waiting
for me when I get to 'heaven', I don't want lovely Rue here or my beautiful sister Prim
outshining me when I arrive at our Welcome Ball, even though they're both prettier
than me. She beamed at the two younger girl's and poked her tongue out at them,
She grinned at Cinna and he kissed her cheek, becoming solid and alive again,
obviously with Rue's help. He replied to her as he did so by whispering into her ear,
saying; A little prettier they may just possibly be Katniss, that's arguable, but one
thing is certain, beauty is not only about prettiness. You were radiant as my 'Girl on
Fire' and I have a few ideas in mind that will be even more amazing than that. I've
been thinking about St. Elmo's Fire rather than false flame and I think we can work
with it. Fear not dear Mockingjay, you'll still be the 'Belle of the Ball'.
Then turning to the remaining spirits who were still present Cinna said, Now we'd
best return home. We may, just perhaps, see you again from time to time Katniss and
Peeta, if you really desperately need us through your lives. If not then in any case you
can be certain we'll all be at your wedding, even if we can only be there as invisible
spirits. But for now I think that you'll both be fine until it's your time to rejoin us
permanently. Don't forget, we are never more than a loving thought away and will be
watching over you. Good luck in your lives, Peeta and Katniss, we love you and it
has been wonderful to see you again, but for now we'd best all go home.
The couple got final kisses from everyone and as fingers of light began to reach up
from the horizon all the remaining ghosts departed, leaving them alone in the
meadow to enjoy a beautiful, pristine sunrise together. Then they summoned their
hovercraft by communicator and made one final joint update recording on their video
unit as they awaited their transport's arrival to take them home.
Peeta suddenly realised that it would be very interesting to review what the camera
had captured using it's motion tracking sensors three nights previously, because he

remembered it had been left running on automatic by accident, sat on it's rock near
their camp-fire whilst Rue and Marvel had been visiting them in Rue's clearing. And
at that time both Rue and Marvel had been in solid 'living' form. That footage if it had
recorded anything might certainly make for an 'interesting' TV programme, he
thought, grinning to himself as their hovercraft hove into view.
He hugged Katniss as it landed nearby, the main cargo hatch opened and their Avox
friends waved to them in greeting, then lifted their cache crate into the hold with an
electric winch. Katniss and Peeta then both boarded their craft hand in hand and
departed the old Hunger Games Arena, feeling that at last and finally all was well!

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