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In which Arthur Weasley gets the wind up!

CHAPTER ONE: The Dinner Party

Come in Mum and Dad, said Ginny Potter Welcome to the new incarnation of 12
Grimmauld Place! Ginny kissed them both and then said, Give me your coats and go
on through to the lounge. Harry's in there with the rest of our housewarming guests.
He'll ask Kreacher to sort you out a drink before we all eat. It's just through on the
left there, I'll pop these things away in the cupboard for you then I'll be back once I've
checked on the progress of the food.
Molly and Arthur Weasley looked at the bright new modern entrance hall to the
house, with it's light and airy dcor and were astonished. They remembered the house
as it was in the days prior to the end of the war. It had been dark, drab, dirty and
gloomy. It was a barely habitable near wreck when it was given over by their friend
and Harry's godfather, the late Sirius Black, to be the Headquarters of The Order of
the Phoenix. Obviously Harry and Ginny had wrought wonders on the old place. The
old flickering gas lamps had gone and the house was now lit by modern electric
lights, The walls had been cleaned and re-papered, the floor carpeted and the
woodwork all repainted a pale creamy yellow. Central heating had also been installed
as was evidenced by the modern designer radiator in the hallway. All in all the house
was unrecognisable from it's previous horrible state.
As the couple reached the door of the lounge they saw that the improvements carried
on and the place was now beautifuly decorated and tastefully furnished. All the other
housewarming guests were already sitting around chatting with Harry and amongst
themselves. Hello everyone, said Arthur, entering the room with Molly close
The guest list, in addition to the senior Weasleys, consisted of Ron and Hermione
Weasley (of course), George Weasley and his fiance Angelina Johnson, Luna and
Xenophilius Lovegood, Neville and Hannah Longbottom, Bill and Fleur Weasley and
also Dudley Dursley and his wife Estelle. Dudley and Harry had completed the
reconcilliation they had begun when the Dursley family were taken into hiding during
the war and they were now on good terms, even though Dudley's father Vernon was
still a hostile biggot and Aunt Petunia sadly still stuck by him. Dudley had become
estranged from them during their time in hiding and now had no contact with his

father and thus, sadly, very little with his mother also.
Dudley though had become a thoroughly reformed character in his period of 'exile'
and was now no longer recognisable from his old fat, bullying self. His lovely wife
Estelle was expecting their first child (which they knew would be a girl) in a couple
of months and Dudley had joked with Harry that he hoped she would be a witch.
Although in his heart of hearts he actually meant it, having seen for himself the
wonders that wizarding folk could do and having been so well protected by them.
When Harry phoned Dudley to invite them to the party Dudley had joked that the
reason Harry wanted himself and Estelle there was so that Harry wouldn't drown in a
sea of Weasleys, but in truth they were very welcome guests.
Harry and Ginny had hoped that Percy Weasley would have been able to join them,
but he was in New York with Kingsley Shacklebolt, assisting him at a UN meeting
being held in secret session about ongoing reforms in muggle/wizarding relations.
Charley Weasley was also unable to attend as he was still in Romania, working at the
dragon sanctuary.
As they entered the lounge Arthur and Molly said hello to all their fellow guests and
accepted a glass of wine offered to them by Kreacher, (now very much a respected
family retainer following his help in the Horcrux hunt and his heroism at The Battle
of Hogwarts). Molly then made a beeline for the obviously pregnant Estelle,
introduced herself, (this being the first time they'd met), and then started chatting to
her about the forthcoming happy event.
Shortly though Molly broke off from her conversation with Estelle, turned to Harry
and said, This is lovely Harry, I love the way you've decorated the old place, it's so
bright and airy I wouldn't recognise it from the old days. Sirius would be proud at
what you and Ginny have done to his old house.
Thank you Molly, said Harry, But I must admit it is mostly down to the good taste
of the lovely young lady you see here, it's all her design, me and the decorators just
did the donkey work. Harry said, indicating Ginny who had just entered the room
after sorting out something in the kitchen.
Well we had to get it done Mum, Ginny said. We couldn't raise our child in that
small rented riverside flat, although it was lovely for just the two of us.

Molly looked dumbstruck for a second and then squealing like a little girl, rushed at
Ginny, hugging her and saying, You mean? Your going to? Unable to finish her
questions and simply hanging on to her daughter, who nodded and smiled happily in
But when did you find out Ginny, Molly asked. You're so naughty telling me like
that! I nearly fainted, she smiled.
Harry and I got the confirmation through from St. Mungo's just this morning Mum,
but I've suspected it for a while. Thank God we got the place finished on time.
Arthur had been watching this exchange feeling flabbergasted himself and as soon as
his wife let go of his daughter he rushed in and hugged her saying, Congratulations
Ginny love, and you of course Harry, he said looking round at him. You're both
going to make splendid parents and we'll be the proudest Grandparents in the world.
Harry said, Thanks Arthur I know you will. You and Molly have been a mother and
father to me as well. We've already got a nursery room set aside and now we just have
to get it decorated, but we'll finish that off once we know if it's a boy or a girl. We
asked the hospital not to tell us before the baby is born though, Ginny and I want it to
be a surprise.
All their other guests then joined in the congratulating of the happy couple.
So a new home and a baby on the way, this is a double celebration then, said
Neville, who was clinging on lovingly to Hannah because they had a secret
themselves but didn't want to steal Ginny and Harry's thunder. Time enough in a few
days to invite them to a celebration of their own.
Let's have a drop of that bubbly we have on ice then Harry, said Ginny. I think
Estelle and I can risk a tiny symbolic glass each without doing any harm to the
babies. So Harry went out in the kitchen to get the champagne, Kreacher being
otherwise occupied putting the finishing touches to the meal. Harry returned with a
magnum of champagne and charged sufficient glasses for everyone, although with
just a symbolic drop each in Estelle and Ginny's. He raised his glass and said. To my
darling wife Ginny, who has made me the happiest man in the world. They all raised
their glasses and drank the toast, To Ginny and the baby! Nobody noticed however

that Hannah barely sipped hers.

Ginny then replied saying, To my wonderful husband Harry, without whom it's
probable neither I nor any of us would be here this happy night. And they all drank,
To Harry!
Sitting back down again just before going in to eat Arthur Weasley began looking
around the lounge and his eyes were drawn like magnets to the large flat screen TV
and other entertainment equipment on a stand in the corner of the room. His face
became filled with an almost salivating look of longing.
He turned to Harry and said, I see you've had the ekeltricity installed in the place,
That'll be handy when the baby comes along. How are you getting on with the
muggle technogolgy?
Harry laughed, knowing how fond Arthur Weasley was of muggle gadgets and how
much he admired what they could do, even if he wasn't too sure about how any of it
worked. Well Arthur, he replied. As you know I was raised as a muggle, so I have
always been able to get on alright with that kind of stuff. Ginny's learned all about it
as well now and loves it too.
As you probably know from the feedback to your department in the Ministry that
since we got rid of Tom Riddle the muggleborns are now spearheading a trend
amongst young witches and wizards, even including many of the younger, less
hidebound 'purebloods', of mixing magical and muggle influences in their homes and
lifestyles. Ever since the Ministry's researchers found out a while ago how to screen
electronics from magical damage it tends to be the same 'purebloods' who just a few
years ago would have scorned anything muggle who now want all the smartest and
most up to date mobile phones and other gear. It's become a bit of a fashion war,
funny how things go. It seemed weird at first, seeing them all going around in the
Alley, toteing their iPhones and tablets etc. Harry said smiling. But when it comes
to Ginny and I, we just love watching movies and listening to music on our
entertainment equipment. After we've eaten I'll show you how it all works shall I?
That'd be wonderful Harry, said Arthur, who obviously could hardly wait.
It was a lively and fun dinner party and for all those who were allowed to drink it
there was good elf made wine and sparkling oak matured mead. That is for all except

for Estelle, Ginny and, strangely enough Hannah, who claimed she was staying
teetotal in solidarity with Ginny and Estelle. Both the pregnant young women and
Molly immediately saw through this white lie though and Neville and Hannah were
forced to confess that they also were expecting a happy event and endure mass hugs
and congratulations as a result.
All the guests though enjoyed plenty of good food, partly thanks to the efforts of
Kreacher, who was an excellent cook, but also due to both Ginny and Harry who
themselves had learned their way around a kitchen, having taken cooking lessons
from Molly since leaving Hogwarts. The meal had in fact been a cooperative effort
between all three of the Grimmauld residents. For all it was an evening full of good
cheer. Even Fleur, (who was still known not to be a fan of most British cooking),
declared the food delicious, which Ginny said modestly was largely down to
Kreacher's skills.

At the end of the meal Harry left some of their guests in the dining room in capable
hands of Ginny for a while and took Arthur back into the lounge, saying, as they left
the room, By all means come and join us if you'd like, but I promised Arthur a
display of the wonders of muggle science, so give us a few minutes before you move
into the lounge would you, unless you want to come and see the demo too?
Molly, Dudley and Estelle, Bill and Fleur, George and Angelina, Hanah and also
Xenophilius remained with Ginny for a while chatting in the dining room. George
and Angelina in any case had already got some muggle gadgets in the flat they
shared. Bill and Fleur were not on the electricity grid at Shell Cottage, Dudley and
Estelle, being muggles, of course had 'all mod cons' in their home and Xenophilius
Lovegood was not very interested in muggle science and technology in any case.
The other smaller group, consisting of Arthur, Luna, Neville and Harry entered the
lounge and Harry demonstrated to them what his muggle HD TV, Blu Ray player and
audio equipment could do for ten minutes or so. They were all very impressed,
particularly Arthur, who had never imagined the advances that muggle science had
made in the last few years, since he had last watched a flickering, blurry picture on a
TV in the window of a muggle shop.
Luna also unexpectedly seemed very impressed with the HD television, although she
was the last person Harry had down as a technology lover.

However, it seemed that she had recently been dating a nice muggle boy whom she'd
told a little about her trips with her father, hunting for evidence of unusual creatures
like Crumple Horned Snorcacks etc. Although Luna hadn't told the boy, (who was
called Alan Mathers), exactly what type of creatures she and her father went looking
for she had said they were unusual. It turned out that Alan was himself somewhat
interested in cryptozoology, as well as being interested in more 'normal' wildlife
photography and had said he would lend her his HD camcorder for her next trip, so
she could shoot some high quality footage, should she and her father locate any of
their targets.
Looking at the T screen Luna said, That's a lovely picture quality Harry. If Daddy
and I get some good shots of Snorcacks on our next field trip I'll be sure to bring the
results here to show you them. I do hope Daddy will be well enough soon to come on
a little field trip, he's still a bit fragile since he had the second stroke. That muggle
medicine Hermione found for him seems to be working well though, along with the
St. Mungo's potions, the two seem to complement each other, just like she said they
would. Daddy's getting stronger everyday, well you can all see that just to look at
Harry replied, Yes, let's hope he's soon out again Snorcack hunting with you Luna,
and if you get any good footage we'll look forward to seeing it.
Harry wasn't sure whether he was humouring Luna or not any more. Over the years
he had come to believe that there might well be things she could see but other's
couldn't. The strange case of the thestrals gave him pause to think and had weakened
his previous scepticism.Anyway, if she did shoot some footage he certainly would be
interested in seeing it.
After the demo of the muggle technology the party reconvened and then Ginny and
Harry gave all their guests a tour of the rest of the house, showing them all the
improvements to the property.
He then called Kreacher and asked his permission to show them his pride and joy, his
new 'bedsit'.
Kreacher, in recognition of his loyalty and bravery in the battle had been given a
room of his own, this being the old room which housed the newly restored Black
family tree tapestry. This room now also contained the relocated picture of his old

mistress Walburga Black as well as, (at Kreacher's own insistence), the preserved
heads of his ancestors in a glass cabinet. They'd done this because Kreacher would
have been outraged had Harry and Ginny buried the heads in the garden and thrown
the painting in the builder's skip, as they would themselves have probably prefered.
Moving the picture, (using specialist magical builders who had to relocate a section
of the wall to do so because of it's permanent sticking charm), had been quite costly,
not to mention noisy, thanks to Walburga's shouting and screaming. But at least they
could now get into the house without being subject to a tirade of abuse from the
'pure-blood' fanatic's portrait.
Funnily enough once relocated Walburga Black seemed to approve of her new
position in Kreacher's room, as from where her portrait was now located on a side
wall she could not see that Sirius, Andromeda and Nymphadora's names which she
previously blasted off had been restored to the Black family tree tapestry. They'd
made Kreacher promise not to tell her either, as part of the deal for him getting the
Kreacher's room, whilst it was now clean, comfortably furnished and tidy as a result
of the careful restoration work still retained some of the atmosphere of the old house.
In it were also displayed several of the Black Family heirlooms which Mundungus
Fletcher had stolen and which Harry and Ginny had been able to reaquire. Kreacher
was delighted to be able to live there in his new 'des res' surrounded by his favourite
familiar things. Although he still resolutely refused all offers by Ginny and Harry to
give him his freedom and pay him a proper salary. Although he wanted for nothing
and anything he needed Ginny and Harry bought him.
Kreacher had however been talked into wearing proper clothes, rather than his filthy
old rags, indeed his taste in t-shirts, (which on him, given his height, were more like
tunics), leaned towards the 'colourful' and he had developed a taste for wearing odd
socks of a hideous hue, as had the late Dobby.
This partial resolution to the 'enslavement' situation was, initially, troubling to
Hermione, since she still held ambitions to completely free all house elves,
apparently whether they wanted to be or not! However, given Kreacher's attitude she
did not blame Harry and Ginny for his refusal of their freedom offer, could see how
much Kreacher was devoted to them and knew how much the couple cared for him in
At the end of the evening their guests all apparated home, all still being sober enough
to do so. All that is apart from Dudley and Estelle who got a cab home since they

lived fairly close by. This left Ginny and Harry to settle down in the lounge with a
nice cup of tea, along with Kreacher, who had his usual nightcap, a mug of cocoa,
which he relished.
I think that all went very well Ginny, said Harry. What do you think Kreacher?
Kreacher, smacked his lips on his cocoa and then replied, Yes, very well indeed
Kreacher you know we keep asking you just to call us Harry and Ginny.
Yes I do Master, said Kreacher.
Well, do you think you'll ever be able to do so?
I doubt it very much, Master Harry, said Kreacher.
And Harry chuckled and shook his head, knowing this was as close as Kreacher
would probably ever be able to get to calling him by his first name. He pulled Ginny
up from the sofa by both hands. They both said, Goodnight Kreacher, and they
went off to bed feeling happily weary. Goodnight Master and Mistress, said
Kreacher bowing and also went off to his room for a well earned rest.

CHAPTER TWO: A Meeting In The Pub.

The next day was a Sunday and that morning at The Burrow after breakfast Arthur
Weasley was out in his shed, pottering about amongst his various bits of broken and
innactive muggle machinery. Molly was indoors reading recipe books and planning
something for the evening meal. Nearing lunchtime Arthur went back into the house
and said, Do you fancy coming into the village for a drink at the pub Mollywobbles,
we could have a snack there and it's a nice day for a walk.
No thanks darling, Molly replied. I think I'll do a nice bit of baking this afternoon,
before I get dinner ready. I don't get many Sundays free to do as I like, usually we

have family here to cook lunch for. You feel free to pop into the village for a bit
though, the walk will do you good. Don't get drunk though.
As if I would, smiled Arthur and kissing her goodbye walked off to the nearby
village pub in Ottery St. Catchpole. This was called The Golden Pheonix and was
about only about half a mile away across country.
Since the war ended there had been a considerable loosening in some areas of the
Statute of Secrecy as the increasing numbers of muggleborns plus the need to help
Voldermort's many muggle victims had caused a shift in opinions. Recently the
Ministry of Magic had authorised an experiment in integration which was going on in
two locations which already held high concentrations of wizarding folk. One such
area being Ottery St. Catchpole itself and the other was Godric's Hollow.
Within a mile or so of these places there was a magical perimiter screen, which would
automatically modify the memories of any outsiders who saw anything 'unusual',
whilst leaving the locals unnaffected. But within the screen the muggle and magical
communities mingled openly. It was found though that in any case in Arthur and
Molly's village that the revelation to the local muggles that they had witches and
wizards living amongst them could hardly have been said to have come as a shock.
So many minor incidents and sightings had happened over the years that not been
'corrected' by the Ministry's obliviators that it was an open secret anyway that there
were some 'strange' folk around. However, this knowledege had provoked no hostility
from the local muggle population, it seemed the time of 'witch burning' was long past.
The full revelation of wizarding presence in the area therefore caused no great
surprise or dismay and many muggles in fact happily found that they had been friends
with witches and wizards for years without knowing it.
Arthur Weasley walked into the bar of The Golden Phoenix and spotting him the
muggle landlord Dave called out, Hi Arthur, How's the hocus pocus business
Not bad, not bad at all Dave, Arthur replied. I managed to produce three rabbits
out of my hat the other day. Molly made a pie out of 'em, they were delicious too, he
said smiling. This being a kind of running banter between them when Arthur popped
in for a drink, now the locals knew he was a wizard.

Arthur ordered a beer then sat down in the corner at a table to drink it. Shortly a
middle aged, tall, balding man, with a ruddy smiling face but whom he did not know
approached him saying, Excuse me sir, may I have a word.
Of course you can, Arthur replied, that's the good thing about pubs isn't it? I
always find it so anyway, getting to know people I mean.
I believe the landlord said your name's Arthur? said the man.
That's right, Arthur Weasley.
My names Jeff Miller, we've just moved into the area, that is to say my wife Jenny
and I. I understand from what you just said that you are one of the local magical folk
we've heard so much about. I must say you don't seem so very odd, he smiled.
Well, said Arthur, For the most part we're not so different from you muggles, that's
what we call non magical folks by the way. We work, eat, sleep, have families, pretty
standard human stuff really. It's just we do some things a bit differently from
muggles, that's all.
Take me for instance, Arthur went on. I suppose you could say I'm a bit of a
bureaucrat. I work for The Ministry of Magic, although probably not for much longer
as I'm thinking of taking early retirement.
There's a Ministry of Magic is there? Said Jeff. That's interesting, what do you do
I used to work for the section that controlled the Missuse of Muggle Artefacts. That
involved checking up for innappropriately charmed or cursed items etc. But for some
time now I have been promoted into Muggle Relations, indeed the very department
that formulated the policy that made this 'open community' experiment possible.
Anyway, enough about me, what do you do Jeff?
I've taken early retirement myself as it happens, said Jeff. I used to be an engineer,
working in electromechanical and electronic design. Had a bit of heart trouble, so had
to retire and take things a bit easy, but the bypass operation seems to have sorted that

out. Now I'm a bit of a part time inventor, pottering about in my shed.
Arthur's eyes lit up upon hearing this. Now here's a chap I really want to get to know
well, he thought to himself. He spoke saying, Well this is fortunate Jeff, as you can
probably tell from what I said about my work I have always had a fascination with
muggle science and technogolgy.
We say Technology, Jeff put in.
Do you really? See I'm learning already, Arthur laughed. Anyway, I'm a bit of a
machinery buff myself, I once magically converted a Ford Anglia so it could fly, but
my son let it escape into the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts after it developed a mind
of it's own. Got me in a fair bit of trouble with the Ministry that did, bloody thing, I
nearly got prosecuted by my own Department!
Sounds amazing Arthur, A flying car, I'd love to have seen it, have you got a
workshop at home then?
Not so much a workshop as much as an old nissen hut full of bits and pieces and a
few tools. If I do retire though I'd like to do a bit more with the place.
Would you like to pop round to mine and Jenny's place, you could see the setup I
have in my shed. We only live just round the corner and I'm sure you'd find it
interesting Arthur. I've only just got it all up and running properly since we moved
Could I really Jeff? That's most kind, I'd love to, what say I get you another pint and
then we'll go and take a look, as long as your good lady won't mind?
No of course not Arthur, Jenny's been dying to meet one of our magical neighbours,
she'll be delighted.
A short time later Arthur and Jeff arrived at a neat house a couple of minutes from the
pub. Jeff let Arthur in and called out, Jenny, I've brought company, I met a new
friend at the pub.

Jenny, Jeff's wife, came down the stairs. She was a petite, dark haired, pretty woman
but she looked a bit flustered. Sorry, she said. I was just changing the duvet covers.
I hate doing that, it's my least favourite job, I'm hopeless at it, they always get in a
tangle and it takes me ages. I was worried that the scones in the oven would burn
before I finished it. Anyway, hello, I'm Jenny Miller, and you are? She said holding
out her hand.
Arthur Weasley, Arthur said taking Jenny's hand and shaking it. Pleased to meet
you Jenny. Jeff and I were having a chat at the pub and he kindly invited me back to
see his workshop.
Ah, so you're another engineer are you, I swear Jeff spends more time in the shed
since he retired than he spent at work at the factory, still, it keeps him happy, she
No, I'm not an engineer Jenny, Arthur replied.
That's right, Jeff put in happily, Arthur is one of the local magical community, he's
a wizard! You've been saying you've been wanting to meet some of our new magical
neighbours ever since we moved here and the estate agents told us about them, so I've
brought Arthur to meet you and see my workshop.
Jenny looked stunned for a moment and then said. Well this is a delight and such a
nice surprise. Would you like a cup of tea Arthur, you wizards do drink tea don't
Jenny, I may call you that may I? The whole magical world virtually runs on tea,
that and pumpkin juice anyway, Arthur smiled. Then pulling out his wand he
conjured a beautiful bunch of flowers for Jenny and said, These are for you my dear,
could we possibly take our tea out in Jeff's workshop?
She stared in wonder at the flowers she had been given, sniffed them and found they
were real. Then recovering her composure she replied, saying, Certainly Arthur, and
I'll bring it out to you with some warm scones and home made jam shortly.
As the men were going out of the back door and into the garden Jenny opened the

oven door of her Aga, from which a lovely smell of baking was eminating.

CHAPTER THREE: Arthur's New Hobby.

That evening back at The Burrow Arthur was enthusing to Molly about what he'd
seen at his new friend's house. It was amazing Molly! he exclaimed. He's got a
welding machine that sticks bits of metal together using heat! You should see it
working, a viscious thing it is, all sparks and molten metal like a goblin's workshop!
And there's something, I think he called it a lathe, that lets him chop bits off of pieces
of metal a thousandth of an inch at a time. Can you imagine that, a thousandth of an
inch! Plus there's all sorts of tools and gadgets, lots of them running off of electricity!
Yes, that's the proper word for it he taught me. He's got a shed full of machines that
run of plugs and the sockets to stick 'em into. It's a brilliant place.
So it sounds like you've found a nice new friend then Arthur. I'm glad, since the kids
have left home you've been looking for something to do, and you'll need a good
hobby if you retire. This, what did you call it? Engineering was it? Sounds right up
your street. At least it sounds like this Jeff person knows what he is doing with it,
muggle or no muggle. Unlike you and your dodgy bodged up car that nearly got Ron
and Harry killed and you the sack! You just make sure you listen to what Jeff tells
you to and do it properly!
You'll love his wife too Molly. Arthur went on. Jenny loves to cook just like you
do, you have so much in common, can we invite them over to dinner one evening?
Of course we can, said Molly. It'll be nice to meet some new people, things are
sometimes a bit quiet around here now the kids have moved out. And briefly Molly
looked a bit whistfully sad.
Come on Mollywobbles, cheer up, Arthur said. The kids may have 'moved out'
officially, but they're here most Sundays for lunch and there'll soon be a whole new
generation of Weasleys and Potters, not to mention Longbottoms dropping by at all
hours, to fill this place up again. How's about Wednesday night for dinner? I don't
think we'd best subject the Millers to the madness that is The Burrow on a Sunday
lunchtime, not until they get to know us a bit better anyway.
Wednesday would be fine by me Arthur, will you let them know, just tell them to be

here about Seven-ish.


Wednesday evening came and the Millers duly arrived. They were amazed at The
Burrow and all it's quirky magical charm.
They had their meal and Jenny was very complimentary about Molly's cooking,
saying, That was fantastic Molly, thank you so much, the lamb literally melted in the
mouth and the pudding was gorgeous. She went on to say, This is a lovely house
Molly, It's so uniquely yours. You and Arthur, your personalities shine out of it. It's so
homely and comfortable I wish we could have a place so unique, our new house is
nice and comfy but I'd swap it for The Burrow in an instant.
Molly was delighted that Jenny loved her home and offered to take her on a full tour.
The two women went off leaving Arthur and Jeff to make their way out to Arthur's
shed to see what could be done about setting him up a proper workshop.
They entered Arthur's old nissen hut and Arthur lit the oil lamps using his wand.
Whilst this action impressed Jeff he seemed a bit worried.
So Arthur, he said, You've no electricity in here then, and none in the house either
I noticed.
No we don't, said Arthur. In fact until recently it was very rare for wizarding
houses in the countryside to have it, and not even all town houses owned by magical
folk did either. We're about a half a mile from the nearest power lines in the village
here and to get the house connected would cost a fortune, far more than I, a humble
civil servant, could ever afford, not that we've ever missed it anyway.
It could be a problem though Arthur, if you want a good workshop set up here, Jeff
said. You'd need the 'leccy' to run the gear. Unless you can use magic to do it of

Well yes, I can see that, said Arthur sadly. Some things I can get to work by magic
or even manually like simple saws and drills etc. But for the fine tolerance stuff, no I
doubt it. For instance I could never run something like your lathe with any accuracy.
So perhaps I will have to settle for a more basic setup?
Jeff looked around the shed taking in the contents of Arthur's muggle gadget
collection, the old hoovers, the old radios, the electric motors, the car and lorry
batteries, wires, plugs and assorted bits of electrical junk and a gleam came into his
I have an idea, said Jeff, Let's go back into the house and do a few drawings.
The two women were sat in the comfy lounge of The Burrow, by the fire They were
chatting about their kids. Jenny and Jeffs children were also grown up and had left
home, so they had much in common to talk about. They were each sipping glasses of
elf made wine and talking about their children when they were babies and sharing all
their stories about them growing up when their menfolk came back into the house.
Well, said Jenny, how does it look Jeff, can you help Arthur get his workshop up
and running for him?
Jeff looked at her smiling and mysteriously said, Yes Jenny, you know I think we
may just be able to do that, with a fair breeze behind us. Then turning he said, Come
along Arthur, get out that sketch pad and some pencils and let me teach you some
An hour or so later Jeff's design had come together. It would use some of the
electrical and electronic items in Arthur's shed, plus some bits he had himself and
some sheet metal fabrications. Jeff could weld these up in his own workshop and by
mounting them on top of a wooden tower some forty feet high what had come
together was the design for a wind turbine.
Jeff and Arthur were still talking about it as they made their way back out of the study
and rejoined their wives. So you understand it now do you Arthur? Jeff asked.

Well, said Arthur, I know I never went to a muggle university to study this stuff,
but I can see some of the basic principles. You say that running an electric motor in
reverse can make it create electricity. That makes sense. You put electricity in and it
moves, you put movement in and you get electricity out. So if we put those windmill
sail thingies onto one of the bigger electric motors I've got then they'll make it turn
and we'll get power we can send down wires into my batteries, where I can keep it
until I need to use it. Is that right?
That's precisely right Arthur! You're catching onto this far quicker than I could ever
get to understand magic, that's for sure. We'll make an engineer of you yet! Jeff
OK boys, schools out for the night, we'd better be going home soon Jeff, said
Jenny's right Arthur, it's getting late and we'd better call it a night soon, Molly
agreed. You've got to go to work tomorrow Arthur, you've not retired yet.
Yes, you're both right, Arthur said, Sorry we abandoned you for so long ladies, but
you know us men, can't multitask to save our lives and when the old creative juices
get flowing we tend to get obsessed.
Oh don't worry Arthur, said Jenny, Molly and I have had a lovely chat and we've
arranged for us to come over and join the rest of their family for Sunday lunch, if
that's OK with you Jeff.
I warn you though Jeff and Jenny, Arthur added, When the kids are here it can be a
bit of a madhouse, but to be fair it's a lot less crazy than it used to be when they were
younger. Having their wives and girlfriends around has helped to civilise them a bit.
Just don't eat anything our son George gives you!
Seeing the sudden look of alarm that appeared on her new friend's face Molly swiftly
went on to say.No, don't worry Jenny, Arthur's only kidding, it's an old family joke.
Angelina, his intended, has got him well under control and now he's almost human.

It'll be great to meet some more of your family Molly, said Jeff. What's more from
what Arthur and I have been planning we may well need some help once we get
started building it and, as Arthur suggested, a few guys on broomsticks would be a
great help putting it together, since we won't have a crane.
Arthur then said, OK, who's for a nightcap? I have some particularly nicely aged
Firewhisky, if you'd like to try it? Or if not there's some muggle brandy we keep,
purely for medicinal purposes you understand!
They were all sat in the lounge a few minutes later sipping firewhiskies all round.
Wow, said Jenny, This stuff is potent, I like it though. Do you run your
broomsticks on it? She joked.
No, Molly replied smiling. They run on pure magic, they don't need fuel.
I'd like to see how that one works, I wish my car did, said Jeff. It seems you
witches and wizards have got a lot to teach us muggles as well.
Well Jeff, said Arthur. That, in a way, is the main point of this local experiment in
magical folk and muggles living openly together. We at the Muggle Relations
Department hope that from this experience a whole new mixed society using the best
of both our combined talents will come about.
It certainly seems to be going that way at present, said Jeff. Raising his glass he
said, Ladies and gentlemen, I give you a toast, To Muggles, Witches and Wizards,
long may we all prosper! And they all joined in the toast.
They finished their drinks and then a thought struck Jenny. Looking concerned she
said, How are we going to get home Jeff? It was an easy walk across country in the
daylight, just half a mile or so's stroll, but there's no proper roads leading to here so
we can't call a cab home. I don't fancy the walk back in the dark either, there's some
marshy bits and I forgot to bring a proper coat.
Don't you worry about that Jenny, said Molly. We'll get you there.

Thanks all the same Molly, said Jenny, But I don't much fancy flying on a
broomstick either, certainly not in the dark.
No we won't take you that way either. But neither Arthur nor I have had too much to
drink to Apparate, we'll take you home side-along.
What does that mean Molly?
Arthur put in, You'll find out Jenny, hold on to my arm and then hold onto your hat!
Jenny stood up, took his arm looking a bit worried and they disappeared with a crack.
Where'd they go Molly, said Jeff looking concerned.
Don't worry Jeff, said Molly. Arthur knows where your house is and I've put a
temporary trace on him, so we can follow. She held out her arm and said, Hold on
tight, the first step's a biggie, and they too disappeared.
The two couples reappeared in the quiet, empty lane just outside the Miller's cottage.
Jeff and Jenny both felt a bit woozy for a minute or so, having never apparated before
but neither were too nauseous and soon recovered after a short sit down back in their
home. The Weasleys explained that many witches and wizards were often far more
affected by it the first few times of travelling that way and that in fact the Miller's had
done very well. Once the Millers were fully recovered the men shook hands and the
women kissed and hugged each other goodbye saying they were looking forward to
Sunday. Jenny insisted she'd be bringing along with her a cake, some dessert and
some scones to share, being nearly as much of a 'cookaholic' as Molly.

CHAPTER THREE: Of Weasleys and Guests.

Sunday morning came around and Jeff and Jenny began to get ready for their Sunday
lunch at The Burrow. Jenny packing a large sponge cake, a couple of large apple pies
and some scones, plus a few bottles of wine into a basket to take with her. Jeff had
also prepared for Arthur a proper scale drawing of the wooden wind turbine tower

they needed to build.

The previous day Arthur Weasley had dropped by their house for a short visit
carrying an rubbishy looking old metal watering can with a hole in it. He held it up
proudly to show Jeff.
Eyeing it dubiously Jeff said, Well I suppose I could weld it up a bit Arthur, but to be
honest it's a bit far gone with rust. A new plastic one from the garden centre would do
the job better and wouldn't cost a lot.
Ah, said Arthur. You don't understand of course, why should you eh? I don't want
it repaired, let me explain, this is a Portkey! It does much the same job as Apparition
but needs no magic on the part of the users, that's built into the object itself. It is preset to take you both to our garden at The Burrow and return you home to your own
house whenever you want. I thought it would be useful and got Ministry approval for
it, having explained it would be helpful for a joint muggle/magical project. My boss,
Minister Kingsley Shacklebolt, was very keen when he heard what we are up to as he
is very enthusiastic about these experimental communities. The Portkey's not active
at the moment, I'll just put it in your back garden and use my wand to activate it if
that's OK?
Going through the side gate by the house and into the Miller's back garden Arthur
placed the old watering can on the lid of a water butt and pointed his wand at it.
There, now it's active, he said. When you want to come over tomorrow both of you
hang on tightly to it and a few seconds later it will transport you to our place. You'll
know you've arrived as the spinning sensation will change and feel very different
from how it feels when you're in transit. When you feel it change let go. As it is a
very short journey with virtually no change of altitude or lattitude there will be little
difference in energy potential between the point of departure and that of arrival, so
whilst you may drop at most a foot or so to the ground it should not make for too
traumatic an end to the journey. Just be ready for it when you get there, bend the
knees and let go, alright?
Right then, Said Jeff. OK then, Jenny who'd joined them said. Both speaking
almost at once but sounding very dubious and nervous.
No seriously, said Arthur. A little trip like that'll be no trouble and save you a lot

of walking, plus we can all get a bit tipsy on that firewhisky you liked so much
without having to worry about how you'll get home. Although of course you'd always
be welcome to stay over. Then Arthur smiled, winked at them both and vanished
with a crack back to The Burrow.
Sunday lunchtime was now near and Jeff and Jenny, having got ready for their lunch
engagement and with Jenny carrying her basket of baked goodies held tightly in the
crook of her elbow they went out into their rear garden and approached the manky
looking old watering can. Then with a look of trepidation on both their faces held
hands. Jenny bravely said, well here goes nothing. They both gripped the rusty
handle with their free hands and a few seconds later their world began to spin.
It only lasted a few seconds and then the sensation changed, just as Arthur had said it
would. Jeff shouted over the whirling chaos around him, Bend your knees and let
go Jenny!
They both did so. And the whirling instantly stopped and they dropped a very short
distance to the ground, in fact mere inches, nowhere near as far as they'd expected,
landing safely in the garden of The Burrow, between the house and Arthur's shed. The
old watering can lay on the ground near them.
Wow, that was different, said Jenny smiling. I feel fine though, how are you?
No problems at all, said Jeff. Either I'm getting used to travelling by magic or that
Portkey thingy is not so rough on the sense of balance as apparating. Let's go and eat,
I'm starving, I didn't have any breakfast on purpose and smelling your baking has
been making me drool since eight o'clock this morning, he smiled.
They walked up to the door of The Burrow and knocked. Molly answered the door,
warmly welcomed them and ushered them in hugging them both. Come in, come in,
so glad you could make it, Molly said.
Wouldn't have missed it for the world Molly, Jenny replied. She handed her basket
over to Molly saying, I brought a few things over for you, like I said I would. I
couldn't accept yet another invitation without making a contribution.
Oh you shouldn't have worried, we are so used to having a lot of guests to Sunday

lunch, but thank you anyway, it's most kind of you. Ooh, those apple pies look
gorgeous, we'll have them with some custard for pudding.
Please go through to the dining table the pair of you and Arthur will introduce you to
the family and our other guests, said Molly to them both. Excuse me for a little
while though as I'm must finish getting lunch ready to serve, and with that she
headed back into the kitchen, from which delicious smells were emerging.
Arthur was there, seated at the head of the table along with a group of people at least
a couple of whom, by their red hair, Jeff and Jenny surmised were fellow Weasleys.
There was also a stunningly beautiful blond haired woman who, (from the way she
was holding hands with him), was very attached to one of the red haired men who
bore some quite serious facial scars. However despite his injuries he seemed
nevertheless most happy and smiled broadly when they entered the room. Another
obviously non Weasley was a beautiful, athletic looking, dark skinned young woman
who had African ancestry. She was sat next to another of the young Weasley men
who winked at them in a most disarming fashion when they entered the room. The
other two who appeared to be non Weasley guests were another young woman, this
one very fey looking, ash blond, petite and pretty and the young, slightly built, dark
haired boy she was obviously with, who from his looks and the nervousness he
displayed seemed to be there as a first time guest as well.
Arthur stood up when Jeff and Jenny came in and greeted them, then began
introducing them to their fellow lunch guests. Arthur said, Everyone, I'd like you all
to meet our new friends Jeff and Jenny Miller. They live nearby in the village and are
local muggles. Jeff, Jenny let me introduce our family and friends, he said,
beginning to go around the table.
He started with the scarred red haired man and his beautiful lady. This is our son Bill
and his lovely wife Fleur, they live in a charming seaside cottage near Tinmouth in
Cornwall. They met formally when they worked for Gringotts Wizarding Bank,
although Bill was captivated by her when he saw her taking part in a competition at
Hogwarts School, some time earlier. Bill's still at the bank, but since just after the war
Fleur has been working at St Mungos Hospital alongside our daughter Ginny, who
with her husband Harry sadly can't be here this weekend.
Hello Jeff and Jenny, lovely to meet you, smiled Bill.
Bonjour, Jenny, Jeff, it is zo charmante to meet you, said the stunning blond woman

in a soft French accent.

Hello, Fleur and Bill, nice to meet you too, smiled Jeff and Jenny likewise. Then
Jeff said, No don't get up, or else we'll be here all day just shaking hands around the
table if we start that.
Arthur went on, Next we have our son George, who runs the best joke shop in the
world, and with him is his fiance, Miss Angelina Johnson, a pro Quidditch player and
one of the best Chasers in the country.
What do you mean 'one of the best', Arthur. said Angelina, but was smiling as she
said it probably anticipating his answer.
Just that it's lucky for you our Ginny didn't turn pro in the end, then the sparks
would've flown, Arthur smiled, and they both laughed. Jeff and Jenny again said
Hello. to the couple. Jenny noticed as he turned to face full on to them that George,
oddly, was lacking the lobe of one ear, but that he had a very winning smile.
Hello there, said George, nice to meet you and don't worry, no matter what you
may have heard I've promised Angelina no pranks today. If I do she'll murder me, he
smiled, then leaned over and kissed his fiance.
Next along we have another of our magical neighbours whom I don't believe you
have met yet. Our dear friend Miss Luna Lovegood and her lucky boyfriend Alan
Mathers, Alan's also a muggle and since he's not from our community is just getting
over the shell shock of being told by Luna that she is a witch. Luna's had to cast an
immunity spell against the security shield on him or he'd forget her every time he
went back to London. Arthur smiled at Luna and Alan and they both smiled back at
him, but it was noticeable that Alan was clinging on rather tightly to Luna's hand.
Hello Jeff, Hello Jenny, It's lovely to meet you said Luna in a soft and lilting voice.
It's good there are other muggles here as well as Alan, since he has been very nervous
about coming to stay with me and my Daddy this weekend. I think he's being very
brave though, because I only told him I'm a witch a few days ago, Luna said,
smiling gently at Alan and then back at Jeff and Jenny.
I don't know about brave, said Alan. I know neither Luna or her friends would

ever hurt me but I sure do know now what the phrase 'culture shock' means, he
smiled. Same here, said Jeff. Likewise, said Jenny. But they both chuckled a
little as they said it.
Luna went on, saying, Sadly this time Alan and I can't stay that long, as I don't like
to leave Daddy alone for more than a few hours since he's been unwell. Luckily he's
much better now and getting stronger all the time. Also we live very close to here so I
got hold of a magical alarm which Daddy carries around his neck at all times and
which will call me if he needs me urgently. But all being well we will stay at least
until after pudding, that's my favourite bit of all, especially Molly's cooking, she said
Well that's all of our guests this weekend, Jeff and Jenny, said Arthur. There are
often more here but our Son in Law, Harry Potter and his wife, who's our daughter
Ginny, along with our son Ron and his wife, our Daughter in Law, Hermione are
away together at Hogwarts School seeing friends this weekend. Harry and Ginny are
making a point of getting out and about doing some travelling as often as possible for
now, as Ginny won't be allowed to apparate when she gets further along with her
We're also missing our other sons Percy and Charlie this weekend as they're both
abroad working at the moment. So this place isn't quite so much of a zoo as it often is
on a Sunday lunchtime, Arthur smiled.
Just then out of the kitchen serving dishes and tureens bearing delicious looking food
floated and landed on the middle of the table. Molly followed them in from the
kitchen saying, Well dig in everyone, and watch the plates, that heating spell tends
to make them a bit too hot.
During the meal the conversation was lively, Bill mentioned his work in the bank
where he was currently helping administer the compensation fund that had been set
up post war to help victims of Voldermort's reign of terror, both muggle and magical
families alike. Jeff and Jenny, as muggles not living in the village at the time, and
having been in a part of the country that had been lucky enough to have been little
affected by the conflict knew nothing about the recent magical war and were
astonished to hear about what had happened only a few years back. They were
shocked to hear the real explanation for the many 'accidents' and 'natural disasters'
that had occurred at that time in other parts of the country.

They also learned briefly the story of both Bill and George's injuries and about the
sad loss of so many in the war, including that of the other Weasley son, George's twin
Fred. The tales of the war and of the heroism of those around them were astonishing
to Jeff and Jenny. However, the most astonishing thing was not their new friend's
bravery but the modest way they recounted that time of horror.
When Jeff and Jenny mentioned this and tried to thank them all for their part in
bringing peace to both magical and muggle communities alike the Weasleys,
Angelina and Luna would have none of it, saying Voldermort's defeat was mostly
down to others, particularly to Harry, Ron and Hermione and that all of the rest of
them had played only a supporting role. Jenny and Jeff suspected however that they
were being very modest.
Anyway, Arthur said, with finality in his voice, Let's talk about something other
than the bloody war shall we? We're here to enjoy ourselves after all.
And Molly agreed saying to Angelina, Guess what Angelina dear, the local magical
community is talking about setting up a proper Quidditch Club and pitch in the
village and starting a new local amateur side openly playing for both a magical and
muggle audience of supporters. Do you think that'd be a good idea to promote intercommunity friendship?
I think that would be brilliant Molly, if it happens be sure to let me know and I'll be
sure to get my team down here to play a charity match against your local side. But if
Ginny, Harry, Ron and George are on your team though we'll want a start of at least
fifty points! They're all a bit too useful, even Ron on a 'good day', and I wouldn't
want us to be beaten by a bunch of yokels! It'd be bad for team morale and look bad
in the Prophet's sports pages. Angelina joked.
What's Quidditch Angelina? Said Jenny. Yes, I was wondering that too said Jeff.
When you were introduced to us earlier. Arthur said you play as something called a
Chaser and as a pro, is that right?
Angelina enthusiastically explained. Quidditch is a sport played on flying
broomsticks by both witches and wizards, often in mixed teams like mine,
Puddlemere United, or sometimes single sex teams like the all female Holyhead
Harpies. Ginny could've played for them, she was easily good enough, but after the
war she had a bad case of 'Harry-itus' and didn't pick up the contract she was offered.
Quidditch is always played on equal terms, no matter the makeup of the teams, so in

that sense the magical community got there way first in the sex equality stakes. It's a
fast and spectacular game, it can be quite dangerous when played at a high skill level
and injuries are quite common. Although it must be said that our healers are much
better than the muggle doctors at curing things like broken bones. To those of us who
love the game though it is the best sport in the world and I'm sure that if your fellow
muggles here get to see it they'll be hooked as well.
Angelina went on to explain the basic rules of the game and said she would lend Jeff
and Jenny some DVD's of recent matches so they could see exactly what she was
talking about. I'll send a couple of discs to you through the mail, just give me your
address, I know how to use the muggle post so you should get them in a couple of
days. Angelina and George between them then went on to talk about how they'd
both started playing for their House Team whilst they were at Hogwarts together,
alongside George's late brother Fred.
The mention of Hogwarts then led on to further talk amongst all the guests about the
school and brought out many happy anecdotes amongst those present who had
attended Hogwarts about what they'd got up to there as pupils. Fleur recounted a little
about having been a Tri Wizard Champion for Beauxbatons but glossed over the
tragedy that had happened, whilst explaining more about how her visit to Hogwarts
for the competition eventually led to her marriage to Bill.
Luna spoke about her recent visit to her old school only a few months earlier. Also
about the very popular talk on the D.A. she'd given and how it had led to her being
offered the chance to co-author a book which would be published soon with the new
Senior Faculty's History Lecturer, Professor Ptolemy Sharpe, (or Professor Dishy as
Luna blushingly called him, since she admitted she'd initially had a bit of a crush
when she'd first met him, but that sadly it had turned out he was married). Alan was
unphased by this admission however. Luna's famous high degree of honesty having
already let her tell him about the short term infatuation she'd had before she'd met
him. Luna also explained that it was this same visit that had also resulted in her
getting Nightwings, her recently acquired and much loved Thestral, who was a gift
from Hagrid.
Eventually, and quite some while after pudding, (Jenny's apple pie, which they all had
thoroughly enjoyed), Luna and Alan did indeed leave to return to Luna's home. They
said their thanks and goodbyes and then went outside to the garden, from where Luna
took Alan by side-along apparition to her father's now rebuilt house.
The remaining guests were in the lounge of The Burrow, having made themselves

comfortable and carried on talking whilst sipping firewhisky or some of the muggle
made wine Jenny had also brought. This must have been very good, as Fleur happily
drank it and she was known to be fussy about wine, being French. Jenny and Jeff got
talking with George about his job and were intrigued to hear about Weasleys Wizard
Wheezes and that such a magical place as Diagon Alley existed in the middle of
muggle London.
The conversation then turned to how Arthur and Jeff had met up and how they
intended to build a wind generator to supply electric power to Arthur's workshop, as
well perhaps as to The Burrow itself, if the equipment could generate enough.
It was decided that Jeff would start fabricating the windmill blades in his home
workshop that coming week and as soon as those and the cowling were ready and the
wooden mounting tower raised by Arthur and his family then the generator could be
constructed, installed and tested. Constructing the tower itself was a relatively simple
proposition for wizards, as it could be built with simple carpentry whilst laid
horizontally on the ground, then raised magically to it's vertical position and secured
in place on it's foundations. They would then use further magical means along with
brooms to lift the turbine hub's housing to the top, secure it in place and bolt on the
blades to drive the generator.

CHAPTER FOUR: The Big Switch On.

It was one Saturday about a month later in early autumn when the wind turbine was
completed and the sturdy wooden tower it was to be mounted on was ready to be
erected. George and Angelina were on hand to provide overhead views and assistance
from their brooms.
Hermione and Ron, Harry and Ginny who were staying at The Burrow that weekend
had agreed to work from the ground using their combined wand power to levitate the
tower to it's vertical position from where it lay on the ground. Arthur and Jeff were in
charge of getting the support legs of the tower into the ground sockets that had been
created for them and would pour the cement that would stabilise the structure once it
was correctly located in the holes. Molly and Jenny were providing moral support,
sandwiches and tea.
There was little wind luckily, as it would have made precision wand work hard. The
young foursome simultaneously lifted the tower from the ground using a

synchronised Wingardium Leviosa and then, when it was high enough, they skillfully
tipped it's considerable bulk to vertical and drifted it over to it's intended position.
Jeff and Arthur moved in close to the base of the tower and using a combination of
Arthur's wand and Jeff pulling on a loop of rope they got two of the legs in line with
the holes that had been dug for them. This meant the other two legs were
automatically aligned as well. They then held the tower steady, whilst the four 'prime
movers' lowered it slowly into place. The tower stood there foursquare in it's proper
place and was stable. To ensure it would remain so the sockets into which it was
located were filled with concrete poured from wheelbarrows and shovelled into the
holes. Finally guy cables were also connected to the tower to spread the load in
strong winds, running out to previously installed mounting pads on all four sides.
Now all that was needed was the generator unit itself to be fixed to the top, the blades
fitted to the hub and then the unit connected up. That would happen the next day,
once the concrete had set.
On the Sunday morning the first part went fairly easily. The generator unit itself
mounted into a protective cowling and with a rotating base to allow it to track the
wind was fairly heavy, but no worse than the tower had been. It was also a hell of a
lot smaller, so easier to manouvre. Ron, Hermione, Ginny and Harry lifted it to the
height of the mounting platform at the top of the tower and George and Angelina
gently pulled it into it's exact place using their wands and their brooms.
The next part of the process would be novel for Jeff, as he was flown up to the
mounting platform on a spare broom, which was connected outrigger canoe style to
Harry's, both broom's magic being slaved to Harry's control. This unusual
arrangement was needed as one broom would probably have not been able to carry
Harry and Jeff safely, as he was a big man. Once at the top of the tower Jeff used a
safety harness to anchor himself safely and then bolted the generator hub unit's
rotating base firmly in place. He called down, That's fine it's not going anywhere,
Harry then collected him from the top of the tower and they all went into the house
for a tea break.
The next stage was fitting the windmill blades and that proved tricky, as even given
the slight breeze there was enough to catch each sail as it was suspended from a
broom and make the whole combined unit unstable. However, given some superb
flying by Harry and Angelina, watched by a jealous, but pregnant Ginny who would
have loved to help, the blades were hauled up to the generator and connected to the
hub by Jeff, who once again was at the top of the tower. The last major component.
The tailpiece that would keep the windmill faced towards the wind was then hauled
up and bolted on. Thus all major construction was completed.

Finally the electrical cabling which was already pre-fitted down one of the legs of the
tower was attached to the generator then at the base it was temporarily run along the
ground surface into Arthur's nissen hut. Also the operating cable link to the
emergency brake, (the lever of which was fitted near the base of the tower and which
would feather the blades and stop the unit from rotating in winds that were too high
for it's governing mechanism), was connected and applied.
With the unit thus stabilised the temporary wood blocks that had been stopping the
blades rotating were removed. The power cabling would eventually be run in proper
underground ducting to the shed and probably to the house as well, but for the initial
testing it was simply connected to the batteries via a charging and stabilising circuit
Jeff had built from various bits of old broken electronic gear in Arthur's collection. A
light bulb was connected to the circuit then Arthur went back outside, aimed his wand
at the braking lever fitted to the tower and released the brakes on the generator. At
first as the blades began to turn in the light breeze the lightbulb flickered and glowed
orange, then as it picked up speed the light grew brighter and whiter until finally it
glowed strongly and powerfully.
Eureka, shouted Arthur, joyfully, The Burrow is now a part of the Twenty First
Everyone came into the shed to see the miracle and then Arthur and Molly asked
Jenny if she would do the honours and officially 'launch' the new generator, to which
she happily agreed.
They handed her a bottle of sparkling wine, (since they were saving the good stuff for
later that evening).
Jenny broke it against the concrete base of one of the tower's legs saying, I name
this generator Weasley's Windy Wizzer, long may she bring light into this house.
The party that evening in The Burrow was even livelier than the previous one Jeff
and Jenny had attended. They had only briefly met Harry Potter, Ginny Potter and
Ron and Hermione Weasley the previous morning prior to getting the tower set up.
Now all the previous guests they had met earlier when they came to Sunday lunch
were there as well.

This time though it seemed few, if any people would be going home, even Luna and
Alan would be staying the night, as her father Xenophilius was being looked after by
someone Jeff and Jenny were given to understand went by the name of Kreacher, who
was something called a 'house elf' and worked for Harry and Ginny. This evening
could be a true celebration because, as it turned out, it happened to be Alan's birthday
that day as well.
As the varied and delicious buffet style meal of 'finger food' produced by Molly was
being consummed the sound of music began to fill The Burrow. Jeff was amazed to
find out that the wizarding world had a form of radio by which they could pick up
music and other programmes, even without mains electricity or battery power. He
assumed it was some form of magically amplified 'crystal set'.
Initially the assembled party listened to these broadcasts, but the music available was
hardly lively. Harry and Ginny then brought a large 'boom box' type battery powered
sound system out from a small 'holdall' style bag they had brought with them. This
bag seemed three times too small to have held it to Jeff's eyes, let alone all the rest of
the couples clothes etc.
Soon the party began to liven up as the music took a turn towards dancing and Irish
folk. Ginny needed to take things sedately as she was pregnant, but even she and
Harry shared a farely gentle dance to some of the slower numbers. The folk went on
for some time but then there were a very lively couple of 'rock' numbers that only the
younger, fitter couples were able to dance to. These were apparently by a famous
wizard group called The Weird Sisters. But that was fine, since the older party goers
needed to get their breath back anyway and have a drink following the 'Irish Session'.
They moved out to the kitchen and sat at the table there leaving the lounge to the
youngsters for a while, since there was more room in there to dance, the furniture
having unaccountably vanished for the most part, Jeff and Jenny never having noticed
the going of it.
Eventually the older partygoers rejoined the younger ones and as a finale to the
dancing that evening another, (but very different style), Weird Sisters track was
played. This was an incredibly beautiful and 'smoochy' song called Magic Works and
all the couples there romantically shuffled around to it in each others arms as a 'last

The vanished sofas, chairs and other funiture then unaccountably reappeared and
everyone relaxed, and drank firewhisky, wine, mead, ale, whatever they fancied or in
Ginny's case home made lemonade and chatted until about 1am, then started sleepily
drifting off to bed, as it had been a tiring but succesful weekend.
Arthur and Molly then came up to Jeff and Jenny and Molly said. Why not stay the
night? Breakfast here tends to turn into another party. As you've seen magic can do
wonders with furniture, but so can you muggles and that sofa is actually a very comfy
muggle made sofabed. Arthur here bought it a couple of years ago to put up
unexpected guests. Of course we could simply have transfigured a normal sofa into a
bed for the night but, as you know, Arthur loves muggle gadgets and enjoys the way
it folds up, bless him. Anyway, It's a wizarding public holiday tomorrow and so none
of us have to go to work or get up early. That's another reason why we could hold this
celebration, apart from thanking you for your wonderful work Jeff.
Jenny and Jeff were beginning to feel very tired and so accepted the Weasley's offer
with thanks. So the magical couple created the muggle one a set of clean new
nightclothes each and a new toothbrush etc. and then after Arthur waved his wand,
(which unfolded and set up the sofabed), Arthur and Molly wished them a good night
and went upstairs.
The following morning in the Weasley household was a lively affair. With so many
houseguests staying over breakfast, as Molly had predicted, it turned into a bit of a
party in continuation of the previous night. After breakfast the younger ones went off
to play an impromptue game of Quidditch in the field behind the house. The game
was rendered fairly safe, as the practice bludgers were softer and somewhat slower
than real ones, more like footballs, so there was little risk of injury. Even so it was
referee'd from the ground by a somewhat grouchy Ginny, who hated not being
allowed to play because of her pregnancy, which barred her from flying 'just in case'.
The game was watched in amazement by Alan and Jenny, who had never seen the
like before.
Jeff and Arthur went out to the shed to finish off the installation of the cabling from
the generator. They laid the down cable from the wind turbine into it's proper
waterproof ducting in a trench that had been dug from the wind turbine tower.
Jeff then made the permanent connections to the charger and battery banks and
thence to the inverter circuits he had built from some of Arthur's old bits of electronic
scrap. These circuits would convert the direct current of the batteries to a useable

mains AC voltage to power Arthur's new workshop tools which he would soon be
buying. Jeff checked the available power from the equipment and said to Arthur;
You know what Arthur, you've got loads of 'juice' here my friend, certainly enough
to spare to run low energy lights in the house and a few gadgets. Probably not a
enough for a washing machine or electric stove, but then again with Molly's magic
you don't need those from what I've seen. There's plenty of 'oomph' though for a
television, DVD and sound system though, and maybe a laptop computer because
they don't need a lot of power. It'd be a shame to waste it. So shall we lay another
mains cable into the house and get it connected up? What do you say?
Arthur got a gleam in his eye, remembering Harry and Ginny's marvelous equipment
that he'd seen in Grimmauld Place and didn't need asking twice. The pair immediately
set to work, Arthur using his wand to dig another small trench from the hut to the side
of the house and Jeff running the extra cabling Arthur had created with his wand from
a small remaining sample he had left. This they then placed in waterproof ducting to
keep the installation dry and safe.
Over the next couple of weekends Jeff aided by Arthur, who'd learned so much 'on
the job' that he was becoming a fairly competent electrician's mate, ran new cabling
throughout The Burrow, installed lighting and a few sockets in the lounge and one in
each bedroom and eventually coupled the whole installation up to a new fuse box and
circuit breaker Jeff had fitted in a kitchen store cupboard.
One Sunday evening a few weeks later at sunset the long suffering Molly, who had,
(of course), made a fuss about the mess and disruption the installation work had
caused in her house, was given the honour of formally switching on the
'illuminations'. George, Angelina, Harry, Ginny, Luna, Alan, Bill, Fleur and Ron and
Hermione had all been invited to watch the 'grand ceremony' and had apparated in for
the occasion. Molly somewhat nervously flicked the switch on the mains box and the
new house lights came on, lighting up the darkening Burrow.
Molly looked at them in wonder and said, Well I've done some magic in my time but
this is something new I must say. Everyone clapped and laughing congratulated
Molly on her new 'spell'.
Harry Ginny, Ron and Hermione then quietly sneaked out whilst the rest were still
talking and swiftly returned from the broom store outside with several large boxes
that they placed in the lounge. Seeing what was happening Arthur and Molly

followed the two couples into the room looking puzzled and as they put down their b
burdens Arthur asked, What's all this then.
Harry replied, This Arthur and Molly is your new home entertainment system, we all
chipped in, as I saw how much you liked our setup at home. It's a present from us all
to say thank you for all you've done for us over the years. For me personally you two
have been like a mother and father and you've both been true friends through thick
and thin to us all. Thank you so much and we hope you get many years of enjoyment
out of your new 'modern' home. Now let's unpack all this gear for you shall we and
get it set up.
Soon the brand new equipment was set up and gleaming on it's stand in the corner of
the room. It was then plugged in, a Blu Ray disc placed in the player and the large
screen TV sprang to life, showing a remastered copy of a popular old muggle musical
Molly had loved, since seeing it in the cinema with Arthur years before. The picture
quality was superb and the sound magnificent. Seeing this both Molly and Arthur had
tears in their eyes, Molly saying, Oh how wonderful, how can we ever thank you
everyone, I never imagined anything like this here in my own home.
Arthur, proud at knowing how to do so after Harrys 'demo', turned down the sound on
the TV remote, hugged his wife and said, Yes, thank you all so very much, not just
for this but all your help in making it possible, particularly you Jeff, we'd never have
done it without you.
Then he turned to Molly and kissed her, saying, You see Mollywobbles, it's like I've
been telling you for years, they're damned clever these muggles, and he laughed and
was joined by everyone else.
Jeff then said, I'll be over again tomorrow morning Molly, I need to set up the
satellite dish on the roof and get the Freesat receiver tuned in so's you can get
broadcast TV, it's the best way to get a good signal out here. I need daylight to do the
job safely and then the system will be completed. Strictly speaking you'll be needing
a TV Licence, but as this place is so far off the muggle beaten track and no detector
vans can get anywhere near it, personally I wouldn't worry about it too much. Still if
you really want to get one just pop into the post office in the village and they'll sort
one out for you.
Thank you Jeff, said Molly, I'll be expecting you then. Yes, I do think we will get a
Licence to make things legal. After all, with a husband who works in a respectable

job in the Ministry of Magic we hardly want to start breaking the law at our age, she
Well, said Arthur, I may still be working for them at the moment, but now I'm
getting my new workshop I don't think it'll be for much longer. I'm taking voluntary
retirement and letting the younger ones take over. As to me, with Jeff's help I'm going
to be an inventor, he said.
And with that Arthur dimmed the lights and they all sat down to have a drink, and
watch a bit of the movie.

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