Project One Final

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Witzen, Maria

Rachel Efstathion
ENC 2135
Project One Part One: Evocative Objects Final Draft
Taking five seemingly boring objects and learning their intricate connections to people is
a fascinating thing. Every person in this world has a story and a reason why they exist, and to
see these stories through simple objects is taking a peek into that persons world. Each object
evokes a memory, an emotion, and even a sense of nostalgia. I picked five objects that define
who I am and what I can present to the world. Five objects that hold the most meaning to me are
my grandmas high school class ring, my French horn, my STRYKE Wynds member jacket, my
Marching Chiefs headdress, and my cross necklace.
I am very similar to my grandma on my mothers side. We get along wonderfully and she
is one of my closest confidants. Since I am one of her ten grandchildren, she has to split her time
evenly between all of us, but she gave me something special: her 1957 high school class ring.
This ring has a very interesting story behind it, and it also involves my grandpa. My
grandparents were high school sweethearts, and they wore each others class rings on a chain
around their necks. While my grandpa was helping at his job for a moving company, he lost her
ring somewhere in the clients house. He felt horrible and bought her a new one that looked
exactly the same, but eventually the clients found the lost ring and returned it to my grandma, so
then she had two class rings. She ended up giving one ring to my mom and wearing the other
one herself, but as I was born and grew older, she gave her ring to me. Now, both my mom and I
share my grandmas ring. This ring I wear tells a story that is funny and heartfelt, and it can be
passed down in my family from generation to generation.

The next three objects all share a similar meaning. My French horn, my STRYKE Wynds
member jacket, and my Marching Chiefs headdress all relate to my endless love of music. As of
five years ago, I did not know how to play my instrument. When I went to high school, I decided
to get involved with band, and it was one of the greatest decisions of my life. I found, in that
small band program, lifelong friends, valuable life lessons and skills, and a true passion for
music. Because of my experiences in band and being taught by my amazing band director, I now
know that I want to somehow be involved with music in my future career. The French horn is
probably the most beautiful looking and sounding instrument, in my opinion, but it is also one of
most difficult to play. I am not one to easily back down from a challenge, so I continue to try to
hone my skills on this wonderful instrument. My next object, the STRYKE Wynds member
jacket, has a special meaning involving music as well. STRYKE Wynds is an indoor marching
band group that performs in the winter, and it only recently started last year. I auditioned and
became a member of the small ensemble in December of 2014 and got to perform on a national
stage, winning the silver medal for the year. I also got to perform a solo in that show and being
in that group really pushed me to become a great marcher. As a member, we each received a
member jacket, signifying that we were the beginning members of the organization, and that we
completed the season triumphantly. My last object about music is my Marching Chiefs
headdress, which represents the current phase of my music career. I auditioned and became a
member of the Florida State University Marching Chiefs last summer, and recently completed
my rookie year at the Peach Bowl in Atlanta, Georgia. When rookies are formally accepted into
their section, they are given a headdress, made uniquely by their big sisters or brothers in their
section. My two big sisters modeled my headdress after their own, and it is a Chiefs necessity
on game days. I am so glad that I joined the Marching Chiefs, because it gives me a huge, loving

family while doing what I love most: band. These three objects are meaningful to me because
they are physical symbols of my passion for music. They highlight my accomplishments, tell
stories, and remind me of some of my happiest moments.
The cross necklace is perhaps the most important object of all. The cross symbolizes my
Christianity, and it shows my Saviors sacrifice to all of humanity. The cross is where Jesus died
for the sins of the world, so we would not have to die separated eternally from Christ. Although
He died, He rose from the dead three days later, and this cross symbolizes that message. Without
Jesus, I would be lost, utterly depressed, and probably in a very bad place in my life. I am saved
by Him, and it truly makes life worth living. This cross necklace was a gift, and I am reminded
of my faith when I wear or see it. My faith is very important to me, and I know I can be a light
to those who see me wearing it and question it. This cross brings me joy and reminds me of my
faith, so it is a prized possession.
These five objects represent my most important memories and highlight the things that I
love in life. I definitely think that each person should have his own set of memories that can be
found within certain items. The genres that openly illustrate my items are those of great
nostalgia: family heirlooms, my musical journey, and my religious faith. It is interesting how
each item can possess such a strong emotion within each person, and the genres each item can
convey can either link them together or set them apart in the most intriguing ways.

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