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Our Mission

To help people find and share

books they love.

What is Goodreads?
With 7 million members, Goodreads is the largest site for
readers and book recommendations in the world.
A community of readers who recommend books,
compare what they are reading, keep track of what
theyve read, form book clubs and much more.

Goodreads Audience.
61% are college graduates3

123 million

13.5 million

7 million

monthly pageviews2

monthly uniques2

registered users1



Male 4

Female 4

13 - 17


18 - 34


35 - 44


45 +


A highly engaged group of users

Visit the site more than 2x per day


View 6 pages per visit


Spend an average of 5 minutes per visit

Have shelved 54 books & written 10 reviews
1 Source:

Internal logs (Jan 2012)

2 Source:

Google Analytics (Jan 2012)

$40K - $100K
3 Quantcast

(Jan 2012)

4 Comscore

$100K +
(Jan 2012)

Goodreads Activity.
255 million books added
14 million added per month

Our users are

29 million books marked as finished

900K books finished per month
63 million books marked as to-read
5 million books marked per month

through Facebook

1.3 million and


15 million text reviews

160 million user ratings

Daily averages
645K books shelved
183K books marked TO-READ
32K books marked READ

How many quizzes are taken daily?

(a) too many to count

287K books rated

(b) a really, really, large number

114K user comments

(c) over 2,000 daily

19K active authors

Goodreads Author Program.

The Authors Program is a free feature designed to help authors promote themselves by reaching
their target audience passionate readers and fans through the use of social media tools.
Our 37,747 Goodreads authors can:
Add an author bio and list published
Generate buzz by adding friends and
fans to their network
Publicize upcoming events, such as
book signings and speaking engagements
List a book giveaway and get book in
the hands of influencers
Interact with readers by participating
in an online Q&A session
Blog directly or link to external blog
Gather user feedback by creating
custom trivia questions & polls
Learn more at

Advertising & Sponsorships.

Goodreads offers a variety of Book Discovery Packages that are design to
(1) Amplify and extend the buzz youve created by using the Author Programs free social media tools.
(2) Start an ongoing dialogue with an engaged community of book lovers by inserting yourself in the
discovery process before and after a book release.
(3) Earn you fans who are interested in purchasing your book and who will recommend it to their friends.
(4) Reach influencers who will help you stand out in the social media clutter.

Campaign Goals: Drive Purchase Intent & Increase Book Discoverability

Users add your book to

their TO-READ, showing
a strong Purchase Intent.

They then rate, review & share

their book recommendations
with friends

Results in a grass roots,

influential community
of fans that will help
increase the
discoverability of your
book on the site.

Well known research company Nielsen conducted a study in 2011 that found that 76% of U.S.
web consumers said they most trusted recommendations from personal acquaintances.

Campaign Virality.
When a user adds a book to their TO-READ shelf, it appears in their friends news feed. The
book can also be shared with their friends on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest, increasing the
chances of it being Discovered outside of
Book Marked TO-READ
Goodreads News Feed

Facebook Timeline & News Feed


Book Discovery Package.


Build Buzz & User Engagement

(1) Sponsored Book Page with excerpt,
video, featured user review and links to
authors website, Facebook and Twitter page.

Book Page

(2) Giveaway
(3) Sponsored Book Ads (genre & author
targeted) - used to promote giveaway &
drive users to the book page

Drive Awareness
(1) Homepage 300x250 genre targeted
(2) ROS 300x250 author targeted
(3) ROS 300x250 author targeted


Text Ads

Friend reviews are

featured prominently
on the page.

Book Discovery Package - Results

Book Stats - an immediate spike occurs once the
campaign has started.

Giveaway & Sponsored Book Ads on average 60%

of giveaway winners write a review of the book.
76% of U.S. web consumers said they most trusted
recommendations from personal acquaintances
Promoted Giveaway
Normal Giveaway

Genre & Author Targeted 300x250s

average a 0.20% CTR
Banners that integrate
Goodreads call to
actions, such as add to
your bookshelf typically
achieve higher CTRs.

Sponsored Book Ads over 80% of text ad clicks

result in the book being added to a users shelf.

FACT! Books with no written reviews are

added, on average, by 7 people, while..
books with just five written reviews are
added by more than 40 people!

High Impact Book Discovery Package.

Build Buzz & User Engagement
(1) Sponsored Book Page with excerpt, video,
featured user review and links to authors
website, Facebook and Twitter page.

Case Study: Wrinkle In Time Homepage Roadblock ran for a single day,
increasing user engagement (book adds, reviews, ratings) by 57%!
Homepage Roadblock

(2) Giveaway
(3) Sponsored Book Ads (genre & author
targeted) - used to promote giveaway & drive
users to the book page

Drive Awareness
(1) Homepage Roadblock (970x66 & 300x250)
(2) Homepage banner genre targeted
(3) Sponsored Homepage Poll
(4) ROS 300x250 genre & author targeted
(5) iPhone/Android App
(6) Newsletter or New Releases mailer,
promoted to entire user base (3.5 million)

Mobile: iPhone/
Android App
Sponsored Poll

High Impact Book Launch Package Poll Results

Sponsored Polls are featured on the homepage and are seen by over 250,000 users
per day. Results are shared socially with friends on Goodreads, Facebook and Twitter.
Case Study: Wrinkle In Time homepage poll ran for 5 days, increasing
the daily average engagement (book adds, reviews, ratings) by 69%!
Poll Results
6,631 total votes for Poll #1
11,988 total votes for Poll #2



Users are able to add

book to shelf from Poll
results, increasing book

Standard IAB Units.

Placement: ROS
Ad Size: 300x250

File Types: GIF, JPEG, SWF, 3rd party ad tags

Third Party Serving: Yes, approved vendors only

Targeting: By Genre & Author

(Behavioral & Contextual)

Max File Size: Image: 50K;

3rd party tags: Initial 50K

Ad Targeting.
Our behavioral and contextual ad targeting can help you reach your desired audience.
All IAB standard ad placements can be targeted by geo, demo Book Genre and Author.
Author Page (300x250)



Book Page (300x250)


J.K. Rowling
Stephanie Meyer
Stephen King
J.R.R Tolken
William Shakespeare
Dan Brown
Jane Austen

James Patterson
C.S Lewis
Charlaine Harris
Harper Lee
Suzanne Collins
Nicholas Sparks
John Grisham

*NOTE: not complete listing, more can be added

Graphic novels

Science Fiction

Book Groups.
Users are able to create, manage and maintain Book Groups and Book Clubs. They are mostly created
around a particular genre or author. Targeting your ads in the Groups/Book Clubs section is a great
way to reach a niche audience, introduce a new title and create a conversation around the book.
Groups/Book Club Stats:
50,217 total groups
3,000 Groups invites sent daily
2,000 users daily joining a group
53 books finished daily in a Book Club

With over a combined total of 1.3 million visits and 17.3 million pageviews per month, our
iPhone and Android apps continue to grow at a rapid pace.
iPhone Stats

14 million
monthly PV

188K monthly

552K installed

Android Stats

3.7 million
monthly PV

100K monthly

188K installed

Mobile traffic can view an

exclusive book excerpt or
purchase book.

Email Sponsorships.
Monthly Newsletter

Monthly New Releases Mailer

Distribution: 4 million

Distribution: 4 million

Open Rate: 20-25%

Open Rate: 22-27%

Sent once a month

to active members.

Showcases the latest releases by genre

and a users favorite authors.

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