The 5 Essential Components in Worship

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The 5 Essential Components in Worship

What are your ideas when worship comes up in a dialogue? Do you only think of the music?
Is it the sermon? Most of the time, the focus regarding worship tends toward music. There
are different components that make up a worship service. Music is only one part of a bigger
picture. There are numerous manner in which we show God our worship. In this section we
will take a peek at five individual components that provides a fuller experience in the worship
service to the worshiper. These things encompass the following: Praying Singing, Preaching,
Giving and Communion. Let's first start off with singing.
Ephesians 5:19
Here is a story about Sam, a new Christian, as he attended a church retreat. The very first
activity at this event was singing worship songs. Sam was very intimidated with singing out
loud. However he sings more assured now.
He sings. That's because of this weekend Retreat. At this retreat the worship leader inspired
everyone to do more than mutter the lyrics to the tunes. The worship leader at this retreat
instructed everyone to do more than mumble the lyrics. He said, "The Lord has given you a
voice to sing praises to Him. It is now time to offer it to Him. If you sing well that is amazing,
but if not it is time to get even!"
Supported by these word Sam sang. Awfully! But though the years he discovered the only
way to improve was to practice. The problem was the sole area he could rehearse was
during the church service.
It took a while for Sam to gain self-confidence by focusing on the One he sang to. He didn't
stress how he sounded. This switch in view made him worship better.
Eventually, Sam started singing during His devotional time and purchased a songbook. His
sung weakness was merely highlighted by the lack of music. But concentrating on offering
the songs to God and taking the focus off his singing voice improved his expertise.
The astonishing thing is that Sam loves singing ever. Understanding that by simply elevating
his voice to the Lord and listening others do the same is a glorious experience.
Most would concur that worship includes the act of singing. Singing is a physical action that
all worshipers can do to express what is in their heart Sing though much like discussing is
rather distinct. Probably the most unique thing about singing is the skill for an assemblage of
individuals to tell their worship in unison. It's singing as a group that we can express gratitude
praise, and thanksgiving. We can to God communicate at the same moment. An offering can
be made by the church as a whole. Also singing can offer an emotional element to worship.
Music causes several emotions and dispositions though air and tempo. Music is a language
all its own.
Matthew 6:7-15
Let me tell you about a guy took his son to lunch at a neighborhood diner. They went to the
counter to sit on the stools. The father lifted shofars up to the seat at the counter. They
purchased lunch, and when the server brought the food the dad said, "Son, we'll only have a
quiet prayer." Father finished praying and waited for his son to finish his prayer, but he only
sat with his head bowed for a remarkably very long time. Once the son finished praying the

father needed to ask him "What were you praying all this time?" The boy look puzzled and
replied, "Not really certain what I was praying" "It was a silent prayer."
Lots of our praying is like that. The words we use are empty. We call words to mind,
nevertheless they're repetitious on insincere. Here is a revelation for some of you. When you
pray you and God are just talking. Something you must understand; God likes it when you
speak to him. He desires a relationship that is complete. It is by Prayer that you are able to
converse directly to God. Some components of prayer may be a type of worship. It is by
prayer an open door of communication is established with God.
Prayer may be quiet. It can be said aloud so that others can agree. You can even sing a
prayer. In regards to prayer I like to use the acrostic A.C.T.S. Each letter represents an
essential part of prayer. Here are those for parts of prayer:
A = Adoration
C = Confession
T = Thanksgiving
S = Supplication
Adoration in Prayer
Take some time at the beginning of your prayer to offer adoration to God. It is at this time you
tell God how much you value and adore Him. Affirming your love to him is important. By
asking for items how many times have you busted into pray? A terrific way is to begin your
prayer is to declare God in what ways he is loved by you.
Confession in Prayer
When you pray your heart must be in the right area. Face it humans are sinful by nature.
Confession is a type of recognition of what is truthful. Most frequently we admit our sins. Our
sin is already known by God. Yet we still need to admit them. God is always faithful to forgive
the sins we confess. But I also need to bring another view to confession. This will definitely
generate a brand new aspect in your thought process. It's possible for you to confess God's
greatness. You can confess your religion. Confess the truth!
Thanksgiving in Prayer.
God has ample resources available to every Christian. God is in the company of showering
you with blessings. The obedient thing to do is to thank Him for all the good things he does in
your own life. Regardless of the setting this is an excellent strategy to thank God.
Supplication in Prayer
As I mentioned before it's usual for Christians to load on requests to God. God give me this,
God give that to me. Supplication is your petition for something. Prayer needs balance. Quite
often it is the supplication that Christians spend a bulk of time. It is acceptable to request.
The Bible says to ask. But this shouldn't be the focus. You prayers ought to be according to
God's will. Remembering these areas of prayer - Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving
before you request anything will put you in the proper attitude. Your supplication to God
needs to be bold. He is a God of infinite resources. Request things beyond yourself.
1 Timothy 3:16-17
2 Timothy 4:1-5
We must learn the word of God. Preaching is a fundamental element of worship. This
element of worship allows you to understand about God. It's God's desire that he is known by

you. He wants you to get who and what he is. This is actually the key to His relationship with
you. After all how can you idolize or love someone you don't know. This really is why he has
Sermon is actually an opportunity to dive into God's word the bible and learn much more
about who he's. You'll learn how He uses. The meat of worship is in God's word. Remember
the music not merely a "warm up" exercise. Each element is vital for a whole worship
experience. One complements the other as do all the other areas we are discussing in the
2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Okay, with all your heart mind and soul you are to give. The Christian life is not about
receiving it's about giving.
Growing up at Christmas time it was our family tradition to get gifts for everybody in the
immediate family. I'd get presents for mom, dad, brother and sister. Oftentimes it was difficult
to create a decision about which gift to give. Because I was not old, my resources were quite
limited. So I had to pass on any present which was overly expensive. This did leave the
playing field down quite a bit. But it became apparent that my parents already had quite a
number of things that they already possessed. There were just a small number of
things I could actually get. With God it's a good deal in this way. God possess the universe
and everything in it. But one thing that we can give is our worship to Him. This really is one
thing that He actually appreciates from his people.
Money is the initial thing most thinks about when the topic of giving comes up. Giving money
to the church is an honor we all can do. But, I would like you to also know that it goes beyond
that. It is your entire life that God wants. You have the amazing opportunity to give all your
resources to God. This includes your possessions, your body, your mind and all your time.
It is at that time an actual sacrifice of praise and worship, when you give to God all the
resources available to you.
Matthew 26:26-29 And as my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to
them, saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for
many for the remission of sins. But I say unto you, I'll not drink henceforth of this fruit of the
vine, until that day whenever I drink it new with you in my Father's kingdom.
Christians experience one of the best privileges during Communion. This is a moment for
authentic intimate relationship with Jesus. This is really a time of oneness. It is really time for
the worshiper to bind with their Savior. It identifies the believer with Christ. Communion
allows us to center on the greatest gift ever given to world. It's a moment to remember that
Jesus death on the cross is the greatest and final sacrifice for the sins of the world.
Bringing it all together
As you are able to see there are various sides to the worship experience. Each is as crucial
as the other. The key for affluent and fulfilling worship is equilibrium. As you balance these
five components in your worship service, you offer more chances for the worshiper.

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