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ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

Q1 - Definition of organizational development? What are

the Characteristics of OD?
Ans- Organization development (OD) is a field of research, theory and
practice dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of people
to accomplish more successful organizational change and performance.
The characteristics of OD are 1 .OD relies on the set on humanistic values about people and organizationOD is a normative process grounded in value-laden assumption of what
constitute ideal individual and organization growth. Development for the OD
practitioner means the movement of individual and organization in certain
direction consistence and democracy.
2. OD is based upon scientific approaches to increase organizational
effectiveness- OD is an applied field in which theories concept and practices
from sociology, psychology, social psychology , education, economics,
psychiatry, and management education are brought to deal with real
organization problems.
3. OD is planned strategy to bring about organization changes- OD
programmers are planned, not accidental- They are represent a deliberate
entry of either an OD consultant or OD activities into the client system.
4. OD programs include an emphasis on ways to improve and enhance
performance- OD programs and efforts are designed to produce
organizational effectiveness and health, better, system functioning, greater
ability to achieve objective and so worth. The basic aims of OD are
a. Enhancing congruence between organizational structure, processes,
strategy, people and culture
b. Developing new & creative organization solution.
c. Developing the organization self- renewing capacity.
In these self-renewal outcomes that seem particularly distinctive in
organization development process.
5. OD represents a system Approach- Although OD practitioner may focus on
one or the other aspect or unit of an organization.


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

Q2 As an HR, you find that the OD professional in your

organization is not competent enough. What are the
competencies you will consider in a good OD professional?
Ans- Much of the literature about the competencies of an effective OD
practitioner reveals a mixture of personality traits, experiences, knowledge,
and skills presumed to lead to effective practice. For example, research on
the characteristics of successful change practitioners yields the following list
of attributes and abilities.
Competencies Required for OD Professionals
1. Participation Skills -An effective and efficient OD practitioner helps the
in redesigning and implementing the plan which must be
clear, concrete, simple, rooted, with data, result oriented, measurable and
2. Managing Conflict Dealing effectively with others in an antagonistic
situation, using appreciate inter-personal style and method to reduce tension
or conflict between two or more people.
3. General Consultation Skills - To diagnose and understand the current
functioning of the organization, an OD practitioner needs to know how to
engage people in the diagnosis, how to help them in asking the appreciate
queries and how to collect, analysis and evaluate the information and finally
make modification if necessary. It is also helps in designing the intervention.
Now with the help of following example you can understand how managers
develop their consultation skills a manager should be able to work with
subordinate to determine jointly the strengths and problem of the
organization or its department. The managers should know basic diagnosis
questions, some method for gathering information, such as force-field
analysis or statistics means and distribution for analysis it.
4. Impact- Creating a good first impression. Commanding , attention and
respect, role and respect, showing and air or confidence.
5. Influencing and Gaining Commitment Using appreciate
interpersonal styles and technique to gain acceptance of ideas or plans,
modifying one own behavior to accommodate tasks, situations, and
individual involved.


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

6. Interapernal Skills - As OD is a highly, uncertain process which

requires constant adjustment and innovation, OD practitioner must process
good learning skills and must have values, feeling, purposes, and integrity
that helps in building the relationships in a smooth and cordial way.
7. Monitoring and Coaching - Providing timely guidance and feedback to
help others strengths specific knowledge/skill areas needed to accomplish a
task or solved a problem.
8. Interpersonal Skills -An OD practitioner helps to gain the competencies
which are enquired to solve problem. So, Erin order to built and maintain the
required to solve problems. So, in order to build and maintain the
relationship the OD practitioner must consider the concept of group
dynamics, cultural perspectives and business function. This constitutes the
core foundation of their knowledge and help in developing managing,
facilitation and consulting as their core skills.
9. Contracting Skills- An effective and efficient OD practitioner helps the
organization to confirm the resources commitment and clarify the role of
organization to confirm the resources commitment and clarify the role of
client and consultant. This helps them to identify the change needed in the
system and critical success factor for intervention. This way, realistic
expectation are built.
10.Organization Development theory skills - One of the most important
tools for OD practitioner is knowledge organization development and for this
the practitioner must know the planned change the model. They need to
know what, where and how the interventions are applicable. They must also
be clear about their position, role and responsibility they are about to

Q3- Discuss Explain the Ethical Dilemmas in practicing OD?

Ans- Ethical dilemmas are the result of behavior and in appropriate actions
or roles on the part of both change agents and clients system. Ethical
problems are professional progression in a disadvantage position. Thus the
outcomes of role conflict and role ambiguity may give rise to the ethical
dilemmas which are explained below
Misuse of data- The next dilemma which the OD practitioner face is when
the data or information gathered through OD process is misused. These data


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

are gathered at the entry and the diagnostic stage so it is the duty of the OD
practitioner to see that the information is properly utilized. Thus, spreading
inappropriate information can be harmful to both the individual and the
organization. Therefore in order to minimize and eliminate the dilemma. OD
practitioner should make an agreement with the organization about the
proper use of this data which is collected during the change process.
Coercion- Forcing the members of the organization to participate in the OD
intervention may give rise to coercion. All this depends on the choice of the
member whether he wants to participate in the change process or not.
Values and goal conflict- When the main purpose of goals and unclear and
the OD practitioner and the client disagree over how to achieve the goals,
then the dilemma occurs. The OD practitioners face the practical dilemma to
withhold the services or not when organization to not agree with their values
and methods.
Collusion- When OD interventions are used by the top management as tools
awarding subtle punishment it creates can ethical dilemma called collusion
Examples- The CEO of a company and the head of a department are at
loggerhead. The CEO has a change in mind which is being blocked by the
department head. If the CEO arranges for the change in the guise of OD
intervention just when the department head leaves for his annual vacation
this constitutes a clear case of collusion.
Promising unrealistic Outcomes- The temptation to make promises in
order to gain a contract often makes the consultant promise unrealistic
outcomes. The consequences of this ethical dilemma lead to reduced
credibility of the consultant within the clients organization and also in the
OD field.
Technical Ineptness- When the client try to bring out change for which it is
not ready or when the unskilled OD practitioner try to implement the
intervention when this dilemma take place. So careful diagnosis and proper
selection of appreciate intervention bring out success to the organization.
Thus the qualities required by the OD practitioners for the selection of
intervention are values, skills, abilities and knowledge.
Misrepresentation- This dilemma is endured by the party who is working on
the false pretenses of inaccurate goals and needs. So in order to prevent it


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

the main role of OD practitioner is the clarity of goals of change efforts and
exploring its expected efforts and relevance to the clients.

Q4 -What is performance Appraisal? What are the

purposes and characteristics of Performance appraisal?
Describe the steps in Performance Appraisal System.
Ans- An annual review of an employees overall contributions to the
company by his/her manager. Performance appraisals, also called annual
reviews, evaluate an employees skills, achievements and growth, or lack
thereof. Companies use performance appraisals to give employees bigpicture feedback on their work and to justify pay increases and bonuses, as
well as termination decisions.
Describing the purposes of Performance Appraisal Performance
Appraisal is being practiced in 90% of the organizations worldwide. Selfappraisal and potential appraisal also form a part of the performance
appraisal processes. Typically, Performance Appraisal is aimed at: To review
the performance of the employees over a given period of time. To judge the
gap between the actual and the desired performance. To help the
management in exercising organizational control. To diagnose the training
and development needs of the future. Provide information to assist in the HR
decisions like promotions, transfers etc.Provide clarity of the expectations
and responsibilities of the functions to be performed by the employees. To
judge the effectiveness of the other human resource functions of the
organization such as recruitment, selection, training and development. Helps
to strengthen the relationship and communication between superior
subordinates and management Performance Appraisal is being practiced in
90% of the organizations worldwide. Self-appraisal and potential appraisal
also form a part of the performance appraisal processes
The characteristics of performance appraisal are Explain the Appraisal Process- In the meeting between a manager and
employee, the manager should first explain the purpose and the process of
the performance appraisal. Generally, a performance appraisal is conducted
to clarify job expectations, set goals for improvement of weaknesses and


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

reward for accomplishments and overall performance. The managers job is

to explain the steps involved during and after the performance appraisal.
Clarify Job Expectations-A mutual understanding of the job expectations is
essential to an effective performance appraisal. Absent this, the appraisal
meeting could spiral downward because the manager and employee might
be working from completely different vantage points. A review of the job
description, and employee skills, qualifications and responsibilities should
precede the actual performance appraisal.
Review and Update Job Skills- Review the employees beginning job
skills, meaning what qualifications the employee had at the start of the
evaluation period one year ago. Discuss any improvements necessary and
praise the employee for skills that have improved during this time.
Review Accomplishments and Goals- Accomplishments throughout the
evaluation year will be enumerated. If there are quantifiable goals
established for the review period, the manager and employee determine if
the goals have been met. Often, a management by objective technique is
used to track specific goals, progress and completion for each quarter. Using
this technique simplifies the performance appraisal because there are
intermediate assessments made during the evaluation period.
Final Steps and Rewards- An overall appraisal score may be discussed
during the meeting or it may be calculated after the manager has had an
opportunity to consider the employee input. In addition, the manager should
indicate whether or not the employee will be entitled to an increase in pay or
bonus, if applicable. Many employers use a scale that determines a
percentage increase for performance appraisal scores. Whenever possible,
the manager should inform the employee of the type or amount of increase
to expect for her performance during the year.
Step of the Performance Appraisal Process- The performance appraisal
process is one that few look forward to. However, understanding the process
can help managers and employees conduct a more fruitful appraisal. At the
University of Texas at Dallas, managers are taught that "A chief purpose of
any performance appraisal program is employee development. This goal is
accomplished by helping the employee to do a better job and by developing


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

in the employee the knowledge and skill to meet the future needs of the
work unit and the institution."
Provide Regular Feedback-Regular feedback should occur at least once each
quarter and more frequently if an employee needs encouragement or
motivation. According to the American Society for Clinical Laboratory
Science, etc.The process, at its best, is a collaborative one which should add
value for both the employee and the Employees thrive on feedback because
it ensures the y are performing job duties and responsibilities according to
the expectations. The feedback can be given in a casual manner, provided
the topic of the feedback is suitable for a casual meeting. Always document
any feedback you provide to employees, even if it just to say.
Discipline Issues-Throughout the year, an employee may engage in
behavior that warrants disciplinary action. Your company’s procedure
for addressing discipline should include a requirement to document every
disciplinary action taken. All disciplinary issues and improvements are taken
into account during the annual performance appraisal meeting.
Management by Objectives-Management by objectives, or MBOs, is
another step in the performance appraisal process used for some employees
who have defined goals and steps to achieve each goal. These MBOs really
should be reviewed quarterly to track progress or redefine the goal if neither
of you see enough progress.
Conduct the Appraisal Meeting -As the time nears for scheduling the
appraisal meeting, begin preparing the performance appraisal document.
Many companies have lengthy forms that require managers to record
relatively detailed information about the employee performance in all areas
of the job. Performance is rated in areas such as job proficiency,
interpersonal relationships, communication skills and aptitude. Some
employers consider employee self-evaluations. In these cases, the employee
should prepare her comments about her performance during the past year.
Both the manager and the employee should feel comfortable during the
appraisal meeting.
Follow Up Action- After the performance appraisal meeting, there will likely
be follow up matters such as discussing areas for improvement, establishing
goals for the next year and confirming the employee's salary or wage


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

increase. In addition, the manager and employee may schedule another time
to discuss issues that arise during the performance appraisal meeting.

Q5 -What is learning organization? Discuss the attributes

of a learning organization. Explain the various learning
discipline in learning organization.Definition of learning
Ans -Organization that acquires knowledge and innovates fast enough to
survive and thrive in a rapidly changing environment.
(1). Learning organizations create a culture that encourages and supports
continuous employee learning, critical thinking, and risk taking with
new ideas, (2) allow mistakes, and value employee contributions, (3) learn
from experience and experiment, and (4) disseminate the new knowledge
throughout the organization
Attributes of a learning organization
The Apostle Paul, in a letter written in AD/NE 62 to the people of Colossae, as
laid out in the Leadership Bible, Book of Colossians, outlines five major
attributes of a Learning Organization. In the letter, Pauls desire is for leaders
of the church to instill an ideal of learning. In a functional organization,
learning takes place at all times, during work, in building relationships, after
hours, quite frankly at all times. Each organization has a curriculum built
into the daily functions of all employees. The learning organizational
structure curriculum is outlined in five attributes.
Standard -Organizational values, employee ethical expectations, and
behavioral standards must be outlined clearly, and disseminated in writing to
each and every employee, as well as publishing them in the Organizations
policy and procedures.
Instruction -Just knowing of the standards wisdom is insufficient for
sustainability. Training sessions must be held to explain their meanings and
the associated ethical practices required by employees understanding.
Wisdom and Understanding help leaders achieve employee acceptance, as
well as buy-in that teaches the importance in instituting the standards into
their individual value systems. Employees must understand that they


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

represent the company regardless of their location and whether working or

living in their community.
Practice-Practice makes perfect. Practice creates habitual behaviours, which
teach personal growth and life-skills. Practice also enables success after
failure by teaching what should have been done versus what was done.
Practice builds expertise in professional skills and personal life styles.
Practice solidifies the value system associated with professionalism that
sustains with growth and learning.
Feedback-Leaders need to constantly and consistently monitor and evaluate
performance. Employees require feedback in order to insure practice is
productive. And when exceptional or positively productive, public praise is
required to build confidence and esteem. Conversely, private feedback is
necessary when practice reflects negatively on the individual, the team, and
the organization. Private feedback reinforces instruction. It re-teaches
required policies and practices, to re-direct the employees learning and
Release Micro-managing, even micro-leading, is counterproductive to growth
and employee effectiveness and efficiency. Constantly keeping an eye-ball
on those you lead creates an ask Thebes mentality that inhibits personal
confidence and growth. Leaders must release control, leaders must empower
others, leaders must let employees make mistakes from which they can
learn, leaders must let them grow and function on their own. Sooner or later
leaders must let them drive Dads car to demonstrate that their personal
values and behaviours conform to organizational norms and expectations.
The attributes of a learning organization create an attitude of endurance,
which prevents fall-back to old, unproductive ways, and enables
sustainability. Employees desire standards for their own behaviors, they
desire to learn and grow, they desire to be empowered to fail or succeed,
and they desire to be turned loose to become leaders in their own right.One
intrinsic reward of leadership knowing that you made a difference in the
organizational learning process. Material rewards are short-lived; intrinsic
rewards are life-long and become your personal legacy.
Five basic learning disciplines
Shared Vision: The key vision question is What do we want to create
together?.Taking time early in the change process to have the conversations


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

needed to shape a truly shared vision is crucial to build common

understandings and commitments, unleash peoples aspirations and hopes
and unearth reservations and resistances. Leaders learn to use tools such as
Positive Visioning, 'Concept-shifting and Values Alignment to create a
shared vision, forge common meaning/focus and mutually agree what the
learning targets, improvement strategies and challenge-goals should be to
get there.
Mental Models: One key to change success is in surfacing deep-seated
mental models - beliefs, values, mind-sets and assumptions that determine
the way people think and act. Getting in touch with the thinking going on
about change in your workplace, challenging or clarifying assumptions and
encouraging people to reframe is essential
Personal Mastery is centrally to do with self-awareness how much we
know about ourselves and the impact our behavior has on others. Personal
mastery is the human face of change to manage change relationships
sensitively, to be willing to have our own beliefs and values challenged and
to ensure our change interactions and behaviors are authentic, congruent
and principled. Leaders learn to use tools like 'Perceptual
Positions' and 'Reframing' to enhance the quality of interaction and
relationship in and outside their teams.
Team Learning happens when teams start thinking together sharing their
experience, insights, knowledge and skills with each other about how to do
things better. Teams develop reflection, inquiry and discussion skills to
conduct more skillful change conversations with each other which form the
basis for creating a shared vision of change and deciding on common
commitments to action.. Leaders learn to use tools like the 'Action-Learning
Cycle' and 'Dialogue' to develop critical reflection skills and conduct more
robust, skillful discussions with their teams and each other.
Systems Thinking is a framework for seeing inter-relationships that
underlie complex situations and interactions rather than simplistic (and
mostly inaccurate) linear cause-effect chains. It enables teams to unravel the
often hidden subtleties, influences, leverage points and intended/unintended
consequences of change plans and programs and leads to deeper, more
complete awareness of the interconnections behind changing any system.

Q6 -Write short note-


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

a.)Meaning and step in RAT

b.)Meaning and objective and types of reward
Ans a.)Role Analysis Technique (RAT)-The article refers to research on
job analysis in India and focuses on the advantages of Role Analysis
Technique (RAT), which is an alternative to the traditional job description. The
traditional job-description system, which is based on task and supervisory
responsibilities, does not consider the interdependence of tasks and the
discretionary aspects of a factory management position. Role Analysis
Technique includes the idea that roles in an organizational network are
dynamic, identify role ambiguity, and provide an opportunity for recognizing
interpersonal differences or conflict within a group.
The role analysis technique intervention is designed to clarify role
expectations and obligations of team members to improve team
effectiveness.. Role analysis technique or role analysis process intervention
is designed to clarify role expectations and obligations of team members to
improve team effectiveness. This technique is particularly applicable for new
teams, but it may also be helpful in established teams where role ambiguity
or confusion exists.
In a new organization following steps are followed to conduct a role analysis:1. An analysis of focal role initiated by focal role individual, wherein the role
being defined is called the focal role. The role, its place in the organization,
the rationale for its existence, and its place in achieving overall organization
objective along with specific duties are examined.
2. Examine the focal role bearer lists his expectations of the other roles in
the group that most affect his own performance, and these expectations are
discussed, modified, added to and agreed upon by the entire group.
3. Explicating others expectations and desired behaviors of the focal role.
The members of the group decide what they want from and expect from the
bearer of the focal role. These expectations are discussed, modified, added
to and agreed upon by the entire group and the role incumbent.
4. The focal role person assumes responsibility for making a written
summary of the role as it has been defined; this summary is called Role
Profile.The written role profile is briefly reviewed at the following meeting
before another focal role is analyzed. The accepted role profile constitutes
the role activities for the focal role person.


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

b) Reward Systems -Most of the time, organizations tend to focus on their

operation and finance systems rather than reward system. The reward
system is only considered as a minor part of the overall structure. However,
the effect of the reward system is underestimated by most of the
organizations. There are not many researches regarding to the design of
reward system. The misalignment of reward system will create many
negative effects on organization. Hence, the reward system needs to be
carefully designed to fit the organization objective and structure. In this
project, the researcher use Wal-Mart as an example to discuss on how the
reward system can be effectively implemented and designed in retail
1. Intrinsic Rewards And Extrinsic Rewards
Intrinsic rewards:
Intrinsic rewards are the satisfactions that an individual obtains from the job
itself. It means, they are the factors of esteem and self actualization needs of
the employees. These satisfactions are self initiated rewards and are fulfilled
internally by the employees. These rewards consists of having a pride on
work, having a feeling of accomplishment, or being a part of team etc.
Extrinsic Rewards
Extrinsic rewards are the benefits provided externally. These rewards are
provided in term of money and fringe benefits. These rewards are necessary
to fulfill physiological and safety needs of the employees. Such rewards are
the results of management policies and procedures of the organization.
2. Financial Rewards and Non-financial Rewards
Financial Rewards
Financial rewards mean those direct and indirect payments that enhance an
employee's well being. Financial rewards make employee financially sound
so that he/she can fulfill his/her material desire.
Non-financial Rewards
Non-financial rewards are those employee benefits that do not enhance an
employee's financial well-being .However; such rewards provide more job
satisfaction. Preferred lunch hours, preferred office furnishing, parking
spaces, impressive job title, desired work assignments, business cards, own
secretary etc. are some of its examples.
3. Performance Based Rewards and Membership Based Rewards
Performance Based Rewards-Performance based rewards are such
benefits which are provided on the basis of an employee's job performance
ability. The reward depends upon the performance of an individual in the
actual work floor. These rewards are exemplified by the use of commissions,


ROLLL NO-1411006989
SUBJECT NAME Management and Organizational Development

piece work pay plans, incentive systems, group bonuses or other forms of
merit pay plans.
Membership Based Rewards - are the management based rewards are
those rewards which are paid on the basis of being a member of an
organization. In other words if you are a member of a particular organization
you are most likely to get such kind of rewards. These rewards are allocated
in return of employees membership in an organization such that it goes to
all employees irrespective of their performance. But management based
rewards are not performance based they are given to all employees in

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