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For this section we are reviewing three articles that discusses about the effect of using
air freshener to human health. The entire three author has proven that the air freshener
devices causing bad effect to human respiratory system. This stated in the first article air
freshener device is among the top five factor affecting human respiratory system Alexander
(2003). The similar statement is also stated in second article which is Often the vendors of
air freshener make statements and distribute material that lead the public to believe that these
devices are always safe and effective in controlling indoor odour. For almost a century, health
professionals have refuted these claims Corrigan, P. W (2006). The following issue is also
confirmed by the third author in the third article The health risk imposed by many air care
(or air freshener) products is substantial and indisputable Martin, J. K (2008). Hence, this
has proven that the air freshener contain harmful chemical causing bad effect to human.
Furthermore, according to the first article the solution to solve the indoor air pollution
or the way to remove odour is by the best way to address residential indoor air pollution
usually is to control or eliminate the source of the pollutants and to ventilate the home with
clean outdoor air. But ventilation may be limited by weather conditions or the levels of
contaminants in the outdoor air Alexander (2003). To the contrary with the second article as
the author state difference solution to solve the same problem I believe that the three most
common approaches to reducing indoor air pollution, in order of effectiveness, are source
control to eliminate or control the sources of pollution. Which is ventilation to dilute and
exhaust pollutants through outdoor air ventilation, and air cleaning to remove pollutants
Corrigan, P. W (2006). Other suggestion that is stated in the first article is If the usual
methods of addressing indoor air freshener are insufficient, air-cleaning devices may be
useful. Air filters and other air-cleaning devices are designed to remove pollutants from
indoor air. Some are installed in the ductwork of a homes central heating, ventilating, and
air-conditioning (HVAC) system to clean the air in the entire house Alexander(2003).
Similar to the second article which is The other approach air cleaning is not generally
regarded as sufficient in it, but is sometimes used to supplement source control and
ventilation. Air filters, electronic particle air cleaners and ionizers are often used to remove
airborne particles, and gas adsorbing material is sometimes used to remove gaseous
contaminants when source control and ventilation are inadequate Corrigan, P. W (2006).


Background of our project is about making air fresheners using natural sources. Air
fresheners are consumer products used in homes or commercial products used in restrooms
that typically emit fragrance. The number of home fragrance products available today is
staggering. There are scented candles, potpourri, scented sprays, oil diffusers, incense and
plug-in room deodorizers. Instead of shelling out for products that contain a host of
potentially harmful toxins and chemicals, it is better to make own air fresheners. A few drops
of highly-concentrated essential oils can add a lovely dose of natural fragrance to your home.
Making own air fresheners using natural sources is a money-saving way to add
pleasant, fresh scents to home while reducing your exposure to unwanted chemicals. Plus,
you can completely tailor the scents to your preferences or your needs. For example of
natural air freshener that could be use is essential oils. It is a highly-concentrated and fragrant
liquid extracted from plants and can provide a range of therapeutic and health benefits.
Natural air freshener gives benefits to the user is such a way lavender can improves sleep
quality and calms the nervous system, basil can helps relieve headaches and rosemary
can stimulates the mind and improves memory.
For our project we decided to narrowing our scope to specifically choosing the best
air freshener which are healthy, eco-friendly and easy to make at home. This recipe is no
exception and makes use of an item that is likely to be in your pantry. Make the most of the
deodorizing and refreshing effects of baking soda and lemon juice.
All good scents are simply products of good chemistry, or rather good chemists.
Companies spend quite a bit of cash on research and development, perfecting smells like a
post-rainfall Anisah kasim(2013) . Air fresheners help enclosed areas like cars to smell
better on the inside. They can be any shape but the cardboard cut outs are popular. Originally
shaped like pine trees, fresheners now come in virtually any shape, size and colour, based on
personal preference. The engineering part of an air freshener is the pressurized spray. Air
fresheners became popular for automobiles. After few years of development of air freshener
there is an invention by the companies made them out of compressed paper and oils.
For our project scope we did not use any pressurized spray we used the natural way to
produce an air freshener. By using a piece of felt from a hobby store and pure, scented oil, the

air freshener is made naturally without any additional chemicals used in factory production.
These fresheners can be made cheaply and to your specifications on size, shape and scent. A
sachet of crushed and dried lavender flowers is created. Using all natural potpourri. Baking
soda is an excellent air freshener. It can be pour into an old sock and place it underneath the
car seat.
In short, after reviewing these three articles it can be concluded, that even though the article
is written by different author but fact is still the same it cannot be change. In this section we
also have stated the specific background for our project. Include the engineering aspect that
we used in order to make the natural air freshener. The next study, we are explaining about
the methodology that has been used for this project.

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