Mini Case1

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Minicase 1. Darmouth College Goes Wireless.

1) In what ways is the Wi-Fi technology changing the life of Dartmouth students?
Wi-Fi technology implementing has improved the life of Dartmouth students, by developing
foundation for more convenient and effective study and communication. This innovation has
resulted on two main directions:
1. student-professor communications
Due to distribution wireless technology professors started to use new teaching methods
(supporting examples from Internet, online tests, immediately announcing results), promoting
discussions. The system allows students to ask the professors questions without waste of time on
waiting for his/her turn.
2. communications among students
On-line communication became more extensive (especially via SMS). So implementing WiFi technology helped students to save time and boost efficiency by changing way of obtaining,
processing and delivering information.
Ander the influence of wireless system Dartmouth society becomes more digital.
2) Some say that the wireless system will become part of the background of everybody's
life-that the mobile devices are just an afterthought. Explain.
Implementing wireless system is logical result (necessity) of hard competitive environment.
To be successful now means to be mobile, every time and everywhere have an access to necessary
information and ability to communicate with others (partners, co-workers, professors, friends, etc.).
So, wireless innovation system meets these contemporary challenges and helps its users to save
money and time.
3) Is the system contributing to improved learning or just adding entertainment that
may reduce the time available for studying?
I think this system contributes both in learning process and entertainment. Just look at
citations: Students can submit their classwork by using the networks, as well as by watching
streaming video and listening to Internet radio. Professors are using wireless teaching methods.
Students can evaluate presented materials and can evaluate online on multiple-choice questionnaire
related to presenting materials. According the faculty, the system makes students want to give
answers, thus significantly increasing participation. Innovation system changed way of submitting
information and way of study.
4) What are the major benefits of the wireless system over the previous wireline one?
Do you think wireline systems will disappear from campuses one day?

In my mind, major benefits of the wireless system are:

improvement of teaching methods;

making communication, acquisition and sharing information easier and faster;

more cost efficient than wireline system;

inducement students to creation and implementation their IT products.

Maybe wire lines will disappear some day, but it wont happen immediately. The future of
wireline system depends on campus administration decision, which can base on the comparison of
implementation costs and benefits of two systems.

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