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Miss Natasha L Silverman

Applicant Details
Other email:

Miss Natasha L Silverman
[ Not entered ]


Address (Term)
Day Phone:
Night phone:

50 Grifon Road
Chafford Hundred, Essex RM166RJ
United Kingdom
(01375) 483690
(01375) 483690
(44) 07825738355


Address (Home)
Day Phone:
Night phone:

50 Grifon Road
Chafford Hundred, Essex RM166RJ
United Kingdom
(01375) 483690
(01375) 483690


Secondary Education
1. Palmers Sixth Form College (2005-2007)
Further Information:
Although I had always been extremely interested in the English legal system and its application within
society, I did not initially anticipate that it would be possible for me to pursue a career as a lawyer. My
secondary education had been beset by a physical disability and subsequent medical care, which had a
significant detrimental effect on my GCSEs. Consequently, my confidence in my own academic abilities
was shaken, and I decided to discontinue my studies. For the following two years while I worked at a
sports marketing company, I became increasingly aware that I was not being sufficiently challenged
intellectually. I therefore applied to my local sixth form college to train as a legal secretary. In order to
have a full timetable I was required to take on an additional three A-levels. I chose Law, which had
always been of immense interest to me, alongside Sociology and Media Studies. The latter two
subjects were selected because they would fill out my timetable without diverting too much time from
my main course of study, and their academic merit was not an issue at this juncture. Before long, I
found that relished being back in an academic environment again, and was delighted when I achieved
A grades in my first set of exams. I was particularly pleased not to have dropped a single mark in the
Law paper. By the end of my two years at the college, I had achieved a Distinction in the secretarial
course, as well as straight A grades for the three A-levels. In recognition of this I was awarded two
prizes and a bursary by the college. By now my ambition to be a legal secretary had transformed into
an aspiration towards a career as a solicitor, and several work experience placements served to
confirm this. As a result, I applied to university, where I was accepted by all six institutions. Following
an interview and a diagnostic test, in which I gained the equivalent of a starred first, I was awarded a
full academic scholarship to study the LLB at BPP Law School, where I have gained firsts in all exams
to date. Although my route into law has not been a traditional one, I believe that my progress since
leaving school demonstrates determination, a clear and unwavering desire to succeed, and the ability
to overcome obstacles no matter how challenging they are. My experiences have provided me with a
broader perspective than I would otherwise have had, and have been instrumental in developing the

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Miss Natasha L Silverman

skills and strength of character that are a prerequisite for a career as a lawyer.
Study Level:
| Legal Secretarial Course
| 2006
| Dist
| Law
| 2007
| GCE - A Level
| A
| Media Studies
| 2007
| GCE - A Level
| A
| Sociology
| 2007
| GCE - A Level
| A
2. Sanders Draper School, Hornchurch, Essex (1998-2003)


Undergraduate Education
1. Law (9/2009-6/2012)
Institution: BPP Law School
Combined honours degree: No
Year of study: 2
Grade: 1
Obtained/Expected? Expected
Please detail any information in relation to any academic institution you have attended for
exchange studies:
Not Entered
If your education is outside the UK, please detail the grading system:
Not Entered
Further Information:
I was awarded the Director of LLB programmes' full scholarship, following a psychometric test and
interview at BPP Law School.
| Contract
| 2010
| 1
| Contract - Advanced Analysis (Elective)
| 2010
| 1
| Criminal - Advanced Analysis (Elective)
| 2010
| 1
| English Legal System
| 2010
| 1
| English Legal System - Advanced Analysis ( | 2010
| 1
| Elective)
| Tort
| 2010
| 1
| Tort - Advanced Analysis (Elective)
| 2010
| 1


Postgraduate Education
There are no postgraduate education records.

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Miss Natasha L Silverman

Referee Details
Referee 1

Mr John Clifford
Director of LLB Course
BPP Law School


137 Stamord Street

London Waterloo,
United Kingdom



How does this person know you?:

Director of LLB Programme

I have permission to supply the details of this referee:

I grant permission to contact this referee directly:


Referee 2

Mr Steve Broach
Doughty Street Chambers


Doughty Street Chambers

54 Doughty Street London,
United Kingdom


020 7404 1313

020 7404 2283

How does this person know you?:

Chair of BPP School Exclusions Project

I have permission to supply the details of this referee:

I grant permission to contact this referee directly:



Equal Opportunity Compliance:

Gender: Female
Ethnic Origin: White (British) Disability: Yes

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Miss Natasha L Silverman

Details of Disability:
I suffer from Scheuermann's Disease, condition which affects the discs in my spine. For
extended periods of writing, I require a word-processor.
Age: 19-24
Religion: Jewish
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Applying for a training contract: No

Applying for a vacation scheme: Yes - Vacation scheme - London
Do you have any criminal convictions or had any judgment made against you in court?*
Details of criminal offence or judgments (if applicable)

Work Experience
Organisation - School Exclusions Project
From (dd/mm/yyyy) - 01/02/2010
Position - Student Director and Advocate
To (dd/mm/yyyy) - 01/05/2012
Current Employer - (checked)
Outline Details/Responsibilities
I was chosen by the Director of the BPP Pro Bono Centre to work alongside a Doughty Street barrister to develop,
establish and manage a new pro-bono project which provides representation at independent appeal panels for
parents/guardians of children who have been excluded from school. In the capacity of Student Director, I am
responsible for running the annual recruitment process, organising training in exclusion law, liaising with the
educational charities best placed to pass on referrals. I also manage the day-to-day running of the project.
The project is now a nationwide organisation and we have helped many families who are ineligible for legal aid but
unable to afford representation, whose cases would otherwise have gone unheard.
I recently singlehandedly represented a child and his parents at an Independent Appeal Panel hearing, following his
permanent exclusion from school. On the basis of my submissions to the tribunal, the grounds of appeal which I
drafted, and my cross-examination of witnesses, we were successful at the hearing and the exclusion was
Organisation - 'Disabled Children: A Legal Handbook' by Stephen Broach
From (dd/mm/yyyy) - 01/03/2010
Position - Researcher
To (dd/mm/yyyy) - 01/04/2010
Outline Details/Responsibilities
The book, written by Steve Broach of Doughty Street Chambers, is an accessible legal guide to issues affecting
disabled children. I conducted research for the Housing chapter, and was thrilled to be named in the
acknowledgements. The experience provided me with the opportunity to hone my organisational and timemanagement skills.
Organisation - Free Representation Unit
From (dd/mm/yyyy) - 01/03/2010
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Miss Natasha L Silverman

Position - Employment Law Volunteer
To (dd/mm/yyyy) Current Employer - (checked)
Outline Details/Responsibilities
After successfully completing an employment law exam, I am now a fully-trained FRU volunteer. Under the
supervision of a case officer, I am able to prepare and manage cases, and provide advocacy at employment law
Organisation - Financial Services Authority
From (dd/mm/yyyy) - 02/03/2009
Position - Regulatory Transactions Administrator
To (dd/mm/yyyy) - 20/09/2009
Outline Details/Responsibilities
My role at the FSA involved providing administrative support to teams within the Regulatory Decisions and
Transactions Division. My duties included the undertaking of criminal record, intelligence, and finance checks and
producing letters and other documents for both internal and external stakeholders.
My experience at the FSA allowed me to witness, first hand, the impact of the financial crisis on businesses and
commercial enterprises of all sizes. The role of commerce in this scenario became of immense interest to me and
served to confirm my aspirations towards a career in commercial and corporate law.
Organisation - Century 21, France
From (dd/mm/yyyy) - 06/07/2008
Position - Assistant to Estate Agent
To (dd/mm/yyyy) - 06/08/2008
Outline Details/Responsibilities
I spent a month living in Mayenne, France, where I shadowed and assisted an Estate Agent selling properties to
clients from the UK. This was an invaluable experience which enabled me to gain an insight into commerce in a
different culture, and provided me with multicultural exposure which I consider imperative for a career as a solicitor
in a global economy.
Organisation - Lester Dominic Solicitors
From (dd/mm/yyyy) - 06/11/2007
Position - Vacation Scheme
To (dd/mm/yyyy) - 10/11/207
Outline Details/Responsibilities
I enjoyed spending a week at Lester Dominic in north London, where I was able to gain experience in a variety of
areas of law. I took particular interest in commercial agreements and litigation.
Referee 3
Title - Miss
First Name - Amy
Last Name - Keeble
Position - Recruitment Manager
Organisation - Tate
Postal Address - St Helen's Place
Suburb/Town/Area - Region/Province - London
Country - United Kingdom
Postal Code - EC3A 6DP
Phone - 07810001864
Fax - 02075621651
Email -

Core Skills
Describe a significant challenge that you have faced outside of your academic studies in the last year.
How did you initially analyse the challenge? What approach did you take to solving it? What did you
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Miss Natasha L Silverman

learn? (250 words)
It became clear to me that there was a need for better access to legal representation for families of excluded
school children, and that there was scope to establish an initiative under the aegis of BPP Pro-Bono Centre.
Firstly, I presented my proposal to the Pro-Bono centres Director, outlining the client benefits and invaluable
practical experience to be gained by students. BPP then secured a barrister who had undertaken to provide training
in exclusion law. The project was given a green light.
Representatives needed to be recruited. I advertised the positions on the BPP intranet to all students, and
implementing strict criteria based on dedication to working with children, selected thirty-five students from one
hundred applicants. I then organised training in the statutory law.
Finally, we needed to acquire clients for the projects services. I therefore liaised with educational charities from
whom the project now receives regular referrals.
Unassisted, I recently represented my first client. Based on my grounds of appeal, cross-examination of witnesses
and legal submissions, I was successful and the Head Teachers decision to exclude was overturned.
The School Exclusions Project is now a nationwide organisation, and we have helped over fifty families who are
ineligible for legal aid but unable to afford representation. We are delighted to be nominated for the LawWorks
Student Awards this year.
Describe a time that you have had to change your approach to a project or task halfway through. What
changes did you have to make? Why did you need to make these changes? What was the outcome?
(250 words)
Whilst working at the Financial Services Authority, a staff survey indicated a clear lack of job satisfaction among
support staff. I was asked by my manager to organise a series of administrators luncheons in order to improve
morale amongst employees. However, it soon became apparent that the issue ran far deeper than a lack of social
events, and it emerged that many administrators shared similar concerns. Communication between departments
was a particular issue, as was the poor understanding of the roles of other employees. However, staff felt unable to
express these concerns to their supervisors.
I arranged a meeting with management to propose establishing an Administrators Forum. Despite some initial
concerns about the possibility of such a group having a negative impact on relations between administrators and
associates, management was ultimately convinced by my arguments regarding the benefits of cross-divisional
communication and support between administrators at the FSA. Approval was given, and I was put in charge of
devising and driving the initiative.
Weekly meetings were held to discuss concerns, many of which were actively addressed, and social events were
organised. Many administrators felt under-skilled in certain areas, and the Forum requested additional training.
This was granted, and employees felt that this deeper understanding served to improve their overall experience of
the workplace.
Within weeks, communication and rapport had improved, and a subsequent survey to assess employee satisfaction
confirmed the success of the initiative. I understand that the Forum is still in operation, and continues to be a

Additional Information

Please detail how the skills that you have learned from your hobbies, interests and work experience
will ensure that you are a successful trainee solicitor. (250 words)
My extra-curricular activities demonstrate that my personal attributes and aspirations are exceptionally well suited
to the scope of challenges the profession offers.
Past employment at the FSA, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Accenture has developed my knowledge of commerce,
whilst confirming my desire to work in a business environment. Additionally, these experiences verify my ability to
produce work to the high standard that is required by corporate and blue-chip organisations.
As a trained dancer, I was selected to perform with the European Ballet on their UK tour, and gained third place for
baton twirling at national level, demonstrating that I thrive in highly pressurised situations.
In my role as Student Director of the BPP School Exclusions Project, I have developed and driven a new pro-bono
initiative which provides legal representation to families of excluded school children at appeal hearings, an
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Miss Natasha L Silverman

illustration of my initiative and self-motivated nature. Furthermore, I organised a team to give a lesson on the legal
system at a primary school in east London. These experiences demonstrate the strength of my team-work and
leadership abilities. My advocacy experience at tribunals confirms my client-driven approach and ability to remain
composed when under pressure.
My position as a researcher for Stephen Broachs Disabled Children: A Legal Handbook, exemplifies my attention
to detail and strength of my organisational and time-management skills.
Most importantly, previous employment has taught me that it is imperative that I chose a career which
intellectually stimulates me daily, and I believe that the legal profession will offer me this.
Please outline the reasons why you would like to work at Osborne Clarke in your chosen location. (250
Previous employment at global professional service firms PricewaterhouseCoopers and Accenture, developed my
commercial understanding and ambition to work in a business environment. At the Financial Services Authority, I
was able to witness the impact of the financial crisis on business enterprises of all sizes, and commercial law in this
scenario became of immense interest to me. These experiences have confirmed my aspirations towards a career at
a commercial law firm.
I am very much drawn towards Osborne Clarkes London office because of its strong reputation for TMT. The firm is
rated as Tier 1 for Media & Entertainment by Legal 500. I have much experience of this industry, having worked in
numerous featured television/film roles, including E4's 'The Inbetweeners'. I have performed in a number of
theatre productions, and was selected to dance with the European Ballet during their UK tour.
Previous employment at a marketing firm also developed my interest in brand management, for which Osborne
Clarke is considered a Tier 1 firm. I read with interest that the firm advised Eurostar on an Olympics sponsorship
The London office is also rated highly for Employment. Experience as a FRU volunteer has fuelled an interest in this
area that I am keen to explore.
I aspire towards a career with a firm that has a high quality of work. For this, Osborne Clarke is a Lex 100 Winner.
In addition, the firm is a Lex winner for job satisfaction, which is indicative of a supportive working environment.

How Did You Hear About Osborne Clarke?

Websites: - (checked) - (checked) - (checked) - (checked)


Chambers Student Guide - (checked)

Lawyer2B - (checked)
Lex 100 - (checked)
Training Contract and Pupillage Handbook - (checked)

Career Fairs:

Other (please specify)

Have you applied to Osborne Clarke previously?*
If so, please provide details of the year you applied and the stage your application reached.
Previous Year Position Applied For Outcome of previous application I understand that the information on this application form is correct and complete to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that any false or misleading statements may be sufficient grounds for
terminating any arrangements made.*

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Miss Natasha L Silverman

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