Philippine Historiography & Local History Group 1 (Historiography: Trends, Methods & Approaches)

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1) To define historiography and its interpretation.
2) To compare history in a global sense.
3) To know why Rizal choose Morga in rewriting Philippine History.
4) To re-examine the records in Historical Research: Not All Spanish churches in Pampanga were
built by the Spaniards; Rizal was second in his class in University of Santo Tomas.
Historiography is the study of the history and methodology of the discipline of history.
Historiography does not simply study the event, but the changing interpretations of the events in the
works of individual historians. History is taken to mean written history recorded in a narrative form for the
purpose of informing future generations about events. The Histories , earliest critical works composed by
Herodotus father of history who tried to distinguish between more and less reliable accounts, and
personally conducted research by travelling extensively. The generation after Herodotus witnessed a
sequence of local histories of the individual city-states which led to the development of historical approach
like establishing a rationalistic element and autobiographical elements which set a pattern for subsequent
Western historical writings.
The restoration of global history entails the forces at work from the different tradition, culture,
political frontiers and geographical boundaries. Historians of the present generations link to a range of
concept from great philosophers such Karl Marx, Hegel ,Voltaire, Cicero, and many others revive the
multiple perspective that inspire contacts and connection with the local. There are two dominant
approaches that govern history; the connections or traditional and comparative history or the geographical
catchments recent historian provide a wide array of spatial and chronological perspectives with
appreciation for universal human complexity. Europeans invites ecumenical direction for a more
meaningful learning in the future. Overwhelmed with the powerful civilization and conquerors, world
history offers the irresistible and teleological concepts which are useful evidences to reinvent, reconfigured
and reconstruct called social science.
The article of Rizal deals with the views on Philippine history. It attempts to place Rizals Morga
within the framework of his work, as well as in the larger context of Philippine historiography. Rizals Morga
may not have been read widely, but its significance lies in the fact that with this edition, Rizal began to
task of writing the first Philippine history from the view point of a Filipino. Rizal is often credited with
rewriting Philippine History, because the notion of Philippine History is ambiguous to begin with. There
are two notions of Philippine History, first, the history of the place and second, the history of the people of
the place. Rizal choice of Morga; 1) the original book was rare. 2) Morga was a layman not a religious
chronicler. 3) Rizal felt Morga to be more objective, more trustworthy, than those written by the religious
missionaries who were liberally sprinkled with tales of miracles and apparitions. 4) Morga, compared to
religious chronicles, was more sympathetic to the Indios. 5) Morga was an eyewitness.
The re-examination of history of Regalado Trota Jose that not all churches in Pampanga were built
by the Spaniards and Jose Rizal was not being discriminated by the Dominican school which is the
University of Santo Tomas.

History depends on how the historians narrates it. Historiography is the study of how we
are going to interpret the happenings of the past. It is indeed that we need some methods of
discipline in re-examining history. We need evidences to prove the narration of the historians.
Thus, historiography helps us to interpret the history of different religions, the local history of a
certain place put into one to make a national history and national history collaborates the story
of other nations to make a world/global history. Some of the key accounts that we taught to
believe that Rizal was not excellent in his studies at the University of Santo Tomas. In fact, it
disapproved by the re-examination study of Regalado Trota Jose that Rizal was second in his class
at UST and he was not being discriminated by the Dominican friars as what our history teachers
taught us. To prove on his study he presented some evidences by presenting the report card of
Rizal at UST. We also believed that all of the churches at Pampanga was built by the Spaniards
wherein Fr. Macalinao was the one who administered to build the church at Mabalucat,
Pampanga. Therefore, history is related to science we need to re-examine the history of the
historians and derived a concrete proof for the consumption of the younger generations.

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