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Max Marks- 20

Duration- 20min .

1. What are the arguments(inputs) for an index function?

Ans. The INDEX function syntax has the following arguments.
Array Required. A range of cells or an array constant.

If array contains only one row or column, the corresponding Row_num or

Column_num argument is optional.

If array has more than one row and more than one column, and only
Row_num or Column_num is used, INDEX returns an array of the entire
row or column in array.

Row_num Required. Selects the row in array from which to return a value. If
Row_num is omitted, Column_num is required.

Column_num Optional. Selects the column in array from which to return a

value. If Column_num is omitted, Row_num is required.

2. What does a match function return?

Ans. MATCH returns the position of the matched value within lookup array, not the
value itself. For example, MATCH("b",{"a","b","c"},0) returns 2, which is the
relative position of "b" within the array {"a","b","c"}.
3. What are the different ways to create a chart?
Ans. Below are the steps required for creating a basic chart in Microsoft Excel:
a) Open Excel or Calc and the document for the chart.
b) Highlight the values you want to chart. For example, if you want to chart
the months totals that are listed in cells A20 through J20, you would
highlight A20 through J20.
c) In Excel 2003 and earlier, click the Insert menu at the top of the window
and select Chart to bring up the chart wizard. The chart wizard will step
you through the procedure for creating the chart, including the types you
want to use, the title, axis, legends, etc.
d) In Excel 2007 and later, click on the Insert tab and in the Charts section,
click on the type of chart you want to create, and then click on the specific
style of chart you want to create for the type of chart you selected. The
chart will be added to the spreadsheet and you can modify the style and
color, add or remove chart elements, and filter the data that is displayed in
the chart.

4. If the sales is 10000, Fixed cost is 3000, Variable cost is 5000. What is the profit.
If the profit should be 4000, what should be the sales. Write down the steps
Ans. Sales-Fixed Cost-Variable Cost=Profit
10,000-(3000+5000) =2000
If the Profit is 4000, Sales should be 12,000.
5. If you want the rows to change and the column to be fixed what will be the
referencing written as
6. Write the V look up function for a data with 3 columns Name, Age, City. If we
want to know the city of a student by looking up his name.
7. When is the data table used?
Ans. Instead of creating different scenarios, we can create a data table to quickly try
out different values for formulas.
8. Which key is used to convert cell reference to different types of reference
Ans. ShiftF4
9. How is text entered in a formula?
Ans. Capital
10. True argument in lookup function stands for
Ans. Approximate match
11. With ________ excel changes the appearance of the data in a cell based on its
Ans. Conditional formatting
12. We can have more than one formatting for cells in conditional formatting
Ans. True
13. Give an example of an If function.
Ans. IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])
14. Which is not a chart in Excel
Ans. Bubble.
15. What are the different Chart tool tabs that appear when you select a chart area in
the worksheet?

16. Filters can be applied to rows in an excel sheet

Ans. True
17. What are the different What if Analysis tools, in which tab do you find this tool?
Ans. Three kinds of what-if analysis tools come with Excel are
a) scenarios
b) data tables
c) Goal Seek.
18. What is the syntax for finding the future value of 1000 invested every year for 15
years at an interest rate of10%?
19. What does a return type in a weekday function indicate? what is the default type?
Ans. OPTIONAL - 1 by default - A number indicating which numbering system to
use to represent weekdays. By default, counts starting with Sunday = 1.
If type is 1, days are counted from Sunday and the value of Sunday is 1, therefore the
value of Saturday is 7.
If type is 2, days are counted from Monday and the value of Monday is 1, therefore
the value of Sunday is 7.
If type is 3, days are counted from Monday and the value of Monday is 0, therefore
the value of Sunday is 6.
20. When you copy a formula
Ans. Excel edits cell ref in the newly copied formula

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