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[ARC 2513] Building Construction 2

Project 2 : Understanding Forces in Solid

Structure and Surface Structure

Tutor : Mr Bruce Lee Xia Sheng

Yang Ge Shen
Chia Wei Pink
Kee Yu Xuan
Lee Yi Feng
Wong Kah Voon
How Pei Ngoh


Introduction 1
Architect.. 2
Concept 3
Orthographic drawings 4
Structural Analysis... 6
Gravity load and inertia.......6
Shear load....8
Axial load........9
Lateral load......10
Joint Analysis11

Reference .....16


Name of Building : Gare de Lyon-Saint Exupery , formerly Lyon-Satolas airport railway station
Location : Lyon, France
Architect : Santiago Calatrava
Collaborators : Alexis Burret, Sebastien Mernet, David Long, L. Burr
Construction Year : 1989-1994
Area : 5600 square metres
Cost : 750 million Francs (approximately 146 million USD)
Massing of the structure is striking that it resembles an eye wide opened.
Design of section is interesting in a way that it has incorporated beautiful
streamline of anthropometry. Pointed arch above the spine is a steel box formed
by triangular section. Inside the structure, a dynamic feeling is created by the
progressive narrowing of overhead skylights. Strong image of flight is evoked.


Name : Santiago Calatrava Valls

Nationality: American, Spanish
Born: July 28 1951
Significant Projects :Athens Olympic Sports Complex, 1982
Alamillo Bridge, 1989
City of Arts and Sciences,1996
Auditorio de Tenerife, 1997
Chords Bridge, 2005
Lige-Guillemins Railway Station, 2009
He received a degree in architecture at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and he
enrolled in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology for second degree in civil engineering.
In 1981, he started his engineering and architecture practice. He working as engineering
discipline structural engineer, architect
and sculptor.

The concept of the Lyon-Satolas airport
railway station is dynamics, on the
other hand, is variability and surprise;
apparently chaos but microscopically
ordered; organic metamorphosis.
(Climent, 1994; 14)

Form is inspired by human eye and some

components have beautiful streamline of
human body, moreover, plan and elevation
are related to proportions of the human body

Figure 1.3 sketch of overall form and shape which shows the solar
heat gain

Figure 1.1 Original concept sketch by Santiago Calatrava

Figure 1.2 Original concept sketch by Santiago Calatrava


Site Plan Diagram




Front elevation

Cross Section

In section of main hall (Figure 2.1), skeletal
structure is bent, it has gravity load acting
towards ground. Its inertia resist it from being
moved and tend to return to its original shape,
reflexive momentum or the upward force in every
truss opposes the downward forces. Main span of
100 metres provides tensile forces to hold the
body down. Also, the spine transfers gravity load
from the 1300 ton steel roof to the ground.

Figure 2.1 main hall

In section of the adjoining concrete service

building (Figure 2.2), columns play the transfer
gravity load of the bent roof structure to the
ground. Convergence of two rows of columns at
the middle in Y-shape provide stronger strength
to the columns as it spreads the load to two
components at right angle to each other.
Figure 2.2 adjoining concrete service building

Gravity forces


Transfer of gravity loads to ground



Figure 2.3 middle structure of roofs shear diagram

Figure 2.4 structure of cantilever roofs shear diagram

Shear force is the force is the force that causes

two parallel surface to slide across each other.
There are two forces acting in opposite
direction, causing the cross section of the
surface to distort to a parallelogram.
Maximum shear happens at both ends but in
opposite direction thus a linear diagram is
obtained. Maximum shear force experienced
by particular surface is at two ends of surface.
Thus, there are cross-bracing at every interval
of the spine to resist the strong shear force at

Figure 2.5 adjoining concrete service buildings shear diagram

Shear load


Figure 2.6 middle structure of roofs axial loading diagram

Figure 2.7 structure of cantilever roofs axial loading diagram

Axial force is the force acts perpendicular to the

surface of a material, causing it to deform.
Degree of deformation can be observed in the
displacement or change in length and area of
cross section. The larger the displacement the
larger the strain, the larger the force, the larger
the stress.

The use of large amount of trusses and bracing

and columns is crucial that it spreads load in
different direction. When load is transmitted and
not concentrated, tendency of deformation of
components is lowered.

Figure 2.8 adjoining concrete service buildings axial loading diagram

Axial load


Moment is the product of force and distance of

force from a pivot point. Maximum moment
happens at mid-span, thus parabolic curve is
obtained. Same concept is used here but unlike
shear force, moment is strongest at the middle
of two jointings. Clockwise and anticlockwise
moment is kept in equilibrium by the stiff spine
and load transfer along its span to the ground.
Figure 2.9 middle structure of roofs moment diagram

Figure 2.10 structure of cantilever roofs moment diagram


Figure 2.11 adjoining concrete service buildings moment diagram


Earth quake seldom happens in Lyon.

According to the site context, lateral force is
not as crucial as gravity load, moment
bending, shear and axial forces. Lateral load
in this case wind load however is taken into
design consideration.

Figure 2.12 lateral loading diagram

From the front view(figure 2.3) and (figure

2.4) section, when lateral load acts on the
structure, it is transfer from the cantilevered
roof to the ground through the 100 metres
span and from trusses to the ground. In this
way, the structure is able to stay still without
wobbling, and overturning.
Figure 2.13 lateral loading diagram



Pinned joint is used for the skeleton

structure of main hall. Pinned joint create a
clamping force across the joint which is able
to sustain the operating conditions without

Figure 3.1 joint along the skeleton structure

Base plate
Top of concrete foundation
Bedding space

Equivalent or Location tube

Holding down bolts

Anchor plates
Figure 3.2 column base diagram


The rigid linear components of lyon Satolas airport railway station is design to tie the
light entryway into the building. Steel and glazing are used to achieve a sense of
openness and lightness for the building


Structural steel have a carbon content within the range

0.16-0.25%. It attributes the compressive strength as well
as tensile strength. It is tough, stiff and ductile. It is
commonly used in supporting building, Lyon Satolas is one
of an examples, which the outer curved beams are
constructed by structural steel and supporting the 40
meter tall skeleton structure itself.

Tempered glass is up to four or five times harder than

standard annealed glass. As it has been gone through the
tempering process at approximately 650c, the outer
surface is set to be in compression while the inner surfaces
is set to be in tension. It helped Lyon Satolas Airport
railway station resist the lateral loads.


Reinforce concrete is the concrete which reinforcing with

additional assistance, support or material such as rebar and
steel. Concrete is strong in compression. By adding the
rebar, it increased the tensile strength which make the
concrete achieve the balance between tension and
compression in order to resist the applied loads.
Space frame vertical elements Adjoining concrete service
building of Lyon Satolas are constructed with reinforce
concrete to support the skeleton structure of main hall and
resists the momentum created by trains

Precast concrete roof slabs span most of the lozenges of

the adjoining concrete service building. The precast
concrete is a type of concrete which manufactured in
factory by casting concrete in mould that is durable and
able to reuse. Fine aggregates are used in the mixture, so
the final product has the appearance of naturally. The
speed of installation is depends on the excavation, but It is
easy to install even though it is heavy







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