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AutoTime 7

Installation Guide for

JBoss Application Server


Revised: 11/21/2013

AutoTime 7 2011 Kaba Benzing America, Inc.

Installation Guide for JBoss Application Server/Windows
Revised: 11/21/2013

Kaba Workforce Solutions

3015 N. Commerce Parkway, Miramar, FL 33025
US Toll Free: 866-635-2122
Main/International: 954-416-1720
Fax: 954-416-1721

Table of Contents
About this Guide ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Customer Support ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Supported Platforms ................................................................................................................................... 3
Application Server Setup ........................................................................................................................... 5
Installing Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 1.6.x ....................................................................................... 6
Setting the Environment Variable on the Application Server .................................................................... 7
Installing JBoss Application Server 5.1.X ................................................................................................ 9
Edit JBoss Setting in order to Append to Existing Logs ............................................................................ 9
JBoss Web Server Port ............................................................................................................................. 9
Additional JBoss Configurations ............................................................................................................ 11
Disable Chunking .................................................................................................................................... 11
Bypass the Proxy Server ......................................................................................................................... 12
Downloading the Application................................................................................................................... 13
Installation Instructions ............................................................................................................................ 14
Create Your AutoTime 7 Database ......................................................................................................... 14
Backup Your Import and Export Files ...................................................................................................... 14
Check Your Log Files .............................................................................................................................. 14
Stop the Application Server ..................................................................................................................... 14
Un-Install the AutoTime7Server Service ................................................................................................. 14
Windows 2008: Turn Off User Account Control ...................................................................................... 15
Installing the Application ......................................................................................................................... 17
Installing the Database Schema .............................................................................................................. 30
Installation Errors ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Run the Stored Procedure Scripts for Oracle EBS ................................................................................ 36
License File ................................................................................................................................................ 37
Installing the License File ........................................................................................................................ 37
Purchasing Licenses ............................................................................................................................... 38


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AutoTime7Server Service......................................................................................................................... 39
Running the AutoTime7Server Service ................................................................................................... 39
Running the Application ........................................................................................................................... 40
Application Settings for Services and Web Time Clock .......................................................................... 40
Violation Notices ....................................................................................................................................... 41
Index ........................................................................................................................................................... 43



The AutoTime 7 Installation Guide provides instructions for installing the AutoTime 7 application. This
guide is intended for use by anyone who is responsible for installing the AutoTime 7 application.

For customer support you can reach us at:

US Toll Free: 866-635-2122

Main/International: 954-416-1720

Voicemail messages always page someone (24 hours per day/seven days per week/365 days per year).
If all of the Service Representatives are busy, you will be asked to leave your name, your company's
name, and your telephone number. A Service Representative will return your call.
For non-critical issues, you can e-mail us at
Please have the following information available before contacting Kaba Workforce Solutions Support:

Contact name, phone number and/or e-mail address

Company and site name

Version of Product

Hardware model and serial number if reporting a hardware issue

Software such as operating system, database software and version

Whether the system is a production or test system

Any specific error codes and text

Any steps to reproduce the issues

If possible, provide more information such as screen snapshots, Customer Issues Report, exact steps
leading to the issue, log files, file attachments, etc.


Database Server Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Dual Core Intel Xeon Processor with 2.3 GHz or higher

High Speed Ethernet Network Connection
8-10 GB of disk space per 1000 users initially, with 6-8 GB of growth
per 1000 users per year

Operating System

Supported operating systems depend on the Database Version you

are using. Refer to your SQL Server or Oracle documentation for

Database Version

Microsoft SQL Server 2005

-orMicrosoft SQL Server 2008
Oracle 10g
-orOracle 11g
If you are using Oracle 11.2 or higher, please ensure that Deferred
Segment Creation is disabled. Specifically, set the value of the Oracle
initialization parameter DEFERRED_SEGMENT_CREATION=FALSE.
See ORACLE Database Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2).

Application Server Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Dual Core Intel Xeon Processor with 2.3 GHz or higher

2-4 GB RAM
High Speed Ethernet Network Connection
6-10 GB of disk space for the application and log files

Operating System

Windows Server 2003 (32-bit or 64-bit) Standard or Enterprise

-orWindows Server 2008 R/2 (32-bit or 64-bit) Standard or Enterprise

Application Server

JBoss 5.1.x for JDK 6

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Application Server Requirements

JDK Version

1.6.x (32-bit or 64-bit version)

Oracle Client Version

Oracle Client version 10g

(if you are using an Oracle



SQL Server Version

Microsoft SQL Server 2005

(if you are using a SQL

Server database)


Oracle Client version 11g

Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Web Client Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Intel/AMD processor with 2.0 GHz or higher

1 GB RAM required, 2GB recommended

Operating System

Windows XP
-orWindows 7

Browser Supported

Internet Explorer 8.0 or 9.0

-orMozilla Firefox 4.5 and higher, up to version 11.0


Follow the sections in the order they are listed. For items that are already installed, you may skip the
steps as necessary.
In order to use the application, you must have the 32-bit or 64-bit version of Java Platform, Standard
Edition Development Kit (JDK) 1.6.x installed on the application server. The application server is the
location where you are planning to install the application.
To check what version of Java, if any, you may already have installed on the application server:
1. Open a command line prompt.
2. Run the statement java version.
3. If you have Java 1.6.x installed, the following should display: java version <update version
number> (e.g., java version 1.6.0_31).

4. Refer to the table below for the next step.

If you do have
Java 1.6.x

You must check whether the java program is present in your PATH variable.
Run the statement set java_home. This command will display the
java_home location. If the wrong version of Java displays, please update the
Java path on the application server to reflect Java version 1.6.x.

If you do not
have Java 1.6.x

See Installing Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 1.6.x (below).

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Note: JDK has two version numbers - external version number (6.0), and internal version number (1.6.0).
1. Navigate to the following URL: The link will take you to the
Java SE Downloads page by Oracle.
2. Scroll down the page to locate the Java SE 6 Update section. This section contains the Download
link to the latest update version for JDK 1.6.x.
3. Click the Download button located in the JDK column.
4. In the next window, accept the License Agreement.
5. Locate the download link for your platform. For example, jdk-6u31-windows-i586.exe.
6. Click the link to download it.
If you are using Internet Explorer, it might block the web page from installing an Active control. Click
the Information bar, and then click Download File.
7. You will be prompted to run, save, or cancel the jdk-6u-<update version number>.exe file. Save the
file to a location of your choice.
8. Locate and run the executable.
The Java SE Development Kit wizard will start the installation process. The software will be
installed in a folder called jdk1.6.0_<update version number>.
9. In the Custom Setup window, click Next.
10. Click Finish.
Note: Trying to install the JDK on a non-supported version of Microsoft Windows or on a machine
that doesn't have a sufficiently up-to-date Service Pack will cause the installer to generate the
following warning:
"We recommend that you do not install this Java platform for the following reasons: This Java
platform does not support the operating system or operating-system service pack on this machine.
11. Restart your application server.
12. Open a command prompt window and run the statement java version. The version you installed
should display. If another version displays, the issue may be resolved after you set the environment
13. Continue with Setting the Environment Variable on the Application Server (on page 7).

Application Server Setup

1. On the application server, right-click My Computer.
2. Choose Properties.
3. Click the Advanced tab.
4. Choose Environment Variables.
5. In the Environment Variables window, locate the System variables section.
6. Scroll down to the variable JAVA_HOME. If it is listed, select it and click Edit.
If JAVA_HOME is not listed, click New and type JAVA_HOME in the Variable name field.

7. In the Variable value field, enter the path of the JDK you installed. For example: C:\Program
8. Click OK.
9. In the System variables section, scroll down and highlight Path.
10. Click Edit.

11. Ensure that the correct version of Java displays in the Java path listed in the Variable value field.
If no Java path exists, please enter the Java home directory as the first directory in the Variable
value field. In the example above, jdk1.6.0_26 is used. The Java directory is C:\Program Files
12. Click OK.
13. Click OK to exit Environment Variables.
14. Click OK to exit System Properties.
15. If you made any changes to the Environment Variables settings, restart the application server.

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16. You can verify the version of JDK by opening a command prompt and running the statement java
version. The version that displays should be the one you just installed. In the example below, it is


Before installing JBoss Application Server you must have a working installation of Java. Since JBoss is
100% pure Java, you can have it working on any Operating System or platform that supports Java.

The letter "x" in 5.1.x refers to any number in the 5.1 series. For example, 5.1.0.

The application does not support JBoss 5.1.x Beta or CR versions.

To install JBoss Application Server, you need an unzip tool. You can download a free, crossplatform unzip tool, available at the following URL:

To install JBoss:
1. Download JBoss Application Server from the following URL: For example,
2. Extract the contents to a location of your choice.
Note: The JBoss home folder is referred to as <JBOSS_HOME> in the rest of this document.


In order to allow JBoss to append to the existing log each time you start the application server, you must
change the JBoss setting. Please follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to JBOSS_HOME\server\default\conf.
2. Right click and edit the jboss-log4j.xml file.
3. Find the line with the following text:

"<appender name="FILE"
4. Within that section find the following text:

"<param name="Append" value="false"/>"

5. Set the append value to true. For JBoss 5.1.x users, the value is already set to true. If the value is
set to false you must change it to true.


By default, port 8080 is used for the JBoss Web server port.
If your JBoss port is not set to the default value of 8080, you will need to change this port number after
you install the application. To do so, you will need to log into the application and go to the Servers tab in

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the Application form (Main Menu > Configuration > System > Application > Servers). Select the Host
Name for your application server, click Modify, and change the Port as necessary. For example, if your
JBoss port number is 8180, change the Port to 8180. Refer to your online help file for more information.
For information on modifying your JBoss port number (e.g., from 8080 to 8180), please refer to the latest
JBoss documentation, which is available at the following URL:



This section contains information on optional configurations you may want to perform on your JBoss
Application Server.

This section contains instructions on how to disable chunking in JBoss. This section is not intended to
replace your existing JBoss documentation. It is a quick reference for system administrators who are
responsible for configuring the JBoss application server.
Follow the steps below to disable chunking:
1. Stop JBoss.
2. Navigate to the following directory:
3. Select and edit the following xml file: standard-jaxws-client-config.xml.


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4. Set the chunksize to zero (0).

5. Save the changes.

6. Restart JBoss.
Please note that chunking is not supported on Oracle WebLogic application servers.


This section contains instructions on how to configure JBoss to bypass a proxy server. This section is not
intended to replace your existing JBoss documentation. It is a quick reference for system administrators
who are responsible for configuring the JBoss application server.
Follow the steps below to bypass the proxy server:
1. Navigate to the following directory: <KABA_HOME>/app/bin/windows/appserver/jboss.
2. Right-click and edit the RunJBoss.bat file.
3. Add the following to the JAVA_OPTS section of the file:
-Dhttp.proxyHost=<IP address of proxy server> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<port number of proxy

4. Save the changes.



The application is packaged as an executable .jar file. The name of the .jar file has the following format:
AutoTime7-installer-reporting-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.jar. The timestamp part of the file represents the
build version, which is the exact date and time when the build was created. The file is available on the
FTP Server The \pub directory on the FTP Server contains directories with the
releases and patches. Releases have a corresponding Release Notes document with lists of fixed issues,
new features, and install instructions. You need a username and password to access the FTP Server.
Your Project Manager can supply you with the login name and password.
1. Navigate to You need a username and password to access the FTP Server. If
you do not know your username and password for the FTP site, please contact the Kaba support
desk at 954.416.1720 x 300.
2. Locate the executable .jar file and save it to a folder and location of your choice. The default
directory is C:\Program Files\Kaba\AUTOTIME, but you may want to choose a different location.
Note: The file must be installed on the same machine as the application server.
Do not use the following characters in your folder names: ( ) = \ " ' #. Oracle may not recognize these
characters and as a result may not connect AutoTime 7 to the database.


Follow the instructions below if you are installing the application for the first time, or if you have already
installed the application at least once.


You will need to create your Oracle or SQL Server database before you run the installer. You will need to
provide the database server host name, port number, user name, and password in order to complete the
installation. Please refer to the Database Server Requirements (on page 3) for a list of supported
database versions.


If you are not installing the application for the first time, you may have unprocessed interface files with
data you have imported from or will be exporting to your ERP system. These files are located in the
KABA_HOME\app\import and KABA_HOME\app\export folders.
Note: KABA_HOME is the installation directory where the \app folder resides.
To ensure that the installation process does not overwrite these files, make sure you backup the files in
the \app\import and \app\export folders or move them to another location.


If you are not installing the application for the first time, you need to check your log files for any issues
that may have occurred when the application last ran. The log files are located in the KABA_HOME\logs
directory. KABA_HOME is the installation directory where the \app folder resides (e.g., C:\Program
If your log files contain any data, make sure you backup the files in the \app\logs directory or move them
to another location before you install the application. Place the log files in a .zip file and notify Kaba
Customer Support that you have these files.


Before you install the application, you must stop the JBoss application server.


If this is an upgrade installation (you are not installing for the first time), you also need to un-install the
AutoTime7Server Service. To do so:


Installation Instructions
1. Make sure you stop the JBoss application server.
2. Navigate to the folder <application installation folder>\app\bin\windows\appserver\jboss.
Example: C:\Program Files\Kaba\AUTOTIME\app\bin\windows\appserver\jboss.
3. Run UninstallJBoss5Service.bat. This action will un-install the AutoTime7Server Service.


If you are using Windows Server 2008, you need to turn off User Account Control before you install the
application. Once you have completed all the installation steps outlined in this manual, you can turn this
setting back on.
To turn off User Account Control:
1. Go to the Start menu and select Control Panel. Open the User Accounts control panel.
2. Click Turn User Account Control on or off.

An alert message will appear asking if you want to continue with this action. Click Continue.


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3. Un-check the Use User Account Control (UAC) to help protect your computer box. Click OK.

An alert message will appear telling you to restart your computer. You need to restart the computer
for this change to take effect.
4. Close the User Accounts control panel and restart the computer.
When you are done, proceed with the installation steps below.



1. Navigate to where you have saved the executable .jar file and double-click it.
The application will extract via the KABA Installer.

Once extracted, the Welcome window appears.

2. Ensure that your application server meets the requirements shown in the Welcome window and
click Next.
The Select Installation Type window appears.

3. Select Application to install the application and click Next.

Note: You will need to install the Database Schema as well, after you install the Application. These
steps are explained in the next section - Installing the Database Schema (on page 30).


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The Install Options window appears.

4. Select the directory where you want to install the application. Click Select Folder to navigate to the
destination folder. You must single-click the folder to select it; do not double-click it.
5. Enter the name of the license file you are using. The license file determines which modules you
can activate in the application.
If you change the name of the license file, the new license name you enter will be saved in the
config.xml file.
You will install (on page 37) the license file in the /app directory when you are done installing the
application and database server.
6. Click Next to continue.


Installing the Application

The Application Server Type window appears.

7. Select JBoss 5.1 and click Next.

The Application Components to install window appears.

8. Check all the components you want to install and click Next.
Check the Deploy ERP Data Source box only if you are using an external ERP.


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The JBoss Home window appears.

9. Enter the JBoss home directory. Click Select Folder to navigate to the folder where JBoss is
located. You must single-click the JBoss home folder to select it; do not double-click it.
10. Enter the Application Server Host name.
11. The Application Server Port refers to the port number used by your JBoss instance. You can
leave this setting at its default value (8080).
If your JBoss port is not set to the default value of 8080, you will need to change the Application
Server Port after you install the application. To do so, you will need to log into the application and
go to the Servers tab in the Application form (Main Menu > Configuration > System > Application >
Servers). Select the Host Name for your application server, click Modify, and change the Port as
necessary. For example, if your JBoss port number is 8180, change the Port to 8180. Refer to your
online help file for more information.
For information on modifying your JBoss port number (e.g., from 8080 to 8180), please refer to the
latest JBoss documentation, which is available at the following URL:
12. Leave the JBoss Service Name as AutoTime7Server.
13. The Java Options specify how much memory to allocate for Java. Do not change these settings
unless you are familiar with changing the memory allocation to the Java Virtual Machine.
Note: If you change the Java Options, the new values will be updated in the RunJBoss.bat file. The
installer also saves these values in a properties file located in the same folder as the installer.jar
file. If you run the installer again from the same folder (e.g., during an upgrade), the installer will use
the Java Options in this properties file as its default values.
14. Click Next.


Installing the Application

The Database Type window appears.

15. Select your Database Type (SQL Server or Oracle) and click Next.


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16. If you selected SQL Server as the Database Type, the Application (JDBC) Database Connection
to MS SQL Server window appears. Enter the following SQL Server database information:
Database Server: Name of the host where your database is installed. This field can contain one of
the following:
Database Name: Do not use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Database User Name: Database account user name.
Database User Password: Password of the database user name.


Installing the Application

17. If you selected Oracle as the Database Type, the Application (JDBC) Database Connection to
Oracle window appears. Enter the following Oracle database information:
Database Server Host: Name of the host where your database is installed.
Database Server Port: Port number of the host.
Database Service Name or SID: Do not use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Database User Name: Database account user name.
Database User Password: Password of the database user name.

18. Click Next.


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The Confirm Datasource window appears. The illustration below shows the Confirm Datasource
window for a SQL Server database.

19. Confirm that all the database information you provided is correct and click Next.
If you checked the Deploy ERP Data Source box in the Application Components to Install Window
earlier, the ERP Database Type window appears. Skip to the next step: ERP DATABASE.
If you did not check the Deploy ERP Data Source box in the Application Components to Install
Window earlier, the Installation Progress window will appear instead of the ERP Database Type
window. Please skip to the Installation Progress (on page 28) steps to continue with the Installation


Installing the Application

20. ERP DATABASE: Select SQL Server or Oracle in the ERP Database Type window and click

The ERP Database Connection window appears.


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21. If you selected SQL Server as your ERP Database Type, enter the following Database Connection
ERP Data Source Name: Name of your ERP data source.
ERP Database Server: Name of the host where your database is installed.
ERP Database Name: Do not use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
ERP Database User Name: Database account user name.
ERP Database User Password: Password of the Database User Name.


Installing the Application

22. If you selected Oracle as your ERP Database Type, enter the following Database Connection
ERP Data Source Name: Name of your ERP data source.
ERP Database Server Host: Name of the host where your database is installed.
ERP Database Server Port: Port number of the host.
ERP Db Service Name or SID: Do not use the fully qualified database name (FQDN).
ERP Database User Name: User name for the ERP database account.
ERP Database User Password: Password of the ERP database user account.

23. Click Next.


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The Confirm ERP Datasource window appears. In the illustration below, the Confirm ERP
Datasource window is shown for a SQL Server database.

24. Confirm the ERP Datasource and click Next.

The Installation progress window appears.

25. Click Install to begin the installation. You can click Show Details to view the installation progress.
When the installation is complete, a message window will appear.


Installing the Application

26. Click OK to complete the installation process.
The Complete window appears.

27. Click Exit to exit.

Please see Installing the Database Schema (on page 30) next.



1. Navigate to where you have saved the executable .jar file and double-click it.
The application will extract via the KABA Installer.

Once extracted, the Welcome window appears.

2. Ensure that your application server meets the requirements shown in the Welcome window and
click Next.
The Select Installation Type window appears.

3. Select Database Schema and click Next.

If your database has no existing AutoTime tables, the installer will perform a full database schema
install. If your database has existing AutoTime tables, the installer will perform a database schema


Installing the Database Schema

The Install Options window appears.

4. Select the directory where you want to install the Database Schema. Click Select Folder to
navigate to the destination folder. You must single-click the folder to select it; do not double-click it.
Note: The Database Schema directory does not have to be the same as the Application directory.
5. Click Next to continue.
The Database Components to install window appears.

6. Click Next.


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The Database Type window appears.

7. Select your Database Type and click Next.

8. If you selected SQL Server as the Database Type, the Database Connection to MS SQL Server
appears. Enter the following SQL Server database information:
Database Server: Name of the host where your database is installed.
Database Name: Do not use the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Database User Name: Database account user name.
Database User Password: Password of the database user name.


Installing the Database Schema

9. If you selected Oracle as the Database Type, the Database Connection to Oracle window
appears. Enter the following Oracle database information:
Database TNS Name: Enter the fully qualified domain name (FQDN).
Database User Name: Database account user name.
Database User Password: Password of the database user name.

10. Click Next.

The Confirm Datasource window appears. The illustration below shows the Confirm Datasource
window for a SQL Server database.

11. Ensure that the information you provided is correct and click Next.


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The Installation progress window appears.

12. Click Install to begin the installation. You can click Show Details to view the installation progress.
When the installation is complete, a message window will appear.

13. Click OK to complete the installation process.

The Complete window appears.


Installing the Database Schema

14. Click Exit to exit.

You can review the schema_install log for any errors. The file is located in <Schema Installation
Directory>\db\bin. The Schema Installation Directory is the location you chose in the Install Options step.
If you have an Oracle schema, ignore the following errors in the log:
ORA-02293: cannot validate - check constraint violated
ORA-02443: Cannot drop constraint - nonexistent constraint
If you receive errors such as ORA-00942: table or view does not exist, check your Oracle clients to make
sure they meet the minimum system requirements; see Supported Platforms (on page 3) for information.
If the application server from which you are running the installer is not using a supported Oracle client, the
database schema will not install correctly.
If there are any other errors, please call Customer Support:
US Toll Free: 866-635-2122
Main/International: 954-416-1720
The installation is now complete. However, you will not be able to use the application until you install the
license file. The license file enables the applicable modules within the application. See License File (on
page 37) for more information.
You will also need to install and run the AutoTime7Server Service (on page 39).



If you are using AutoTime to interface with an Oracle EBS system, you need to run several scripts on your
Oracle EBS database. These scripts will install stored procedures into your Oracle EBS database that
ensure data is mapped correctly between AutoTime and Oracle EBS.
1. Navigate to the folder KABA_HOME\db\sql\scripts\schema\ORACLE\ERP\ORACLE_EBS.
KABA_HOME is the installation directory where the \app folder resides (e.g., C:\Program
2. Run each file against your Oracle EBS database:


In order to use the application you must install a license file. The license file activates and authorizes you
to use the modules you purchased with the application. If you do not install the license file, a violation
notice will appear when you attempt to log in to the system. The violation notice will appear each time you
attempt to log in until the license file is installed.
Note: You will be able to view and use all the modules even though their licenses have expired, except
for when the Configuration license has expired. Once the Configuration license has expired, you will not
be able to use or view any forms when you attempt to log in.


1. Locate the license file on the FTP server. If you do not know your account and password for the
FTP site, please contact Kaba Customer Support at:
US Toll Free: 866-635-2122, ext. 300
Main/International: 954-417-1720, ext. 300
2. Copy the license file (e.g., license.xml) from the FTP server into the folder named "app" in the
directory of the application installation (for example: C:\Program Files\Kaba\AUTOTIME\app).
The illustration below displays the contents of the \app directory after completing Step 2 above.
Please note that the license file must reside in the same folder as the config.xml file .

You can change the license name when you install the application. The new license name you enter will
be saved in the config.xml file.
AutoTime will first look for the license name specified in the config.xml file. If this license cannot be found,
the application will look for license.xml or KabaLicense.xml.


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If you have installed the license file properly, you will be able to log in to the application successfully.
However, if the license file is corrupt, if you are exceeding the number of users indicated on your contract,
or if the license has expired, other violation notices will appear. See Violation Notices (on page 41).

To purchase licenses or discuss any licensing issues, please contact Kaba Customer Support at:
US Toll Free: 866-635-2122, ext. 300
Main/International: 954-416-1720, ext. 300


Before you can run the application, you must install and run the AutoTime7Server Service.
Note: If you are using Windows Server 2008, you need to turn off User Account Control before you install
the AutoTime7Server Service. This setting should have been turned off before you installed the
application (on page 15).
1. Navigate to the folder <application installation folder>\app\bin\windows\appserver\jboss.
Example: C:\Program Files\Kaba\AUTOTIME\app\bin\windows\appserver\jboss.
2. Run InstallJBoss5Service.bat (see below). This installs the AutoTime7Server Service.


1. Navigate to the Windows Services (Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services).
2. Start the Windows Service AutoTime7Server.
3. Set the service to run automatically.
If you receive an error message that the AutoTime7Server Service started and then stopped, check your
JAVA_HOME System Variable. Make sure the Variable value for JAVA_HOME contains the path of the
JDK 1.6.0_(X) you installed. See Setting the Environment Variable on the Application Server (on page 7)
for more information.
Note: If you are using Windows Server 2008, once the AutoTime7Server Service has been added and
started, you can go back and check Use User Account Control (UAC) (on page 15) to help protect your
computer in the User Accounts control panel.



1. Open Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox.
2. Clear your web browsers cache.
3. Go to the URL below:
If you are connecting to the application from a remote client, you can replace localhost with the
actual IP address of the machine and port where the JBoss Application Server is running.
http://<IP address of app server>:8080/autotime
4. The Login page displays.
After you start the AutoTime7Server Service, it will take about two minutes before the JBoss application is
completely up and running. Until then, you will not be able to display the login page.
If you still cannot display the Login page, please call Customer Support:
US Toll Free: 866-635-2122, ext. 300
Main/International: 954-416-1720, ext. 300


In order to run the AutoTime 7 services and the Web Time Clock, you need to ensure that several
Application Settings are configured correctly.
Refer to the application's help file for more information.


The application requires you to install a license file after installing the application. The license file
activates and authorizes you to use the modules you purchased with the application. If you do not install
the license file, a violation notice will appear when you attempt to log in. The violation notice will appear
each time you attempt to log in until the license file is installed.
Violation Notice
Login Failed. License File is Missing

The license file cannot be found or cannot be


License Decryption Error

The license key is not correct; the license key

and/or the module key contain invalid

Invalid XML:Parse Error

The license file (license.xml) has been


License File Corrupt

The license key tag is empty, the Module

specified in the license key does not exist, or
the module key is empty.

Your company is in violation of license agreement.

The following modules have expired: Module
License has expired: Configuration

The Configuration license has expired.



Installing the Application .................................. 17

About this Guide ................................................. 1

Installing the Database Schema ...................... 30

Additional JBoss Configurations ...................... 11

Application Server Setup.................................... 5

Java SE Development Kit (JDK) 1.6.x ............... 5

Application Settings for Services and Web Time

Clock ............................................................. 40

JBoss Application Server ................................... 9

JBoss Web Server Port ..................................... 9

AutoTime7Server Service ................................ 39

License File ...................................................... 37
Backup Your Import and Export Files .............. 14
log files ....................................................... 14, 17
Bypass the Proxy Server (JBoss) .................... 11

Check Log Files ............................................... 14

Run the Stored Procedure Scripts for Oracle

EBS .............................................................. 36

chunking ........................................................... 11

Running the Application ................................... 40

Customer Support .............................................. 2

Stop the Application Server ............................. 14

disable chunking .............................................. 11

support ............................................................... 2

Downloading the Application ............................ 13

Supported Platforms .......................................... 3

Edit JBoss Setting in order to Append to Existing

Logs ................................................................ 9

Technical Support .............................................. 2


Un-Install the AutoTime7Server Service ......... 14
Installation Errors ............................................. 30

Installation Instructions ..................................... 14

Violation Notices .............................................. 41
Installing JBoss Application Server .................... 9


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