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Study Program

: English Education


: Introduction to Linguistics







: 5 Word Formations

Time allotment

: 100 minutes

A. Competence
By the end of this lesson, students are going to be able to understand the regularities in the
word-formation processes in English.
B. Indicators

Able to define and mention the examples of coinage.

Able to define and mention the examples of borrowing.

Able to define and mention the examples of compounding.

Able to define and mention the examples of blending.

Able to define and mention the examples of clipping.

Able to define and mention the examples of backformation.

Able to define and mention the examples of conversion.

Able to define and mention the examples of acronyms.

Able to define and mention the examples of derivation.

Able to mention the examples of multiple processes.

C. Instructional objectives

Students able to define and mention the examples of coinage.

Students able to define and mention the examples of borrowing.

Students able to define and mention the examples of compounding.

Students able to define and mention the examples of blending.

Students able to define and mention the examples of clipping.

Students able to define and mention the examples of backformation.

Students able to define and mention the examples of conversion.

Students able to define and mention the examples of acronyms.

Students able to define and mention the examples of derivation.

Students able to mention the examples of multiple processes.

D. Sources

Yule, George. 2010. The Study of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

E. Materials

Page 52 - 65. Chapter 5 Word Formation

F. Method of teaching and learning

Lecturing and discussing.
G. Learning activities


Time allocation


5 minutes

Setting up the class, teacher prepares the students to

be ready to start the lesson by drawing their
attention, checking their attendance, etc.

Teacher gives motivation about the important of

learning English the important to study hard.



Question-answer leading to topic.

Question and answer about the ways of forming new

5 minutes


Students learn coinage.

Students discuss sources of coined words.

Students discuss coinage on the given pictures.

Students learn borrowing.

Students discuss sources of English words from

10 minutes

10 minutes

other languages

Students discuss words which borrowed from


5 minutes

Students learn calque / loan-translation.

5 minutes

Students learn compounding.

Students discuss types and examples of compound


Students give other examples of compound words.

5 minutes

Students discuss blending.

Students find other examples of blending.

10 minutes

Students discuss clipping.

5 minutes

Students discuss backformation.

5 minutes

Students discuss conversion.

Students discuss the types of conversion.

5 minutes


Students discuss acronyms.

Students find other examples of acronyms.

5 minutes

Students discuss derivation.

5 minutes

Students discuss multiple processes.

5 minutes

Students do the exercise related to the given

Teacher asks questions to students concerning to the


10 minutes

discussed topic.

Teacher gives take-home assignment related to the

discussed topic.

Students and teacher make reflection on the teaching

and learning activities.

H. Assessment
Students do the exercise related to the materials by answering true or false on the given
statements. The teacher can assess by observing the class during the exercise.
1. Prefixes are placed in the end of the words.


2. The word unfaithful has two suffixes.


3. We can place both prefix and suffix in a word.


4. We get totally new words in blending.


5. Luna de miel (Spanish moon of honey) and honeymoon (English) is an example of calque.
6. The word ad originally from advertisement is a back clipping.


In can you Fedex the books today? the processes of word formation involved are coinage
and backformation.


8. Conversion is a change in the function of a word without any reduction, as for example
when a noun comes to be used as a verb.
9. The word diesel is an eponym.


10. Acronyms can be either pronounced as its each separate letter or as new single words. (T/F)

Surabaya, October 22, 2015

Lecturer in charge,

Marisatul Khasanah, S.Pd

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