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There is or there are? #1



Use there IS for singular nouns (one item)

Use there ARE for many items (plural nouns)
Use there IS for non-count items (group nouns)

Write IS or ARE in the blanks below.

1. There ________ many animals in the zoo.
2. There ________ a snake in the window.
3. There ________ a zebra in the grass.
4. There ________ lions in the zoo, too.
5. There ________ many baby lions near their parents.
6. There ________ a bird next to the tree.
7. There ________ many monkeys in the trees.
8. There ________ an elephant in the zoo.
9. There ________ some water in the lake near the elephants.
10.There ________ birds in the zoo.
11. There ________ many people visiting the animals today.
12.There ________ many children, too.
13.There ________ some grass under the tree.
14.There ________ bananas in the tree with the gorilla.

15.There ________ many birds near the gorilla.

16.There ________ a rock near the tree.
17.There ________ many sharks in the aquarium.
18.There ________ an eel in the aquarium, too.
19.There ________ lots of water for the fish.
20.There ________ many creatures to see at the zoo.


Very vs. Too

Look at the two sentences. How are they different?

A: It is very hot.
B: It is too hot.
A is a simple statement- It's HOT!
But B shows some difficulty, like maybe because it is so hot, I feel terrible.
Or because it is so hot, no one is happy.
Here are some more...
C: Lisa is very tall.
D: Lisa is too tall.
C is a simple statement. Wow! Lisa is a tall girl.

But D has a negative feeling. Perhaps because Lisa is tall, she hits her head
on the ceiling. Or maybe she is so tall, she can't get a date or has no friends.
So remember, using too shows that there is a problem with the situation.

Check Your Understanding

Choose very or too. Check your answers by clicking on the arrow below.
1. I think James is nice. Karen thinks James is nice, too.
James is ___ nice.


2. It's cold outside. I hate it. I might become sick if I go out.

It's ___ cold outside.


3. That box is so big. I can't pick it up.

That box is ___ big.


4. Tony's cat is fat. It weighs 8 kg.

Tony's cat is ___ fat.



5. Tony's cat is fat. It can't run. It may not live a long time.
Tony's cat is ___ fat.



Answ ers

How much / How many practice

Se utilizan para preguntar por cantidades de algo.
Si se trata de sustantivos contables, se aplica How many.
Si se trata de sustantivos incontables, se usa How much.
Estas expresiones siempre van seguidas de un sustantivo; luego, el verbo y el resto de la oracin.

How many cars do you have?

Cuntos autos tienes?
How much money do you have?
Cunto dinero tienes?
How much se utiliza tambin para preguntar precios.
How much is this car?
Cunto cuesta este auto?
How much are the potatoes?
Cunto cuestan las papas?
Tambin se usan en forma genrica para preguntar "cunto hay". En este caso, van seguidas del
sustantivo y luego, is / are there.
How many cars are there?
Cuntos autos hay?
How much money is there?
Cunto dinero hay?
A estas preguntas se responde usando There is / are, dependiendo de si se trata de singular o plural,
como ya hemos visto en lecciones anteriores.

There are four cars.

Hay cuatro autos.

There is one dollar.

Hay un dlar.
Para hacer referencia a los sustantivos incontables, se pueden utilizar los envases o las medidas de los
envases que los contienen, los cuales s son contables...

How much milk is there?

Cunta leche hay?
There are three litres.

Hay tres litros.

How much wine is there?

Cunto vino hay?
There are two bottles.
Hay dos botellas.

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